Soul Mates: Scent (The Soul Mates Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Soul Mates: Scent (The Soul Mates Series)
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“Listen to your mate, boy,” Auberon said with a grin. “Daire, have Niamh prepare a chamber for my great grandson and his mate.”

“As you wish, your Highness,” Daire said with a nod. He strode to the double doors and spoke with the guards, passing on the message for Niamh before returning to Auberon’s side. “It is being taken care of, as we speak.”


“Enjoy your rest Max, I shall see that no one disturbs you and your mate until it is time for you to depart.”

“Thank you, great grandfather.”

“Max, perhaps you could call me Auberon? Or something less ancient sounding?”

I smiled at that because really he didn’t look any older than my dad and I was pretty sure that was by choice. “Perhaps; thank you, Auberon.”

“Good night Max, Sleep well.”

I closed the door and locked it for good measure, but I had a feeling if Auberon wanted in he would find a way. I turned to find Anna sitting in the middle of a very large bed with gold silk sheets.

“As lovely as this dress is Max, I cannot sleep in it.”

“Right, um, just a sec,” I said picturing her in the tank top and shorts she had been wearing earlier when we had flashed over to Ireland.

“Merci, mon coeur.” Anna smiled as she climbed across the bed and beneath the covers.

I swallowed hard, trying not to think of the temptation she was causing me as I slipped out of the jacket and unfastened the various weapons I had strapped to my person. I kept the pants on as I slid between the silky sheets and curled up next to Anna, pulling her close to me. I fell asleep quickly and as far as I could tell nothing crazy happened while we slept.

“Max, Max wake up,” Anna whispered in my ear. “Max, someone is at the door!”

“What?” I said coming awake quickly.

“Someone is at the door, Max.”

I could hear the light tapping then of someone gently knocking upon the wood as if they weren’t sure if they should disturb us. “Hang on a minute,” I called out as I climbed out of bed. I slipped on the jacket that I’d been wearing and slid one of the daggers up the cuff just in case I needed it before crossing the room to the door and unbolting it. “Yes?”

“I’m sorry sir, but the King asked that I wake you. Some people are at the Faerie Mound doors demanding to see you.”

“Why did the King not just tell them we were sleeping?”

“It seems he tried, but they would not take no for an answer.”

“Mom and dad I bet, maybe your dad…” I said with a sigh. “All right, tell the King we’ll be right there.”

“Yes sir.”

“I think we are doomed to never finish sleeping this night through.”

Anna laughed. “You may be right. I’m going to need proper clothes again. Something not quite so fancy this time though please.”

I grinned as I flashed her into some tight black jeans, red t-shirt and tennis shoes. “Better?”

“Much better, merci!”

Thinking about it I decided I probably didn’t need all of the weapons I had on me either, so I flashed them away except for the daggers. I switched out the suit for a long sleeve black t-shirt and jeans with sneakers. “Ready?”

Anna nodded and we made our way back to the throne room to find Auberon waiting for us. He was pacing back and forth fretting about his distrusting son.

“Something wrong Auberon?”

“Just your granddad and father, and your father as well Ms. Felidae, standing outside my Faerie Mound demanding I let you go.”

“How long have we been gone? Couldn’t have been that long, Taban gave us this timepiece that makes time move differently for us in here…”

Auberon glanced over at Daire and swore. “You could have reminded me of that little fact! Dammit Daire! They could have at least slept longer.”

“I’m sorry your Highness, I did not think of it.”

“Auberon, it’s fine, I think we managed several of hours of sleep, actually according to this,” I said pulling out the timepiece and looking at it, “we got nearly seven hours.”

“Taban makes good quality watches; however that one only works for the people that hold it. It hasn’t been so long for the rest of us, you had only just left me when my son came knocking upon the door.”

“Well, we very much appreciate the watch, and your hospitality Auberon, however I think we had better go before granddad does something he regrets.”

“I will see you out, it will be good to see the look on my son’s face when he sees you and your mate alive and well and completely free of any Fae charms or enchantments.”

We followed Auberon down the hallway past Taban’s workroom and back to the Faerie mound door.

“What about Taban’s timepiece?”

“When we get outside the Faerie Mound it will no longer work and you may return it to me. I will see that Taban gets it back.”

I nodded and Auberon opened the door. I could see my dad and David discussing how they might get into the Faerie Mound if they had to break in, and I shook my head. “Dad, no need to storm the castle. Anna and I are fine.”

“Max! Anna! Thank goddess!” David shouted as he ran toward us.

“Son you are looking much older than the last time I saw you.”

“Hello father. It is my mortal self, as you well know. And since I am banished from Never Never…”

“Not anymore granddad. Auberon has agreed he was hasty in banishing you and has asked that you and grand mum come for a visit. He misses you.”

Auberon nodded. “Max is right, son. You mother hasn’t spoken to me in ages because of it. And Max tells me that you and his grand mum are happy here in the mortal realm.”

“We are,” granddad replied warily. “This is very unlike you father, why are you being so generous? What is going on? Have you conned Max into something? He isn’t going to become a warrior and fight the Unseelie… He is destined…”

“Yes I know he is destined for other things. I offered him a position, he turned me down. Max knows what he wants and where he is going in life. However, I am going to oversee his training. I will be speaking to Gideon this morning about it. I will make sure that Max has the very best of everything at his disposal. And his training will be done here at the Faerie Mound instead of on Gideon’s ranch.”


“Two reasons. One, the Faerie Mound is protected; this lion that is seeking to destroy him will not be allowed beyond the door. Two, Taban has a timepiece that will allow Max more time to practice.”

“Auberon’s suggestion is the best solution to my problem. Frederick knows Gideon; he attempted to train with him himself and failed. It would not be too hard for him to guess that Anna would take me to him to be trained. Staking out Gideon’s would get him to me faster than if he attempted to find me where I live.”

“It is settled then. After football, Max and Anna will come here for training. And if they so wish, there is a chamber for them to slumber.”

I noticed my dad’s frown. “No slumbering. Max has his own bed to slumber in.”

“As does Anna,” David replied.

“You do realize they are mates, do you not?” Auberon stared at my dad with a twisted smile.

“Yes, well his birthday isn’t for another couple of weeks and until then…”

“Is there to be a wedding?”

“There will be a wedding, and you are invited Auberon.”

“You shall have it in the Palace…”

“I think we were planning something a bit simpler…” I glanced at Anna.

“Auberon, you do us a great honor to offer us your Palace for our wedding and we would love to take you up on it, however, we have many shifters that will be flashing in for the ceremony and will only feel comfortable in a nature setting. Perhaps we could use these woods? Just outside your Faerie Mound?”

“It would be my pleasure to enchant these woods for just such an occasion my dear, when shall the wedding take place?”

“On Max’s birthday, October 31

“That doesn’t give us much time, does it?”

“Not especially.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it, you just make sure Max learns everything he needs to.”

Anna nodded. “I will.”

“Father you are being overly generous, more so than I remember as a child, what is going on?” Granddad asked.

Auberon smiled. “Let us just say it was a mistake to push you away like I did my son and I am not about to allow this rift between us to go un-sewn. Until Max sought out Gideon I did not know how to find you. Fate is a funny thing is it not? By the way, Phylicia, the young woman I had chosen for you… not such a good choice. Turns out she had already been involved with another lesser Fae and had been cast aside. She was only looking to better her position before it was found out that she was with child. Your Mother has not spoken to me since you left except at Royal functions where it has been absolutely necessary.”

“But father it has been nearly seventy years!” Granddad exclaimed.

“I know. But Tatiana can hold a grudge like no other, you know your mother.” Auberon smiled. “Will you forgive a foolish father’s misjudgment son and allow him to make it up to you and your family?”

I’d never seen my Granddad without his mortal disguise but with his father’s words he removed his own ring handed it to my dad became the most handsome Fae prince I had ever seen in my life. His wrinkled old skin smoothed out and bronzed, his lackluster gray hair turned blonde and flowed down his back in waves of shining gold. His blue eyes sparkles like jewels brighter than any on Earth and the smile that lit his face was like that of every child on Christmas morning.


I glanced at Anna and shook my head. I’d seen what I looked like, it was not nearly as spectacular.

I think that is why Auberon knew immediately who you were and why he is reevaluating his plans. He is still up to something.

I glanced at Anna and frowned.

Not at all, I think he means all of this. I just think he has more plans working in his head… He is the King of Light and Illusion Max, so yes, he is on the side of good, but he is a trickster at heart. Do not forget that. And he still needs an heir. If your Granddad has refused the throne and you have refused the throne as well, who is left to be heir? Does your Granddad have siblings?

I shook my head at Anna. Granddad was an only child and if Tatiana had not spoken to Auberon in nearly seventy years it didn’t look as though there had been any siblings born in the past seventy years either.

Then that leaves your father, who I very much doubt will accept a position in the Fae world and your sister Abbey.

No! He wouldn’t, he couldn’t…

He might Max, as I said, he is making plans. She is only two, so it isn’t as though she could take over today. We are talking years Max. Today is not the day to worry about it. We have much more pressing things to worry about.

You are right. We have school in two hours… wish Taban had a watch that made the day speed up so we could get to training. I don’t think I am going to be able to concentrate real well on mundane things like math and science with all of this going on.

Anna smiled and kissed my cheek. “Ma père are you ready to go?”

“I’ll meet you at home Anna.”

“Good night, Max, I will see you in a little while. Thank you Auberon for your hospitality.” Anna smiled before she flashed herself back to her cabin.

I sighed. Granddad had replaced his ring and he and Dad were ready to leave. “Thank you Auberon, Anna and I are very grateful for everything.”

Max, be nice!

Trying, Love.

I felt her warmth around me and smiled.

“You are welcome Max; I will see you this afternoon.” Auberon turned to go back into the Faerie mound. “Goodbye son, grandson, it was nice to finally meet you.”

“Dad, how did you even know that Anna and I were missing or that we were at the Faerie Mound?” I asked as we climbed into Dad’s car.

“Your Granddad recognized Daire’s voice coming from your room. Why on Earth did you and Anna go with them? At first we thought you had escaped, but then we heard you leaving with them…”

“It was Anna’s idea. She felt we should go and see what he wanted and get it over with. The goddess said he was going to make me an offer but she didn’t think he would be a threat to us. So we came back and agreed to go for a visit.”

“Well you can’t have gotten much sleep tonight and it’s almost time for school.”

“Actually Anna and I got about seven hours of sleep while we were in the Faerie Mound.” I grinned.

“Taban,” Granddad said with a grin. “Makes the best dang watches!”


“Dad,” I said after a few minutes of sitting silent in the car. “I think Auberon is right. Being in the Faerie Mound is going to protect us better than anything else.”

“You know I didn’t want any of this for you, son. I want you to grow up normal. Not have to fight monsters.”

“I know dad. It’s all right. And really I did grow up normal. But now… now it is time for me to actually grow up and become an adult. I’m marrying Anna on my birthday, and I will protect her with my life. Beyond that I have a mission to bring the shifters back into all of their powers. I have a feeling it is not going to be an easy thing getting the council of elders to listen to Anna and I, even with Diana’s blessings upon us. So any training that I can get from Gideon and Auberon will be helpful dad.”

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