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for her, and he couldn’t think of many things that would be more uncomfortable, or more fraught with potential for disaster, than trying to fend Glenda off. Her previous observations were already a warning that she might have him in her sights.

His private opinion of Nicole, however, was that she might
be woman enough for the Seven Hunks, but she
woman enough the Seven Hunks were near to warring over who was going to get hold of her next and that was the only thing that mattered.

It pissed him off that he’d been first at the trough and was going to have to wait for his turn to roll around again—unless he changed the rules.

Well, he couldn’t change them before she’d made the rounds. There
be war! But he was calling the shots. Maybe he could think of a way to make the merry-go-round go around a little faster?

It was a real pain in the ass that Brandy had decided to go berserk so damned

publicly. Of course she wasn’t any less desirable, physically, than she had been before and nobody was having any trouble getting it up for her, but they weren’t nearly as anxious to tap that tight little thing of hers as they had been. And he couldn’t blame them. It was hard to focus on fucking with visions of getting stabbed in the back floating through a man’s mind. If any of them had been ‘in’ to living dangerously, it wouldn’t have been such a disaster, but none of them were adrenaline junkies that got their rocks off on near death experiences.

If not for that, he could’ve counted on Brandy to keep the testosterone levels


down to something manageable, or at least a little more manageable. With four Doms and three Dom wannabes in the house, they were lucky they’d only come to blows

once—so far.

* * * *

The tension that had been building in Shaun since Hunter had disappeared into the kitchen with Nicole lessened fractionally, and momentarily, when Hunter finally came out again. One look at the sappy look on his face and his limp dick were enough to shoot both his tension and his anger right through the roof again.

Through narrowed eyes, he watched Hunter saunter to a chair and sprawl in it,

struggling with the urge to bound up from the couch and knock the satisfied look from the bastard’s face. The only thing that kept his ass firmly planted on the couch was the reflection that two fist fights over Nicole wasn’t going to make the impression he wanted to make. He didn’t think anybody really questioned the first one—even Hunter. The selfish bastard had hurt her, whether he’d done it intentionally or not, and
hadn’t been the only one that wanted to kick his ass for it. He’d just ended up being the one to take the honors.

Everyone was going to be lifting eyebrows and questioning his motives, though,

if he jumped Hunter again.

Unless Hunter had given him a good excuse?

“I see you took care of that little swelling problem,” he growled.

Hunter shot a look at him that was a mixture of surprise and dawning anger at

being questioned. “I didn’t cross the line if that’s what you’re implying.”

Shaun studied him for a long moment and finally relaxed fractionally when he

decided it was the truth, deciding Nicole had evidently taken care of his problem with a blowjob.
rankled, but he couldn’t object to it. It was all any of them could get out of her for the moment and it wasn’t as if they could simply keep their distance even if any of them wanted to.

He’d almost managed to completely tame his temper when Nicole came out of the

kitchen. Her hair was mussed, her cheeks flushed, and she had a vague, dreamy sort of look about her eyes. She looked liked she’d been thoroughly, satisfyingly fucked and Shaun shot a furious, accusing glare at Hunter.

Hunter had been watching her hungrily, but when she’d veered away from the

tangle of bodies on the floor—David fucking Brandy in the ass while she gave Scott head—and settled on the couch, he glanced toward Shaun. His expression underwent a radical change then—from besotted lover to possessive anger. “Like I said,” he growled in response to the accusation in Shaun’s eyes.

Nicole glanced worriedly from him to Hunter and back again. He held up his

hand in summons when he had her attention again. “Come here, baby.”

Something flickered in her eyes. She almost glanced at Hunter but apparently

thought better of it, rising from her end of the couch and moving to stand in front of him.

He’d caught the hesitancy, though, her instinctive urge to seek Hunter’s approval, and he had to fight another round with his desire to drag Hunter out of the fucking chair and beat the shit out of him.

She was his for the moment, though, he reminded himself. Why waste his time

and energy on Hunter when he could focus it on her?

Shifting around to put his back in the crook of the couch back and the arm of the SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 81

couch, he drew her down on the cushions between his legs, then pulled her back to rest against his chest. Nestling his head along the side of her face, he studied the flushed skin of her breasts as he palmed them. He knew the moment he began to fondle her breasts that Hunter had been pulling at them. She was still sensitive enough she tensed when he did, sucked in a quick breath. Struggling with the possessiveness that rose in him, he focused on watching the play of his hands on her breasts as he gently squeezed the soft mounds. He liked the way the bustier she was wearing cupped them for his hands.

Keenly aware that Hunter was watching his every move, he massaged her breasts

in a milking motion, kneading them and pulling toward the ends until the blood had pooled in the tips and drawn her nipples into tight buds. He began pinching them and pulling at them when they came erect, listening intently to the hitch in her breath each time he did.

She stirred restlessly against him after a few moments. Slipping one hand down between her legs, he cupped her, sliding her upward until the cheeks of her ass cradled his cock. Her warm flesh nestling his felt good … good enough he wished he could drive it inside of her. He didn’t have any trouble at all recalling what that had felt like, though, and it was enough to dangle the lure of coming, not merely enjoying arousing himself and her.

Pushing her legs out of his way, he plucked at her clit until she was lifting her hips for him and then pinched it between his middle fingers, cupping her sex and moving her up and down along his cock rhythmically.

Basil bolted out of the chair he’d been occupying across from the couch jerkily, drawing Shaun’s attention. For a handful of moments the men locked gazes and then Basil turned away, heading toward Brandy. Shaun watched him as he helped her to her feet and led her to the chair he’d just vacated. Bending her over the arm, he caught her hips and thrust into her. She grunted, but she was still well lubricated from her encounter with David. He managed to seat himself fully inside of her with only a few thrusts—

mostly inside of her. She wasn’t much deeper than Nicole and Basil, being Basil, had a few lonely inches and no where to put it.

He watched them a moment longer as Basil tangled his hand in her hair and began to pump into her frenziedly, but discovered he didn’t need the additional stimulation. He was close enough already that he’d begun to worry he wouldn’t be able to bring Nicole off before he came.

And he wasn’t about to finish without her with Hunter looking on and feeling so fucking smug.

Turning his face toward hers, he began sucking at her ear and the side of her neck while he plucked at her clit. She shuddered and he picked up the pace, lifting his other hand to fondle her nipples until she was panting for breath. He felt another shudder ripple through her and began pinching and plucking a little harder and faster. “That’s my baby,” he murmured near her ear. “Come for me.”

She gasped, arched her back and abruptly began to jerk all over almost as if she’d come at his command. His balls tightened in response, his dick quivering and jerking between the cheeks of her ass. He ceased plucking at her nipples, planted a palm on her belly and began to rock her harder along his shaft until he felt the first stream of semen race through his penis and erupt between them. Bolting upright, he reached between her legs and managed to drag his cock free as the second wave hit, pumping until he’d SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 82

emptied himself on her lower belly and cleft.

“Shit!” he muttered when he collapsed back against the couch. He was going to

have to clean the fucking cushions!

He looked at Nicole and grinned at the look on her face. “Come on, baby. I made a mess. I think we need to wash up.”

Gabe, striding briskly from his office a few minutes later, hit a damp patch on the floor and skidded several feet before he managed to catch his balance. “God damn it to hell! Who dripped come down the hall? This better be the fake shit!”

Shaun emerged from his room with a towel in his hand. “Well god damn! Give

me a few minutes to clean up! I’m working on it!”

Gabe glanced from Shaun to Nicole, who was behind him, her hair dripping wet,

and then glanced down the hall toward the stairs.

“It wouldn’t be dripped down the hall if I’d been in her at the time,” Shaun said tightly when Gabe met his gaze again.

“How the hell you managed to come enough to drip from the fucking parlor …,”

Gabe growled but left the sentence hanging. “Just clean it up. I nearly busted my ass.”

* * * *

I knew I shouldn’t have found it funny, but the expression on Gabe’s face struck me as hilarious. There’d been so much sex in the house since Brandy and I had arrived—

at Gabe’s orders—I thought they were probably going to have to pressure wash it inside before the owners would step foot inside again. I didn’t know if it was Gabe bitching about the come that had struck me as funny or the fact that he’d nearly slipped down in it, but it tickled my funny bone. Biting my lip to keep from laughing out-loud, I hid my face against Shaun’s back until I’d heard him leave. Shaun twisted around to look down at me for a long moment and finally grinned.

I clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle the laugh that escaped.

Shaun chuckled. “Alright, what’s so funny?”

I shook my head. “The look on his face when he discovered it wasn’t the ‘fake

shit’. I just had this image pop in my head of Gabe cleaning the hall with his ass.”

Shaun chuckled again. Dropping his towel on the floor, he used his foot as a mop handle and made his way down the hall, chuckling from time to time.

“I’d like to know what’s so fucking funny!” Gabe bellowed from the foot of the

stairs. “There’s come on the fucking couch!”

Shaun and I looked at one another and started snickering, trying to keep Gabe

from hearing us.

“Nicole just mentioned ….”

I clapped a hand over his mouth to silence him, horrified that he’d meant to tell Gabe what I’d said. He gave me a look over my hand, reminding me of who was

supposed to be the submissive and whom the master and I jerked my hand back.

“Naughty girl!” he said in a low growl. “I’ll have to punish you for that.”

Snatching me off my feet, he tossed me across his shoulder. I couldn’t help it, I uttered a shriek of laughter before I could even think to suppress it.

Shoving my door open, he strode toward my bed and tossed me onto the mattress.

That time, instead of shrieking, I sucked in a sharp breath of fright. I managed to land without biting my tongue, but Shaun had bounded onto the bed and straddled me before I could get my bearings. Rolling me onto my stomach, he smacked me on the ass hard SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 83

enough it stung. I tried to rear up, but he planted a hand between my shoulder blades and kept popping my ass until it began to feel numb.

I’d lost all desire to laugh by that time. I was too surprised and distressed even to feel any anger. When he finally stopped, I was fighting tears from a mixture of hurt, confusion, and resentment.

He sprawled beside me on the bed, but I wouldn’t look at him. After a few

moments, he sat up and began to lightly stroke my stinging buttocks. They felt numb. It wasn’t until he leaned down and began nibbling kisses over them that I realized they weren’t numb at all, but far more sensitive than they generally were. Warmth stirred in my belly as he continued. I struggled against it, still too upset to want to acknowledge the fact that it felt good.

After a few moments, he slipped his hand along my cleft, found the mouth of my

sex and pushed a finger inside of me, finding the damning moisture I hadn’t wanted to admit and sawing his finger slowly in and out. It stirred even more warmth, but I closed my mind to it. The spanking had hurt, but I realized I wasn’t hurt about the stinging pain nearly as much as I was confused and hurt that he’d done it at all.

He withdrew his finger after a few moments and caught my shoulder, urging me

to turn over. I resisted, the first time I’d willfully done so, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He turned me over anyway and I turned my face away from his.

“Look at me.”

I swallowed a little convulsively, but I discovered I was more inclined to let him know I was hurt than to try to hide it. He studied my face for a long moment and frowned. “It was love play,” he said gruffly.

I felt my chin wobble. “It hurt.”

He looked uncomfortable and irritated. “You were wet.”

I swallowed with an effort. “It hurt my feelings.”

He made a sound of disgust and pulled me into his arms. “Make me feel like shit, why don’t you?” He sighed. “Some women like spanking.”

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