Snow White and the Seven Hunks editedbymegan .wps (23 page)

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He remembered after a while that he’d tried to carefully set up the shoots so that the women’s faces were mostly in shadow. It didn’t make him feel a hell of a lot better, but he decided he’d go up and review the clips … again.

When he finally dropped his hands and leaned back in the chair, he discovered

David, Shaun, and Hunter had joined him at the table. He’d been vaguely aware that he could hear them stirring around, but he’d been too focused on his churning stomach to pay them much attention.

David was wolfing down a bowl of cereal, he discovered.

Good appetite, he thought, feeling a spark of anger when he thought about
David had such vigor.

Pushing away from the table, he headed back into the kitchen to get a cup of

coffee. Basil was standing at the pot, pouring himself a cup. Scott was standing behind him. Grabbing the cup he’d set down earlier, he empted it and waited his turn.

Basil sent him a deadly look as he passed him.

Scott grinned at him.

His hand tightened on his cup, but Scott had strode away before he could give in to the urge to belt him in the teeth with his cup.

He was sitting in his chair, hunched over his cup of coffee when Daniel breezed into the room, so fucking cheerful he lifted his head and glared at him. “No bacon and eggs today? Man! I could eat a fucking horse!”

Gabe discovered Basil, Hunter, and Shaun had all turned to glare at him as he

bounced into the kitchen, whistling.

Dull eyed with fatigue, Brandy arrived about the time Daniel settled at the table with coffee. He slid an arm around her. “I don’t suppose I could talk you in to cooking bacon and eggs, baby?”

She glared at him and popped him on the top of the head, stalking into the

kitchen. He looked blank. “What was that for?”

She shot him a bird just as she disappeared through the door.

“Dumb ass,” Hunter muttered.

“You think she doesn’t know where you were last night?” Shaun growled.

Daniel frowned at him a moment and focused on his coffee irritably.

Nicole was the last to arrive. Fortunately, Brandy had already settled at the table.

She jolted to a halt when Basil lifted his head to look at her, gaping at him in horror before she flicked a glance in Gabe’s direction. He lifted his hand with studied casualness and cupped his cheek, focusing on the coffee in the bottom of his cup.

Daniel slid an arm around her waist. “I don’t suppose I could talk you in to

cooking bacon and eggs, baby?”

Nicole glanced down at him and smiled.

Gabe clutched his cup a little tighter.

“Sure! Who else wants some?”

“I want mine soft scrambled,” Brandy piped up. “You know how I like them.”

Nicole’s smile faded, but she nodded. “Fried or scrambled?”


When everyone had agreed they would be happy with soft scrambled, she headed

into the kitchen. Gabe drained his cup and got up as the smell of frying bacon reached him.

Nicole was flipping sizzling, popping bacon strips in a frying pan when he

reached the kitchen and he decided to give her a wide berth—just in case. When he’d filled his cup, he settled against the counter, watching her.

She winced when she finally glanced at him.

“That bad, huh?”

Something flickered in her eyes. “It must hurt.”

“Not too much today,” he said dismissively, waiting to see if she would pursue it and ask him about the lie he’d told her the night before. Apparently, she decided against it. She focused on her cooking until she’d fished all of the bacon from the pan.

“How did the … uh … shoot go last night?” he asked absently when she picked

up a bowl and began vigorously beating the eggs in it, trying to drag his gaze from her bobbing breasts, wincing inwardly when it hit him that he’d already asked her the night before. Then again, he hadn’t actually had his mind on it then either.

Her cheeks reddened, but she didn’t look at him. He couldn’t decide whether she was that focused on the melting butter in the pan she’d set on the stove for the eggs, or if she was deliberately avoiding eye contact. “Fine,” she said after a moment.

“No problems?”

She cleared her throat. “What sort of problems?”

Gabe thought it over and decided he didn’t want to pursue it. “They weren’t too rough?”

She glanced at him. “Oh! No! They were very careful.”

He nodded, struggled with the urge to tell her the show had been launched over

the internet and several hundred thousand people had already seen it and then decided against it.

He didn’t especially want a face full of hot eggs—or worse, the pan of hot grease beside it.

“Do you think the shoot we did will work?”

He stared at her blankly.

“You said you wanted to try a new position. You think it’s going to work?”

He cleared his throat uncomfortably, struggled with his conscience and lost the battle. “I don’t know.” He cleared his throat again. “We might need to try something else.”

She nodded, staring at the pan of eggs she was stirring. “Ok. I was just


Gabe decided to leave before she noticed she’d gotten a rise out of him.

Fucking costume, he thought irritably!

He felt better after he’d eaten the breakfast Nicole cooked. Deciding, maybe, that the queasiness he’d felt earlier was from emptiness, he debated whether to head upstairs to work or join everyone in the front room. As reluctant as he was to leave Nicole to the others, however, he remembered he’d intended to check the footage thoroughly to see if she was recognizable in any of the shots.

* * * *

Basil was a little surprised and not especially happy when Nicole left the kitchen, SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 104

searched the room for him and then headed straight toward him. She glanced at him and winced when she sat down directly beside him. “Do you want me to get you an icepack for that?” she asked quietly.

He released an irritated breath. “I had icepacks on it most of the night,” he said dryly, “I’m afraid the raccoon look is going to be as good as it gets for a while.”

“Does it hurt as bad as it looks?” she asked after a hesitation.

He uttered a snort of a laugh. “I don’t know how to answer that.”

She reddened slightly, but she smiled at him. “Does it hurt? Can I get you


He studied her face. “A little bit of you might help my feelings.”

She settled closer. Picking up his right hand, she studied his knuckles and finally lifted it and brushed her lips lightly over it.

Watching her, Basil felt his belly clench. He swallowed with an effort. “You

going to kiss all the booboos?”

She smiled against his hand. “I will if it’ll make you feel better.”

“I think I’ll lay down for this,” he murmured, drawing her on to his lap and then settling back with her.

She looked down at his face a little quizzically, but settled to anointing the bruises on his face with light kisses. When she’d kissed each one, she leaned away from him to study his chest. Basil settled a hand on the back of her head, watching her from beneath half-closed eyes as she kissed the bruises on his chest and ribs, making her way downward with agonizing slowness. She paused when she met the head of his dick and lifted her head to grin at him. “Any bruises?”

He swallowed with an effort, torn between the desire to feel her mouth on him

and an equal one to kiss her and bury himself inside of her. Deciding he could have both, he caught her beneath the arms and dragged her up his length until he could stare into her eyes. “I think there might be one on my lips that you missed,” he murmured.

She lifted her brows. “Where? Here? Or here?” she asked teasingly, kissing

both corners.

“Actually, I think it’s in the middle,” he said, tilting his head and matching his lips to hers, then added with a note of warning and a touch of amusement, “just watch the nose. That hurts like a son-of-a-bitch.”

“Mmm, coffee,” she murmured teasingly when he lifted his lips.

“Bacon … Eggs.”

He grinned. “Shut up, wench! I’m trying to woo you here.”

He rolled, wedging her between the back of the couch and his body and dragging

her thigh across his hips. Despite her teasing, she was wet, he discovered when he slipped a hand along her cleft and pushed a finger inside of her. It set him on fire.

Pulling his finger out of her, he grabbed his cock and pressed it against her opening.

“Lubrication,” she murmured against his chest.

He paused, feeling a wave of frustration wash over him. It hadn’t crossed his

mind and he didn’t want to get up to hunt any! Wet or not, he realized fairly quickly that he wasn’t going to overcome the limitations he was working with without it. Some one slapped a tube down on his arm.

“Bad position. The camera won’t catch it,” Shaun growled, his expression hard.

Basil’s lips tightened. He glanced down at Nicole, considered his options and


finally sat upright, dragging her across his lap. Squeezing a dollop into his hand he considered that it was almost more annoying to have to lube up every damned time than to stop and put on a fucking condom! So much for eliminating mounting delays by getting them checked before they started!

He looked around for something to wipe the shit off of his hand with when he’d

finished. Someone hit him in the face with a cloth. He winced, feeling his eyes water at even that slight jarring of his nose. Nicole had come up on her knees and shifted closer, blocking his view by the time he managed to get his eyes open.

She closed her hand around his cock, guiding it to her opening as she leaned

toward him to brush light kisses across his bruises.

Dismissing his anger, he threaded his fingers in her hair and drew her closer,

covering her mouth and kissing her hungrily as he felt her bearing down on him and slowly enveloping him. It took all he could do to let her control the mount. He moved his hands from her head to her hips, kneading her flesh, struggling with the urge to drive upwards and sink into her faster.

He was so close to coming by the time she’d settled as much as she could that he began kissing her feverishly. Breaking the kiss, he drew her upward and latched onto one of her nipples, pulling at it hungrily for a moment. The need to drive into her again to feel her squeezing him transcended the urge to move to her other breast and he dragged her down again. By the time he’d lifted her once more, he’d decided he could hold her still, suck her breasts and drive upward into her.

He managed it for a handful of strokes. When she began to gasp and shudder,

though, he lost all coordination. Releasing the nipple he’d been pulling on, he pushed her down his shaft, locked his arms around her hips and began lifting and lowering her and driving upward into her at the same time. She uttered a groan. Goosebumps erupted all over her arms and back. “Jesus, baby!” he groaned when he felt her vaginal walls milking him with her convulsions.

“Come shot!” some growled.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck the god damned come shot
, he thought angrily. He wanted to come inside of her damn it!

He jerked out of her just as he erupted. Fisting his hand around his cock, he

pumped jerkily until the spasms finally stopped and then released his hold and slumped back against the couch.

Nicole settled on his belly, leaning against him. He lifted a hand to stroke her back and then tightened his arms around her for a moment, nuzzling her neck with care.

His nose hurt. He thought he’d bumped it at some point, but everything else felt grand.

* * * *

I had mixed feeling about the new program. Actually, I supposed it might have been planned all along and they just hadn’t gotten around to implementing it due to problems with the ‘fuckee’, but I thought I was mostly happy with it—sore most of the time and borderline exhausted, but far more content.

Mostly, in the parlor, the guys seemed inclined to fondle me and fuck Brandy, but I usually had at least one session at some point during the day, either in the parlor or the kitchen where I was still the sole kitchen slave. Brandy had half-heartedly helped at first but that hadn’t lasted long.

Due to the foreplay throughout the day I was usually raring to go by the time we SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 106

got around to the more formal shoot in the afternoons and early evening. I was still a little nervous every time they introduced a position I hadn’t tried before, but I’d discovered it generally had the same result—I came. I felt like a pretzel some of the time and I was damned if I could figure out what there was about the positions that were all that appealing, but there didn’t seem any point in arguing.

Besides, Gabe was a real bear half the time, especially when we were doing the

formal shoots and I didn’t want to draw his temper down on me when he was snapping and biting at everyone else. They were all pretty moody, if came to that, but I thought it must be because Gabe’s temper was on a short leash.

It wasn’t hard to figure that out. He was so stressed that I couldn’t help but worry that things weren’t going as well as he’d hoped and that he was going to lose money on the project. All I could do, though, was what he told me to do and hope for the best.

I liked the more informal shoots better. It was a lot more like the sex I was used to. They acted more like lovers and I found that increased my enjoyment even while I worried about the fact that I was enjoying it way too much.

Gabe came most often after the formal shoots when everyone else headed for their own rooms so that we could experiment with various positions he’d thought of. I didn’t object even though I couldn’t see that they were really all that different. Then again, how many ways could you fit two bodies together when one thing remained the same—pole in hole? I realized I’d never fully appreciated just how much work went into filming porns.

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