Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (112 page)

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Authors: Harvey Klehr;John Earl Haynes;Alexander Vassiliev

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76. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 29 January 1944; Ovakimyan and Graur,
report to Merkulov on "Enormous," February 1944, KGB file 82702, V.1, pp. 123,
139-42, 231, Vassiliev, Yellow #i, 9-10; Moscow Center to "May" and "Anton," 29
January 1944, KGB file 40159, v3, p. 359, Vassiliev, Black, 112.

77. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 6 March 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1,
p. 152, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 11.

78. Venona 61g KGB New York to Moscow, 4 May 1944; KGB New York to
Moscow Center, 20 July 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 176, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 12.

79. Venona io2o KGB New York to Moscow, 20 July 1944; KGB New York to
Moscow Center, 4 May 1944; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 25 July 1944, KGB
file 82702, v.1, pp. 163-64, 176, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 12; The 20 July message referred to the delivery to Hiskey of letters from "Rose Willen" and "Willy," whereas
earlier the letters were described as being from Rose Olsen and "Victor." Likely
there were simply alternative designations for the same persons.

8o. Venona 1332 KGB New York to Moscow, 18 September 1944; Venona 1715
KGB New York to Moscow, 5 December 1944.

81. KGB New York to Moscow Center, letter entitled "Problems in our work,"
1g March 1945; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 3 July 1945; Moscow Center to
KGB New York, 28 August 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1, pp. 307, 345, 369, Vassiliev,
Yellow #1, 23, 27-28. Moscow Center to "Anton," 28 August 1945, KGB file 40159,
v3, p. 550, Vassiliev, Black, 115. The 1g March 1945 letter can also be found at KGB
file 40594, v.7, pp. 102-3, Vassiliev, Black, 136. The two citations to messages of 28
August 1945 may be notes on the same message but found in two different files.

82. "Chap" entries, KGB file 40594, v7, pp. 257, 346, Vassiliev, Black, 138.

83. U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Excerpts from Hearings ... Atom Bomb; U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Testimony
of James Sterling Murray and Edward Tiers Manning Regarding Clarence Hiskey
and Arthur Adams. Hearings, Eighty-First Congress, First Session. August 14 and
October 5, 1949 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov. Print. Off., 1950), 877-99; Serials
3392, 3428, 3641, and 3702, FBI Comintern Apparatus file 100-203581. Vladimir
Lota, in a hagiographic book about GRU, presents Arthur Adams as a peerless GRU
intelligence officer who recruited a source at the Metallurgical Laboratory who delivered over three thousand pages of documents and samples of pure uranium and
scarce "heavy seater" before illness ended contact. The source, given the pseudonym
Martin Kemp by Lota, appears to be an exaggerated amalgam of Hiskey, Manning,
and Chapin, with the fact left out that all three were uncovered and neutralized by
the FBI because it had Adams under surveillance. Vladimir Lota, GRU i atomnaya
bomba (Moscow: OLMA Press, 2002).

84. Venona 259 Moscow to New York, 21 March 1945; "Aleksey" report on the
meeting with "Huron," i April 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7, p. 159, Vassiliev, Black, 137.

85. Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb, 96-97; U.S. House Committee on UnAmerican Activities, Report on Atomic Espionage: (Nelson-Weinberg and HiskeyAdams Cases) (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1949).

86. Herken, Brotherhood of the Bomb, 107-9.

87. Background sheet from Anton and Arseny re work on Enormous," addressed
to Merkulov, 12 September 1945, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 458, Vassiliev, White #1,

88. KGB New York to Moscow Center, "Anton's report," KGB file 82702, v.1,
pp. 424-25, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 33-34.

89. "Arseny" report, 24 October 1945, KGB file 82702, v.i, pp. 427-28, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 34.

go. AAUP Committee A Case Files-Ohio State University-Darling 1953, located in George Washington University Gelman Library, Box 1o6, "Transcript of
Closed Hearing of the Case of Byron Thorwell Darling, Associate Professor of
Physics and Astronomy, Ohio State University, before President Howard Bevis," 2
and 4 April 1953. Ellen Schrecker, No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), 207-8. Schrecker termed Darling's
dismissal "perhaps the most egregious" of the era. David Caute, The Great Fear: The
Anti-Conununist Purge under Truman and Eisenhower (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1977), 416-17.

gi. Report by "Charon," 20 September 1944, KGB file 25748, v.2, 135-36, Vassiliev, White #1, 137-38.

92. Testimony of Martin Kamen, 14 September 1948, U.S. House Committee
on Un-Anie rican Activities, Excerpts from Hearings ... Atom Bomb, 11-49; Martin
David Kamen, Radiant Science, Dark Politics: A Memoirofthe Nuclear Age (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985).

93. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 17 February 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7,
p. 31, Vassiliev, Black, 121.

94. Alfred Slack statement, serial 8o, FBI Slack file 65-59183.

95. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 28 August 1944, KGB file 82702, V.1,
p. Igo, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 13.

96. Christopher M. Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield:
The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (New York: Basic Books,
1999), 117.

97. The most complete biography of Klaus Fuchs is Robert Chadwell Williams,
Klaus Fuchs, Atom Spy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987). See also
Ruth Werner [Ursula Kuczynski], Sonya's Report (London: Chatto and Windus
[Random Century Group], 1991); Norman Moss, Klaus Fuchs: The Man Who Stole
the Atom Bomb (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987).

98. "Memorandum on K. F. from the GRU," circa 1950, KGB file 84490, v.2,
pp. 127-28, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 86.

99. KGB London to Moscow Center, 3 November 1943; Ilichev to Fitin, 29
November 1943, KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 17, 22, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 67.

100. GRU report on Fuchs, 21 January 1944, KGB file 84490, V. 1, pp. 25-29,
Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 67-68.

101. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 29 January 1944, KGB file 82702, V.1,
p. 119-21, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 8-9; Moscow Center to "May" and "Anton," 29 January 1944, KGB file 40159, v3, pp• 354-56, Vassiliev, Black, 111-12.

102. "`Goose's' report on a meeting with `Rest,"' S February 1944, KGB file
84490, v.1, pp. 31-32, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 68-69.

103. Moscow Center report on KGB New York to Moscow Center, 25 February
1944; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 22 March 1944, KGB file 82702, V.1,
pp. 150, 154, Vassiliev, Yellow #i, ii. "Goose's" report on meeting on ii March
1944, KCB file 84490, v.1, p. 48, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 69-70.

104. "Goose's" reports of meetings on 28 March 1944, 4 May 1944, 9 June 1944,
15 June 1944, KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 48-49, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 70; KGB New
York to Moscow Center, 15 June 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 171, Vassiliev, Yellow
#1, 12; Venona 645 KGB New York to Moscow, 8 May 1944; Venona 850 KGB New
York to Moscow, 15 June 1944.

io5. Moscow Center to "May," 28 July 1944, KGB file 40159, v.3, p. 416, Vassiliev, Black, 112-13.

1o6. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 29 August 1944, with Ovakimyan annotation of 3o August 1944, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 154, Vassiliev, White #1, 1o8.
KGB New York to Moscow Center, 1g October 1944, KGB file 86194, v.2, p. 19,
Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 103.

107. Venona 1345 KGB New York to Moscow, 22 September 1944; Venona 16o6
KGB New York to Moscow, 16 November 1944. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 16 November 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, P. 240, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 16; "Arno"
reports on visits to Kristel Heineman on 24 October 1944, 2 November 1944, and 7
December 1944, KGB file 84490, v. i, pp. 68-71, Vassiliev, Ycllrnc #1, 70-71. See also
"Anton" to Moscow Center, 17 February 1945, KGB file 40594, v•7, P. 59, Vassiliev,
Black, 134-35.

1o8. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 1g March 1945; "Aleksey" report on
meeting with "Arno," 22 January 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7, pp. 75, 79, Vassiliev,
Black, 122. (This later memo's dating of 22 January 1945 is likely in error. Gold did
not meet with Fuchs until mid-February.) Report on visit to Fuchs, 21 February
1945, KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 79-82; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 23 February 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 286, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 18, 72-74.

iog. Venona 349 KGB Moscow to New York, io April 1945. "Anton" to Moscow
Center, 2 March 1945, KGB file 84490, v.1, p. 74; Moscow Center to KGB New
York, 27 February 1945, KGB file 82702, v.1, pp. 286, 292, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 18-

iio. "Aleksev" on the meeting with "Arno," with Graur annotation, zz January
1945; "Aleksey" response, KGB file 40594, v.7, pp. 81-82, 144, Vassiliev, Black, 12324.

111. "Aleksey's" report on a meeting with "Arno," 8 March 1945, KGB file
84490, v.1, p. 76; entries to KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 84, go, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 74.
KGB New York to Moscow Center, 13 June 1945, KGB file 86192, v.1, p. 30, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 40. "Report by Arno on the meeting with Ch. 20.06.45" (although
dated zo June 1945, other evidence indicates that this was an error for z June 1945),
KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 363, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 27.

112. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 26 June 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7,
p. 131, Vassiliev, Black, 136.

113. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 12 September 1945, and Moscow Center approval of New York station request, KGB file 82702, v.1, 386-87, Vassiliev,
Yellow #1, 29. KGB New York to "Arseny" at Moscow Center, 17 October 1945; Report on visit to "Charles" on 1g September 1945, KGB file 84490, v.1, pp. 99, 1046, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 76. Report of "Arno" meeting with "Charles" on 1g September 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7, pp. 251-52, Vassiliev, Black, 124-25.

114. "Aleksey's" report on meeting with "Arno," 12 November 1945, KGB file
40594, v.7, pp. 317-19, Vassiliev, Black, 125. Kvasnikov's report, 27 September 1946,
KGB file 84490, v.1, p. 117; "Due to complications," KGB file 84490, v.1, p. 115,
Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 77. "Bob's" cable with "Sohnchen's" information, 20 November 1945, KGB file 70545, p. 393, Alexander Vassiliev, White Notebook #212007 English Translation], trans. Steven Shabad (1993-96), 27.

115. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 20 September 1944; Moscow Center to
KGB New York, 3 October 1944, KGB file 40129, v.3a, pp. 168-6g, Vassiliev, White
#1, 1o8; Venona 1340 KGB New York to Moscow, 21 September 1944; Venona 1549
KGB New York to Moscow; Moscow Center to "Anton," io November 1944, KGB
file 40159, v3, PP. 442, 447, Vassiliev, Black, 113.

116. Venona 16oo KGB New York to Moscow, 14 November 1944. "Liberal"
report on -Wasp," ,5 December 1944, KGB file 861g1, v.1, p. 16, Vassiliev, Yellow #1,
54-55. Julius's report differs from Ruth's later testimony that she had initially balked
at Julius's proposal although was ultimately persuaded.

117. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 15 December 1944, KGB file 82702,
v.1, p. 253, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 16-17; Venona 1773 KGB New York to Moscow, 16
December 1944; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 15 December 1944, KGB file
86192, v.1, p. 20, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 39.

118. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 21 December 1944, KGB file 82702,
v.1, p. 257; report and list of questions for "Caliber," 8 January 1945, KGB file 86192,
v.1, pp. 21, 23, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 17, 39-40; Venona 28 KGB New York to
Moscow, 8 January 1945; memo to Fitin for period from i January through 13 February 1945, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 333, Vassiliev, White #1, 116; KGB New York
to Moscow Center, 17 February 1945, KGB file 40594, v7, pp. 48-49, Vassiliev,
Black, 134; Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton, The Rosenberg File: A Search for the
Truth (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1983), 69; Feklisov and Kostin, Man
Behind, 154.

119. Venona 1749-1750 KGB New York to Moscow, 13 December 1944;
Moscow Center to "Anton," 23 February 1945, KGB file 40159, v•3, PP. 472-74,
Vassiliev, Black, 114; "Anton requested," KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 380, Vassiliev,
White #1, 116; Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton, The Rosenberg; File (New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1997), 68-70.

120. "Arno's report on visits to Wasp and Caliber on 2 and 3 June 1945," KGB
file 84490, V.1, p. 92, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 74-75-

121. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 13 June 1945, KGB file 86192, v.1,
p. 28; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 4 July 1945, KGB file 86192, v.1, p. 30;
"`Caliber's' materials," KGB file 86192, v.1, p. 451 Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 40. KGB New
York to Moscow Center, 26 June 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7, p. 131, Vassiliev, Black,

122. Background sheet from Anton and Arseny re work on "Enormous," addressed to Merkulov,12 September 1945, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 458; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 21 September 1945, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 468, Vassiliev,
White #i, 118-ig. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 12 September 1945, KGB
file 82702, v.1, pp. 386, 393, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 29. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 19 October 1945, KGB file 40594, v.7, pp. 250-51, Vassiliev, Black, 13738. "Tuballoy" was a Manhattan Project technical term for refined uranium (uranium ore with impurities removed).

123. KGB New York to Moscow Center, ig October 1945, KGB file 40594, s'.7,
pp. 250-51, Vassiliev, Black, 137-38. "Petrov" to KGB New York, 27 October 1945,
KGB file 82702, v.1, p. 430; Report on "Caliber," 3 June 1946, KGB file 86192, v.1,
p. 46, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 34, 40.

124. "Report by `Callistratus' on his trip to the U. S.," 27 February 1947, KGB file
40129, v.3a, P. 377, Vassiliev, White #i, 120.

125. Michael Dobbs, "Unlocking the Crypts: Most Spies Code Revealed Escaped Prosecution," Washington Post, 25 December 1995; Michael Dobbs, "Code
Name `Mlad,' Atomic Bomb Spy," Washington Post, 25 February 1996, 1, 20-21;
Albright and Kunstel, Bombshell. In our discussion of Hall in John Earl Haynes and
Harvey Kle l r, Verona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America (New Haven: Yale
University Press, zooo), pp. 314-17, we mistakenly Wrote that he received a commission after lie was drafted.

126. KGB New York to Moscow Center, "Beck's" report on Theodore Hall, 7
December 1944, KGB file 82702, v.1, pp. 287-89, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 19-22. Earlier accounts have Saville Sax making the initial contact with Napoli and Kurnakov,
but Kurnakov's memo, while a bit unclear, strongly suggests it was Hall. See Albright
and Kunstel, Bombshell, 93.

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