Snow White and the Seven Hunks editedbymegan .wps (31 page)

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Basil said tightly.

Gabe studied him for a long moment, flicked a look at the others, glanced at

Nicole’s door and finally shrugged. “Fine. Downstairs it is.”


“Are we going to have a problem?” he asked when they’d reached the parlor.

“We are if you’ve gotten it into your head that you have some sort of claim on

Nicole,” Shaun said tightly.

Anger immediately surged through him at the challenge. “I
have a claim on her.”

“No more than we do!” Hunter retorted. “Don’t start that Dom shit! She never

acknowledged you as her master and you damned well know it! And
know it! If she had, she would’ve looked to you for permission.”

Gabe studied him in tight-lipped silence. The problem was that he did know it

and disputing Hunter’s claim wasn’t going to make any fucking difference in the long run. Nicole had to make the choice—had to accept the man she considered her master.

Privately, he doubted she could or would for the simple reason that she wasn’t

actually a submissive—and they all knew that, too. Beyond that, it was hard to argue, at this point, with the situation that had grown to be a habit. She’d gotten used to the way things were while they’d been doing the show. He wasn’t sure she could really adjust to the fact that the show was over and there was a whole new set of rules.

He wasn’t sure he could, if it came to that.

“Alright,” he said finally, still thoroughly pissed off. “Nothing’s settled. I can see that.”

“We also have the little problem that she’s living with us now and she needs

protection,” Basil said pointedly. “We can’t be brawling over her. In the first place, that isn’t going to fucking settle this when she’s the one that has to decide. In the second, she’s liable to take to her heels.”

“So we handle it like gentlemen?” Gabe said dryly. “What are you suggesting,

drawing straws?”

“All we’re saying,” Shaun responded tightly, “is that you can’t have her all to yourself. None of us can. We all figure we’ve got a claim and we’re going to have to work with it until Nicole settles it. That means you don’t fucking troop down to her god damned room every fucking night!”

Or he could beat the shit out of all of them and head for her room while they were nursing their wounds.

Ok, he liked the sound of that, but he wasn’t confident he’d be able to drag

himself inside her door and lock it if he had to take them all on.

He was pretty sure Nicole wouldn’t like it either.

As much as he hated to admit it, Basil was right. If they let things get too much out of hand there was no way they were going to be able to keep it from Nicole. Even if it didn’t scare her off, it would be damned uncomfortable for her and she might decide to leave just to keep the peace.

Which would put her in danger.

They couldn’t risk that, regardless of how they felt about the situation.

“Fine! I don’t like it worth a fuck, but I see your point. We’re going to have to draw straws or some-fucking-thing, though! She sure as hell isn’t going to be in the dark long if we race each other to her door every fucking night and have a fight in the hall about who’s going in!”

* * * *

Basil was pissed off, briefly, when they’d finally settled things and he won the SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 139

toss only to discover when he’d slipped into Nicole’s room that she was sound asleep.

Briefly, he debated what his welcome was liable to be if he woke her up, but it was a short debate. He’d been horny as hell before he’d come upstairs. From the moment he’d discovered he’d won the round for the night, he hadn’t been able to focus on anything but getting into her room and climbing into her bed.

He didn’t think he could’ve pointed his toes in the other direction if he’d wanted to and he sure as hell didn’t want to.

Shrugging inwardly, he moved to the side of the bed and started undressing,

figuring something would come to him if she woke up and demanded to know what he was doing there. He relaxed when she didn’t wake up.

It flickered through his mind that it was a damned good thing they’d gone and

gotten her, though. If he’d been the psycho, she would be in trouble!

Since it also occurred to him that she might be sleeping so deeply because she felt safe with them, however, he decided not to give her a lecture over it—especially when he realized she might start locking her door.

He didn’t know how good his lock-picking skills were.

Slipping carefully into bed beside her, he considered whether to wake her and see if she was agreeable or not, but the discovery that she was naked clenched it for him.

That was an open invitation, added to the unlocked door, if he’d had ever had one!

Doubts immediately surfaced as to whether the invitation was for him or Gabe,

but he dismissed them. With the exception of the time she’d been pissed off with them when they were doing the Snow White and Seven Hunks scene, she had never failed to respond swiftly and warmly to his overtures.

In any case, he’d caught her with her defenses down and he was fucking horny!

He was pretty sure he could get her all warmed up and ready before she had time to figure out he wasn’t Gabe, even if it
Gabe she was waiting for.

He didn’t like the possibility worth a fuck, but he decided he’d sulk over it
he’d taken care of his blue balls.

He almost took care of the problem before he got started. By the time he’d

explored her body, he was already having control issues. When she roused enough to open her legs to him, he lost all thought of warming up. He searched a little frantically for a tube of lubrication, squirted the shit all over himself because his hands were shaking so badly with impatience, and ended up having to scrape it off his thighs and the bed to lubricate his shaft.

“Basil,” she whispered, reaching for him as he leaned over her.

There was no question in her voice, only desire in the huskiness of it. Relief flickered through him, but such a surge of need washed through him that he didn’t waste time thinking about it—until later. Dropping over her, he grabbed his cock and began a frantic search for a place along her cleft that yielded enough to reveal the mouth of her sex. He began shoving the minute he found it, digging his toes into the mattress and struggling like a salmon trying to make it upstream for the spawning grounds.

It wasn’t a good thing that that particular analogy popped into his mind because the moment it did, he felt his balls draw up to his belly.

Jesus! He was about to blow!

Damn it to hell! He’d been waiting weeks for this. He wasn’t fucking going to
blow his load before he’d even gotten the chance to enjoy it, damn it!


He was sweating and shaking so badly by the time he’d conquered her tight, hot cavern that he’d lost all coordination and most of the strength in his arms and legs and, to make things worse, he was sticking to her—and sliding.

Ok, he told himself, he’d fucked up round one. If he could convince her to lie still for a round two, all was not lost!

Or confuse the shit out of her!

He gritted his teeth when he came, tensing every muscle in his body to try to keep her from realizing he hadn’t managed three fucking strokes before he’d lost it. Heaving a bracing breath when the spasms stopped, he immediately began moving again with great care. If he pulled too far out he was never going to shove his limp noodle in her.

It turned out to be a good plan. It didn’t take much shallow gliding to make him as hard as he’d been when he’d gone in. He’d never managed that before!

Then again, he’d had all he could take for weeks and then nada! He had a backup to take care of.

He managed to keep a rhythm going until she came. He was still trying to work

up to coming again when he felt her begin to buck against him and knew she was hitting her second peak. It shot him right over the top. He almost passed out when he came the second time.

He’d already pulled out of her, wondering if he had the strength to stagger down the hall to his own room, when it dawned on him that he didn’t have to. It wasn’t like everybody didn’t know where he was. He didn’t have to hide a fucking thing!

Collapsing beside her on the bed, he waited until he’d cooled off and then

dragged her close enough he could curl around her. Thinking he might wake her up after a while and enjoy another round, he dropped off of the cliff and into the deep abyss.

* * * *

It took days to bring the studio into even a semblance of order and it was a constant battle to maintain order. In a way, it annoyed me. Then again, it also reassured me that they hadn’t just taken pity on me and taken me in like a stray. They needed me.

They were so focused when they were working that they forgot to stop to eat unless I reminded them and, if I hadn’t been there to cook, they would’ve lived on the junk food that mostly filled the cabinets and refrigerator. I wondered how they managed to stay in such beautiful shape until I discovered they had an entire gym in the garage and worked out every morning, and jogged in the evenings—and played football or basketball or some other ballgame on the weekends. Most of the time it was just the four of them, but occasionally friends would drop over and join them. They’d play ball, cookout on the grill on the back deck, and then sit around and drink beer and do their male bonding thing.

They didn’t appear to have any girlfriends at the moment.

They didn’t actually need a girlfriend, I thought wryly. They had plenty of male companionship, plenty to do when they were working, and me. I was a little

disconcerted, at first, when I discovered that we were playing the same game we’d played the last half of the shoot. Everyone would troop up to bed like good little boys—and girl—and then, once I was tucked up in my bed, almost inevitably, one or the other would tap lightly at my door and slip into the room, lock the door, and climb into the bed with me. Or slip in just about the time I got to sleep.

I never let on that they, whichever one it was, wasn’t the only one sneaking into SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 141

my bed when they thought everybody else was asleep. At first, that was because I didn’t feel any real obligation to disclose that information. The only ‘relationship’ that was openly acknowledged was that I was a roomy. During the day, although I caught plenty of heated gazes when they didn’t have their noses stuck to their computer screens, they were never open about our intimacy, never staked a claim. I didn’t get hugs or kisses or a possessive arm around my waist or across my shoulders that said to me, or the others,

‘this is my woman’.

And, by the time I’d made the rounds it occurred to me that there was really no way to handle telling them without, possibly, creating friction. In any case, why turn Basil down only because I’d had sex with Gabe the night before? What was I supposed to say? I’m reserving this for Gabe—who hasn’t claimed me as a girlfriend? The same went for all of them.

By the time I’d been living with them a month I decided it was an open secret that nobody was acknowledging and if they weren’t it was because they didn’t want to. It seemed to me that they wanted to maintain the illusion, in their own mind, that they were my one and only lover. It was a fairly regular occurrence for them to run into each other outside my door after all. They couldn’t

I was happy, and they seemed to be. Why rock the boat?

I discovered a few months later that I didn’t actually have a choice. Nature had overcome mankind. Or maybe it was man had overcome man?

I was sure I couldn’t possibly be pregnant when I bought the home test kit. I was on birth control. I took it religiously,
when I was supposed to take my pill. I didn’t know why I
pregnant, unless it was a subconscious desire to be pregnant, but I really expected disappointment when I used it.

I tested positive. Deciding the damned thing was defective, I debated getting

another one. The guys always all went with me when I went shopping, though, and it had been hard enough to get the first one without them seeing it. I made an appointment to get checked, told the guys it was a regular checkup visit, and the doctor informed me that I was pregnant.

“I can’t be! I’m on the pill!”

He frowned. “Did you miss any?”


“Not take one at the right time? That’s important. I told you that.”

“I always take it in the morning as soon as I brush my teeth! Always!”

He cleared his throat, shrugged. “Well, you’re pregnant. It happens


“What happens occasionally?”

He studied me a moment. “You know it isn’t one hundred percent effective?

Occasionally, women do get pregnant even when they
taking their pills like they’re supposed to.”

I blinked at him. “A miracle baby,” I said neutrally.

He shrugged again and smiled faintly. “A determined one.”

I kept thinking he was wrong. I knew the pills weren’t one hundred percent, but how the hell had I managed to land in that tiny margin of error?

The shit fairy had struck again!

I decided I was glad—if it actually turned out that I really was pregnant, and I SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 142

didn’t really believe it until I started noticing the changes and the doctor kept behaving like I was pregnant.

The guys
have become suspicious, but they
men. In any case, if they could ignore the fact that sometimes my door was locked and sometimes open and they kept bumping into each other in the hall I could see why they wouldn’t notice something as small as a little rounded tummy where there hadn’t been one before.

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