Sparks & Cabin Fever (6 page)

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Authors: Susan K. Droney

BOOK: Sparks & Cabin Fever
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What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she find that kind of love for herself? Maybe Harper was right when she'd told her it was okay to be a brain, but to tone it down a little on her first meeting with a new man. But then again, she'd never been physically attracted to any of the men she'd dated, and maybe subconsciously had used her intelligence to scare them off. It was something to think about. If Deacon was interested in her it had nothing to do with her intellect, since they'd only chitchatted about everyday topics, not world events.

The ringing doorbell invaded her thoughts. She got up and walked to the window, pushing the curtain aside. The rain had finally subsided and the sun was trying to break through the clouds. Harper stood on her small porch. Great! She wasn't in the mood for Harper. She thought about pretending she wasn't home, but her car was parked in the driveway.

She pulled the door open. She spoke before Harper had a chance to open her mouth. “Look, Harper, I'm busy tonight. I've already told you that.”

Harper's penetrating eyes bore into hers. “I don't believe you. We've been friends forever and I'm not letting some silly little disagreement ruin our friendship.” She pushed past Stefani and walked inside. “You're going to hear me out whether you like it or not, Stef.”

Stefani gritted her teeth as Harper strode into the living room and seated herself on the sofa. She followed Harper and sat in an easy chair. Harper looked miserable. Stefani knew she had it coming, but another part of her almost felt sorry for her friend.

“I need you to listen to me. We've been friends for far too long to let this hang between us.” Her forehead wrinkled. “Besides my parents, you're the only one who ever gave a crap about me.” She bit her bottom lip. “I've always envied you.”

Stefani lifted an eyebrow. “Why would you envy me?”

“Are you kidding me? You're everything I'm not. You're smart, Stef. Besides being attractive, you have brains.” Harper twirled a strand of hair between her thumb and index finger as she leaned forward. “I would never do anything to hurt you, Stef. You know that.”

A lump rose in Stefani's throat. Was she willing to throw a lifelong friendship away over a man? Especially since she hadn't even made her feelings about Deacon clear to Harper? How was Harper supposed to know that she was also interested in him? The pain in Harper's eyes was genuine. “It's just as much my fault,” she admitted. “But you know as well as I do that once a man lays eyes on you
don't stand a chance. They aren't usually thinking about world events when you're around.”

Harper chewed her bottom lip. “Did it ever occur to you that maybe my looks are a hindrance?”

Stefani's eyes widened in surprise. “Well, I'd give anything to have your problem then, Harper.”

Harper's eyes glistened with tears. “Men only want one thing from me. I'm not stupid.” She blinked rapidly. “I don't sleep with as many men as you may think, either.”

“But you've always bragged about—”

She shook her head. “I know what I've said, Stef, but I exaggerated many of my sexual encounters. I'm not saying I haven't slept with a few men, but I only did it out of loneliness. I'm looking for that perfect man too, just like you are.” She threw her hands up. “I have dreams, but it's not easy with my parents' situation. I'm not complaining. I love them and want to be there for them, but I know the day will come when I'll get the call I'm dreading.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

“I know it hasn't been easy for you, Harper, and I know what your parents mean to you,” Stefani said softly. “No one could ask for a more loyal or loving daughter.”

“Thank you.” Harper drew a deep breath as she brushed the tear from her cheek. “What I did the other night was wrong. I saw that you and Deacon were involved in a conversation. I wish now that I would have just left when I saw you two instead of coming up to the bar.”

“It doesn't matter now. It's over. There's no use rehashing it again,” Stefani said. “It can't be changed.”

“No, it's not over. I had no right to call dibs on him. He certainly has a mind of his own. I only wish you would have told me you were interested in him.” She swept her well-manicured fingernails through her hair. “He wants you, Stef. He made that perfectly clear. He couldn't stop talking about you.”

Stefani sighed. “He doesn't even know me. And you and I don't really know him either. He could be married for all we know. Unless you found out otherwise?”

“No, he didn't say. But I got the impression he's single. I think you should give him a chance.”

Stefani scowled. “Why? He made his choice. He could have asked me to stay or he could have excused himself.”

Harper raised her eyes in exasperation. “It wasn't me he wanted to be with, Stef. Haven't you been listening? That's what I'm trying to explain. He kept asking me questions about you and was genuinely upset that you'd left. He only danced with me and bought me a drink to be polite. He never even asked me one personal question about myself. It was you he wanted to be dancing with, not me. He made it perfectly clear that he had no interest in me.”

Stefani couldn't believe her ears. This was the first time any man had put her before Harper. And to think a man like Deacon Travis would choose her over Harper was almost too much to hope for. But then again, she had to keep her guard up. There had to be a catch. He was too good to be true. “I'm still hurt, Harper. You couldn't wait to get rid of me and practically tossed me out of the bar. You've never acted like that before.”

Harper sniffed. “You're right. All I can say is I'm sorry. I wish you would forgive me, but I can't force you to.” Her lips trembled. “What can I do to make this right between us?”

Stefani rubbed her temples. She was silent for a few minutes as she studied Harper. She knew her well enough to know that she was sincere. “Nothing. It's just as much my fault. You're right. I should have told you I was also interested in him.” She lowered her eyes.

Harper shook her head. “I'm
interested in Deacon. That's what I'm trying to explain.”

“You could have fooled me the way you were acting around him.” Stefani's eyes narrowed.

Harper shrugged. “That's the funny thing. I thought I was. I made a fool of myself by throwing myself at him, but while we were dancing my feelings just fizzled. I mean he's gorgeous and everything, but we have absolutely nothing in common. He likes all the same things you do, Stef. He was talking about the latest book he read and I can't even remember the last time I even read a book. I think it was in high school. And then he began talking about fishing and how you promised to show him the best spots.”

Stefani smiled. “You must have found
in common.”

“No, we didn't. I've never been the outdoorsy type like you. You know that.” She bit her bottom lip. “You two are perfect for each other. He's everything you want in a man all rolled up into a nice little package for you.” Her eyes brightened. “How did you feel when you were sitting at the bar with him? I'll bet the sparks were flying. Tell the truth.”

Stefani felt her face grow warm. “Maybe.” She cleared her throat. “Okay, I felt electrified. My heart was sparking like crazy. I had feelings I never experienced before.”

“I knew it! Come on.” Harper jumped to her feet. “The least I can do is to get you two together. He told me he's moved into the Browning house.” She raised an eyebrow. “But of course you already knew that. Let's pay him a surprise visit.”

Stefani hesitated. “I can't do that. I don't even know him. He'll think I'm crazy if I just show up on his doorstep.” She decided not to tell Harper about Deacon's visit to the post office this afternoon. Had he really come because he wanted to see her and not just to ease his guilty conscience about what had happened at the bar?

Harper frowned. “Or maybe he'll be pleased. How will you get to know him if you don't give him a chance? If you don't, you'll always wonder, Stef.”

“You're right,” Stefani, said.

* * * *

Stefani stood nervously on the doorstep of the Browning House, now Deacon's new home. She glanced over her shoulder where Harper waited in the car. Harper, grinning, held a thumb up. She drew a deep breath then turned back around and pushed the door buzzer. Her insides quivered as she apprehensively waited for the door to open. It seemed like hours instead of seconds before it finally did.

“May I help you?” a cheerful beautiful brunette asked.

“I'm looking for Deacon Travis,” Stefani said, wondering who the woman was. Possibly someone he'd hired to help settle the house. Obviously he'd employ a housekeeper and maybe even a cook, but this woman didn't look like she was employed in either of those positions. She wore a light pink pullover, blue jeans, and a pair of cowboy boots. Her hair was pinned on top of her head.

“He's out back. Would you like to come inside and I'll get him for you?” She nodded toward the entry hall. “Don't mind the mess. We're still unpacking cartons.”

“No, that's okay. I'll talk to him later if he's busy.” She offered a weak smile.

“I'm sure he can take a break.” She looked at Stefani curiously. “Whom shall I say is calling?”

She felt like an idiot showing up on his doorstep, but now she was trapped. “Stefani. I work at the post office.”

“Oh yes! Deacon told me he'd acquired a post office box, but absentmindedly forgot to include my name. That's a man for you,” she said with a laugh and a quick toss of her head. “I'm Liz Travis. I'll be down sometime this week to put my name on the box, also.”

Stefani's breath caught in her throat. So he
married. “It's nice to meet you,” she finally stammered as her heart shattered and a lump rose in her throat. Her palms grew moist. She needed to get away from this friendly naive woman who obviously didn't know she was married to a cheater. Stefani felt sick to her stomach.

The woman smiled widely. “I must say this is a beautiful little town. Deacon was right about Garden Grove. I think we'll be very happy here.”

A child's voice called to her from another part of the house and Liz turned her head. “That's my son, David. Let me see what he wants and then I'll get Deacon for you. Are you sure you don't want to come inside?”

“No, thank you. I'll wait here. It's a beautiful evening after the rain,” Stefani said trying to keep her wobbly voice under control. There was no way she wanted to go inside the home he shared with his wife.

“Okay. I'll be right back,” Liz said, and then closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, Stefani turned and then stumbled down the steps. She ran to the car where Harper sat with a quizzical look on her face. She was trembling when she reached the car. After she'd settled herself inside, she put her hand to her throbbing head and looked at Harper. “Just get me as far away from here as you can. Hurry!”

“What happened?” Harper asked, surprised. “Who was that woman?”

Stefani's lips quivered. “Apparently Deacon failed to mention that he has a wife and son.”

“What?” Harper's eyes grew wide. “I can't believe that. Are you sure she's not someone he hired to take care of the house or something?”

“She introduced herself as Liz Travis. They have a son named David.” Stefani swallowed hard as she fought back bitter tears. “Just take me home, please, Harper. Now!”

“Oh, Stef, I'm so sorry.” Harper slapped the steering wheel. “He fooled the both of us. Didn't he realize with the size of Garden Grove we'd be bound to find out? And especially since you work at the post office?” Her eyes darkened. “I'll never trust another man for as long as I live.”

“Me either.” Stefani squeezed her eyes shut to keep her tears from spilling out. “Let's get out of here, Harper.”

Harper started the car and peered through the windshield. “Oh no! What should I do?” she asked.

Stefani, who'd been looking down at her lap, raised her eyes. The front door of Deacon's house stood wide open and Deacon, followed by Liz, was rushing toward the car.

“They don't look upset.” Harper glanced at Stefani and then rolled down the car windows seconds before Deacon and Liz reached the passenger side.

“I'm sorry it took so long for me to find Deacon. He was further from the house than I thought,” Liz apologized. “I'm glad we caught you before you left.”

Deacon grinned as he looked at Stefani. “Does that mean you're here to accept my invitation for a cup of coffee?”

Stefani looked questionably at Liz, then Deacon.

“I see you've met my sister-in-law Liz. Her husband, my brother David, will be joining her here in a few weeks. In the meantime, I've been assigned the job of helping her get the family home settled,” Deacon explained. “Liz, I'd like you to meet Harper Lewis.”

“It's nice to meet you,” Liz said.

“I hope you'll be happy in Garden Grove.”

“I know we will.”

“You're not going to be living here, too?” Harper asked Deacon.

“I'm remodeling the guesthouse out back. I'll be staying there for the time being,” he replied.

“Why don't you two come in for that cup of coffee if you have the time,” Liz offered. “It'll be good to have some women to talk to for a change.” She smiled wryly. “Not that I don't enjoy my brother-in-law's company, but he doesn't seem to have the knack for decorating. Maybe you two can give me some tips,” she said with a wide smile.

“I'd love to.” Harper turned to Stefani.

“Sounds like fun,” Stefani said as Deacon held the car door open for her. Her heart sparked and exploded with joy as she looked into Deacon's eyes.

Stefani had never seen the inside of the Browning Mansion. It was everything she dreamed it would be. The enormous rooms were loaded with crates and boxes waiting to be unpacked. Liz led Harper and Stefani to the back of the house to a bright sunny room casually decorated.

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