Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Sins and Scars (Sinners Book 1)
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“Harlyn I hate pictures.” I groan. She’s straddling my lap, and the only thing she wants to do right now is take a picture of us with this new fucking Polaroid camera I bought her earlier. We were out at the mall after I, somehow, got conned into taking her shopping, again. She found the damn thing and begged me to get it for her. She knows I can’t say no to her, but she sweetened the deal anyway.

“Please Stav. I want to be able to always remember this perfect day with you. Please.” She pokes out her lower lip, and I lean forward to bite it. She grins and kisses me with all the passion in the world.

“Fine.” I grunt out. We are still connected from the sex we just had a few minutes ago and she hands me the camera. I pull her down on me and she gives the camera a kissy face while I suck on her neck and hit the button. The flash is fucking bright and the camera spits out the picture. She pulls it from the top of the camera and lays her head on my chest as we wait for it to develop.

She’s fucking beautiful. She’s the fucking color in the dreary life I’ve lived for the last ten years. Never have I wanted something as much as I want her. She squeals when she sees the photo and kisses me deeply. “I love it. It’s perfect for us.” My dick starts to harden inside of her again and she starts to rock on me.

Gripping her face, I run my fingers through her hair and bring her mouth down to mine. “You’re fuckin’ perfect.”

“I love you Stav.” She whispers against my lips.

“I love you, too, baby.”

I take my time ravaging her body. Every kiss is slow and meaningful. I spend my time making sure that I run my mouth over every inch of her perfect skin. She sucks on my earlobe and I thrust my hips up into her. Her pussy grips me harder than anyone I’ve ever fucked, and I can’t help but slowly grind her down on me.

Her mouth forms an O and she lets her head fall backwards. She slowly rides me and I can’t help but feel like one lucky son of a bitch. I run my hands up her body, grab her tits, and give them a good squeeze. She moans out my name as I continue to thrust into her. Sitting up, I pick her up, and get off the couch. Walking us over to the wall, she wraps her legs around my waist, and I push her up against the wall and wrap my hand around her neck and put some pressure on it.

“Oh God.” Her breathy moan fills my living room and I fuck her harder. Each thrust is deep and rough. In no time, I have her calling out my name loudly. “Fuck me harder.” She gasps. Sliding my other hand down her back, I press her into the back of the couch and gather some of her wetness before starting to work my index finger into her ass.

Every thrust is in sync, and I can feel her body tightening around me. She loves when I fuck her in both her pussy and her ass. She takes everything I give her and always is begging me for more. She is fucking perfect for me, every fucking inch of her beautiful body and mind. Her fingers run along my shoulders and then move to my back. Her nails dig into my skin and I can feel them cutting through. The pain brings me right over the edge, and I feel her pussy clench as she comes with me.

Walking us towards my bedroom, I take my time kissing her soft, creamy skin. “God, I could get lost in your body all fucking day and night, and still not be satisfied.” She giggles and presses a kiss to my lips before I lay her back on the bed. Pulling out of her, I make my way into the bathroom and take a piss before I join her in the bed where she is still sprawled out naked.

Getting involved with her was never my plan. I tried to fight it for so long, but she wore down my defenses. I knew the type of man I was, and I knew I didn’t want to corrupt her perfect life. She never wanted for anything and she came from parents who loved her.

Thinking back, I still remember the day that she brought me home with her, and the conversation that followed. Her father gave me a dirty look and refused to even shake my hand. He hated me instantly and part of me thinks that’s what she liked so much about me.

She never brought it up, and I never asked. Her mother was different though. She judged me, but she also wanted her daughter happy. The more I came around, the easier it was to deal with her, but I know that she still didn’t think I was the man for her daughter. When her father forbade her from seeing me, she cut all ties with them.

She walked out of their lives all because of me. I hated knowing I was the reason for it, but she told me, “I would do anything for you Stavros. I love you. If they can’t understand that, then I don’t need them in my life.” I had to try and get her to see that I didn’t want her to do that. I wanted her to always have her family.

“Baby, they are still your family. You’ll always need them.” She shakes her head at me and I frown. “What if this shit between us doesn’t work out?” She frowns this time and straddles my lap again.

“Are you trying to tell me something?” her voice breaks and I instantly feel bad.

“No, but I want you to always have options just in case.”

We didn’t talk about it much after that and I wish I would have pushed the issue more, but I just let it go. I wanted her to be happy, and with me she was, well that is until she got kidnapped.

I hear faint crying, but I can’t force my eyes to open again. “You love a fucking monster. Do you know what he did to his mother’s boyfriend? Do you even care what he did last time he saved you, princess?” Flint’s voice rings out in the quiet room.

“I don’t care! He loves me. And that’s more than a lot of people have.” She sobs. Her shrieks fill the room and I’m glad I can’t see them right now. “Just kill me now. I will never do anything you tell me. I don’t care if you threaten to kill everyone I know. He’s the only one that matters.” Her voice is stronger than before. I love knowing that she’s strong. She needs to be if she wants to make it out of here alive.

A hand grips my hair and I feel a knife at my throat. Her gasp is loud and I know that I’m a goner after this. There is no way I’ll survive once that knife slits my throat. I feel the knife dig into my skin and the blood starts to drip down, and onto my bare chest.

“This bastard is really all that important to you? You’re no better than he is if you aren’t bothered by the shit he’s done to insure that you were never touched by another man.” Flint spits at her.

She doesn’t back down and yells right back at him. “At least I know that he would give his life for me. No one has ever cared enough to even think about murdering someone to protect me. Stavros would. He did! I even got to beat the fuck out of your little whore Delilah after she fucked up your plan. How does it feel that she didn’t even obey you because she wanted Stavros more? Her loyalty to getting him in bed won, and you were left with nothing!”

“She was a lost cause, and once I kill this bastard, you won’t have a choice but to be mine. I hope you like it rough, bitch.” He barks out with a laugh.

The harder he presses the blade into me, the more blood covers my skin. The door slams open and I hear shouting, and, maybe fighting, but he pushes the knife down harder and cuts deeper into the side of my neck before it’s gone, and I go unconscious.

A slap to my face brings me around slightly, but I can’t make anything out. No noise, no light, nothing. Everything is dark and my body feels weightless. My cloudy head can’t make sense of what’s happening.

Hushed whispers fill my ears as I slowly come to. When I open my eyes, everything looks blurry, and I’m having trouble adjusting to the harsh lighting in the room. “Lights.” I whisper hoarsely.

Someone moves, and the room is basked in darkness. “Prez.” Someone says from beside me and when I try to open my eyes again, I see Romeo sitting on my right side. Looking from face to face, I feel my pulse quicken, but when I don’t see her face, I blow out a harsh breath and close my eyes again.

I promised her she would be free when everything was dealt with, and she ran. A small hand lands on mine and I look over to see Trix’s tear streaked face. “I’m so glad you’re awake.” She whispers. She squeezes my hand and I ask her the silent question. She shakes her head no and I lay back against the pillows and close my eyes.

I wanted her to be here. I know it’s asking a lot, but I needed to see with my own two eyes that she’s alive.

I look around at the rest of my men standing in the room. “Good to see you awake, Prez.” Romeo says finally. My eyes land on my brother and I see him looking over my face.

“Is she okay?” I rasp out.

My brother nods his head and clears his throat. “I took her to a safe house. She’s shaken up and…” he trails off and I give him a look. He slightly shakes his head, and I drop it.

A few of the others look uncomfortable with the conversation, so I change the subject. “How did you find us?” I ask.

“Nikolai called in a few favors and we had enough fire power and men to bust down the fuckin’ doors. We took them all out, and you’re fuckin’ lucky to be alive. If he would have cut half an inch to the right, he would have severed your artery.” Silence fills the room and I see that somber looks on all of their faces.

“Can you guys give us a few.” Romeo states, standing up. Everyone takes their time getting up and making their way outside, saying their goodbyes as they walk out. Once everyone is gone, Nikolai and Romeo both take the seats next to the bed.

“She’s in a bad mental state. She watched as that bastard slit your throat. He forced her to stab you, and we don’t know how much damage he did to her yet.” Romeo says lightly. He doesn’t sound like his normal self, and that worries me.

“Can I see her?” I croak out. Every muscle in my body is screaming out in pain as I try to move. Nikolai puts his hand on my shoulder, and gently pushes me back against the bed.

“She doesn’t want to see you.” Niko states with a firm tone. My eyes shoot to his and then go back to Romeo.

“I’m sorry, brother. She said she wants to be alone. You both just went through a lot. Give her time. She thought you were dead.” Instead of saying anything, I just close my eyes.

“Can you give her a message for me?” Niko nods his head and pulls out his phone. He pulls up something on the screen and then hands it over to me.

“It’s the prepay I gave her while I work on getting her settled somewhere else.” I nod my head at his statement and start to type out a message to her.

Harlyn just know that I will always go to the ends of the earth for you. You’re the color in my cloudy life. Thank you for giving me some of your color. You have no idea what you do for me. I love you and thank you for fighting for me.

I hand the phone back over to Nikolai after I send the message. He doesn’t say anything else, and I watch as they both get up and walk out of the hospital room.

I end up spending two painfully shitty weeks in this fuckin’ place. My brothers come and go, and I’m rarely alone. It’s comforting and suffocating all at the same time. The only person I want to show her face still hasn’t come to see me. My wounds and bruises are starting to heal, but they don’t erase what happened to us.

When they move me to my house, I look around my bedroom, and can’t help but hate the fucking place. The last time I was here was when I had Harlyn in my arms as I fucked her. Closing my eyes, I fight back the memories and put the pillow over my face to all but fuckin yell.

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