Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (125 page)

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Authors: Harvey Klehr;John Earl Haynes;Alexander Vassiliev

BOOK: Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America
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2. Moscow Center to "Arkhip," 28 March 1934; "Emir's" report on meeting
with "L," 16 January 1936; Memorandum on M. D., circa 1936, KGB file 14449, v1,
pp. 13, 17-20, 25, Vassiliev, White #2, 46-47.

3. From "A's" letter, 5 June 1935; Memo on M. D., circa 1936; Memo re "Liza,"
1937; Dodd to Soviet government, 14 March 1937; Letter from "Alexander," 21
March 1937; "Alexander" to Moscow Center, 5 November 1937; "Alexander" to
Moscow Center, 12 November 1937; "M. D. took," KGB file 14449, v1, pp. 15, 25,
33, 37, 45-46, 50-51, Vassiliev, White #2, 46-47, 49-50, 52-53.

4. Slutsk}7 to Yezhov containing Dodd statement, 28 March 1937; Yezhov to Stalin,
29 March 1937, KGB file 14449, v.1, PP. 38-44, 48, Vassiliev, White #2, 50-53.

5. Moscow Center to "Jung," 8 January 1938, KGB file 14449, v.1, p. 52, Vassiliev, White #2, 54. "Gennady" to Moscow Center with annotations, 13 April 1938;
KGB New York to Moscow Center, 25 May 1938, KGB file 35112, v.5, pp. 23-24,
30, Alexander Vassiliev, Black Notebook [2007 English Translation], trans. Philip
Redko (1993-96), 147-48. "Luisa" is likely a garble for "Liza."

6. "Nikolay" to Moscow Center, 29 June 1938; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 14 September 1938, KGB file 35112, V.5, PP. 45, 76, Vassiliev, Black, 148, 152.
Letter from M. D. to B. V., 9 July 1938; Memo re "Liza," 1938, KGB file 14449, v.1,
pp. 56-57, Vassiliev, White #2_54-55-

7. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 14 September 1938; KGB New York to
Moscow Center, i December 1938, KGB file 35112, v.5, pp. 76, 101-2, 117-18,
Vassiliev, Black, 152-53.

8. Martha Dodd, Through Embassy Eyes (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1939);
William Edward Dodd, Ambassador Dodd's Diary, 1933-1938, ed. William Edward
Dodd, Jr., and Martha Dodd (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1941). John Fox presents
evidence suggesting that significant portions of the published version of Ambassador
Dodd's diaries were faked by Martha and Bill Dodd to conform to their pro-Soviet
political views. John Francis Fox, Jr., "`In Passion and in Hope': The Pilgrimage of
an American Radical, Martha Dodd Stern and Family, 1933-1990" (PhD diss., University of New Hampshire, 2001). Moscow Center to "Gennady," 23 September
1939, KGB file 35112, v.5, p. 388; Butkov to Prudnikov, ii April 1941, KGB file
35112, v.1, pp. 84, 89, Vassiliev, Black, 154, 174-75.

g. "Stephan was supposed," circa 1941, KGB file 35112, v.1, pp. 47-48, Vassiliev, Black, 172; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 21 August 1941, KGB file
35112, v4a, p. 444, Alexander Vassiliev, White Notebook #1 [2007 English Translation], trans. Steven Shabad (1993-96), 23; "Chap" re meeting with Martha, 24 September 1941, KGB file 14449, v.1, pp. 70-73, Vassiliev, White #2, 55-56.

io. Meeting with "Chap," i October 1941; Memo re "Liza"; Moscow Center to
"Sergey," 29 October 1941, KGB file 14449, v.1, pp. 61, 75-77, 86, Vassiliev, White
#2, 55-58.

11. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 5 November 1941, KGB file 35112, v.4a,
p. 644, Vassiliev, White #1, 27; Message from "Liza," 26 December 1941, KGB file
14449, v.1, pp. 106-7, Vassiliev, White #2, 58-59•

12. Moscow Center to "Maxim," io January 1942, KGB file 35112, v.6, pp. 96-
gg, Vassiliev, White #1, 33-34.

13. 'Liza," ,5 February 1942, KGB file 14449, v.i (in envelope), Vassiliev, White
#2, 63-64.

14. "Liza," ii March 1942, KGB file 14449, v.1 (in envelope), Vassiliev, White
#2, 65-66.

1,5. "Liza," 19 March 1942, KGB file 14449, v.1 (in envelope), Vassiliev, White
#2, 67.

16. "Maxim" to Moscow Center, 1g April 1942, KGB file 35112, v.7, pp. 23, 2829, Vassiliev, White #1, 43-44.

17. Moscow Center to "Maxim," 24 June 1942; Moscow Center to "Maxim," 26
November 1942, KGB file 35112, v.6, pp. 177, 313, Vassiliev, White #1, 37-38; Plan
of assignments for "May" approved by Merkulov, 16 December 1943, KGB file
35112, V.1, p. 303a, Vassiliev, Black, 182; Venona 854 KGB New York to Moscow, 16
June 1942.

18. "Maxim" report, 30 September 1944; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 19
March 1945, with "Peter's" report; "Vadim" report, circa 1945; Moscow Center to
"Vadim," 14 June 1945, KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 97-106, 110-11, Alexander Vassiliev, Yellow Notebook #3 12007 English Translation], trans. Philip Redko (1993-96),
17-20, 22. Report, 9 June 1945, KGB file 43173, v.1, p. 126; "Plan of measures,"
March 1949, KGB file 43173, v.zc, p. zz, Vassiliev, Black, 53, 74.

ig. "Plan of measures," March 1949, KGB file 43173, v.2c, pp. 21-23, Vassiliev,
Black, 74; "Vladimir" to Moscow Center, 4 February 1948; Moscow Center to
"Vladimir," 12 February 1948; "Snegirev" reports on io and 27 January, 1-8 March,
and io May 1948 meetings with Martha Dodd Stern, KGB file 14449, v.2, pp. 1772, Vassiliev, White #2, 69-70.

20. "Vladimir" to Moscow Center, 12 August 1948; Moscow Center to KGB
Washington, 14 August 1948; KGB Washington to Moscow Center, circa 1948; Report on meeting, 6 October 1948, KGB file 14449, v'•2, pp. 76-79, Vassiliev, White
#2, 71. "Liza" report, 14 May 1948, KGB file 43173, V•4, p. 154, Vassiliev, Black, 70.

21. Report on meetings with "Liza" and "Louis," 16 October 1948, KGB file
14449, V.2, pp. 81-82, Vassiliev, White #2, 71-72.

22. "Liza" gave "Snegirev," 30 June 1949; "Kostrov" established, z6 August 1949;
Gorsky memo, 8 December 1949; Memo, October 1953, KGB file 14449, v.2,
pp. 87-111, Vassiliev, White #2, 72-73. "Kostrov" report, 12 May 1950, KGB file
43173, v.2c, p. 111; "During a reception," 7 November 1949, KGB file 43173, v.7,
p. 122, Vassiliev, Black, 84, 91.

23. "Decided to reactivate," March 1955; Moscow Center to KGB Mexico City,
14 May 1-956; "Ostap" report, 8 June 1957; Moscow Center to "Ostap," 11 June 1957;
"Ostap" report, 18 June 1957; "Ostap" report, g July 1957; "Ostap" report, 13 July
1957; "Peshekhonov" to Moscow Center, 5 August 1957; Korneev report on the
Sterns, circa 1957; KGB file 14449, v.2, pp. 117, 129, 137-38, 142-45, 148, 150, 152-53, 165 170-71, 173-75, 177, 179, 184, Vassiliev, White #2, 73-76. The gov-
ennnent of Paraguay later repudiated its diplomat's action.

24. Korneev report, 17 August 1957; Korneev report, 22 August 1957; KGB petitioned, 28 August 1957; Vakhrushev report on the Sterns, September 1957; Sterns
decided, September 1957; Stern letter, "After careful," ii October 1957; Stern sent,
29 October 1957, KGB file 14449, V.2, pp. 186-89, 205-6, 210-11, 227-44, 278-80,
282-89, Vassiliev, White #2, 77-80.

25. China; Reply from Peking, 31 August 1957; KGB Prague to Moscow Center,
14 October 1975; Moscow Center to KGB Prague, 14 October 1975, KGB file 14449,
V.2, pp. 177, 179, 212, 362-63, 365, Vassiliev, White #2, 76-78, 81. For a view of the
Sterns as innocent victims of anti-Communist paranoia and suggesting there was no
substance to charges of their participation in espionage, see Katrina vanden Heuvel,
"Martha Dodd Stern," Nation, 24 September 199o, and Katrina vanden Heuvel,
"Grand Illusions," Vanity Fair 54, no. 9 (September 1991). The one comprehensive
scholarly study of the Steins depicted them as liming cooperated with Soviet intelligence. Fox, "'In Passion.'"

26. "Nikolay" to Moscow Center, "On Morros," 1934, KGB file 30595, v-1,
pp. 13-17, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 1-3.

27. Center took an interest, circa 1934; Moscow Center to "Nikolay," 5 October
1934; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 24 October 1934; KGB New York to
Moscow Center, 26 October 1934, KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 18, 21, 25-26, Vassiliev,
Yellow #3, 3-4.

28. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 20 July 1935; "Nikolay" to Moscow Center with "Archimedes- report, KGB file 30595, v1, PP. 27, 35-38, Vassiliev, Yellow
#3, 4-7.

29. Report by "Betty," 8 June 1938, KGB file 30595, v.1, PP. 44-47, Vassiliev,
Yellate #3, 9-10.

30. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 3 November 1940; Moscow Center to
KGB New York, 1,5 February 1941; Moscow Center to KGB New York, circa 1941,
KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 62-64, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 12.

31. "Maxim" report, 28 December 1941; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 4
April 1942; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 16 April 1942; Report, 1 September
1942; "F. has been receiving letters"; "Charon" to Moscow Center, 30 September
1943, KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 65-71, 74, 76-79, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 12-14.

32. Relatives, 14 October 1946, KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 113-15, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 23-24. Article 58-1o criminalized anti-Soviet agitation, while Article 193-17
punished neglect of duty by Red Army personnel.

33. "Maxim's" report, 30 September 1944, KGB file 30595, v.1, PP. 93-99, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 15-17.

34. Verona 1824 KGB New York to Moscow, 27 December 1944; Venona 4-5
KGB New York to Moscow, 3 January 1945; Venona 11 KGB New York to Moscow,
4 January 1945; Venona 18-19 KGB New York to Moscow, 4 January 1945. Report,
9 June 1945, KGB file 43173, v.1, p. 126, Vassiliev, Black, 53. "Maxim" report, 30
September 1944; KGB New York to Moscow Center, ig March 1945, with "Peter's"
report; "Vadim" report, circa 1945; Moscow Center to "Vadim," 14 June 1945; "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 27 June 1945; Moscow Center to "Sergey," 30 June
1945; " Vadim" report, 9 June 1945, KGB file 30595, v.1, PP. 97-110, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 17-22.

35. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 14 June 1945; "Czech" report, 18 December
1945, KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 111-12, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 22-23.

36. "Czech" on "Frost," 18 August 1947, KGB file 30595, v.i, pp. 119-23, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 24-25; Report, 9 June 1945, KGB file 43173, v.i, p. 126, Vassiliev,
Black, 53.

37. "Czech" reports: March 1948, 6 May 1948, 4 May 1948, 14 June 1948, 27 July
1948, KGB file 30595, vi, PP. 129-52, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 26-30.

38. Boris Morros, assisted by Bill Davidson, "My Ten Years as a Counterspy,"
Look Magazine 21, nos. 24 and 2,5 (26 November 1957); Boris Morros, assisted by
Charles Samuels, My Ten Years as a Counterspy (New York: Viking Press, 1959).
"Czech" on "Frost," 18 August 1947, KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 119-23, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 24-25.

39. "Czech" reports: 4 and 6 May 1948; Korotkov to Moscow Center, 25 August
1948; Moscow Center to KGB Bern, 27 August 1948; Korotkov record of 2nd meeting with "John," 1o September 1948, KGB file 30595, v.1, pp. 131-34, 166-84, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 26, 33-40.

40. Korotkov record of znd meeting with "John," 1o September 1948, KGB file
30595, v.1, pp. 18o-86, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 40-41.

41. On "John" and his audience with the Pope, September 1948; "Czech" report, 25 June 1949; provisions for "Czech's" work, 28 July 1949, KGB file 30595, v.1,
pp. 195-200, 206-13, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 42-48.

42. Record of a conversation with "John," zo January i95o (conducted by Korotkov and Kovalenok); Conversation with "John," 27 January i95o (conducted by
Pavlov and Kovalenok); Conversation with "John," 28 January i95o (conducted by
Pavlov and Kovalenok); Conversation between Kovalenok and "J01111," 4 February
i95o; Assignments for "John," KGB file 30595, v.3, pp. 63-8i, 93-99, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 54-56, 61-62.

43. Moscow Center to KGB New York, ii November 1952, KGB file 30595,
v.4, pp. 142-47, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 89-90. Closing quote mark inserted.

44. "Czech" report, ii September 1950; "Klim's" meeting with "John," 4 September 1950, KGB file 30595, v'.3, pp. 273, 279-81, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 71-72. Plan
of action regarding "Czech's" station, 21 December 1951; Moscow Center to Yakov,
30 January 1952; KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, 2 September 1952; "Jolu1's" report
at 8 September 1952 meeting, with Savchenko annotation, KGB file 30595, v4,
pp•84, 90-93, 119, 123-29, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 82-87.

45. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 11 November 1952, KGB file 30595,
v.4, PP. 142-46, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 89-go.

46. KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, 18 April 1953; Moscow Center to KGB Vienna, 21 April 1953; KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, 27 July 1953; KGB Vienna to
Moscow Center, 6 August 1953; KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, 2 October 1953;
KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, ig December 1953; Korotkov's resolution, 28 December 1953, KGB file 30595, v.4, pp. 198-99, 20i, 207, 2i0, 230-32, Vassiliev, Yel low #3, 94-96. Venona 777-78' KGB New York to Moscow, 26 May '943; Venona
893 KGB New York to Moscow, 'o June 1943.

47. "Yakov" on "John" report at 6 May 1954 meeting; KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, i June 1954; Moscow Center to KGB Vienna, 3 July 1954; Pavlov to Panyushkin,
24 July 1954; KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, 12 August 1954; Moscow Center to KGB
Vienna, 9 November 1954; Moscow Center to KGB Vienna, 12 November 1954; Ak-
senov's report on a conversation with "John," io November 1954, KGB file 30595, v4,
pp. 247,250-,51,2,54,2,59,269-72,291,297-300,320-44, Vassiliev, Yelhnc #3, 97-101.
KGB Vienna to Moscow Center, 31 March 1955; Moscow Center to KGB Vienna, 5
April 1955, KGB file 30,595, v.5, pp. 43-47, Vassiliev, Yellow #3, 102-4.

48. For a summary of the Soble and Soblen trials, see John Earl Haynes and
Harvey Klehr, Early Cold War Spies: The Espionage Trials That Shaped American
Politics (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2oo6).

49. Biographical material is drawn from Steve Weinberg, Armand Hammer: The
Untold Story (Boston: Little, Brown, 1989), and Edward Jay Epstein, Dossier: The
Secret Histonl of Armand Hammer (New York: Random House, 1996).

50. Epstein, Dossier, 41.

51. Epstein, Dossier, 63-64, 80-82, g1.

52. Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov, The Secret
World of American Communism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1-995), 26-30;
Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Kynill M. Anderson, The Soviet World of American Commtcnism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998), 132-35.

53. Epstein, Dossier, 69.

54. Memo re Yuly Yakovlevich Hammer; Memoranda on agents "Physician,"
"Sonny," and "Lyudmila," 23 June 1951, KGB file 77273, pp• 49, 245-47, Vassiliev,
White #2, 105, 137-38; "Re Trotskvites, Max Eastman and his work and contacts
with Trotsky," 25 March 1932, KGB file 15359, p. ', Alexander Vassiliev, Odd Pages
[2008 English Translation], trans. Steven Shabad ('993-96),'.

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