Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (120 page)

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Authors: Harvey Klehr;John Earl Haynes;Alexander Vassiliev

BOOK: Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America
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25. Moscow Center to KGB San Jose, 1z October 1976; KGB San Jose to
Moscow Center, 18 October 1976; KGB San Jose to Moscow Center, 21 October
1976; KGB file 61512, v.2, pp. 134, 141-42, 144-45, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 6o.

26. "`Bra's' autobiography," 30 January 1945, KGB file 45049, v.2, PP. 33, Vassiliev, White #3, 129.

27. Ibid., pp. 33-40, Vassiliev, White #3, 129-30; People's Weekly World, 23
November 2002; FBI background memo on Donald Wheeler, serial 3291, FBI Silvermaster file 65-564o2.

28. "`Izra's' autobiography," 30 January 1945, KGB file 45049, V.2, P. 37, Vassiliev, White #3, 130; Testimony of Emile Despres, 5 August 1948, U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Hearings Regarding Communist Espionage in the
United States (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1948), 627; U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments
[Hearings] (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1953), part 30, xxviii. Marzani
transferred to the State Department after the OSS's dissolution. The government
charged him with perjury for falsely signing a security form denying Communist allegiance. The justice Department had evidence that he had worked as a CPUSA organizer under the name Tony Wales, and he was convicted and imprisoned in 1947.
The United States of America v. Carl Aldo Marzani, alias Tony Whales [Transcript
of proceedings, 12-22 May 1947, in the District Court of the United States for the
District of Columbia, exhibits, briefs and papers]. After his jail terra, Marzani headed
a left-wing publishing house. A former KGB officer in 1994 identified Marzani as a contact and recipient of KGB subsidies for his publishing house in the 196os. Oleg
Kalugin and Fen Montaigne, The First Directorate (New York: St. Martin's Press,
1994), 48-60.

29. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 8 May 1943; KGB New York to Moscow
Center, 3 August 1943, KGB file 45049, v.1, pp. 9, 12, Vassiliev, White #3, 131; memo
on Donald Wheeler, 12 july 1948, serial 3291, FBI Silvermaster file 65-56402.

30. "`Raid'-on `Izra,"' circa 1945, KGB file 45049, V.2, p. 32, Vassiliev, White
#3, 128. Elizabeth Bentley, FBI Deposition, 3o November 1945, serial 220, pp. 40,
53-57, 78-80, 1o5; FBI New York memo, 16 January 1947, serial 1936, FBI Silvermaster file 65-56402. Venona 588 KGB New York to Moscow, 29 April 1944;
Venona 687 KGB New York to Moscow, 13 May 1944; Venona 769 and 771 KGB
New York to Moscow, 30 May 1944. "Mer" to Moscow Center, 13 May 1944; "Mer"
to Moscow Center, 30 May 1944, KGB file 4510, v.1, pp. 14, 17, Vassiliev, White #3,

31. "`Raid'-on `Izra,'" circa 1945, KGB file 45049, V.2, p. 32; Allakliverdov to
Graur, circa mid-1944, KGB file 45049, V7.2, p. 8; Moscow Center to KGB New York,
3 September 1944, KGB file 45049, v.1, p. 16; Moscow Center to "May," 1 June
1944, KGB file 45100, v.1, p. 18, Vassiliev, White #3, 68, 125, 128, 131. Bentley,
Deposition 1945, 52, 54-55, 57. Venona 769 and 771 KGB New York to Moscow, 30
May 1944.

32. "Albert" to Moscow Center, 17 September 1944, KGB file 45049, v. 1, p. 22;
"Albert" to Moscow Center, 17 September 1944, KGB file 45100, v.1, p. 28, Vassiliev, White #3, 71, 131.

33. "Raid'-on `Izra,"' circa 1945, KGB file 45049, v.2, p. 32, Vassiliev, White
#3, 128. George Wheeler later worked for the American military occupation government in Germany and was accused of attempting to manipulate occupation labor
policies in the American zone to block unions aligned with the German Social Democratic Party and give preference to Communist-controlled labor formations. Paul R.
Porter, "Conflict within American Military Government Concerning the Revival of
German Trade Unions," unpublished essay, 1,5 November 1983, Paul R. Porter Papers, Harry Truman Presidential Library. George Wheeler later defected to Communist Czechoslovakia and became a propagandist authoring books and essays praising the Communist regimes of Eastern Europe and blaming the United States for the
Cold War division of Germany and Europe.

34. Letter from "Albert," 21 September 1944, KGB file 40457, V-1, PP. 43-44;
"List of OSS employees who allegedly," circa 1944, KGB file 40457, v.z, p. 16; "Koch"
report, 12 September 1944, KGB file 45049, v'• 1, p. 18, Vassiliev, White #3, 106, 110,
131. Venona 1325-1326 KGB New York to Moscow, 1,5 September 1944; Venona
954 KGB Moscow to New York, 20 September 1944.

35. "Vadim" Report, 31 December 1944; List of "Ruble's" acquaintances_ 5 January 1945, KGB file 43072, v.1, pp. 58, 133, Vassiliev, White #3-51, 6o. When Glasser
supplied the KGB with a list of people he knew in the CPUSA underground previously but didn't see now, he included "Wheeler (2)," meaning that he had known
both Donald and George Wheeler. Report by "X," 26 March 1945; Report by "Raid,"
24 March 1945, KGB file 45100, v.1, pp. 104, io6, Vassiliev, White #3, 78, 8o. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, April 1945, KGB file 59264, v.1, p. 48, Vassiliev, Yellow
#2, 74.

36. Moscow Center to KGB Washington, 28 March 1945, KGB file 45100, v.1,
p. log, Vassiliev, White #3, 80; Moscow Center to KGB Washington, 29 May 1945,
KGB file 43173, V.2, pp. 6o-6i, 65, Vassiliev, Black, 66-67.

37. "Vadim" to Moscow Center (marked 27 April 1945 but may be in error because the text refers to events in May); Report by "Raid," 17 June 1945; KGB New
York to Moscow Center, 13 July 1945, KGB file 45049, v.2, pp. 10-12 Vassiliev,
White #3, 125-26. The spelling of Voosling's name has not been verified.

38. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, i September 1945, KGB file 45100, v.1, p. 67,
Vassiliev, White #3, 132.

39. "Izra" report, "Prospects for the State Dep's Interim Intelligence Org.," zo
November 1945, KGB file 45049, vz, P. 23, Vassiliev, White #3, 127. See multiple
reports by Wheeler in Vassiliev, White #3, 127-28.

40. Kvasnikov to Graur, October 1946, KGB file 45049, V.2, p. 20, Vassiliev,
White #3, 127.

41. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 21 October 1945, KGB file 43173, v.1, p. 162,
Vassiliev, Black, 57. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 23 November 1945, KGB file 70545,
p. 405, Alexander Vassiliev, White Notebook #2 12007 English Translation], trans.
Steven Shabad (1993-96), 30. People's Weekly World, 23 November 2002. Wheeler's
son Tim became an editor of the CPUSA's newspaper, the People's Weekhj World.

42. Don S. Kirschner, Cold War Exile: The Unclosed Case of Maurice Halperin
(Cohnnbia: University of Missouri Press, 1995), 130-31, 314-16.

43. "Memorandum from Myrna re her contacts," November 1944, KGB file
70545, P. 143, Vassiliev, White #2, 9. Moscow Center to Maxim, 26 November 1942;
Moscow Center to Maxim, 1,5 March 1943, KGB file 35112, v.6, pp. 313, 416-17,
Vassiliev, White #1, 38, 40.

44• Venona 88o KGB New York to Moscow, 8 June 1943; Verona 887 KGB
New York to Moscow, 9 June 1943; Venona 921, 922, 924 KGB New York to
Moscow, 16 June 1943; Venona 931 KGB New York to Moscow, 17 June 1943;
Venona 993 KGB New York to Moscow, 24 June 1943; Venona 1019, 1021, 1024,
1034 KGB New York to Moscow, 29 June 1943; Venona 1 KGB New York to
Moscow, 8 July 1943; Venona 1162 KGB New York to Moscow, 17 July 1943;
Venona 1189 KGB New York to Moscow, 21 July 1943; Venona 206 KGB New York
to Moscow, 1o February 1944; Venona 611 KGB New York to Moscow, 3 May 1944;
Venona 694 KGB New York to Moscow, 16 May 1944; Venona 748 KGB New York
to Moscow, 26 May 1944; Venona 993 KGB New York to Moscow, 13 July 1944;
Venona 1214 KGB New York to Moscow, 2,5 August 1944; Venona 1325-1326 KGB
New York to Moscow, 15 September 1944; Venona 1333 KGB New York to
Moscow, 18 September 1944; Venona 1437 KGB New York to Moscow, 1o October 1944; Venona 1438 KGB New York to Moscow, io October 1944; Venona 1453
KGB New York to Moscow, 12 October 1944; Venona 1484 KGB New York to
Moscow, 19 October 1944; Venona 954 KGB Moscow to New York, 20 September

45. "Maxim re Vardo's meeting with Helmsman," 1g December 1943, KGB file 70545, p. 69, Vassiliev, White #2, 2; "Report by `Vadim,' no date (excerpt) (evidently,
Jan. 1945)," KGB file 45100, v.1, p. 73, Vassiliev, White #3, 74; Zarubin to Merkulov,
"Memorandum (on the station's work in the country)," 30 September 1944, KGB
file 35112, v.1, p. 404, Vassiliev, White #1, 7. Other references to Halperin can be
found in Vassiliev, White #1, 48-49; Vassiliev, Black, 65-66, 79, 92; Vassiliev, White
#2, 9, 19, 33.

46. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 23 November 1945, KGB file 70545, P. 405;
Korneev report, circa 1957, KGB file 14449, v.2, p. 175, Vassiliev, White #2, 30, 76.
On Halperin's later life, see Kirschner, Cold War Exile.

47. Bentley, Deposition 1945, 34-36, 40-52,57, 78-80. Testimony of Duncan
Lee, io August 1948, U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, Hearings
Regarding Communist Espionage, 715-25, 733-59.

48. Duncan Lee interview report, 4 June 1947, serial 2530; Washington Field
Office report, "Lieutenant Colonel Duncan C. Lee," 11 January 1946, serial 464;
Washington Field Office report, "Re: Lt. Col. Duncan C. Lee," z8 January 1946, serial 466, FBI Silvermaster file 65-56402. Nor did Lee disclose that he and Ishbel
Gibb, who became his wife, toured the Soviet Union in the mid-1930s. Islibe l Petri,
Not a Bowl of Cherries (County Durham, U.K.: Petland Press [privately printed],
1997). Venona 782 KGB New York to Moscow, 26 May 1943; Verona 88o KGB New
York to Moscow, 8 June 1943; Venona 887 KGB New York to Moscow, 9 June 1943;
Venona 83o KGB New York to Moscow, 9 June 1944; Venona 1325-1326 KGB New
York to Moscow, 15 September 1944; Venona 1354 KGB New York to Moscow, 22
September 1944 (does not mention Lee by name but is a follow-up to Venona 13251326); Venona 1353 KGB New York to Moscow, 23 September 1944; Verona 1437
KGB New York to Moscow, io October 1944; Venona 954 KGB Moscow to New
York, 20 September 1944.

49. `Biography of `Koch,' received from `Sound,"' 8 September 1942; "Koch"
report, 24 November 1943; "Koch" report, 26 June 1944; "INFO assessed," KGB
file 40457, v.1, pp. 7, 26, 34, 49, and "Koch" report, 24 January 1944, KGB file 40457,
v.2, p. 8, Vassiliev, White #3, 102, 104, io6, 109.

50. Bentley, Deposition 1945, 34-36. Chugunov report, 9 February 1945;
"Vadim" to Moscow Center, 20 March 1945; "Center asked," 7 April 1945; "K. was,"
23 November 1945, KGB file 40457, V•1, PP. 50-54-55,57-0, Vassiliev, White #3,

51. It is unclear if "Mary" was a joint cover name for Paul and Hede Massing or
only one of them. Venona 846 KGB New York to Moscow, 3 June 1943; Venona 854
KGB New York to Moscow, 5 June 1943; Venona 88o KGB New York to Moscow,
8 June 1943; Venona 917 KGB New York to Moscow, 1,5 June 1943. There is also a
"Ruff" in a 1945 KGB message, but that is clearly a different person from "Ruff" of
1943. Venona 876 KGB New York to Moscow, 6 June 1945. Report on "Ruff," circa
1942; "Report by `Mary,"' August 1942, KGB file 28734, v.1, pp. 7-8, Vassiliev, White
#3, 133.

52. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 3 April 1943, KGB file 28734, v.1, p. 15,
Vassiliev, White #3, 134.

53. "R. does," circa late 1943; "Information based on a report by `Mary," 6 Jan nary 1944; "Maxim" report based on "Mary's" report of 13 June 1944," KGB file
28734, v.1, pp. 16, 20, 23, Vassiliev, White #3, 134-36.

54. Report, 17 july 1944; Report, 4 April 1945, KGB file 28734, v.1, pp. 24, 27,
Vassiliev, White #3, 136.

55. Bentley, Deposition 1945, 38-41, 71, 79, 8o, 84. Entries regarding
"Muse"/Tenney can be found at Vassiliev, Black, 51, 67, 79; Vassiliev, Yellow #2,
78; Vassiliev, White #1, 7, 58, 132; Vassiliev, White #3, 74, 8o; Vassiliev, White #2,
9, 19, 30, 32-33; Alexander Vassiliev, Yellow Notebook #4 [2007 English Translation], trans. Steven Shabad (1993-96), 39. Venona 756 KGB New York to Moscow,
27 May 1944; Venona 769 and 771 KGB New York to Moscow, 30 May 1944;
Venona 94o KGB New York to Moscow, 4 July 1944; Venona 1118 KGB New York
to Moscow, 4 August 1944; Venona 1352 KGB New York to Moscow, 23 September 1944. On Tenney's espionage career, see Haynes and Klehr, Venona (2000),
111-13, 396n5.

56. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 3 December 1945, KGB file 70545, pp. 432-33,
Vassiliev,WVhite #2, 32-33.

57. Strickland memo on Tenney, 6 June 1946, serial 1195; Ladd to Director, 15
January 1-947, serial 2081; Scheidt to Hoover, 12 February 1947, serial 2407; Ladd
to Hoover, 6 june 1947, serial 2547, FBI Silvermaster file 65-56402. Elizabeth
Bentley and Hayden B. Peake, Out of Bondage: The Story of Elizabeth Bentley
(New York: Ivy Books, 1988), 2og-1o. Testimony of Helen Tenney, 16 June 1953,
U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Interlocking Subversion, part 12, 77286.

58. "Glan" to Moscow Center, 7 August 1941, KGB file 35112, v.4a, PP. 549-50,
Vassiliev, White #1, 25.

59. "Maxim" to Moscow Center, 14 April 1943; "Maxim" to Moscow Center, 23
December 1943, KGB file 35112, v.7, pp. 308, 498, Vassiliev, White #1, 50-53.

6o. "Maxim" to Moscow Center, 3 August 1943, KGB file 35112, v.7, p. 419,
Vassiliev, White #i, 5o; "Myrna" contact list, October 1944, KGB file 70545, P. 143,
Vassiliev, White #2, 9.

61. Bentley, Deposition 1945, 30-32, 79-80, 84. Venona 88o KGB New York
to Moscow, 8 June 1943; Venona 1464 KGB New York to Moscow, 14 October 1944;
Venona 1454 KGB New York to Moscow, 13 October 1944.

62. Julius Joseph testimony, 26 May 1953, U.S. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Interlocking Subversion, part io, 615.

63. Venona 325 KGB Moscow to New York, 17 May 1942; Venona 726-729 New
York to Moscow, 22 May 1942; Venona 1234 New York to Moscow, 29 August 1944.

64. Excerpts from Mary Jane Keeney's diary and from the Keeneys' correspondence, serials 1938 and 2661, FBI Silvermaster file 65-56402. One factor identifying Kurnakov as Thomas was that the diary records Colonel Thomas leaving the
United States to return to his homeland at the same time that Kurnakov returned to
the Soviet Union. The FBI also photographed a handwritten note from Thomas indicating that around 1o January 1946 he would be going home. Kurnakov left the
United States in January 1946.

65. Venona 82 KGB New York to Moscow, 18 January 1945.

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