Snow White and the Seven Hunks editedbymegan .wps (21 page)

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They glanced at each other again. “He’ll be along in a bit,” David volunteered.

“He told us to just go ahead and get started.”

“Oh. Where’s Brandy?”

Daniel lost his hard-on. Glaring at his dick, he grabbed it and started pumping it again.

“Shaun and Hunter are doing a ménage with her.”

A mixture of hurt and jealousy flickered through me, but I resolutely dismissed it, reminding myself, again, that this was business. It wasn’t personal. I couldn’t take it personally.

Scott and David climbed on the bed and stared at me while Daniel slathered

lubricant on his erection. “You’ll need to get on your hands and knees for this,” Scott said.

Sucking in a bracing breath, I got on my hands and knees.

“I think you’re too high up on the bed. Move down here, closer to the foot and in the center.”

I moved to the position he’d pointed out. “We aren’t going to do it like Shaun and Hunter did last time?” I asked with a mixture of disappointment and uneasiness—

nervousness because I wasn’t sure what they planned to do if it wasn’t like that.

“Gabe said you couldn’t handle two dicks the size of ours in that end at the same time. We’re going to do the oilrig.”

“What’s the oilrig?” I asked blankly.

“You know how the pump on an oil well works?”

“Oh. Like you two do with Brandy?”

Scott cleared his throat. “Gabe isn’t going to be able to use any of this, you know. We aren’t supposed to be chatting on the set. We’re supposed to be focused on fucking.”


Scott sat down in front of me and slid towards me until his dick was wagging

under my nose. He seemed to wrestle with himself. “Don’t bring me off with your mouth. When I start to blow, you let go. We’re supposed to do a come shot.”

I nodded.

Scott stared at me for a moment and sat up, gathering my hair in one hand.

“Which side is the camera on?”

When I looked up, I discovered he’d directed the question to Daniel. “Shit if I know. I thought we had surround video.”

Scott frowned and finally moved my hair over my left shoulder, twisting it rope SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 94

like. When he’d finished, he leaned forward, holding the end toward Daniel. “Hold this.

We’ll try bronco style.”

“Hold on a minute,” Daniel said testily. “This is going to take two hands if you don’t want me to shove her in your lap.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” Scott murmured, amusement in his voice.

I flicked a look up at him and grinned back at him in spite of my nervousness as I felt Daniel probing me in the back. He adjusted his legs and mine several times and finally pressed the head of his cock against the mouth of my sex, pushing slightly. I tried to brace myself but the harder he pushed the further forward I listed. He grabbed my hip with one hand and tried again.

“Grab her shoulders and shove back while I push,” Daniel said, beginning to

sound a little desperate.

Scott uttered a snort of laughter. I couldn’t help it. It was infectious. I snickered through my nose, trying to keep from laughing.

“God damn it! Cut it out and get serious!” Daniel said, laughter threading his own voice. “I’m going to lose my hard-on!”

Sucking in a deep breath to suppress the urge to laugh, I folded my lips together and closed my eyes when Scott planted his hands on my shoulders and countered

Daniel’s efforts to wedge his monster in me. A few moments of that was enough to kill the urge to laugh. I panted a little with anxiety when I felt myself stretched to the point where I began to feel a slight burn. He eased off, sawed back and forth shallowly and then tried again. That time I felt him sliding deeper. They kept pushing until I felt the head of his cock hit my womb and sucked in a pained breath.

“That’s it. I can’t get any deeper.”

I twisted my head around to look back at him and saw that he was staring down at my ass.

David had moved to the side of the bed to look both of us over. “You sure, man?

You’ve still got a good three inches there.”

“I’m sure,” I said.

“I could try the other hole,” Daniel suggested.

“No!” Scott and David said at the same time.

“You’ll rip her again, you moron, and then we’ll have to wait another week to

fuck her!” David added, clearly incensed.

Daniel shot a bird at him.

“Are we going to do this!” Scott snapped. “I’m getting a little soft here!”

“I’m ready,” Daniel said.

Scott waved his cock in my face. “You’re going to have to work with it.”

I stared at it. If it wasn’t completely hard I wasn’t sure I could take completely hard. Working my jaws a couple of times to loosen them, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and covered the head, sucking on it. Almost the second I started sucking, the damned thing inflated. My jaws locked. I dropped to my elbows and grabbed the shaft, pulling it out of my mouth and flexing my jaws again.


“Give her a second.”

I took a deep breath. “I’m ready.”

Daniel thrust. I landed face first in Scott’s lap.


“She wasn’t ready god damn it!”

“She said she was ready!”

“She was ready to start. She didn’t have it in her mouth, moron, or she wouldn’t have been able to talk!”

“If you call me moron again, I’m going to fucking kick your ass!”

“If you two are going to fight,” I snapped, “we aren’t going to get this done


They subsided and I decided to get things rolling before they had time to start snapping at each other again. Covering the head of Scott’s dick, I began sucking with a will and stroking his shaft with my hands at the same time.

I heard him swallow audibly. He tensed. Within a few moments he began to lift slightly each time I slid my mouth down his cock as far as I could—which wasn’t much past the head, which felt about the size of a damned orange. I was surprised he had enough blood in his body to inflate the thing.

The random thoughts vanished from my mind when Daniel started pumping into

me, slowly at first. I adjusted my movements to his, allowing him to push me down Scott’s shaft and then lifting my head when Daniel withdrew. He began to gain

momentum just about the time I’d gotten the rhythm down. I struggled to keep up.

Without any sort of foreplay, distracted by my efforts to maintain my balance and stimulate Scott with my mouth and hands, I didn’t even realize Daniel’s dedicated strokes had had any effect on me until I suddenly became aware of the heated tension in my belly and realized my body had reacted to the stimulation. I was climbing rapidly toward climax. Focusing on that as soon as it became impossible to ignore, I lavished attention on Scott more feverishly. His cock jerked in my mouth in sudden warning.

It flickered through my mind that I was supposed to let go, but I found it wildly exciting to have his cock in my mouth and I didn’t want to. I wanted to come with his cock in my mouth.

He grabbed his cock near the bottom.

I tightened the hold of my hand and sucked harder.

I felt Daniel’s cock jerk inside of me and a fleeting sense of panic washed over me that I wasn’t going to reach the finish line before he jerked out. I fought Scott for possession of his cock until he gave in with a grunt that presaged a scalding fountain of semen. The moment I swallowed I felt my own body convulse. I groaned around his cock, sucking mindlessly while my body was racked by exquisite waves of rapture.

Behind me, Daniel groaned like was he dying and abruptly drove as deeply inside of me as he could—a little deeper than I’d thought he could or should, but it only seemed to make my convulsions harder when I felt his cock bucking inside of me.

He leaned over me, shuddering and jerking for a moment and then abruptly reared back and pulled out. I felt a warm glob of semen hit my buttocks and finally let go of Scott. Panting hoarsely, he caught his dick and jacked it a couple of times. It sputtered a few drops of semen on my cheeks and then he fell back on the bed.

Gasping for breath, I moved over his leg and sprawled out, discovering in the

process that Daniel still had a grip on my hair. He let go when he felt the pull, looked around the crowded bed for a place to settle and finally stretched out lengthwise along the foot, panting.

“What’s bronco style?” I asked when I’d finally caught my breath.


Scott opened one eye and looked at me, then closed his eye again and grinned.

“You mount your woman, grab a good handful of hair, and then slap her on the ass and call her by some other woman’s name and try to hold on.”

I thought about it for a moment with a mixture of indignation and amusement and finally chuckled. Scott chuckled, too. Rolling onto his side, he draped an arm over me and dragged me closer until we were nose to nose. “You forgot the come shot,” he murmured. “Not that I’m complaining.”

“In that case—I didn’t forget the come shot. I just didn’t want to let go.”

He stared at me for a long moment and finally tilted his head and kissed me


“If you three are rested ….”

I sat up at the sound of David’s voice. “I’ll just go in the bathroom and clean up if it’s alright?”

He nodded and I climbed over Scott and then climbed off the bed and headed into the bathroom.

When I came out a few minutes later, David was on the bed waiting. He directed me to the spot and explained how I was supposed to fold my legs for the butterfly. When I’d tried it a couple of times, he positioned me in the center of the bed near the foot and settled on his heels to lubricate his cock.

I studied his face while he did, realizing he wasn’t just hard, he was fully aroused

… I supposed from watching me with Scott and Daniel. It aroused me knowing that he was and also remembering the climax I’d just had.

It flickered through my mind that I was far more easily aroused than I’d ever been before—and enjoyed sex more. It didn’t disturb me, though, like it had when I’d first become aware that I was far more sensual than I had been. It didn’t seem ‘unnatural’ to me anymore, I realized, feeling abruptly as if it was something that had always been there and had only needed the right kind of nurturing to bring it forth.

It had certainly been thoroughly nurtured, I thought a touch wryly, but dismissed it when David positioned himself. Drawing my legs up, I folded them like he’d told me to, and waited with anticipation for him to penetrate me, wondering if a normal size cock was going to do it for me when I’d had nothing but super cocks since I’d arrived.

It was something that worried me, but as soon as he started pushing, I focused on the stretch and burn, trying to relax to envelop him. My legs were already beginning to cramp from the position I’d assumed by the time he managed to seat himself fully, but the moment he started thrusting my entire attention shifted to the internal massage of his flesh against mine and I began to climb toward another climax. I focused on reaching it before he could reach his, knowing it would ruin it for me if he pulled out before I’d finished as he was supposed to.

It became obvious very quickly that he’d been close to coming before he’d even

gotten inside me. I could feel him quivering with the effort to hold back. It freed me, cut me loose from my earthbound tether. I gasped, arching my back at the force of the first convulsion. He shuddered harder, his dick jerking inside me with his first shockwave.

He began to pump faster, uttering choked grunts. I hit my peak and began to float toward earth again even as he sucked in a sharp gulp and reluctantly pulled out. Bracing himself with one arm, he stroked his cock until he couldn’t pump semen from it any more.

I groaned as I unfolded my legs and dropped one to the bed on either side of him.


He rested a few moments and finally leaned back to study the pattern of semen on my belly that he’d managed to produce. Flicking a slightly guilty glance at the others, he leaned over me, planted a gusty kiss on my lips and then struggled off the bed.

It wasn’t until they began to file out that I realized Gabe never had shown up.

Puzzling over it, I got up and headed into the bathroom to clean up. Since it seemed I was done for the night, I took another quick shower, still puzzled and a little worried about the entire shoot.

I was tired enough to dismiss it fairly quickly. Climbing into the bed, I lay down and tried to compose myself for sleep. I’d just begun to drift off when I heard someone walking along the hallway outside. Tensing, I listened until they passed. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps again. This time they paused outside my door. I strained to hear, my heart thumping uncomfortably in my chest. After a moment, whoever it was moved on.

I tried to relax but a few minutes later I heard footsteps again, this time from both directions. The two passed each other and moved on. I heard a door open and close but couldn’t decide just from the sound where it was along the hallway or who it was.

Settling again, I waited, listening. A few minutes later one pair of footsteps returned and paused outside my door again. Beginning to be seriously unnerved by the fact that someone had stopped outside my door twice, I sat up and stared at the door uneasily.

In the dim light coming from the bathroom door I’d left slight ajar, I saw Gabe step inside. The first thing I noticed was the white towel around his waist, the second was his thunderous expression as he glanced quickly around the room and then looked straight at me. I stared back at him wide-eyed, wondering what he was doing in my room—in a towel—and why he was pissed off.

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