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A few ice packs should do the trick, but he didn’t really feel like going back down to find something to make one with. Basil had probably cleaned out the ice trays by now anyway.

Wetting a washcloth with cold water, he wrung it out and headed into his

bedroom. When he’d sprawled on the bed, he dropped the cloth on his face and lay with his eyes closed, listening to the sounds around him—footsteps, doors opening and closing, beds bouncing and a headboard slamming against the wall.

Releasing a pained breath, he lifted the cloth from his face and fanned it to cool it down again, wondering if the sounds he could here were the Hunks working on Nicole, SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 89

or Brandy.

Not that it mattered.

“Shit!” he muttered, dropping the cloth on his face again and trying to close his mind to the images swirling in his head. He’d been a total dickhead.

Not that Basil hadn’t deserved it!

Actually, he supposed he hadn’t—not any more than any of the others, anyway.

He’d never thought he would get so tired of watching people fuck. He’d watched hours of it, going back over the videos over and over again and trying to piece all of the clips together to produce something with continuity that didn’t look like random clips pieced together. He didn’t have a fucking clue if anything he’d done was worth using or if it should all go in the trash.

He examined that thought for a few moments and realized it wasn’t true—at least not for him—and that was the only way he could judge it. It was good stuff, alright, as far as pornos went, better than most—mostly because Glenda had insisted that it have an actual storyline. He was so fucking horny from watching every dick swinging son-of-a-bitch in the place fuck Nicole that he couldn’t think straight anymore. And if he wasn’t watching it on tape, he was stumbling over somebody slobbering all over her.

Once! One fucking time in nearly three weeks of filming,
had fucked her.

It occurred to him after a moment that he’d ‘punished’ her. He hardly thought it counted, though, when he hadn’t managed more than a couple of pumps before he’d come.

Twice! Two fucking times in nearly three weeks of filming, he’d fucked her!

He brooded over it a while before it dawned on him that nobody else had actually fucked her more than once. It just seemed that way because he’d watched the damned video over and over again.

And because he was usually in his office working while everyone else was

downstairs playing parlor games.

It also occurred to him after a few minutes that his suffering was his own damned fault—starting with the fact that he was also the only one that hadn’t sought Brandy out.

Actually, starting with the fact that he’d decided to break Nicole in as a

submissive. He hadn’t needed to do that for the video. She was naturally submissive enough that he could’ve worked around it, cut anything that didn’t fit, or dubbed it.

He’d zeroed right in on that trait of hers and allowed the Dom to come out instead of looking at it as a director—as he should have been looking at it.

Dragging the cloth off of his face, he fanned it again and covered his throbbing hand.

He’d bit Brandy’s head off for behaving as if any of it was real and the truth, as hard as it was to swallow, was that he was just as guilty as she was.

All the brooding violence that had been churning in him and building toward

explosion was from possessiveness. He’d earmarked Nicole as his and no amount of conscious reasoning could oust that from his subconscious. It wasn’t
that he wanted her and the show was getting in his way of having her. He couldn’t shake the certainty that she
his and that he was condescending to allow the others access for the sake of the show.

She wasn’t
woman, he thought, feeling oddly blank and a little nauseated as that settled in his gut. The other men
trespassing and he wasn’t
them to SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 90

have her. She didn’t
to him.

Jesus! He was as crazy as Brandy!

Tossing the washcloth aside, he got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to look for a painkiller and check his face.

He still looked like shit.

Except now he was embarrassed about looking like shit because he’d tried to beat Basil into the dirt for thinking
had some claim to Nicole.

It occurred to him forcefully, that he wasn’t crazy alone. He had a lot of


Well, some company. While him and Basil had been trying to out-Dom each

other, Shaun and Hunter had settled to trying to romance her out from under them.

“The fucking, back-stabbing bastards!” he muttered. Grabbing the bottle of

painkiller from the cabinet, he shook a dose into his palm, tossed them back, and then used his hand to scoop up enough water to wash them down.

Three weeks, he thought abruptly. They were halfway through the fucking shoot

and then Nicole wasn’t going to be tied to any of them in any way. She was home free.

He couldn’t decide how he felt about that.


Striding back to his bed, he dropped down on the edge and considered whether he could dismiss that or not.

Nope. He definitely felt a sense of panic.

He’d made her, though, hadn’t he?

He realized when he’d thought it over, hard, that he just didn’t fucking know.

There was no
with Nicole. Just when he was convinced he had her completely in the palm of his hand, she froze up on him, and he could see it her eyes that she was trying to decide whether she wanted to do what he’d told her to do—or not.

He speared his fingers through his hair. Nicole wasn’t a submissive, not in the truest sense of the word. She didn’t want to submit. She didn’t want to be told what to do so that she didn’t have to make her own decisions. That was why submissives could be controlled, because they
to be. They wanted someone else to make all of their decisions for them.

And Nicole didn’t. She simply took the path of least resistance because she didn’t like conflict and she didn’t like unpleasant scenes—usually took that path—if she wanted to or she just didn’t care enough to exert her own will.

He didn’t think she’d even done any of the things she had because she was

particularly worried about the law. She didn’t need to be because she hadn’t done anything wrong and nobody could prove she had.

She’d gone along with everything to protect Brandy.

Even though the fucking bitch didn’t deserve it.

She was either loyal to a fault, or she was just so used to trying to protect Brandy from herself that it didn’t occur to her that she was under no obligation to do so—except blood ties. Maybe she loved Brandy in spite of the things Brandy did?

He shook the thought off. He didn’t know how her mind worked and he doubted

he could figure it out. The important thing was that it wasn’t anything
could use.

And he couldn’t use dependency because she didn’t need to depend on anyone.

She got along just fine by herself—which was why she wasn’t married.


He should’ve realized that, he thought disgustedly. She was smart and pretty and sexy. Any woman that looked like she did that wasn’t married was independent—or between marriages.

He frowned. He couldn’t remember Glenda mentioning whether she’d been

married or not.

He sure as hell couldn’t ask to look at her personnel file now! Glenda would be all over it like a fly on shit!

He got up and went to check his face in the mirror again. He still looked like shit, but he thought the lumps were a little less noticeable. Maybe he should go downstairs and get an icepack after all?

Nicole would take one look at him and scream.

It dawned on him on the heels of that thought why he was so focused on the mess his face was in and why he’d been pacing his room.

And why he’d been waiting for the house to get quiet.

Fuck it! It would be dark. He could leave the lights out and she wouldn’t see his face.

He met up with Basil in the kitchen when he went to look for ice. They stared at one another for several moments.

Then Gabe noticed Basil had an ice tray in his hand. “That better not be the last of the fucking ice,” he growled.

Basil glared at him. Both of his eyes were already starting to turn black from the punch to the nose. Gabe grinned abruptly. “Fine! I guess you need it more than I do.”

Turning, he headed upstairs again. He’d just leave the lights off, he decided. As long as she didn’t touch his face she’d never know about the lumps.

He paused outside her door and realized he was stark naked and he didn’t have a fucking clue of what time it was or if it had been long enough since the fight for the three stooges to do their thing and leave. Frowning, he considered whether to knock, or just walk in and pretend, if anyone was still there, that he’d come to check on the filming.

He stared down at himself—no clothes, no viewer.

He couldn’t think of another cover story if there was anyone in there. Turning, he strode down the hallway to his room and went in. He grabbed his costume, but paused as it occurred to him that he not only didn’t feel like squeezing his ass, and his balls, into the damned thing, he didn’t actually want to wear it when he was having sex with Nicole either. Pitching the torture device, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist.

Tucking the edges, he glanced around until he spied his small video camera, grabbed that and headed out.

Basil reached the head of the fucking stairs just as he started down the hall to Nicole’s room. He checked for a heartbeat and then very casually tucked his camera behind his back and strode briskly toward the stairs, nodding to Basil as he passed him.

Basil sent him a hard look as he passed and Gabe wondered if he’d somehow

given his intentions away. He decided to brazen it out, though. Reaching the stairs, he paused a moment, listening for Basil’s tread and finally started down the stairs when he realized Basil hadn’t moved. He was nearly at the bottom before he heard the closing door he’d been waiting for.

Whirling, he dashed back up the stairs, strode quickly to Nicole’s door and went in before he could have another unpleasant encounter. It didn’t occur to him until he’d SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 92

ducked into Nicole’s room and closed the door behind him that he didn’t know for a fact that Basil hadn’t been heading toward Nicole’s room. He stiffened at the thought, whipping a quick look around the room.

* * * *

I’d experienced some strange things since I’d come to live in Snow White’s Palace of Dicks, but the latest was by far the strangest and I had no idea what to make of it. Gabe had ordered me and Brandy upstairs after supper to ‘get ready’ for a shoot. I thought he’d been a little bit of a dick about it. He could’ve made his point without growling at us, but I supposed he’d taken that attitude because he’d fully expected Brandy to give him trouble and he’d thought growling like a bear might make her think twice. Brandy had actually been behaving a lot more like a normal person, though, since she’d gotten on medication and I really hadn’t thought it was necessary.

Particularly since being ordered to go pissed her off.

Of course, I couldn’t be absolutely certain that that was what had angered her and that made me uneasy, especially since she sent me a killer glare when we parted company at my door.

Trying to tell myself Brandy wasn’t contemplating murdering me in my sleep

because of ‘her’ men, I went in and got ready as ordered. When I’d waited and waited and nobody showed up, I finally climbed in the bed and lay down to wait. I’d been staring at the ceiling for maybe twenty minutes, trying to hear what was going on downstairs and alternately worrying about what I was going to be expected to do tonight and whether Brandy was pissed off at me or Gabe or both of us, when the door opened.

I sat up, because if it was Brandy I wanted to make damned sure I wasn’t in a

defenseless position, and saw that Scott, David, and Daniel had come into the room.

That, in my opinion, was just asking for trouble. Brandy had staked her claim on them. I didn’t care what she’d told Gabe or that she’d been careful not to show her

possessiveness since, once Brandy decided something was hers, it was.

Uneasily, I watched as they checked the lights and moved to the bedside table to pull out lubricant. Scott, who’d been the light checker finally turned off the overhead light, turned the bathroom light on and adjusted the door until he was satisfied with the amount of light spilling into the room. He moved from there to the opposite side of the room and turned on a lamp. Apparently deciding it was too much light, he looked around and found something to drape over the shade to darken the room a little.

Meanwhile, Daniel moved to the side of the bed and proceeded to play with his

cock until it was erect. After gaping at him a moment, I glanced around at the others and found David and Scott similarly occupied.

Gabe still hadn’t arrived and my uneasiness was growing by leaps and bounds.

“The four of us are shooting together tonight?” I finally asked.


Chapter Twelve

David, Scott, and Daniel all looked at me and then they glanced at each other.

“We’re finishing the Rose Red segment. The three of us are the only ones that haven’t fucked you,” Scott reminded me.

I stared at him a moment, wrestling with my uneasiness. “Gabe isn’t coming?”

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