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He did, pulling at it in that leisurely way he had about him that drove me crazy with the heat pulsing through me. I gasped, shuddered, tried to open my legs wider for him, but he had blocked that possibility with his hold on my hips. He teased me until I thought my heart would stop and then, just when I’d reached the point where I felt like I would hit the peak and find release, he drew away from me.

“Have you been a good girl?”

I swallowed convulsively and opened my eyes. “I only left the parlor once.”

He tilted his head. “Were you good for Basil and Hunter?”

My belly trembled. “Yes.”

His expression hardened briefly, but he finally leaned away from me. “Go see

what you can find to fix for supper.”

Relieved to escape, I got up immediately and headed for the kitchen. The look

he’d given me unnerved me. The entire time I worked in the kitchen I worried that I’d blown my chance. I wasn’t sure I could take the disappointment—another week of punishment—even another day.

It occurred to me forcefully that there was one aspect I hadn’t considered during all my emotional turmoil—all of them had spent most of the day upstairs with Brandy and I doubted very seriously that they’d just been watching. Could they even get it up for me after they’d spent the day fucking?

That was a more unhappy thought than the bite of jealousy that went with it. It was bad enough to think about getting Brandy’s damned scraps, but what if there
any scraps?



Chapter Seven

Brandy was conspicuous by her absence. When she hadn’t shown up in time to

carry the food out, I took it. None of the men seemed particularly talkative and that worried me, but I didn’t get the chance to actually study them for signs of fatigue or interest or the lack of it until I finished taking everything to the table.

Gabe drew me down on his lap. I couldn’t decided whether that meant I was in

favor or not. I hadn’t been given a chair of my own since they’d started ‘training’ me, but I’d assumed that I would be allowed to feed myself once they were satisfied.

My doubts made me less inclined to check, but when they began to talk I finally did glance around. What I discovered unnerved me.

They were eating and they were talking, but every eye at the table was on me.

I looked away again, trying to decide what that meant. Did it mean they were still planning the fuckathon I’d hoped for? Or were they just waiting to see if I was going to explode into a jealous rage?

I discovered I didn’t have much of an appetite, but Gabe clearly had other ideas.

He offered and I was afraid to refuse. If I wasn’t screwed already. I didn’t want to rock the boat.

I managed to eat most of what he offered, but I finally reached a point where I was beginning to feel vaguely nauseated from nerves. Thankfully, Gabe seemed to notice my color fluctuation and stopped shoving food at me.

He eyed me a little warily. “Are you sick?”

I swallowed convulsively a couple of times. “Just not hungry.”

He relaxed fractionally. The meal seemed interminable, but I discovered when

they finally began to push their chairs away from the table that nobody seemed to have had much appetite.

Gabe set me on my feet, but stopped me when I started to collect the plates.

“Leave it.”

My belly knotted instantly with a mixture of fear and anticipation. I wasn’t

certain what had brought on the fear—unless it was anxiety that I was about to

experience something similar to the punishment I’d experienced before at Gabe’s hands.

I wasn’t in any doubt about the anticipation, though, and it surpassed the uneasiness.

I didn’t actually realize that all of them had followed us upstairs until we reached the room and I was still expecting most of them to keep going. They didn’t. They entered the room behind me and Gabe.

Gabe walked me to the door to the bathroom. “Bathe while we set up.” He

glanced at my hair. “Be sure to wear the shower cap. I want your hair dry for the shoot, and Nicole ….”

I paused, turning back. “Keep in mind that we will be exploring every orifice …

in depth.”

I stared at him wide-eyed for a moment and finally nodded. I was shaking all

over, though, when I’d closed the door. Even I wasn’t certain anymore if it was from SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 54

eagerness or fear. I thought it was a little of both—the unknown had always frightened me.

Reminding myself that Gabe hadn’t hurt me even when he’d ‘punished’ me, I

turned the shower on and wound my hair into a knot, pulling the shower cap on.

Wash everything, thoroughly!

* * * *

She’s just nervous, Gabe told himself as he turned away from the door. Trying to dismiss the look she’d given him from his mind and focus on setup, he scanned the room, checking the lighting and the camera angles. Although he didn’t want the cameras to miss anything, he’d decided he didn’t want glaringly bright lights in the room. He’d had a couple of the guys switch the cameras out accordingly and watched them now as they switched the bulbs in the fixtures in the room and brought in several additional lamps.

These were directional. Using his viewer, he moved to the bed and placed his hand on the surface to mark the center of the spot where the cameras were trained so that the lights could focus on the same point. When they’d finished, he closed the door and studied the effect.

Shadowy, he decided, but he could make out everything in the room without any

problem and the spot where Nicole would be laying seemed well lit. The question was, would the cameras be able to pick up what his eyes could?

He was still testing each of the cameras to make certain they were all working

properly and the angles and lighting when Nicole emerged from the bathroom.

Setting his viewer down, he summoned her and took the towel she was wrapped

up in away from her. “Get on the bed and move to the center—where the lights

converge. Spread your hair over the pillow.”

She glanced around the room a little uneasily and moved to the bed.

Gabe studied her image in the viewer as she moved into place, feeling his body

tighten with anticipation and trying to ignore it to focus on making certain everything was just right before he got started. Her skin was pale. It almost seemed to glow in the lighting. “Draw your knees up. Now move your feet to the side. That’s it, wider.”

Her position wasn’t quite what he’d wanted, he decided. He set his viewer down and moved to her, scooping her hips into his hands and shifting her until the most concentrated convergence of beams spotlighted her cleft. He repositioned her feet and legs then, stroking his hand along her cleft to part the moist, clinging flesh so that her cleft gaped wide enough to fully display her genitals.

Moving away again, he checked the effect and then used the remote control on his device to zoom three of the cameras closer for a tight shot. There was no studying the effect objectively, he discovered. The moment he’d magnified until he could make out every detail, a rush of dizzying heat when through him.

He hadn’t studied her like this, he thought absently, feeling his belly and his balls tighten as his cock sprang to maximum inflation. He swallowed a little convulsively as he stared at the tiny petals of flesh around her clit and the sliver of an opening below it.

His cock seemed to grow harder and harder until his skin began to feel as if it might not contain him. Maybe it was just the camera, he thought a little dizzily, but she looked impossibly small compared to the erection he was sporting from where he was standing.

He moved closer, studying the viewer as he placed his hand on her belly and used his fingers to spread her a little wider. His throat closed when he saw the size of his hand SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 55

next to her. His fingers looked like they belonged to a giant.

He’d be lucky if he didn’t come just from
to shove his cock into her.

She’d stretch.

Moving to the bedside table, he opened the drawer and removed the lubricant. He hadn’t intended to use it, would’ve preferred not to since he didn’t think it was going to pass as natural lubrication, but if she was as small as she looked there was no way in hell he was going to get his cock inside of her before he came. After glancing around to make sure everyone was in place, he climbed onto the bed, and leaned over her, slipping the tube out of sight beneath the pillow beneath her head.

It disconcerted him to discover she was staring up at him wide-eyed, her lips

parted slightly as she panted for breath.

That wasn’t desire, he thought grimly.

He was ready to explode just from looking at her and, unless he was badly

mistaken, she was too scared to produce anything approaching the lubrication he was going to need to get his monster erection inside of her.

He was either going to have to spare the time to soothe her anxieties and warm

her up, or use the entire tube of lubrication and then he’d probably
have to pry her open to get inside.

Settling lower, he framed her upper body with his arms, settling a hand on either side of her head and nuzzled his face against her neck. “Relax, baby. I’m not going to hurt you,” he murmured soothingly, nibbling lightly at her neck. A shiver coursed through her as he lifted his head to pluck at her earlobe with his lips. He sucked at the pebbled flesh he’d raised along the side of her neck and then lifted his head to see if he was having any effect on her.

She’d closed her eyes but a mental inventory told him she was still as stiff as a corpse in rigor. It brought to focus something else he hadn’t adjusted to, although he’d certainly been keenly aware of it any time he was close to her.

She wasn’t just small. Next to him, Nicole was tiny. His heart rate picked up several more notches as that stark awareness sank in fully. It was almost as wildly arousing as it was unnerving.

Actually, he amended, it was
wildly arousing than it was unnerving. It hit him forcefully that he was liable to break or rip something fragile if he wasn’t damned careful. Despite that, the vast difference between them in size appealed to the Dom in him so powerfully that a wave of heated darkness washed over him, made him feel his strength and the power of his muscles in a way that was almost as heady as a drug.

The image of her cleft filled his mind and he struggled with the urge to impale her on his cock and drive her down over his flesh. It took an effort to banish the image of ramming into her and focus on her face again.

When he did, his attention was caught by his own hand along her cheek—the side

of her head and then the paleness of her cheek next to the skin of his hand.

She wasn’t an actress, he thought abruptly—at all—certainly not a porn actress

accustomed to handling the oversized cocks preferred, pretty much required, in the industry. She’d been blackmailed into starring in their porn for something he knew suddenly with absolute certainty that she hadn’t had a hand in.

And she was afraid because she didn’t know anything about Doms or



He’d taken for granted that her age meant that she was a woman of experience,

probably vast experience given her appearance, and that she wouldn’t have any problem adjusting to whatever they needed. He recalled forcefully, though, the conversation he’d recorded that first day between her and Brandy. She might’ve had plenty of lovers in the past—he couldn’t believe she hadn’t—but she wasn’t ‘experienced’ in the sense that she’d been wildly experimental. In fact, she’d made it pretty damned clear she found the thought of experimenting unnerving.

An odd sense of protectiveness and possessiveness began to war with the instinct for conquest, the urge to unleash his urge to dominate with aggressiveness.

Dragging in a shuddering breath, he dipped closer, stroking his cheek along hers.

“It’s alright baby. We’ll take it slow.”

He meant it when he said it, but he discovered fairly quickly that his mind wasn’t fully in control. She’d brought out the full force of his need for dominance and the urges were far stronger than his ability to behave rationally. She turned her face into his, rubbing her cheek along his. His throat closed with the sudden urge to taste her. He dragged his lips along her cheek and then across her parted lips, tasting her breath, measuring the size and shape of her mouth and the softness of her lips. A heady rush went through him. He cupped his mouth over her small mouth, making no attempt to still the image that flooded his mind of her other mouth—hot, sweet, moist, soft. He sucked at her lips as hunger swept through him, speared his tongue into her mouth to feel the limits of the soft, dark cavern, envisioning his tongue as his cock and her mouth as her sex. A sense of urgency filled him. He stroked the moist cavern, shuddering as her mouth closed around his flesh and kissing her with more and more fervor until his mind darkened with the need for air.

No more than dimly aware that she’d ceased to lie tensely beneath him and grown warm and yielding, he broke from her lips. Sucking in a sharp, desperate breath of air, he dove for her throat, sucking light bites along it to fill his mouth with her taste as he charted a course for a new goal—the nipples he’d grown thoroughly familiar with.

They were as hard as little pebbles against his chest as he dragged his body down hers and yet the moment he covered the tip of one breast with his mouth, curled his tongue around the taut nipple, and sucked it into his mouth, he felt the yielding of her flesh. He pulled on the bud of flesh more and more feverishly as he felt his mounting need, felt his cock begin to throb painfully to feel the walls of her sex squeezing it.

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