Sparks & Cabin Fever (8 page)

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Authors: Susan K. Droney

BOOK: Sparks & Cabin Fever
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“I'll pour the wine while you take care of the roses,” he said. “Something certainly smells delicious.”

“I hope you like roast beef. I suppose I should have asked what foods you like.” She lifted her eyebrows. “We're just simple down to earth people here in Garden Grove. You probably already figured that out.”

“And I wouldn't want it any other way.” He spread his arms wide. “I am so fortunate to have found this place. To me it's paradise.” He glanced around the kitchen. “This is a homey, inviting room. Do you own the house?”

She shook her head. “No, it belongs to my parents. They moved to Florida, but spend summers in Garden Grove. In fact, they'll be returning in a few weeks. No sense in my finding a place of my own when I can stay here and take care of the house for them.”

“Makes perfect sense.”

Stefani felt the tension leave her body as she placed the roses in a vase, and then took the glass of wine Deacon offered her. She felt comfortable with him. A part of her feared that he was too good to be true, but the other part of her reasoned that he'd chosen
. She hadn't chased him. Looking at him made her suddenly realize that she'd succumb to him in an instant if he put on the moves, so she had to be on guard and keep her emotions in check. She didn't think she could bear it if she only became a notch on his belt.

She sipped at her wine and then set the glass down. “Dinner is almost ready.” She was aware of Deacon's eyes on her as she moved to a cupboard and retrieved a serving dish. As she reached for a second bowl on a high shelf, she was suddenly aware of Deacon behind her. She trembled at his closeness as he reached up and grabbed the bowl.

“Anything else I can get down for you?” he asked as he set the dish on the counter.

“I think that'll do it.” She smiled. She took the roast out of the oven and popped a tray of rolls inside. She placed the tray of meat and vegetables on the counter. She carefully removed the meat, placed it on a platter, and then began scooping potatoes and carrots into the serving bowls. “I'll take these into the dining room,” she said. The rolls should be ready shortly.

“I'll help,” Deacon said as he grabbed the serving bowls and followed her.

Stefani set the platter on the table. She wondered if she'd gone overboard with the candles and music. She still didn't know how Deacon felt about her. Maybe this was just a friendship dinner. Maybe he was lonely and wanted companionship outside of his family. Or maybe all he wanted was a quick roll between the sheets with no strings attached. She was torn. If he made a move, should she respond? If she did, would he think less of her? If she didn't, would he move on to someone else? She shook off her doubts.
Even if all he wanted was a one-night stand, wouldn't that be better than nothing?
She drew a deep silent breath. But she'd never be totally satisfied with only a one-night stand with Deacon. She wanted more. She needed more.

“Let me carve the meat,” Deacon offered.

“Thank you. I'll get the tossed salad and rolls.”

Back in the kitchen, Stefani took a moment to compose herself. She was overcome by Deacon's animal magnetism. Just looking at him made her grow weak with desire. He brought out feelings in her she never knew existed. He didn't know the passion inside of her either. But if she gave herself to him, how could she ever face him again if it went nowhere? A one-night stand was dangerous emotionally as far as she was concerned. She couldn't leave her heart raw and vulnerable. She grabbed the salad from the refrigerator and then took the rolls from the oven and placed them in a small basket.

Deacon turned and smiled at her as she reentered the dining room. “I took the liberty of lighting the candles. This is a beautiful room.”

“Thank you,” she said.

“Do you always cook like this?”

She smiled. “Not too often. I love to cook and it's nice to have someone to cook for besides myself.” She was instantly sorry for her comment. Maybe he would take it the wrong way. She didn't want him to think she was assuming they were a couple.

“I never turn down an invitation…especially from a beautiful woman,” Deacon replied.

Stefani blushed. “Please help yourself.” She was glad that he couldn't see her face clearly through the flickering candlelight. This was the second time he'd said she was beautiful.

“I had a good time the other night,” she said as they filled their plates.

He grinned. “You sure made an impression on David Jr.”

“He's so cute,” she said.

“He's something else. He misses his father, so I'm trying to fill the void until David can settle in permanently here.”

“You're doing a wonderful job.”

“Thank you.”

They both reached for a roll at the same time. When his hand brushed hers Stefani felt a bolt of electricity sear through her. She had to stop herself from leaping across the table and flinging herself at him. She wished he would sweep all of the dishes off the dining room table and make wild passionate love to her on top of it. She came back to reality and instantly pulled her hand back until Deacon took a roll. Then she took one. The more she looked at his ruggedly handsome face, the more she wanted him.

They made small talk through dinner and when they'd finished and Deacon had helped her clear the table and load the dishwasher, she suggested a walk. They chatted about their love of nature while she showed him her favorite trails. When they returned to her house, Deacon lingered on the front porch. Stefani was in no hurry for him to leave.

“Would you like some coffee?” she offered. “Or some more wine?”

“I'd love to, but it's getting late. I have to be at the factory first thing in the morning.” He placed a hand on her arm. “Liz is having a party next weekend. I'd like you to come.”

“I'd love to.” Stefani looked expectantly into his eyes.
Was he going to kiss her
? Her heart thudded. If he did, would she be able to stop herself from dragging him upstairs and into her bed?

Deacon smiled and leaned in close. She closed her eyes. Her lips prepared to meet his. She waited, but his lips didn't meet hers. His lips briefly brushed her cheek.

“I'll give you a call. Thanks again for a delicious dinner,” he said and then was gone.

He waved to her as he backed out of the driveway. She stood on the porch and placed her hand on the spot he had kissed. She was confused. She didn't know whether he was sending her mixed signals or if he'd sent no signals and it was all in her imagination. Did he consider her only a friend? But then he had said twice that she was beautiful. Maybe he did think her beautiful, but just wasn't physically attracted to her. But they'd laughed and talked together for hours. She'd felt very comfortable with him. So why hadn't he made a move? Or had she been trying so hard to control her own desire for him that she came across as uninterested? Had he been afraid of being rejected by her? She looked up at the beautiful star-studded sky and then walked into the house.

* * * *

“So how did your date go?” Harper asked the following morning as they sat on Stefani's open front porch with steaming mugs of coffee.

“It was nice. After dinner we went for a long walk and talked about everything under the sun,” Stefani said.

“So, he was the proper gentleman?”

“Yes.” She eyed Harper.


She sighed. “A part of me is afraid that I'll get my heart broken.”

“After one date?” Harper sipped her coffee. “Or is there something you're not telling me? Has he asked you for a second date?”

“He invited me to Liz's party next weekend.”

“I've been invited, too. Liz called me last night. It should be a lot of fun.” She leaned forward. “You're crazy about him, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes.”

“I know it sounds strange, especially coming from me, but I think I fell in love with him the minute he walked up to my window at the post office.” She held a hand up palm out. “I know…I know. This is so not like me.”

Harper laughed. “You've got it bad, girl. But I love this side of you. So? When are you going to sleep with him?”

Stefani's face reddened. “Also out of character for me. I admit, I've thought about it, but first I want to be certain how he feels about me. I don't even know for sure if he wants only friendship or something more.” She frowned. “If things do work out between us, I'll date him for a couple of months before I sleep with him.”

“A couple of months? Wow! That's a long time to wait.”

“If it's meant to be, then the wait will be worth it.”

* * * *

“We've barely gotten together for weeks!” Stephani exclaimed giving Harper a hug as she led her into the living room.

Harper screwed up her face. “We see each other all the time, Stef. What are you talking about?”

“I mean just the two of us. I miss hanging out with you.”

Harper lifted an eyebrow. “Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but most of your free time involves doing something with Deacon.”

“Point taken.”

She grinned. “I knew you and Deacon were meant for each other.”

Stefani sat in an easy chair while Harper seated herself on the sofa. “Help yourself to some cheese and crackers.” She motioned to the tray on the coffee table. She poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Harper.

Harper peered at her as she took the glass of wine. “What's wrong?”

“Nothing. Everything's perfect.” She flashed a smile.

“Come on. I know you better than that. Has something happened?”

Stefani rubbed her forehead. “Has Liz said anything to you about how Deacon feels about me?”

Harper's eyes widened. “We all know how he feels about you.”

“I don't.” She sighed.

“You're serious, aren't you?”

She chewed her bottom lip. “Yes.”

“Okay. I know you and I haven't spent much time together in weeks, but you and Deacon have been almost inseparable.” She screwed up her face. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“When has that ever stopped you before?” She smiled at her friend.

“Now, I have to admit, I'd find this hard to believe, but is Deacon not measuring up in bed? Does he have a problem in that area?”

Stefani looked into her glass. “I wouldn't know.”

“You don't know?” Harper almost choked on her wine. “You two haven't slept together yet? I assumed you had been having wild passionate sex every night since you told me weeks ago you were going to wait a couple of months.” She shook her head. “Two months is way too long to wait, but almost three months? Stef, I know you have very high morals, but come on, that's ridiculous. Most men would have given up by now. Why are you putting him off? Or don't you really want a relationship with him?”

Stefani's eyebrows drew together. “I do want him, Harper. But I don't think he wants me. Why are you assuming it's me? Deacon hasn't made a move to take our so called relationship to the next level.”

“I don't mean to sound harsh, Stef, but it's you.”


“Yes, you. Maybe you're sending the wrong vibes to him. Maybe he's waiting for a signal from you. What do you expect him to do? From what I've seen of you two together he cares about you. Maybe he's afraid of rejection. Try to look at it from his point of view.” She took a sip of wine. “Has he called you since he left for Texas to tie up the loose ends there?”

“He calls me every night. In fact he wants me to go camping with him when he returns.”

“Well, that proves my point. He wants to be with you. He's had plenty of opportunity to go out with other women, but he hasn't. It's you he wants. But what is he supposed to do?” She looked intently at Stefani. “If you don't let him know that you want him, then I'm afraid you're going to lose him. How long do you expect him or any man to wait? I know and respect your values, but this is ridiculous.”

“Okay. Say I throw myself at him and he doesn't want me?”

Harper shook her head in exasperation. “Stef, stop! I see the way he looks at you. Believe me. He wants you, but he's probably at the point he's not going to make a move. It's up to you.”

Stefani looked at her. “You really think so?”

“The camping trip will be the perfect opportunity to find out. Let him know that you want him.”

Stefani drew a deep breath. “What if—”

“No what ifs. He's been patient. That says a lot about his feelings for you. But he's only human and he's not going to wait forever.” She exhaled loudly. “Or is there another reason you're stalling?”

Stefani took a swallow of wine. “I'm just terrified of rejection.”

“Stef, what can't you see? He rejected me the first night you and I saw him at The Dusty Road. It's you he wanted then and you he wants now. But just say for the sake of argument that it didn't work out romantically between you two. It wouldn't be the end of the world. You have a strong friendship.”

“And friendships have ended when one wanted more and the other didn't.”

Harper finished her wine. “I don't know what more I can say. If you're that worried then just continue with the friendship, but remember when he needs more than friendship, think how you'll feel when your
starts dating someone else.”

Stefani's eyes narrowed. “You're right, Harper. I've put Deacon in this situation. I want him and I'll let him know it this weekend. No matter the outcome, I'll know one way or the other.”

* * * *

“All set?” Deacon asked as he arranged the camping gear in the back of his pickup.

“Yes,” Stefani replied as she handed him a knapsack.

Stefani settled herself in the passenger seat, sighing contentedly as Deacon pulled out of the driveway. She glanced over at him and smiled. They'd been dating for over three months now. Every day she found something new they had in common. It was as though she'd known him forever. They'd developed a comfortable and relaxed relationship and her feelings for him grew stronger with each passing day.

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