Snow White and the Seven Hunks editedbymegan .wps (14 page)

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He was both, he decided. He wanted to watch him pound into her, wanted to see

what he’d only felt before. Settling lower after several moments, Basil pumped his hips, withdrawing and then thrusting deeply again.

He couldn’t fucking see! Grabbing his viewer, he turned it on. Relieved when he saw at least one camera was angled to catch the action, he watched the glide in and out, faster and faster until he could see Basil was jarring her with every plunge. Nicole began uttering breathless little gasps that matched the rhythm, that became keener. He watched the convulsions rip through her. Basil grunted as if he’d been punched in the belly.

“Pull out, god damn it,” he muttered.

Either Basil didn’t hear him or he chose to ignore the direction. He kept going, increased his pace until he was shuddering and jerking so hard he lost all semblance of rhythm. He reared up abruptly, pulling free and pumping his cock. About a tablespoon of come spurted from him.

Gabe narrowed his eyes at him, biting back the urge to point out that Basil had obviously forgotten the fucking come shot himself.

He knew, though, the moment Basil turned to look at him that Basil hadn’t

forgotten any more than he had. He’d yielded to his urge to shoot his seed as deeply inside of her as he could.

He could see the two of them were going to have some problems.

Nicole’s Dom and Basil might as well get used to it.

Hunter and Shaun moved toward the bed, drawing his attention from Basil.


Shaun and Hunter turned to look at him, their expressions challenging. “We

agreed on a three way. We didn’t agree to share time and
be last,” Hunter said pointedly.

Gabe’s lips tightened. “The three-way should be the finale.”

“So?” Shaun asked. “Make it the finale. You know damned well all it’ll take is a little clipping and rearranging—which you’ll be doing anyway.”

Gabe was tempted to object anyway, on the grounds that he was pretty fucking

sure Nicole wasn’t up to taking on two monster cocks when she was having trouble with one at the time. Grimly, he acknowledged he didn’t actually have a choice. There had to SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 62

be some three ways at some point just to up the ante. “How did we decide we were going to orchestrate it?” he asked grimly.


He considered that, checking the cameras around the room. “Let’s try it on your knees on the bed,” he said finally. “Unless you want to wait to move a couple of cameras?”

Hunter sent him a look. “We’ll take the bed.”

“I’m still going to need to put a camera under you to catch the action. Let’s get a camera in here and the mount we built to bridge the mattress.” He glanced at Nicole, saw that she’d sat up to watch them. “If you need a bathroom break, now’s the time. Don’t worry about the artificial come. We aren’t going to be able to use it in this shot anyway.

It’ll just drip off—In fact, clean up. I don’t want it dripping on the camera lens and that’ll be directly below you.”

Shaun and Hunter left to collect the camera and the special camera mount. While he was waiting for them to get back and set up, he strode to the bed to check to see how the lubricant was holding up. Not well, he discovered. Tossing the half empty tube onto the bed, he checked the drawer for another tube and then scratched around until he found the numbing salve he’d used on Nicole before. He’d made sure she kept a graduating butt plug in to adjust for penetration, but he doubted she’d adjusted much. At least it should eliminate any pain she might have from the penetration. She’d probably tear and she’d be sore until it healed, but it was better than nothing.

Shaun and Hunter were back and had settled to positioning the mounted camera

when Nicole returned from the bathroom. Gabe signaled Shaun that they had the position and set his viewer down, following Nicole to the bed. “Bend over.”

She glanced at him uneasily, but she leaned over the bed. Hunter rounded the bed to watch him as he squeezed the salve onto his finger and applied it to her bud and just inside of her. Picking up the tube Gabe had set down, he studied it and glanced at Gabe questioningly. His lips tightening, Gabe spread her cheeks so Hunter could get a good look at her bud.

Hunter jerked his head and the two retreated to the far wall. “I get it. Don’t get me wrong, but it’s going to numb me, too. Just don’t jump my shit if I can’t produce a come shot!”

“It’s over the counter stuff. It isn’t going to last long, but it’ll give you the chance to penetrate her without her feeling much more than the pressure. Just be careful with her. It doesn’t follow that you can’t hurt her just because she can’t feel it.”

“Plenty of lube. Gotcha!”

Gabe discovered he was more worried as he watched Hunter, Shaun, and finally

Nicole move into position than resentful or jealous. After a little trial and error, Shaun had decided it would be easier to position Nicole and then crawl into final position on his knees. Watching them, or more specifically Nicole, Hunter squeezed lube into his hand, coated his shaft with a thick layer and then wiped his hand on the cloth he’d placed by his knee.

“Hold tight, baby,” Shaun murmured, “while we get you situated.”

Nicole tightened her grip around his neck as he removed his arms from beneath

her buttocks one at the time, slipping them beneath her knees and then hoisting her high enough Hunter could get beneath her. Hunter shifted closer. “Relax for me, baby,” he SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 63

murmured, stroking a hand over her buttocks before he aligned himself with her anal bud.

Gabe transferred his attention to the viewer, selecting the camera beneath them and watching penetration as Shaun slowly lowered her. She tensed briefly as he entered her and then relaxed fractionally. She was panting for breath, though, as her flesh engulfed his. Hunter was panting if it came to that. When he’d lowered her as far as he could with her arms still tightly wound around Shaun’s neck, Shaun passed her off to Hunter and reached up to loosen her grip on him, placing her hands on his shoulders for balance. He leaned down then and picked up the tube of lubricant while Hunter

continued to lower her until he was root deep inside of her.

He began to shake while Shaun was preparing himself. Shaun flicked a look at

his face and dropped the cloth, moving close enough to push the head of his cock into her vaginal opening. When he had, he drew her arms around his neck again and slipped his arms beneath her knees.

He began to shake himself as he tried to work his flesh inside of her. They lifted her after a moment and Shaun, after a series of pumps, managed to dig in far enough to prevent himself from being pushed out.

Nicole burrowed her face against Shaun’s neck, uttering a low groan as they tried a dual penetration. Finally, realizing they weren’t going to manage it that way, they struggled to set a rhythm that would work, thrusting into her alternately instead of trying to both enter her at the same time.

As soon as they managed a workable rhythm, they began to slowly increase the

pace until they were pounding into her. Gabe had only to look at their faces to see there was no acting needed, or involved. They were as caught up in the feel of her as he’d been—and Basil. His heart skipped a handful of beats when Nicole abruptly uttered a sharp cry and began to shudder.

Shaun groaned. “God, baby! Jesus! I’m coming!”

“Shit!” Hunter growled. “God damn it!” Grinding his teeth, he drove into her

root deep and began to jerk and grunt, driving Shaun out in the process. Unable to re-enter her, Shaun pumped his cock with his hand to finish himself off.

He gave Hunter a look that promised retribution when he’d caught his breath, but Hunter, his forehead on the top of Nicole’s head, was oblivious, still jerking randomly with spasms. He released a pained hiss as Shaun gathered Nicole and dismounted her.

Nicole collapsed limply when Shaun lowered her to the bed, her arms and legs

splayed. Supporting himself with one arm on his side, Shaun hit at mopping the come off her, but he was more focused on her face. “You alright, baby?”

Nicole seemed to think about it. “Yes,” she finally said weakly.

Gabe moved closer. “You’re sure?”

“Think so.”

“Push her legs up and let me have a look.”

Shaun flicked a glance at him, but he helped her bend her knees. He examined

her himself, though, carefully wiping her cleft and thighs before he rolled away and let Gabe get close enough to study her. It pissed Gabe off since he knew it for the challenge it was, but he forgot about it when he’d examined Nicole.

“Jesus fucking Christ! You son-of-a …,” Gabe bellowed, straightening and

whipping around to look for Hunter. He didn’t finish the sentence. He didn’t see much beyond a blur of motion as Shaun swept forward and slugged Hunter, throwing the SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 64

weight of his entire body into the punch. Hunter, still sluggish and disoriented from his climax, saw the punch coming and ducked, but Shaun’s fist still connected in a glancing blow that sent him staggering backwards.

Roaring like a bull, Hunter caught his balance and charged, but Basil, David,

Scott, and Daniel had leapt forward to intervene, grabbing both men before they could escalate the fight.

“Let them go,” Gabe said tightly. “They can finish this in the backyard where

they won’t break all the fucking equipment!”

The ‘jailors’ held the two men a moment more and released them. Gabe glanced

at Shaun and then back at Hunter, slinging his fist as he moved and catching Hunter on the jaw hard enough it whipped his head sideways.

“Fucking asshole!” he snarled. “She’s torn all to hell, god damn it!”

The fury on Hunter’s face vanished, leaving a slack look of stunned surprise in it’s place. The men who’d caught Hunter as he staggered back, looked at him and let him go, but Hunter had managed to regain his balance.

“You might as well all go. There won’t be any more shooting today—probably

not for a week at least.”

They left, casting several glances toward the bed as they did. Gabe waited until they were gone and returned to the bed. Nicole, he discovered, had bounced up and scurried for cover when the fight broke out. He summoned her with a motion of his hand while he searched the table in the corner for his cell phone. Punching a number from speed dial, he glanced around to see if she’d obeyed him and saw that she’d straightened away from the corner and moved toward the bed which lay between them. “Lie down,”

he told her, covering the receiver.

“Yeah. It’s Gabe. Send Phil over, will you? I need him to check out one of the girls.” He paused. “Nicole.” He paused again, grinding his teeth. “Just fucking send him, or bring him, god damn it! I don’t care which. I don’t think she’s hurt bad, but I want him to have a look at her.”

Nicole, he discovered when he looked around, was trying to examine herself. She looked up quickly and reddened when she discovered he’d seen her. “You think it’s ok?”

“Does it hurt?”

“A little.”

“Well, that isn’t fucking ok,” he said tightly. Stopping abruptly, he rubbed his face and then raked his hand through his hair. “Shit! I should’ve known better than to let them try that.”

* * * *

I couldn’t decide whether I should be worried or not. I’d gotten the distinct feeling that Gabe was thoroughly pissed off because I was going to be out of commission for a while, but I couldn’t decide whether
should be worried about
. There was a definite burning sensation in my rectum that brought the taste of blood to my mouth if I wasn’t careful of how I moved—as in when I’d leapt off the bed and raced to the corner—but I didn’t really hurt anywhere else and I couldn’t say that that was

excruciating. It was damned uncomfortable, but then considering what I’d had shoved up my ass I thought I was doing damned good!

He’d told Glenda to bring the doctor, though.

Of course, that might be standard practice—to bring their doctor in to check and SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 65

make certain there wasn’t anything that might cause them legal trouble down the road.

Trying to dismiss it and my reluctance to have a doctor examining me down there, I finally lay back to stare at the ceiling when Gabe began to pace the room like a caged lion and finally strode to his gadgets in the corner and settled to studying them.

The fight had scared the piss out of me. I thought it must have been in the script, but it had seemed damned realistic.

Of course the fucking had, too.

Warmth stirred in me at the reminder. A week of draught and then a storm, but it had been a hell of a storm! I thought I would’ve been good with the two climaxes I’d had with Gabe, although that first one had worried me. I’d come so fast! And I’d worried that that little peak was all I was going to get. Not that it wasn’t good, but it was over too quickly to really satisfy, but then the second one had been fireworks! I shivered in delight at the memory.

I’d actually
the earth to move considering how long I’d been panting after Gabe. I would’ve been severely disappointed if he hadn’t met my high


I felt so wonderfully sated, I hadn’t actually wanted Basil to get me stirred up again, but he’d surprised me and I’d surprised me. I never would’ve thought I could get worked up enough to come four times in such close succession!

Of course, that was because I’d never tried, I supposed, but then again these guys were professional fuckers—porn actors.

And I was still vaguely amazed at what they’d done for me. I’d been so tense and worried before we got started I hadn’t thought I’d be able to relax enough to enjoy it, especially with all the preparations. Talk about lack of spontaneity! I’d never been able to get ‘in’ to planned sex. I’d tried for the sake of my longest running relationship because we’d argued so much about sex. It hadn’t worked out well for me because I could never get in the mood on command. I either was or wasn’t in the mood and sometimes I was so
in the mood I resented
to. I didn’t just not enjoy it. I hated him for insisting.

BOOK: Snow White and the Seven Hunks editedbymegan .wps
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