Slave Next Door (64 page)

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Authors: Kevin Bales,Ron. Soodalter

Tags: #University of California Press

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Miller, John 113, 238, 239

Lincoln, Abraham 150

Million Express Manpower 71–72

LIRS (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee

minimum wage 46, 74

Service) 79

mining 139–40, 144

Liu, Min 201, 210

minors: sex trafficking 82–83, 89, 92,

living costs: farmworkers 45–46

164, 244.
See also

Li, You Zhi 119, 136

Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance

Lloyd, Rachel 85–86, 91, 96–97


local governments: peonage slavery 9–10;

Model State Anti-Trafficking Criminal

training requirements 42

Statute 198, 199, 201

Long Island, New York 34, 114, 178

Molloy, Doug 181

Lovato, Roberto 216, 217

Mondragon case 182

loyalty to master 23

monetary donations 259

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee

monetary value: slave-made goods 147

Service (LIRS) 79

Moore, Heather 116

morality 108

“Magnificent” and “Barbie” case 84–85

Moskowitz, Al 245, 246–48

mahogany industry 141 261

Maine task force 206

multinational corporations 48

Mann Act 11, 84, 108

murder cases 7, 55–57

Manning, South Carolina 55

museum representations 251–53

Maria’s story 3–5, 25, 79–80

music industry: pimps 87–88

market corporations 47–48, 53, 62

Mutungirehe, Hussein 134

marriage brokering 205

Myles, Bradley 103–4

Martinez, Antonio 49–50

Maryanne C.’s story 82

al-Nadi, Ali Kamel 212

Maryland: house slaves 196

nannies 20, 36–39, 257

massage parlors 174–76

Naples, Florida 43

Massey, Mark 176–78

Nashville 181

Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil 145

National Human Trafficking Resource

Mayberry, Rory J. 213

Center 164

McDevitt, Jack 186, 187

National Labor Relations Act 1935 22,

McDonalds 62

47, 263

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National Underground Railroad Museum

parties: slaves attending 29–30

and Freedom Center 270–71

Patel, Krishna 133

native-born victims.

Peeples, Carlton 232–34


peer support: CIW training 61

naval bases: post-Katrina reconstruction

Pejan, Ramin 142–43


penalties: state trafficking laws 199–200

Nebraska: prostitution 209

Pentagon 212–13

neighborhoods: slavery eradication

peonage slavery 9–10, 151


people smuggling 189, 195.
See also

Neighborhood Watch groups 261


Nepal: rug making 156; workers in Iraq

per capita funding of non-governmental


organizations 220–22, 225–26, 228,

New Jersey: forced prostitution 195–96


New Orleans: Hurricane Katrina 72

performance indicators: government

Newton, Kansas 127–31

agencies 265

New York City 167; deaf Mexicans case

Peru: goods/commodities 140–41, 144;

120–25; Long Island 34, 114

labor trafficking 178

New York State: Garcia-Botello case

Phillips, Gary 94

65–66; interagency task force 206; sex

Phinney, David 212

trafficking laws 113–14; trafficking

Phoenix task force 189

laws 202, 243

photographs of slaves 29


physical damage: indicators 254; men-


tally ill slaves 130; sex trafficking 83,

National Labor Relations Act


non-governmental organizations

Pickle, John 177, 178

(NGOs): accountability 105–6; fund-

piece rates: tomato pickers 45–46

ing 219–24; house slaves 37; locating

Pier, Carol 38

victims 226–27; sex trafficking cases

pig iron 146

96–100, 111; state judiciary relations

pimps 81–83, 84–90; child pornography

249; victim support 233, 234.
See also

91–92; domestic trafficking victims

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

103; glamorization 87–88; legalization

North Carolina: agricultural slavery

of prostitution 109; sex tourism 94–95

59–60, 71–72

“pimps and ho’s” parties 88

Northeastern University 186, 199

Pizango, Geyner 141

nudity: mentally ill slaves 128

Players Ball 88

nursery landscaping crews 256–57

Polaris Project 103, 270; legal definitions

199; victim support 198

O’Connor, Kevin 67, 80

police: anti-trafficking action 178–81,

Office for Victim Assistance (OVA)

185–88; asset seizures 264; fear of 23;


sex trafficking cases 96; task force

Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)

affiliation 189; trafficking perceptions

220, 224–25

187; training 42, 180, 190, 241,

Office to Monitor and Combat

265–66; victim support 240–41

Trafficking in Persons.
TIP Office

policy issues: anti-slavery perspective 267

Oosterbaan, Andrew 93, 95–96

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 39

Operation Predator 236

Powell, Andrea 105–6

organizations: anti-slavery 269–76

power: slaveholders 27–31

Office of Refugee Resettlement

“Pretty Woman” fallacy 86

OVA (Office for Victim Assistance)

prices: Immokalee farmworkers 45;


slave-made goods 147

Oversight and Government Reform

price setting: agribusinesses 48

House Committee 213

prison factories: China 142–43

Owens, John 213, 214

prison sentences: house slaveholders

32–33; Kaufman case 131; Lee case

Pakistan: rug making 156

132; sex slavery offences 84, 92, 94

Palatka, Florida 59–60

product chains: cooperative management

Paoletti family 121–25

157–58; corporate responsibility 149,

Paris, Dennis 80–84

155; protocol process 154

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professional skills: assisting survivors 259

rest periods: house slaves 24

profit from slavery legislation 151–52,

restrooms: service stations 256


RICO (racketeering law) 67

property confiscation 236, 264

Rodriguez, Anna 95

prosecutions: agricultural slavery 59, 62,

Rodriguez, Hector 39

66, 68; child pornography 236; house

rug making 137, 147, 156

slaveholders 31–33; problems 245–47;

Rugmark 156, 271

sex slavery cases 94–96; success rates

Ruth’s story 19–20

265; trafficking 235, 244.
See also

Rwanda: child trafficking 133–34


prostitution 10–12, 40, 78–116, 174–76;

Sabbithi, Kumari 39

abolitionists 238–39; anti-prostitution

Sabhnani, Mahender and Varsha 34–35

perspective 108–9, 111–13, 115;

Safe Horizon 185

identifying brothels 256; legalization of

Salgado, Xiomara 39

109; Nebraska 209; recruitment 164;

Samirah’s story 35

slavery type 107; trafficking 243,

Schaffer, Cara 64

247–48; U.S.-born citizens 15–16.

Schell, Sarah 173–76

See also
forced prostitution

seafood 138–39, 144

PROTECT Act 2003 93–94

segregation: African Americans 9

protocol process 154, 158, 263–64

sentences: state trafficking laws 199–200

psychological damage: indicators 255;

house slaves

sex trafficking 88

service providers 183–85, 271–76

psychological services 101

service stations: transportation of victims

post-traumatic stress disorder


public awareness raising 193

sex slavery 78–116.
See also

punishment: debt bondage slaves 9;

prostitution; prostitution

house slaves 35; mentally ill slaves 128;

sex tourism 92–95, 97, 205

traffickers 7, 21.
See also

sex trafficking 81, 88, 113–14; children

prosecutions; torture

82–83, 89, 92, 164, 244; definition 99,

107; federal prioritization 240; foreign-

racism 11

born v. domestic victims 102–5;

racketeering law (RICO) 67

Georgia 196; housing victims

radio stations: Immokalee 60

100–101, 103; labor trafficking con-

rain forest destruction 144

trast 98–99, 108, 111, 113; legaliza-

Ramirez, Romeo 59, 60, 64

tion of prostitution 109; massage

Ramos, Ellilian de Leon 32–33

parlors 174–76; media coverage 208;

Ramos, Norma 92–93, 109, 113

minors 82–83, 89, 92, 164, 244; New

Ramoses family 59, 65

Jersey 195–96; penalties 202; police

rape victims: deaf Mexicans case 121;

investigation 187–88; prosecutions 96;

sex slavery 78–79; shame 23.
See also

Tennessee 181; victim treatment 192;

sexual abuse

warning signs 164.
See also

rap music: pimps 87–88

prostitution; prostitution; trafficking

raw materials.

sexual abuse: fishing industry slaves 139;

recruiting slaves 13–14, 70

house slaves 27, 29; prosecutions 32;

Red Camp, South Carolina 55

shame of slave 23

rehabilitation schemes: freed slaves 40

sexual exploitation: children 90–96; men-

religion: anti-prostitution perspective 108

tally ill slaves 130–31

rents: Immokalee 45

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

report card: state trafficking laws 203–5

79–80, 89

rescue: slavery victims 165–76

shame: slave’s 23

Rescue and Restore Coalition (Houston,

sharecroppers 9–10

Texas) 182

sharing information 261–62, 266–67

Rescue and Restore program (HHS) 98,

sheltered accommodation 101


Shepherd, Sandy 127, 167–73

research: state trafficking law effective-

ship seizures: slave trade 150–51

ness 210; trafficking 203

shooting of farmworkers 55–57

resources: anti-trafficking 246–47;

Shorris, Anthony 203

organizations 270–71

shrimp harvesting 138–39, 144

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sickness: fishing industry slaves 139;

survivors of slavery.
freed slaves

Guest Worker Program 70; tomato

S visas: deaf Mexicans case 125

pickers 46–47

Swecker, Chris 90–91

Sierra Leone: diamond trade 140

Swedish prostitution model 109, 112

sign language 124

“symbolic” legislation 201–2

Skinner, E. Benjamin 239

“Slave-Free Cities” plan 192–94

Taco Bell 62, 148

slaveholders: characteristics 24–26; as

tantalum 137

“evil” 26–31; prosecution 31–33

task forces: child sexual exploitation

slavery: criteria 13; definitions 112;

95–96; federal agencies 188–91;

eradication 191–92; mental picture

inter-group friction 190; statewide

of 135–36; numbers involved 6–7;

interagency 205–7

rescuing victims 165–76; warning

teachers: survivor assistance 258, 260

signs 41–42, 163–64

Teaching Teachers to Teach (TTT) 125

slave trade: agricultural labor 76;

TEN (Emancipation Network) 259

Constitutional compromise 149–51;

Tennessee 181

legislation 8; museum representations

testifying against perpetrators 21, 93


Thai slaves: construction work 257;

sleep deprivation 24

Million Express Manpower 71–72

Smolenski, Carole 97, 104

Thirteenth Amendment 67, 110, 151,

Smoot-Hawley Tariff 151


smuggling of people 189, 195

Tijuana, Mexico 95

Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS):

timber industry 140–41

Kansas 129

TIP Office 237–43, 271

social services 101

TIP Report

South Carolina: agricultural slavery

Togolese slaves 117–18


tomato pickers 44–47, 49, 62–63, 65

southern states: peonage slavery 10; slav-

Tonga 195

ery laws 8–9.
See also individual states

torture: becoming a torturer 27–28;

Spanish slave trade 8

house slaves 4, 35; victim services

sponsoring programs: citizen action 261

See also
abuse trafficking: agri-

Sri Lanka: fishing industry 144

cultural 51, 54, 56, 58, 61–62, 66–68,

Social and Rehabilitation

72–73; Alaska 195; anti-human traf-


ficking perspective 109–11; children

Stanford Prison experiment 28

96–98, 100–102, 132–35; Chinese

state governments: training needs 42

acrobats 120; choir groups 125–27,

state trafficking laws 198–203; evaluation

167–70; clothing factory labor 131;

203–5; federal government role 207–8;

convictions 232–33; criminalization

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