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I thought that over. “I didn’t understand why you were doing it. I thought you were angry with me and trying to hurt me.”

He nuzzled his face against my neck. “I wouldn’t do that. I thought you knew I was playing. You laughed.”

I pulled away from him and searched his face. He looked contrite enough that I realized he really hadn’t intended it the way it had seemed to me. “I’m allergic to pain,”

I said a little sullenly.

His lips curled. “Really? How allergic?”

allergic,” I retorted shortly.

He smoothed my hair behind my ear. “No spanking.”

I thought about it. It
felt good when he’d kissed it afterwards, but I decided I didn’t need the spanking to make it feel good.

He leaned down to brush his lips along mine apologetically. “You aren’t going to hold a grudge are you?” he murmured against my lips.

I could feel his lips curling in a faint smile.

“I’ll think about it.”

“I’ve got blackmail material,” he reminded me.

I drew back to stare at him blankly.


be pissed—disrespect of a grand master Dom, manhandling a Dom, resisting, complaining about justifiable punishment … the list goes on and on.” He shook his head at me. “He might decide you need more training, which means no

cookies for you, but we get to play all we want.”

Remembering the week of misery I’d spent while they teased me unmercifully, I

felt a little flicker of uneasiness. “You wouldn’t.”

“You never know …. Actually, I guess you would,” he added thoughtfully.

I thought he was teasing, but I wasn’t completely sure. Considering I’d thought he was really spanking me, I didn’t think I could completely trust that I knew Shaun well enough to judge what he would or wouldn’t do. “Well, if you want me to completely forgive you, you’ll need to kiss it more. It’s still stinging.”

you didn’t just tell me to kiss your ass,” Shaun said, laughing. “You
realize you’re supposed to be a submissive?”


Chapter Eleven

Gabe studied his notes while the others found seats and settled to hear the game plan for the night. It had been a hell of a lot easier planning it when he had had the detachment of figuring out logistics, he reflected. Now that it came to putting it into action, he wasn’t thinking about angles, timing, lighting, or coming up with inventive positions and trying to decide which of the guys could best pull it off.

He was thinking about the fact that Nicole was the centerpiece and all the work he’d put in was designed specifically to see to it that she was fucked by every one of the bastards sitting across from him. He didn’t have to look at them, or read their minds, to know they were a hell of a lot more anxious to get up to her bedroom than they were to listen to the plans. There was enough tension in the room to cut it with a knife.

“Alright—we’d planned to do at least two ménages with Nic—Rose for the Rose

Red and Seven Hunks segment. Shaun and Hunter volunteered and in spite of the end result,” he said dryly, “it still looked good on film. I think we can use it without any problem. Neither David, Scott, or Daniel had a turn … uh … got to do their segment, so we need to do that tonight. We still need a three-way, so who’s going to do it?”

The three men glanced at each other and then turned to look at Gabe. None of

them volunteered.

Gabe’s lips tightened. “Did I mention we weren’t going to do the sandwich

again? She’s too small to handle two cocks the size of yours. It’ll be an oil-rig. One gets a BJ, the other gets it from behind—strictly vaginal. I don’t want to take a chance on one of you assholes tearing her again.”

Everyone turned to glare at Hunter. “Fuck!
god damned mistake! Do you think we could drop that and quit harping on it?
isn’t pissed off about it! She knows it was an accident … sort of. Well, you know what I mean.”

“Scott—you get the BJ. Daniel, you get the other end.”

“Damn it!” Scott snarled. “Why can’t he take the blow job?”

“Because the boss said!” Daniel snapped.

“Jesus fucking Christ! Can you just take the god damned assignment without

bitching about it? I don’t know why anybody would bitch about a blowjob anyway!

You’ve done got so many you’re bored with it?”

Scott studied him in tight-lipped silence. “I’m just saying the three of us have been keeping Brandy occupied.”

“So I noticed,” Gabe said dryly. “I’ve got hours and hours of the three of you keeping Brandy occupied. I don’t see that you’ve got anything to complain about! I’m damned surprised you aren’t coughing dust by now!”

Scott and Daniel both reddened. David, who’d landed a solo, decided just to keep his mouth shut.

“David—you think you can handle a butterfly and
forget you’re supposed to pull out for the come shot?”

“Sure thing, boss!” He thought it over. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to have a SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 86

spotter … just to remind me.”

Gabe’s lips tightened.

“You needn’t look like that,” Shaun said tightly. “You didn’t pull out and neither did Basil.”

Basil sent him a cold look. “You didn’t pull out either. Hunter pushed you out.

You think we don’t know why you jumped his shit?”

Hunter stared at Basil for a long moment and turned to glare at Shaun.

“I was pissed off because he was pounding into her like she was a pro and used to being manhandled like that!” Shaun snarled. “
she was bleeding when he got done.

I’m not saying I wasn’t
pissed off about the take over, but the fact remains that I jumped his shit for hurting her!”

“Alright!” Gabe said. “Drop it! It’s over and done with. Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt badly and she’s over it. The only thing we need to take from that is to keep in mind that she isn’t a pro and needs to be handled more carefully. If any of you gets too rough with her tonight you won’t be touching her again.”

Waiting until that sank in, Gabe looked down at his notes. “Shaun—you and

Basil can pair up with Snow White while Scott and David are with Nic—Rose Red. I’ll get with Hunter while ….”

“You said I was supposed to do the butterfly—solo,” David reminded him.

Gabe lifted his head and stared at David blankly. “That’s what I said.”

“But you just said Scott and David with Nicole while you and Hunter ….”

Gabe released an irritated huff, rubbing his neck and staring at his notes. “Daniel does the butterfly, Scott and David the oil-rig. I think we need to forget about the playroom when we do the ménage with Nicki, Hunter. We used that the last time.”

The other men exchanged looks of confusion.


“You got something on your mind, Gabe?” Shaun asked.

“I’ve got a lot on my mind,” Gabe said dryly.

“A lot of Nicole,” Basil said coolly.

Gabe glared at Basil. “You got something you want to say, just spit it out,” he growled.

“I just did,” Basil ground out. “You’re too focused on Nicole to focus on

anything else.”

Gabe felt his face heat with both discomfort and anger. Deciding after a moment to just ignore the remark, he went back to studying his notes. He tried, anyway. He realized fairly quickly that Basil was right. His mind was on Nicole, not business. “Who did I already assign?”

“You said Daniel and Scott were going to do a ménage with Nicole, David the

butterfly after that, and while they’re with Nicole, me and Basil do a ménage with Brandy and then you and Hunter will do another double header.”

“Well, that’s everybody then,” Gabe said decisively. “Has anybody done a

Brandy sandwich?”

David and Daniel exchanged a look. “We did.”

“Any problems with that?”

“No,” David answered.

“Alright then—Hunter we’ll do a sandwich on her bed. That way if she sleeps


through it, hopefully it won’t be too noticeable.”

“Phil changed her medication. She’s a lot more alert.”

“In that case, I’ll take the back,” Gabe said.

Hunter glared at him. “How about we toss?”

“How about you kiss my ass?” Gabe growled. “I called shotgun.” He glanced at

Basil. “What do you want to do?”

“A ménage with Nicole,” Basil responded promptly.

Gabe stared at him blankly and then frowned. “Didn’t I assign you to Brandy?”

“Jesus, Gabe,” Shaun muttered. “You need to get to get your head on straight.”

“He needs a little Nicole,” Basil retorted. “He might be able to get her out of his head if he’d just go ahead and fuck her.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Gabe growled. “Why don’t you and I go out back and

talk this over?”

“Fine by me,” Basil said, getting up.

“God damn it, Gabe! We need to get this shoot done before the two of you start slinging your fists at each other’s faces! That’ll look like hell!”

“I changed the lighting. It’ll just look like shadows,” Gabe said. “Anyway, I’ll be in back.”

“That was Nicole’s room! And it was last week!”

“Whatever. You ready, Basil?”

“After you.”

“I don’t think so, you son-of-a-bitch! I’m not going to fall for a sucker punch.”

“Or pass one out like you did with Hunter last week either!” Basil shot back at him.

The other cast members shot to their feet.

“Outside!” Shaun snapped. “Don’t start it in here! I don’t feel like trying to put the fucking parlor back together!”

When Gabe and Basil had stalked through the kitchen and out the back door,

Shaun turned to the others. “David—Scott, you got your assignments, go!”

“God damn it, Shaun!
have the fucking butterfly!
have the oilrig!” David snapped.

“Whatever. Just do the assignment and quit fucking complaining!” He glanced

around before he remembered he’d been assigned a three-way with Basil. “Shit! I guess it’ll be me and you with Brandy, Hunter.”

Hunter glared at him. “You think Basil and Gabe are going to be in the mood to do a three-way together after they get through pounding on each other?”

“I doubt they’ll be
to,” Shaun said dryly. “Let’s just do it. Oil-rig or sandwich?”

“Just so we’re clear—I’m not sticking my cock in her mouth!” Hunter snapped.

“If she’s in one of her tempers, I’m sure as hell not putting mine near her teeth!”

“She’s on medication,” David reminded them.

“You’re sure? Gabe was the one making her take it and you see what he’s like

right now.”

David frowned. “I didn’t see him give it to her.”

“Alright, no oil-rig. We’ll do the sandwich and Gabe and Basil can worry about the teeth,” Shaun said with finality. “I’ll take the back.”


Hunter glared at him.

“I called it!” Shaun said tightly.

“Fine! But I don’t think we should do it at all if she’s in one of her moods.”

Shaun chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully. “Alright, I say we go up to her room.

If she doesn’t throw anything when you stick your head in, then we take care of the shot.”

“When I stick
head in?” Hunter demanded.

“We’ll knock. Ask her through the door if she’s ready for the shot and see what happens. I locked up all the knives. All we have to worry about is things small enough she can lift them … because if she can pick them up, she doesn’t have any trouble throwing them. She told Daniel that she threw a 19 inch TV set at her last boyfriend.”

“Jesus!” Hunter muttered. “I don’t know if I can get it up.”

“Work on it.”

* * * *

Gabe was still pissed off when he stalked back into the house, but at least the throbbing pain was different—located mostly in his face and belly instead of his groin.

And Basil looked worse than he did, he thought with a touch of satisfaction.

To his relief, everyone had vanished when he reached the parlor. Basil, he

discovered, had stopped in the kitchen to work on his nosebleed at the sink.

He hoped he’d broken the fucker’s nose, the snide son-of-a-bitch!

Relieved that he didn’t have to maintain the pretense of not feeling like shit, he paused long enough to figure out the shortest route through the parlor and staggered across it to the other door. Every step was painful because it jarred something that hurt, but he managed to negotiate the stairs without a problem and headed to his room.

It wasn’t until he’d climbed into the shower that he remembered he’d been

assigning parts just before Basil had pissed him off and distracted him. Tensing when he realized the stupid fucks had headed up without him, he considered getting dressed again and checking on them and then discarded it.

He was too fucking tired, he decided. He could review the video feed tomorrow.

They’d just have to shoot it again if the men fucked up.

When he’d bathed off, he climbed out of the shower and used the towel to wipe

the condensation off the bathroom mirror to get a better look at his face.

It was pretty appalling, he discovered. He didn’t just feel like shit. He looked like shit. There were lumps all over his face like he’d caught a hornet’s nest with it.

After probing a few of the lumps and checking his teeth to make sure he still had all of them, he looked down at his hands. He’d thought he might’ve broken a bone on Basil’s head, but he could still move his fingers so he decided his hand was just swollen.

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