Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (123 page)

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Authors: Harvey Klehr;John Earl Haynes;Alexander Vassiliev

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78. FBI Report, 15 June ig5o, serial Zoo, FBI Slack file 65-59183.

79. Moscow Center to "Vadim," "Work on the XY line," 25 June 1945, KGB file
43173, v.2, p. 84, Vassiliev, Black, 69.

8o. "Agents in the USA station," 15 December 1933; "On the tasks of the USA
station," April 1934, KGB file 17407, v.1, pp. 42, 76; Vassiliev, Black, 1, 5. "Memorandum on the Feldman case," circa 1945, KGB file 70994, pp. 367-68, Vassiliev,
White #1, 155; Feldman background memos, serial 734, FBI Armand Labis Feldman
file 61-7574.

81. "Nikolay's account of Brit's disappearance," 24 May 1938, KGB file 34194,
pp. 158-59; "Memorandum on the Feldman case," circa 1945, KGB file 70994,
p. 368, Vassiliev, White #1, 125, 155. On Feldman/Volodarsky's involvement with the
Woolwich Arsenal case, see William E. Duff, A Time for Spies: Theodore
Stephanovich Mally and the Era of the Great Illegals (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1999), 123-31.

82. Thomas Black interview in June and July 1950, transcribed 1 August i95i,
serial i-B-i7, pp. 195-205, 257, 260; Francis Zangle report, i, 10-13 August i95o,
serial 240, FBI Thomas Black file 65-59181.

83. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 9 October 1942, KGB file 40594, v5,
p. 299; "Grouping of probationers as of March 1945," KGB file 40594, v7, P. 97,
Vassiliev, Black, 105, 135. Thomas Black interview in June and July 1950, transcribed
1 August 1951, serial 1-B-17, pp. 195-205, 257, 260, FBI Thomas Black file 6559181.

84. Venona 1403 KGB New York to Moscow, 5 October 1944; Venona 1429
KGB New York to Moscow, 9 October 1944; Venona 1557 KGB New York to
Moscow, 6 November 1944; Venona 1818 KGB New York to Moscow, 26 December 1944. Interview with Thomas Black, 20 June i95o, serial i-B-17, pp. 195-205,
257-60, FBI Thomas Black file, 65-4332; Ladd to Director, 28 February 1951, "This
memorandum is designed," page ig of the FBI FOIA "Venona" released to Daniel
P. Moynihan, part i, http://foia.fbi.gov/foiaindex/venona.htm. Stapler is likely the
source Feklisov gives the cover name "Khvat" or "Vulture" in Feklisov and Kostin,
Man Behind, 55-56.

85. "Memorandum on the Feldman case," circa 1945, KGB file 70994, PP. 36768, Vassiliev, White #1, 155; FBI Report, 23 June 1942, serial 743, FBI Feldman
file, 61-7574. "On the tasks of the USA station," April 1934, KGB file 17407, v.1,
p. 76, Vassiliev, Black, 4.

86. FBI New York report, i February 1940, serial 40; FBI New York report, 29
June 1940, FBI Feldman file 61-7574; "Aleksey" at Moscow Center to KGB New
York, 14 May 1937, KGB file 3464, v.1, p. 133; "Agents in the USA station," 15 December 1933, KGB file 17407, v.1, p. 9, Vassiliev, Black, 1, 29.

87. "On the tasks of the USA station," April 1934, KGB file 17407, v.1, p. 76,
Vassiliev, Black, 4; Venona 917 KGB New York to Moscow, 28 June 1944; Interview
of Armand Feldman, 3 August 1950, serial 942, p. 9, FBI Feldman file 61-7574.

88. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 12 September 1936, and KGB New York to Moscow Center, 21 October 1936, KGB file 3463, v.2, PP. 99-100, 121; KGB
New York to Moscow Center, 16 August 1940, KGB file 40594, v4, PP. 144-45, Vassiliev, Black, 25, 102.

8g. "The work of Doctor Goddard, received from S-2," circa 1935, KGB file
3460, p. 36, Vassiliev, Black, 9; Slutsky memo, June 1935, KGB file 3469, v.12,
PP. 37-38, Alexander Vassiliev, Yellow Notebook #4 [2007 English Translation],
trans. Steven Shabad (1993-96), 102.

go. FBI Report, 23 June 1942, serial 743; Director to Arnold, 14 July 1942, serial 749; serial 768, FBI Feldman file 61-7574.

g1. Prudnikov, "Report on intelligence in the USA," 12 April 1941, KGB file
35112, v.1, p. 68; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 8 August 1941, KGB file 40594,
v.5, p. 158, Vassiliev, Black, 103, 172-73.

92. Venona 8o1 KGB New York to Moscow, 28 May 1943; Venona 1054 KGB
New York to Moscow, 5 July 1945. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 26 June 1945,
KGB file 40594, v7, Pp. 248-49, Vassiliev, Black, 124.

93. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 20 September 1945, KGB file 43173, v.1, p. 149,
Vassiliev, Black, 54-55. Emphasis in the original.

94. Bentley, Deposition 1945, 66, 1o6; Testimony of 5 March and 21 March
1947, U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States. (Regarding Leon Josephson and
Samuel Liptzen) Hearings (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1947); FBI
memo, "John Loomis Sherman Background and Personal History," serial 3221, FBI
file 65-14920. GRU would take an authentic American passport such as Kagan's and
modify it (new photograph or other changes) for use by one of its operatives.

95. "Communist Infiltration of Radiation Laboratory" in "Summary Report," serial 3702, pp. 25-28, FBI Comintern Apparatus file 100-203581; Alfred Bergens to
F. Brown, 10 July 1935, CPUSA records, RGASPI 515-1-3816; "Minutes of Meeting of Party Group of Anglo-American Secretariat," 17 February 1937, Anglo-American Secretariat of the Executive Committee of the Communist International,
RGASPI 495-72-281; "Marcel Scherer," in Biographical Dictionary of the American Left, ed. Bernard K. Johnpoll and Harvey Klehr (Westport, CT.: Greenwood
Press, 1886), 349-50.

Chapter 7: American Couriers and Support Personnel

1. Moscow Center to "Maxim," 27 July 1943, KGB file 35112, v.6, p. 482,
Alexander Vassiliev, White Notebook #1 [2007 English Translation], trans. Steven
Shabad (1993-96), 42.

2. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 3 September 1945, KGB file 35112, v.9,
p. 112, Vassiliev, White #1, 71.

3. "Maxim" to Moscow Center, 1g April 1942, KGB file 35112, v.7, p. 23, Vassiliev, White #1, 43.

4. Venona 1491 KGB New York to Moscow, 22 October 1944; Venona 1536
KGB New York to Moscow, 28 October 1944; Venona 16og KGB New York to
Moscow, 17 November 1944; Venona 1797 KGB New York to Moscow, 20 Decem- her 1944; Venona 210 Moscow to KGB New York, 9 March 1945; Venona 224
Moscow to KGB New York, 13 March 1945.

5. Moscow Center to KGB Washington, 29 May 1945, KGB file 45100, v.1,
p. 121, Alexander Vassiliev, White Notebook #3 12007 English Traislation], trans.
Steven Shahad (1993-96), 82; "Vadim" to Moscow Center_ S March 1945, KGB file
43173, v.1, p. 95, Alexander Vassiliev, Black Notebook [2007 English Translation],
trans. Philip Redko (1993-96), 51.

6. Igor Damaskin, assisted by Geoffrey Elliott, Kitty Harris: The Spy with 17
Names (London: St Ermin's, 2001), 143-99.

7. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, circa January 1945; Moscow Center to KGB
Washington, 28 March 1945, KGB file 45100, v.1, pp. 73-74, 107, Vassiliev, White
#.3, 74, 8o.

8. Zarubin to Merkulov, "Memorandum (on the station's work in the country),"
30 September 1944, KGB file 35112, v.1, p. 420, Vassiliev, White #1, 14; "Vadim" to
Moscow Center, 20-21 March 1945, KGB file 45100, v.1, p. 99, Vassiliev, White #3,

9. KGB Washington to Moscow Center, 1g August 1948, KGB file 43173, v.4,
p. 369, Vassiliev, Black, 71.

lo. Robert Louis Benson, "Weisband," paper presented at Symposium on Cryptologic History, Maritime Institute, MD, 2003); Robert Louis Benson to Harvey
Klehr, 20 June. 2007. "`Zero' was handed over to `Link,"' circa 1936, KGB file 3461,
v.2, p. 165; "Expense estimate for the NY station for the 2nd quarter of 1937," KGB
file 3464, v.l, p. 84; "Agents: (3rd qtr. of'38)," KGB file 40159, v.1, p. 253, Vassiliev,
Black, 17, 27, 101. Raymond J. Batvinis, "Is Counterintelligence an Affair of State or
Justice? The Bureaucratic Struggle over Responsibility in Two Wars," paper presented at the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations annual meeting,
Chantilly, Virginia, 2007.

ii. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 17 July 1941, KGB file 40594, v.5, p. 126,
Vassiliev, Black, 103; FBI Washington Field Office report, Jones York deposition, 6
October 1953, reproduced in Robert Louis Benson and Michael Warner, Venona:
Soviet Espionage and the American Response 1939-1957 (Washington, D.C.: National Security Agency; Central Intelligence Agency, 1996), 167-70; `Background
on `Needle,"' 1o February 1947, KGB file 40129, v.4, p. 257, Vassiliev, White #1,
120; Hood to Director, ii April i95o, serial 53; Hood to Director, 4 April 1950, serial 57, FBI Jones Orin York file 65-2223.

12. Venona 981 KGB New York to Moscow, 23 June 1943; Venona 1239 KGB
New York to Moscow, 3o August 1944; Venona 154 Moscow to KGB New York, 16
February 1945. Semenov to Fitin, circa 1944, KGB file 40129, v.3a, pp. 212-13, Vassiliev, White #1, 112-13; "Victor" to "Anton," 23 February 1945, KGB file 40159,
v3, p. 474, Vassiliev, Black, 133.

13. Semenov to Fitin, 29 November 1944, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 213, Vassiliev, White #1, 113; Moscow Center to "Vadim," 21 October 1945, KGB file 43173,
v.1, p. 162, Vassiliev, Black, 57.

14. On the NSA background to the Weisband story, see "Who Was William
Weisband?" in Benson and Warner, Venona, xxviii; Laura Sullivan, "Spy's Role Linked to U.S. Failure on Korea," Baltimore Sun, 29 June 2000; Benson, "Weisband"; John Schindler, "Weisband," paper presented at Symposium on Ciyptologic
History, Maritime Institute, MD, 2003.

15. "Plan of measures," March 1949, KGB file 43173, v.2c, p. 25, Vassiliev, Black,

16. "Plan of measures," March 1949, KGB file 43173, v.2c, pp. 25, 27, Vassiliev,
Black, 75.

17. "`Zhora' is asking," circa 1948, KGB file 43173, v.4, P. 230; "In Dec. 48,"
KGB file 43173, v.7; "Vasin signed," circa i95o, KGB file 40159, v.2, p. 101; "We
consent," circa 195o, KGB file 43173, v.11, p. 87, Vassiliev, Black, 70, g1, 95-96.

i8. "At a meeting," i6 July 1949, KGB file 43173, v.11, p. 85, Vassiliev, Black, 91.

1g. "Pavel's" lines, KGB file 43173, v.ic, pp. 26-27; "Materials from," 13 September 1949, KGB file 43173, v.7, p. 100; "On the days," circa 1949, KGB file 43173,
v.7, p. 114; Moscow Center to KGB Washington, 28 February 1950, KGB file 43173,
v.2c, p. 70; Moscow Center to KGB Washington, 28 March 1950, KGB file 43173,
v.ii, p. Si, Vassiliev, Black, 75, 81, 91, 94.

20. "The stations' info," circa 1948, KGB file 43173, v.8, p. 84; Moscow Center
to "Vladimir," 3 January 1950, KGB file 43173, v.11, pp. 11-12, Vassiliev, Black, 92,

21. FBI Washington Field Office report, Jones York deposition, 6 October 1953,
reproduced in Benson and Warner, Venona, 167-70; Hood to Director, ii April
1950, serial 53, and Hood to Director, 4 April 1950, serial 57, FBI Jones Orin York
file 65-2223. In a very belated response to the problem of defense lawyers thwarting espionage prosecutions by threatening to subpoena or use discovery motions to
obtain government secrets and expose them in open court, in 1g8o the Congress
passed the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA), establishing procedures
for handling classified information in criminal trials. CIPA provided that government
prosecutors could request that a judge review classified information demanded by a
defense attorney under discovery procedures both in camera (nonpublicly, in judicial chambers) and ex parte (presented by only one side, the government, without the
presence of defense attorneys). The judge would then rule on what classified information necessarily had to be disclosed in order for the defendant to present an adequate defense, and the act included an option of substituting unclassified summaries
for the sensitive materials. CIPA called upon judges to balance the need of the government to protect intelligence information and the right of a defendant to a fair
trial. CIPA reduced but did not eliminate the "graymail" problem in espionage and
terrorism cases because a large element of individual judicial discretion (arbitrariness) remained.

22. Harold Kennedy FBI New York report, 14 December 1945, serial 236;
Harold Kennedy FBI New York report, 7 December 1945, serial 248, FBI Silvermaster file 65-56402.

23. Autobiography of "Don," circa 1937; autobiography of "Carmen," circa 1937;
Report by "Jung," November 1936; "Jung" to Moscow Center, 5 July 1937, KGB file
40132, v.1, pp. 16-17, 20-24, 26-27, Alexander Vassiliev, Yellow Notebook #2 [2007
English Translation], trans. Philip Redko (1993-96), 81-82.

24. Moscow Center to "Jung," 21 June 1937; "Jung" to Moscow Center, 5 July
1937, pp. 25, 27, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 82-83.

25. Adolf Berle, "Underground Espionage Agent [Transcription of Berle's notes
of 2 September 1939 interview with Whittaker Chambers]," in U.S. Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee, Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments
[Hearings] (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1953), part 6, pp. 329-30;
Whittaker Chambers, "Statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation," January
-April 1949, PP. 58-59; Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Fridrikh Igorevich
Firsov, The Secret World of American Communism (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1995), 25-26; Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Kyrill M. Anderson, The
Soviet World of American Communism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998),
iii; Richard H. Tourin, Memoirs and Adventures (New York: privately published,
2003), in the Richard H. Tourin Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress;
Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2000), 120; Gary Kern,
A Death in Washington: Walter G. Krivitsky and the Stalin Terror (New York:
Enigma Books, 2003), 232, 235, 393, 416, 445; "Report on Rosenbliett," 23 October
1947, KGB file 40132, v.i, pp. 133-34, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 86-87.

26. Venona 1636 KGB New York to Moscow, 21 November 1944. "Albert" report, 2 March 1943; "Berg went," 22 September 1944; Moscow Center to "Sergey,"
20 April 1945, KGB file 40132, v.1, pp. 47, 6o, 86, 92, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 83-84.
Moscow Center to KGB Washington, 28 March 195o, KGB file 43173, v.11, p. 52,
Vassiliev, Black, 94.

27. "Albert" to Moscow Center, io October 1944; Moscow Center to KGB New
York, 20 October 1944; Moscow Center to "May," 9 December 1944; "Albert" to
Moscow Center, 9 January 1945; Moscow Center to "Sergey," 20 April 1945; "Julia'
met with `Art,"' 25 November 1945; "As of Jan. 1st, 1937," KGB file 40132, v.1,
pp. 63-65, 73, 78, 85, 127, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 82, 84, 86.

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