Sparks & Cabin Fever (9 page)

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Authors: Susan K. Droney

BOOK: Sparks & Cabin Fever
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She wished she'd taken Harper's advice and moved things forward. She'd made such a point of waiting until the time was right to sleep with Deacon that she hadn't realized he'd never made any advances in that area beyond some intense kisses. Why hadn't he pursued more from her? Or was he just not interested in her that way? She was confused. Why kiss her at all then? Well, this weekend she intended to find out just what their relationship was and where it stood.

“What are you thinking about?” Deacon asked softly as he grabbed her hand.

“Just how happy I am to be going camping again.”

“Me, too.” He smiled. “Did I tell you that next week we start processing job applications at the factory?”

“You did and the town's buzzing about it. This is the first time in years that I've seen the whole community excited about something.”

“Liz and David are absolutely in love with Garden Grove. I do believe they've set down permanent roots.”

Stefani's brow puckered. He hadn't mentioned his own love for Garden Grove. Was he planning to leave after the plant was up and running? Had his trip back to Texas changed his mind about settling down in Garden Grove? Maybe she wouldn't have to wonder about a relationship with him.

“Which brings me to another matter,” Deacon continued.

“What's that?” She drew a deep breath and steeled herself for the bad news she was certain he was about to deliver.

He briefly took his eyes off the road and looked at her. “As much as I love living in the guest house, Liz, David and David Jr. need their privacy as much as I need mine. I'm going to be making a major change.”

Stefani swallowed the lump in her throat as Deacon turned his attention back to the road. “What change are you planning?” she asked quietly. She bit her bottom lip. Here it comes, she thought.

He reached over and squeezed her shoulder. “I need to find some permanent roots. Somewhere I can call home.”

She nodded. She still wasn't certain if he meant Garden Grove or another city, but she'd soon find out. “There are a lot of houses on the market in Garden Grove, but none that match Liz and David's house, I'm afraid,” she replied with a frown. “I mean, that is, if you're looking for a home in Garden Grove.”

His eyes narrowed. “Of course I mean Garden Grove.” He glanced sideways at her. “Did you think I wanted to leave here? How many times have I told you how much I love it here?” He gripped her hand. “I'm not going anywhere.”

Stefani was thrilled he was staying, but wished his reason for staying had something to do with her. She drew a deep breath. She had to face the truth. He obviously only considered her a friend and wasn't physically attracted to her. She was only someone to pal around with until he had a chance to meet more people. Maybe she should rethink her plan to let him know she wanted much more than friendship from him. No. Harper was right. It was now or never. She was determined to summon every ounce of courage to put her plan into action.

“It's time I find my own place,” he said. “I don't need or want anything elaborate, especially not like David and Liz's house. I'd get lost rambling around in something that large. I prefer a simpler lifestyle.” He pulled on his chin. “I was thinking about buying a piece of land and building my own home. Then I can design it to my specifications.”

“Sounds nice,” she replied. But her mind wasn't on property or houses.

He glanced at her. “Maybe you'd like to go property hunting with me.”

“I'd love to.” She bit her bottom lip. As she looked at him she let her imagination take over. She would plan the perfect seduction. He was hers exclusively for the entire weekend. She smiled contentedly.

“Ah…we're here,” Deacon said as he drove up a narrow road.

“I'm not familiar with this campsite,” Stefani said looking at the unfamiliar landscape.

Deacon grinned. “That's because it's a private campsite. I rented it for the weekend. I hope you don't mind.”

She smiled. “No. It's perfect. Look at the beautiful lake!”

He nodded. “Good for some fishing.”

“I can't wait,” she exclaimed. “It's been too long since I've gone fishing.”

“Me, too.” He stopped the truck. “As soon as we get the gear unloaded and the tents up, we can check out the lake.” He grinned. “I've got an even better idea. Are you up for a little friendly competition?”

She lifted an eyebrow. “Depends what it is.”

He smiled mischievously. “First one to pitch their tent gets to relax down by the lake while the loser has to fix dinner.”

“You're on!” she said grabbing her equipment.

Stefani stole glances at him as she assembled her tent. She wished it were only one tent being assembled, but if everything went according to plan, before this trip was over they'd definitely be sharing one tent. She tried to hold on to what Harper had said. She had to make the move. As she watched his strong capable arms, her fantasies imagined those arms wrapped around her. He definitely was a gorgeous man. She loved the sound of his voice, the musky scent of his aftershave, his beautiful dark eyes, and his sexy smile. She realized that there wasn't anything she didn't like about him.

“How's it going?” he called a little while later. “Need any help?”

“I've got it under control.” When she finished, she stood back and admired her tent. She looked over at Deacon's tent. He stood frowning.

She laughed to herself. “The winner shall now retire to the lake,” she said.

Deacon stopped and stared at her. “How did you do that so quickly?”

“I'm good with my hands,” she said. She wondered if he picked up on her innuendo.

He lifted an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

She noted the look in his smoldering eyes. He had. Maybe he was having the same fantasies about her that she was about him. Ah, was he planning his own move on her this weekend?

“Well, this shouldn't take me too long. I'm almost finished. I'll meet you at the lake in a few minutes.” He paused. “Remind me not to make any more bets.” He grinned. “Unless I know I can win.”

She grinned as she headed down the well-worn path. She sat on the bank and gazed at the glimmering lake. It was so peaceful and serene here. She closed her eyes and pretended Deacon's hands were roaming over her body. How romantic to make love right here by the lake. Maybe before the weekend was over, that's exactly what they would be doing. She was so hot with desire that she could barely control herself. If she were alone she would have relieved herself.

A twig snapped. Flushed, she turned to see Deacon making his way down the path. “Finally get the tent up?” she asked.

Deacon laughed softly. “Yes.” He made a face. “Okay, so you can pitch a tent quicker than me.”

“I bet I catch more fish, too,” she teased.

“Well, we'll just see about that in the morning.”

When Deacon had first suggested the camping trip, Stefani had wondered how they would handle the sleeping arrangements until Deacon had informed her that he'd purchased all of the necessary equipment, including two tents. Harper was right. She'd been sending him the wrong vibes. Before the weekend was over he'd learn how desperately she desired him. She'd never seduced anyone before, but there was a first time for everything. Just looking at him set her on fire. She couldn't wait until he filled her and put out the raging fire inside of her.

She stood and rubbed her hands together. “I'm starved!”

“Me, too. I'll get the campfire started.”

“I'll help,” she offered.

“No. A bet's a bet.” He smiled broadly at her. “Never let it be said that Deacon Travis ever went back on a bet.”

They walked side by side up the path and to the spot cleared for the campfire.

Stefani sat on a tree stump and watched Deacon as he built the fire. He looked so peaceful and relaxed as he pulled some items from the cooler. And so

“Are hotdogs all right?” he asked.

“Perfect. Let's find some sticks and cook them that way.”

“Sounds good. I haven't done that in years.”

“Me either.”

After they found suitable sticks, Deacon set up two lawn chairs while she grabbed a bag of potato chips, rolls, and condiments. As she stood near the fire, Deacon moved next to her. He was so close that his thigh brushed hers sending a jolt through her. Her hand trembled as she placed a hotdog on a stick and held it to the flames. When it was cooked to her satisfaction, she grabbed a roll, spread some mustard on it, and then sat in one of the chairs. A minute later Deacon joined her.

They chatted while they ate, enjoying the food and each other's company.

“Tomorrow, hopefully we'll be having fish.” He winked.

She smiled at him. “It'll taste delicious over the campfire. I never realized how much I've missed camping.”

“Me, too. I can't believe that Harper and Liz don't like it.”

“I know. They don't know what they're missing.”

“Well, their loss,” he said. He threw some more wood on the fire.

“So, did you get everything wrapped up in Texas?” Stefani asked.

“Finally. David can tie up any loose ends.”

As they talked and enjoyed the campfire, darkness descended and Stefani was surprised at how fast the time had gone.

“I suppose it's time to call it a night,” Deacon said standing and stretching. “We want to get up early to catch those fish.” He yawned.

Stefani watched as Deacon extinguished the campfire. She stood, hoping he'd suggest they share one tent. But she knew he wouldn't. If anything was going to happen between them it was up to her. Once again self-doubt started to creep in, but she quickly chased it away. It had to be tonight. She was consumed with desire. She would put herself out there and take the risk. If he did reject her she'd deal with it. If he had sex with her and then rejected her, she at least would have the memory of one night of passion with him.

Deacon bent down and picked his lantern up before taking Stefani's elbow. “I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am,” he said. “I can't remember the last time I've felt so relaxed without a care in the world.”

“I know what you mean,” she agreed as they walked to the entrance of her tent. “I hope you sleep well.”

“You, too.” He bent his head and kissed her softly on the lips. “See you in the morning.” He paused. “If you need anything, you know where to find me.”

Stefani undressed and crawled into her sleeping bag, and then flicked off her lantern. She glanced in the direction of Deacon's tent and watched until his lantern went out. What was he thinking? Was he wishing they were cuddled together deep inside his sleeping bag? She lay in the dark listening to the nighttime sounds. She touched her lips. She wanted a deep penetrating kiss, not just his lips briefly touching hers.

She'd wait for a little while and then sneak to his tent. He'd either accept what she was offering or reject her. If he refused her, she'd instantly know his intentions toward her. If he accepted her advances, she still wouldn't know whether it would only be a one-night stand on his part. Either scenario could backfire and destroy their relationship, but still it was a chance she had to take. He made her feel alive and brought out feelings she hadn't even known she possessed. Even if she only turned out to be a one-night stand, it would be worth it just to give in to her desires. She'd deal with the fallout from any possible rejection later.

It began to rain, first lightly, and then it turned into a steady downpour. She resisted the urge to snuggle further into her warm sleeping bag and forget the whole thing. No. She had to go through with it. She'd have no peace until she did. She slowly unzipped her sleeping bag, instantly feeling the chill night air on her skin. She shivered. After stepping out of her sleeping bag, she grabbed a pen flashlight, exited her tent, and slowly made her way to Deacon's.

She'd planned to sneak inside and slip into his sleeping bag beside him, but she hadn't counted on the rain. As she stood outside his tent, she suddenly began to lose her nerve. She couldn't do it. This wasn't her. She wanted him to make the first move. Tomorrow she'd make it clear what she wanted and he could take it from there. She turned, ready to sneak back to her tent when the flap of Deacon's tent suddenly opened and he emerged. Startled, she stood trembling as the light from the lantern he held in a hand illuminated her nakedness. His face registered shock at the sight of her. She tried to cover herself as best as she could with her hands, but it was a futile attempt. She should say something, but words failed her. She'd made a fool of herself. She stood embarrassed and humiliated in front of him.

“What's wrong?” Deacon asked. “Come in here out of the rain. You're soaked to the bone.” After pulling her inside of his tent, he fumbled around in a bag and pulled out a large towel. He quickly wrapped her in it. “Has something happened?”

The towel added some protection against the cold and her nakedness. She had to think of an excuse as to why she was wandering around in the rain in the middle of the night buck-naked. She was tired, wet, and cold. Nothing even remotely plausible came to mind so, as hard as it would be, she decided to just confess about her planned seduction of him.

She cleared her throat. As she looked into his penetrating eyes, all she wanted right now was to be wrapped in his arms and have his hot male flesh next to her. She kept her eyes locked with his. “This was not how it was supposed to go.”

His eyebrows knitted together. “I don't understand,” he said gently.

She swallowed hard. “I wanted to surprise you. I was trying to—” Suddenly without warning, tears began flowing from her eyes.

“Seduce me?” he whispered. “Is that what you were trying to do?”

She nodded, feeling like an idiot. She wouldn't blame him if he began laughing. She waited, but he didn't laugh. Instead, he scooped her up in his arms and led her to his sleeping bag. He removed her towel, and then eased her down on top of the sleeping bag. He ran his hands over her body, warming her flesh.

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