Sparks & Cabin Fever (10 page)

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Authors: Susan K. Droney

BOOK: Sparks & Cabin Fever
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Stefani's mind went numb. She'd wanted to tempt him and have him begging for what she had to offer, but now all she could do was lay there and let him take over. She definitely was a failure when it came to the art of seduction.

“Don't cry,” he said gently as he brushed the tears from her cheeks with the back of his hand. “You don't know how difficult it's been for me to restrain myself. I was waiting for a signal from you. I'd resigned myself to the realization that possibly you only wanted friendship.” He tenderly stroked her body and then removed his pajama bottoms. “You're so beautiful,” he groaned as he settled next to her. “I've wanted you for so long.”

Stefani thought she was dreaming until the heat from his masculine body seeped into her own, warming her.

“Are you sure—”

She silenced him by slowly stroking his erection. He groaned and kissed her passionately as the heat between them intensified. His thumb gently rubbed her already throbbing nipples and when a hand slid to her vagina, he had no problem slipping his fingers inside. She spread her legs wide, willing him inside of her, and moved to the rhythm of his fingers.

She moaned, pleading with him to enter her, but instead he moved his mouth to her breasts, gently sucking them while his thumb rubbed her throbbing clit. When she thought she couldn't wait any longer, he abruptly replaced his fingers with his mouth. As the tip of his tongue teased her clit, she clawed at his strong shoulders.

Feelings she'd never before experienced flooded her. She was wild with desire. Her breath came in spurts and just as she was on the verge of exploding, Deacon abruptly removed his tongue, placed her feet over his shoulders, and entered her. Her mind, heart, and soul instantly melded with his. They were one. She was overcome with all of the emotions buried deep within. As her body matched his rhythm, they both cemented their union in a massive eruption. He stayed inside of her for a few minutes and then gently eased out. He turned on his side, extended an elbow, and propped his head on his hand, staring into her eyes. The light from the lantern cast a soft glow over his face. “I love you,” he whispered. “I never thought I'd ever say those words. I never thought I'd find a woman I wanted to say those words to.”

It took her a few minutes for her breathing to return to normal. She smiled contentedly as she turned her face toward his. “I love you too.”

He stroked her hair. “Are you happy?”

“More than I ever dreamed I could be.” She ran her hands over his smooth muscular chest. “You don't know how long I've wanted to do this.”

“And you don't know how long I've wanted you to,” he murmured. He ran his fingertips over her cheek and then moved closer, seeking her lips.

She willingly succumbed to him as the kiss deepened and grew hotter. It was everything she'd imagined it would be and more.

He broke the kiss and nibbled on an earlobe before seeking her breasts. “I can't get enough of you.”

Stefani moaned softly as her body responded to his touch. She was one with him. As the rain beat against the tent, she was warm and secure next to the man she loved.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked rubbing her chin with his thumb.

“How perfect tonight is. Even with the rain.”

He smiled. “I was thinking the same thing. It's funny how much we have in common. You're quite a woman. I don't ever want this to end, Stefani.”

“I don't either, Deacon.” Her heart pounded.

“I want you to design my home with me. I want it to be our home. I know this is sudden, but I've always held to the belief that you need to grab what's right in front of you the minute you see it.”

“Are you asking me to move in with you once the house is built?”

He planted soft kisses on her neck. “I'm asking you to be my wife. It'll be months before the house is built once you and I find the land we want. That will give us time to plan our wedding.”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I don't know what to say,” she whispered.

“Say yes,” he prompted.

“Of course I'll marry you.”

“Now I want to explore every inch of your beautiful body.”

As he started planting soft kisses on her neck, she ran her hands over his broad shoulders and then trailed her fingers over his chest. She felt his erection against her leg and shifted her body. She stroked him and then ran her thumb over the tip. He trembled and sucked in his breath.

“You're making me crazy,” he moaned.

“That's my intention,” she whispered.

He teased her nipples with the tip of his tongue as his hands glided over her body. “Tell me what you want, baby,” he said hoarsely.

“I want you inside of me now,” she panted as he rolled on top of her. She guided his erection inside of her and clung to his strong back, digging her nails in as one climax after another rocked her.

Stefani closed her eyes and relished in their joining. And she was thrilled to know that their life together had only just begun.

Cabin Fever


Susan K. Droney

Kayla slowly pressed down on the accelerator. The tires spun on the ice, but the car refused to budge. She peered out of the windshield, but all she could see were large snowflakes—and lots of them. Beautiful for skiing, a pain while driving. In another hour it would be dark. She was stranded in the middle of nowhere and she was frightened. She picked up her cell phone and turned it on. Still no signal—she couldn't even call 9-1-1! Fear gripped her heart as she imagined freezing to death out here all alone.

No, I have to keep a clear head
, she reminded herself.
I'll figure something out.
In the half hour since she'd slid off the road she hadn't seen one vehicle, except the idiot who had sideswiped her causing her to end up in the ditch. He hadn't even had the decency to stop to see if she was okay. Instead, he went barreling down the road in his fancy four-wheel drive truck, probably oblivious to everyone but himself.

Thank God she'd had the common sense to bundle up and throw her knee-high boots into the backseat before setting out this morning. She had hoped to surprise her best friend, who'd invited her on a skiing trip this weekend with a group of friends Kayla rarely saw. She hadn't been sure she wanted to go and had made no commitment to Sasha, but at the last minute rearranged her schedule and decided to surprise her at the ski lodge. Maybe she'd find a new hot stud to quench the yearnings within her, if only for one night. Her past relationships had ended going nowhere, and the sex had definitely been unmemorable, leaving her with a large void. Due to her hectic schedule, her sex life was almost nonexistent now. The closest she got to a man was in her fantasies when she used her vibrator, imagining it was a throbbing cock.

She forced her mind to concentrate on her present predicament. Now she wished she'd told someone where she was going—at least Sasha—so she'd make some inquiries when Kayla failed to arrive. No one would even know she was missing. She was on the go so much that her friends had grown used to her not being home if they happened to stop in for an impromptu visit. But her trusty cellphone had always kept her in touch until now. She couldn't even pick up a signal in this remote area.

Why hadn't she stuck to the main road instead of trying to save time by taking unfamiliar back roads? She sighed heavily. There was no sense beating herself up over it now. She looked again at the snow now swirling as a wind picked it up. If not for her current predicament, she might have enjoyed the peacefulness. Once again fear clutched her heart. She'd lived her entire life in Buffalo and she knew how quickly a seemingly innocent snowstorm could become a blizzard in the blink of an eye.

She removed her shoes, then reached into the backseat, grabbed her boots and quickly pulled them on. She took her thick, fur-lined mittens from her backpack and slipped her hands inside then turned off the ignition and stuffed her cell phone, car keys, and purse into her backpack. She opened the car door only to be greeted by a blast of icy air. She pulled her scarf tightly over her mouth and tugged her knit hat down over her ears then yanked the hood of her bright yellow ski parka over her head, finally throwing the backpack over one shoulder.

Kayla looked in both directions, but all she could see was the long snow covered road and the trees on either side, now swaying slightly from the wind and weight of the heavy snow. She hadn't passed any houses for the last five miles, so her only option was to keep going straight. According to the directions she'd mapped out that morning, there should be a small town about three miles ahead. Could she make those three miles or be frozen to death before the next car traveled this way? She swallowed hard. She had to think positive thoughts. Maybe as she made her way down the road there would be some civilization. For all she knew the next bend in the road might reveal a welcoming refuge. She had no choice—she had to force herself to begin walking.

Listening to the eerie sounds the wind made as it whistled through the trees made her feel even more alone. The wind became more intense, dropping the temperature. The snow became thicker, almost blinding her. She trudged up the road, her feet making crunching noises as she went. For every step she took, the wind knocked her back two. Her lungs ached as she forced her frozen limbs to cooperate. Her feet felt like solid chunks of ice, making it difficult to navigate. She couldn't give up. She wouldn't! She was terrified. Why hadn't she heeded the weather reports instead of trying to outrun the storm? Why hadn't she stayed on the main road? If she had, she surely would have been rescued. The main roads were always patrolled, but how often would anyone bother to patrol a back road, especially in a blizzard? Her hope was fading.

She stumbled and struggled to pull herself back on solid footing, but couldn't. It was impossible. I'm going to die, she finally admitted to herself. I can't move. She thought about screaming, but her lungs were sore. And even if she did manage to scream, there was no one around to hear her cries for help.

* * * *

Kayla slowly opened her eyes. She was warm. She wiggled her toes, relieved that she could feel them again. Where was she and how did she get here? The last thing she remembered was being out in the storm and falling, and being colder than she had ever been before. She glanced around the cozy room. A fire was crackling merrily in a fireplace. A heavy comforter was tucked around her and a fluffy pillow placed under her head. She breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that she hadn't frozen to death, and thankful to whomever had rescued her and brought her here. She tried to pull herself to a sitting position, but a jabbing pain between her eyes forced her to settle back against the pillow.

“Hello,” she called.

Seconds later, a tall muscular form appeared in the doorway. He hurried to the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“You found me?”

He nodded. “I was worried about you. You'd lost consciousness.”

“Why didn't you take me to a hospital?”

He laughed. “We're snowed in. And besides, the nearest hospital is about forty-five minutes away in good weather. Thank God you weren't seriously injured or I don't know what I would have done. It could be days before the roads here are plowed. I'm just grateful that I found you when I did.”


“Maybe weeks. But don't worry. I've got plenty of firewood and food.”

Kayla raised an eyebrow. “I've got to get out of here. You managed to find me so you can get me to's only a few miles from where I went into the ditch.”

He laughed again. “There's already over three feet of snow and more coming. We're in the middle of a full-blown blizzard. We'll be snowed in here for a while so you may as well get used to it. It could be worse. At least I have heat and plenty of food.”

“Where exactly am I?” she demanded.

“Tanner Road in Clarkstown.”

“Clarkstown! I was on my way to Ellicottville to the ski resort.”

“I think you took a wrong turn.”

“Obviously. I wouldn't be in this predicament if some idiot hadn't run me off the road. I would have at least been in the next town, whatever it's called...”

“All you'll find there is a gas station and a small grocery mart. They don't even have a motel. As for the 'idiot' who ran you off the road, I believe it was Lucas Williams.”

“He seemed to have no trouble driving in this blizzard so why can't you? After all, you did find me.”

“That was hours ago. The weather has worsened considerably since then.”

“What am I supposed to do?”

He shrugged. “It could be worse. If I were you, I'd be grateful that you were found. Lie back and take advantage of my generous hospitality.”

“I don't even know your name.”

His forehead creased. “Maybe it's better if you don't for now.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why? Are you in some kind of trouble with the law? Is this your hideout in the middle of nowhere?” Something about him seemed vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place where she had seen him.

He smiled. “Nope. My record is squeaky clean. Besides, I don't know your name either. For all I know you could be running from the cops…a wanted woman. How do I know that I'm not cabin bound with an ax murderer?”

She laughed. “Point taken. Thank you for rescuing me. I'm Kayla North.”

He extended his hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Kayla. I'm...” He took a deep breath. “Lucas Williams.”

“Nice to...” She pulled her hand away. “You son-of-a-bitch! You almost killed me and then left me to die.”

“I'm truly sorry about that. I did come back to make sure that you were okay. I didn't realize that you'd run off the road. It nagged at me so I decided I'd better check on you. If anything had happened to you because of me, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself.”

“I wasn't okay. I was terrified and I didn't know what to do. I started walking until…well; I don't exactly remember what happened.”

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