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The comment caught my attention and I dragged my gaze from the cocks lined up

in front of me to look at Gabe as he straightened and handed my leash to Shaun. Shaun took the chair he’d vacated and wound his hand around the leash until I had to get up.

“Let’s see what you can do with that pretty mouth, Rose,” he murmured huskily.

I stared at the cock, wondering if the ball-bearings down the length would rip my tonsils out. I only resisted briefly, when he guided my head down, but apparently it was enough for more ‘punishment’. “I was inclined to let you suck it for a bit and leave it at that,” he murmured chidingly. “I think now I’ll require that you suck me until I’m dry.”

I couldn’t do that! I’d given head plenty of times, but I didn’t let them come in my mouth. I decided not to warn him, though. I could give him head until I felt the first jerk of imminent explosion and leap out of the line of fire when it erupted.

My jaws locked before I’d managed to get more than the head in my mouth. I

realized I hadn’t just imagined the size of the damned thing. It was huge. After sucking the tip experimentally for a few moments, stroking my hands down his length, I lifted my head and tried to relax my jaw muscles for another try.

He helped me. I gagged reflexively when the tip hit the back of my throat and I didn’t even have more than half the damned thing in my mouth. He eased his hold and allowed me to adjust the depth for my comfort. Since it occurred to me that the other two were watching and waiting for their own turn, I tried to hurry him along.

He resisted, the bastard! I moved faster, sucked harder, realizing after a few moments that I was really getting in to it—strangely enough! I’d never given head because I wanted to, only because it was demanded. His flesh was pleasant to my taste buds, though. The thickness of his shaft, even while it was a strain, still sent a thrill SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 26

through me. I could almost imagine it thrusting along my channel and felt my muscles clench in reflex. I was so focused on the surprising heat building inside of me that I didn’t move fast enough when that first warning jerk came. The hand resting lightly on the back of my head tightened. A jet of come shot into my mouth. I tried to rear back.

He held my head in an iron grip and then pinched my nostrils together. I had to swallow or smother. A twinge of nausea went through me with the first gulp but by the time he’d stopped the urge had passed. He released his hold on my nose. “Suck it.”

Swallowing, I sucked on him until he finally told me I could lift my head.

Someone removed the chain from his slack hand. I discovered when he’d tugged

me to my feet that it was Basil. The image that I’d had of Basil the bashful vanished as he led me to another chair and sprawled in it, offering me his cock. I stared down at it, discovering his was the one with the spiral. Wondering what it would feel like inside of me, I got to my knees a little stiffly, worked the kinks from my jaw, and covered him with my mouth.

Brandy was screaming in climax when I began to pleasure Basil with my mouth.

It distracted me, but it seemed to excite him. I’d only been giving him head for a few minutes when I felt the warning jerk. His fingers, already threaded in hair, tightened. I knew the unspoken command. I fought it anyway and it was as useless as the first attempt had been. To my surprise, I not only didn’t feel the nausea I’d felt the first time, it actually excited me. I sucked on him far more enthusiastically than I had Shaun and was almost disappointed when I couldn’t draw any more out of him.

My jaw was aching when Hunter drew me with him to the couch. To my surprise,

instead of sitting down, he lay down and directed me to climb on top of him in the sixty nine position, placing my knees on either side of his chest. Anticipation shot through me so hard when he touched my clit that I almost came. With far more enthusiasm than I’d expected since my jaw was already killing me, I began sucking and stroking his cock rather feverishly, waiting and hoping for him to provide the same service.

I waited in vain. He teased me unmercifully, spreading my cheeks to study my

cleft, lightly touching the engorged flesh but no more than that. I discovered after a few moments that his only objective was to further arouse himself. When I felt that warning jerk the third time, I lifted my head since Hunter was too busy tormenting me and had positioned me anyway so that he couldn’t make me swallow.

Someone was waiting for that sign of rebellion. I hadn’t managed to dislodge

Hunter’s cock from my mouth when a hand settled on the back of my head and forced it down again. He held me there until I’d sucked Hunter dry as I had the others.

When he finally released me, I discovered Gabe had returned. “Stubborn,” he

murmured. “I guess I’ll have to punish you after all.”

Fear instantly sent a flood of cold washing through me.

He studied my face. “I’ll let you know when I’ve decided on it. For now—go

with Snow White and fix us something to eat.”

I was wobbly when I finally managed to get up. Brandy, looking thoroughly

sated, stood up to follow me. Gabe stopped her. “Go clean up first.”

She looked down at the come running down her thigh and merely nodded,

wandering around in confusion for several moments until Gabe escorted her to the downstairs bathroom.

I leaned weakly against the kitchen counter when I’d retreated to the kitchen, my SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 27

knees braced. It was hard to decide what was throbbing worse—my jaws, or my clit or my nipples. Deciding finally to ease the ache in my jaws with a hot compress, I grabbed several paper towels and wet them, holding them against first one cheek and then the other. The ache subsided after a few minutes—at least the ache in my jaws. The other aches only seemed to grow progressively worse, or it was more noticeable without the distraction of my aching jaws.

I shuddered to think what my poor pussy was going to feel like after having one of those posts shoved up it.

It flickered through my mind that porns generally featured men that weren’t

entirely normal. It was unfortunate that that hadn’t occurred to me
I’d signed those damned papers!

That was the least of my concerns at the moment, though, because as soon as I’d managed to shift my focus from my aching jaws I remembered Gabe’s threat/promise. I was sure killing me wasn’t on those papers anywhere, but that wasn’t much of a relief.

I’d experienced plenty of non-life-threatening pain in my life—enough to know that some pain made you wish you were dead.

This was supposed to be all sexual, though, I told myself. They wouldn’t actually torture me!

I was sorry I hadn’t taken a peak in to the playroom, though.

Well, maybe not. Maybe ignorance was bliss?

My imagination wouldn’t allow me any bliss, though.

When Gabe finally came to the door and looked in at me, I stared at him with fear for several moments before I realized he’d come to see why I wasn’t working. Scurrying to the refrigerator, I opened it to look for something to fix. The blast of cold air against my throbbing, overheated pulse points was almost torture by itself. My nipples hardened painfully. Shivering, I studied the contents. Discovering there was food in containers, I checked it.

I didn’t know whether to be delighted to discover I was only expected to heat a meal or more unnerved that I couldn’t hide in the kitchen for several hours. Gabe finally left when Brandy wandered in.

“My god! I came four times! I thought my heart would stop.”

Brag bitch, I thought resentfully! I hadn’t come once, not that I would’ve been complaining ordinarily, but I discovered I’d developed a deep itch to go along with the throbbing nipples and clit that were driving me crazy.

I wasn’t to be allowed any pleasure, I suddenly recalled, because Gabe was

punishing me.

Maybe that was all the punishment, I thought a little hopefully?

That was bad enough, I decided. I wasn’t sure he would agree, unfortunately.

Brandy settled to watch me work. I was too wrought up over my impending

punishment to feel much resentment, though—actually any. It didn’t take me nearly as long to heat everything up as I’d hoped it might.

I hid in the kitchen and let Brandy take the food out and serve it.

Gabe came to collect me.


Chapter Four

I had to sit on the floor by Gabe’s chair while everyone ate. He hand fed me.

I was tempted to bite his damned fingers, but I could see he’d considered the

possibility. He poked an index finger in my mouth, teasing me with the possibility. I sucked it instead and heat flickered in his eyes.

It jumped in my belly, too, although I wouldn’t have admitted it under torture.

Ok, I might if I was tortured. I was allergic to pain.

He didn’t feed me much, but then my stomach was so knotted with nerves that I

wasn’t especially hungry. I wouldn’t have eaten what I did if he hadn’t given it to me and I hadn’t known that it was another command.

When we’d finished eating, everyone moved to the parlor again. This time,

however, they took seats around the room. Gabe allowed me to sit on his lap, but despite the erection he was sporting, I wasn’t allowed to sit on that. He wedged it between the cheeks of my ass and drew me back until I was leaning against his chest. Settling my legs on either side of his, he spread his legs, stretching my thighs wide and then proceeded to ignore me.

As embarrassed as I was at being displayed, it didn’t stop my body from building more heat. They talked. I couldn’t concentrate on the conversation. My mind was divided between my current state of discomfort, building anxiety, and the certainty that I wasn’t going to like whatever Gabe had planned for me. I might not have been able to sustain it except that every time I began to relax a little, Gabe would redirect my attention to my aching body. Almost idly, he plucked at one nipple a while and then the other while he talked about the show and they discussed how they’d come to be picked for the show and what they hoped to gain from it.

When he’d teased my nipples until I thought I would scream, he stopped. For a

while he didn’t touch me at all, and then he found my clit. I almost leapt out of his lap when he pinched it. A jolt seared through me that made my belly cramp. He toyed with it until I thought I was going to come and then stopped.

I was thoroughly exhausted with the constant state of arousal and my fears when Gabe finally moved me off his lap, informed everyone that he had to see to my

punishment in case they wanted to watch and then led me up the stairs. My legs were so weak I might have stumbled except that he had a firm grip on the leash and a short hold.

My belly clenched harder when he led me past my bedroom door and down the hall to the playroom.

He flipped a light switch beside the door as he led me inside. Bright light didn’t flood it. Instead, a reddish glow lit the interior that left shadows around the room and somehow made the things in it seem even more scary. Naturally enough, I didn’t recognize any of it since I’d never been ‘in’ to BDSM and I was convinced that was the purpose of this particular room.

He paused, surveying the room as if he hadn’t already decided what he would do

and then led me to one of the least frightening pieces in the room. I almost felt weak SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 29

with relief when I saw it was just a lounge chair—strangely shaped—but that was what it looked like. Beside it was a small, single drawer table and on top of the table was what looked like the sort of ice buckets commonly used in hotels.

Settling in the seat, he drew me toward him. “Climb up, facing me. Put one foot on either side of me and then lower yourself into a crouch.”

My heart was thundering in my chest. I still didn’t see anything particularly

threatening in it, though, and complied without resistance, realizing anticipation and hopefulness were rapidly outpacing my uneasiness. Besides, I was already in trouble, I reminded myself, and it occurred to me that whatever he had in mind might be over quickly if I didn’t resist him any more.

Catching my waist, he drew me upward until I was completely upright. “Stay.”

A touch of annoyance flickered through me. His one-word commands had begun

to strike me as the sort of thing one would use with a dog—sit, roll over, stay! I forgot all about that, though, when he reached into the drawer of table beside the chair and pulled a tube of lubricant out.

As badly as I hated to admit it even to myself, my heart leapt. I’d been suffering for hours and hours. Finally! Relief! Even though I was somewhat worried about trying to mount that monster of his, my kegels clapped happily. Like the others, he had adorned his cock with metal. He was wearing a spiral like Shaun and the suspicion that they were brothers grew a little stronger.

My first inkling that I’d completely mistaken the situation came when he’d

finished thoroughly coating his cock with lubrication. Spreading the cheeks of my ass with his fingers, he removed the butt plug I’d been wearing all day and dropped it on the floor beside the chair. I was relieved, briefly. I knew I was in trouble, though, when he pulled another tube from the drawer. It was icy when he rubbed it over the bud of my rectum and then inserted his finger. For a few moments, I felt some discomfort and then numbness.

My heart leapt into my throat and tried to choke me. I might have tried to leap up and run if I hadn’t been positioned so awkwardly I knew it was absolutely impossible to escape—and if I hadn’t also realized that he’d secured the end of the chain to one arm of the chair. I was in such a blind state of panic, in point of fact, that he’d wedged the head of his cock into my rectum and then upset my center of gravity by jerking my feet forward along the seat before my brain could actually assimilate what he had in mind.

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