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Sometimes Hunter would slip into my room and lock the door. At others times, it would be Shaun, or Basil, or David and occasionally Scott, or Daniel. Sometimes I’d hear them outside my room, talking, and then no one would come for hours and then I’d hear someone else stop outside my room. There were several times when I could hear the sounds of a scuffle—a meaty thud or two as if they were having a shoving contest—and realized they’d apparently decided to do a fight scene. I wasn’t sure why they thought they needed them, especially when they were so banged up from them, but I decided it was to add realism and maybe a little excitement.

I’d never been a fan of reality shows. I hated being drawn into an ugly

confrontation. I certainly didn’t like to watch other people caught up in them, but the shows were obviously popular. The producers seemed to go out of their way to find people who’s personalities clashed, just so they would catch nasty fights on air.

Brandy seemed inclined to want a little of that action herself, despite the damned medication, but I managed to placate her, I supposed, or the medication was enough to keep her from actually going ballistic. In her defense, she rarely had anyway. When she did, she really exploded, but it wasn’t exactly a habit and it was even more rare that it was directed at me.

She was actually the only fly in the ointment once we all managed to work out a routine—of sorts. Half the time she looked at me like she hated my guts. It upset me and I resented it, but I kept it to myself. There was no point, at all, in pointing out to her that I wouldn’t have been in the house if not for her. Brandy didn’t ‘do’ guilt well and she usually managed to turn it completely around before very long at all and become the injured party.

As tired and sore and aggravated as I was much of the time, when I finally

realized that the time had flown by and we were nearing the end of the shoot it depressed me. I’d gotten fond of the guys,
fond of them. It didn’t matter how often I SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 107

reminded myself that it was all just pretend, I still felt like they were making love to me when they kissed me and held me and stroked me like lovers. I was going to be so miserable when it was all over and I had to go back to the real world!

Glenda surprised me by offering to feature me in another shoot. I thought about it, but I doubted it would be the same cast and I didn’t think I wanted to do it with anyone else. It might’ve helped me get over the blues about separating from the guys, but I didn’t want to take the chance that I might end up with a cast I didn’t like or, almost worse, wind up with guys I liked as well. I doubted that was possible. I was really, really fond of them, but I didn’t want to take the chance. When I asked Glenda if it would be with the same cast, or some of the same, she stared at me in a way that made me sorry I’d asked and finally said nothing was settled.

I thanked her for the offer and told her I’d have to think about it instead of telling her I wasn’t interested. I knew I was going to have to look for another job, though, and decent jobs weren’t easy to find. I might have to take it whether I wanted to or not.

Brandy was so pleased that Glenda had offered her a similar deal, and gloating

about it, that I decided not to tell her Glenda had tried to hire me, too. If it made her feel good to think she was ‘special’ and I wasn’t, it didn’t hurt me to let her think it. She wasn’t happy much, or for very long. It was a little thing, keeping my mouth shut, just to make her happy. She was so enthusiastic about her career as a porn star, it didn’t seem right to burst her bubble.

Despite my preoccupation with my own misery, I realized I wasn’t the only one

that was on edge about the finish of the shoot. It seemed the closer we came, the more tense everyone was. The last week was almost a frenzy of activity. Everyone worked long hours trying to squeeze in as much material as possible. They shot at least three more fight scenes that I knew of and I suspected there’d been a couple I wasn’t aware of because the guys tended to be sullen in the mornings, glaring daggers at each other. The time we spent on the formal shoots tripled. We did retakes, and then sometimes they would stop and argue and want to try a different position altogether. We were also doing at least one ménage a night. The guys got to arguing so heatedly about who was taking which end that I finally told them I didn’t see why we couldn’t do a sandwich again.

The suggestion not only ended the argument, everyone turned to stare at me as if I’d lost my mind.

“You can’t handle a sandwich!” Gabe growled at me.

I flinched but held my ground. “I can. I did before.”

“And you were out of commission for a solid week!” Gabe snapped.

“Well, it doesn’t matter now, does it?” I said reasonably. “Tomorrow’s the last day anyway.”

They went back to staring at me. After a few minutes, they glanced around at

each other and then stared at the wall, or floor—anywhere except at me.

Gabe swallowed a little convulsively. “Nobody wants to take a chance on hurting you, baby. We aren’t worried about the damned shoot!”

That warmed me. I almost felt like crying. “That is so sweet!” I said, glancing around at all of them. “I really think it’ll be alright, though. It wasn’t that bad, anyway.

And … I want to. It’s our last night. We want to make it good, don’t we?”

Something flickered in Gabe’s eyes that I couldn’t quite interpret. He cleared his throat. “If you’re sure you want to,” he said finally.


“I’m sure.”

“We can try it on our sides,” Basil said after a few uncomfortable moments. “We can’t get the depth of penetration that way.”

“It isn’t the
I’m worried about!” Gabe snapped. “She’s too small! Or we’re too big—whichever way you want to put it!”

The men glanced at each other.

Hunter grinned abruptly. “Ok—dick contest. Jack them up and lay them out

gentlemen. Whoever has the shortest, thinnest straw wins.”

I couldn’t help but grin back at him, remembering the tale he’d told me before.

At the same time, I wasn’t particularly happy about the way they’d chosen to resolve it. I wanted a ménage with ‘my’ guys, the ones I’d come to think of as mine, anyway, and I was pretty sure none of them was going to win this particular contest. I smiled at Scott and David when it was decided, trying to tease them out of their ill humor for winning a contest they hadn’t actually wanted to win. Honestly! As
they had anything to worry about! Granted, theirs was closer to what I thought of as ‘normal’ but they were a sight better endowed than ‘average’.

Anyway, it wasn’t as if I was crazy about my guys because they were all hung

like horses. I liked
turned me on. I would’ve been completely satisfied if they’d been average. They would probably have been more satisfied with me if they were average, I thought glumly. I’d overheard several muttered complaints about having to hose down with lubricant. Nobody had said anything about not being able to use their whole cock, but I knew none of them were any happier about it than I would’ve been if they weren’t long enough to hit my g-spot. It was hard to scratch an itch if you couldn’t get the right spot. “If you’re going to look that glum about being my sandwich, maybe I should pick two other pieces of white bread? Who wants front and who wants back?”

“David gets back,” Gabe growled, daring anybody to challenge him.

I settled on my side. “Can I do the oilrig next?”

Gabe relaxed fractionally. “We’ll see.”

“I want to draw straws,” I said playfully. “You can all lay them out for me and I’ll pick two.”

The guys glanced at one another and managed a chuckle or at least a halfhearted grin.

Except Gabe the grump. His expression lightened, though, and I almost thought I saw the faintest twitch of a smile.

Dismissing it when we got down to business, I closed my eyes once I was

positioned. Scott and David apparently decided I didn’t look aroused enough. They each took a breast to fondle and suck on until my breasts were flushed and my nipples as hard as diamonds. Scott slid a hand down my belly to check to make sure my genitals were also flushed and swollen.

I would’ve been surprised if he hadn’t thought I was ready when he checked. I

ready, excited despite my initial disappointment about my partners, because I really had enjoyed the ménage I’d had before. It wasn’t that the partners chosen for me were lacking in any way. I thought they were good looking and I liked them. Brandy had staked a claim on them, though, and I’d never been completely comfortable about that, regardless of the fact that nobody considered that a fact but Brandy. The anxiety of the possibility of another confrontation with Brandy over them was enough to turn me off.


Fortunately, there was plenty of lubrication and I was aroused enough by the

knowledge that Gabe, Basil, Hunter, and Shaun were watching me that I didn’t think I’d have any trouble enjoying my work.

Of course, it wasn’t necessary to anyone but me for me to enjoy it. The viewers weren’t going to see me come and I could’ve faked an orgasm.

I didn’t have to. It felt almost as good as it had the first time. I thought it would’ve been
good except for the position, which was really challenging when it came to humping and pumping, and, as Basil had pointed out, it was pretty hard for them to manage a really deep penetration. I still had the same fabulous sensation I’d had before, though, of feeling my g-spot thumped from both sides and I had the ‘double-whammy’ climax that was hard enough I almost sounded like Brandy howling.

They must have enjoyed it as much as I did, because I felt it when both of them began to come and they both ignored it, pumping faster instead of pulling out for the come shot. Even when someone bellowed ‘come shot’ they kept going for several

strokes before they pulled out and I knew they’d spilled most of it inside me.

Evidently, Gabe did, too. “God damn it! What is it with you guys? We’ve been doing this for weeks and you
can’t remember we have to have a come shot?” He looked disgusted. Scott and David tried to look repentant as they cleaned me up.

“Alright! We’ll do the other three-way.” He stared at me hard. “You still want to draw straws?”


Chapter Fourteen

I’d been kidding about drawing straws, but I discovered my big mouth had

pushed me into a corner I didn’t like—having to choose. Gabe rescued me.

“Alright, the only way to do this fairly is to blindfold her.”

Intrigued, and relieved, I sat on the bed on my knees while Hunter put a blindfold on me. Taking my hands once he was sure I couldn’t peek beneath it, he guided me to the edge of the bed, waited until I was balanced and climbed down to join the others.

“Ok, pick two.”

Smiling a little nervously, I lifted my hands and groped blindly. I heard a couple of chuckles. “You’re going to have to reach down a little lower.”

I felt like I was playing blind man’s bluff. “Am I close?” I asked shifting

forward a little. My hand finally connected with a belly. I followed it down to the protruding cock and from the root to the tip, deliberately teasing. Finally, I closed my left hand around it and groped with my right until I finally managed to touch a chest. I stroked my hand back and forth as if I could tell what body part I’d found and finally slipped my hand down and closed it around the second cock.

I’d hoped I could actually tell. I thought I should’ve been familiar enough by that time to tell them apart, but no such luck. Someone stopped me when I reached up to pull the blindfold off.

“Nope! You have to keep the blindfold on,” Hunter said cheerfully.

Frowning slightly I held my hands out until somebody grabbed them and helped

me get into position. I’d begun to suspect they were playing some kind of trick on me and I couldn’t decide whether I liked it or not. A little relieved when I felt the two I’d picked move into position, I listened intently, wondering if I could get a clue of who my partners were.

They were oddly quiet and I again felt a tingling of anxiety. That vanished when I felt the man behind me stroking his finger along my cleft. He stroked my clit until it was flushed and then repositioned my legs. Whoever was sitting in front of me gathered my hair up and moved it to one shoulder. I began to suspect then that it was Shaun. I wasn’t sure, but he’d done that before.

Of course my long hair was often in the way and Scott had done something

similar when I’d done the three-way with him and Daniel. I knew it couldn’t be Scott, though. Maybe Hunter?

I stopped trying to figure it out when I felt penetration, trying to brace myself.

There were a couple snickers when the one behind me shoved me so hard I sprawled in the lap of the guy in front of me.

“Just stay there. Hold her shoulders and brace her for him.”

That was Gabe’s voice but it wasn’t coming from behind me or in front of me.

Disappointment wafted through me, but it was hard to focus on it with the shoving and grunting going on behind me. He pushed my knees so far apart, the back end almost collapsed, too, but then jerked me up when he discovered I was too low. I felt so SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 111

stretched to my limits by the time he’d completely seated himself I had to wonder if it was Hunter behind me.

“Alright, set—Nicole, it’s in front of you.”

There was a thread of laughter in his voice as I pushed myself up and began

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