Starbright (53 page)

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Authors: Alexandra Richland

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Starbright
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Beth beamed at Aidan. “See, I told you this was a good thing.”

He sighed. “I hope so, baby.”

A stagehand arrived to call Beth and Aidan to the set. When Kazan summoned Aidan over to discuss the next scene, Beth took the opportunity to speak with Nathan in private.

“We still have to iron out the rest of the details for Aidan’s party.” She kept her voice low, even though her beau was out of earshot. “His birthday is two months away, but there’s so much to be done. Perhaps we can meet tomorrow at the same time you suggested today?”

Nathan nodded. “Sure, but how about we meet in the commissary instead?”

Beth giggled. “Sounds good. Although my meeting with Mr. Mertz went well, I wouldn’t want to risk running into him again. There’s only so much of him I can take.”

A shiver shot up her spine at the memory of his hand on her knee, regardless of how innocent the gesture was. Thankfully, her smile didn’t falter, so Nathan seemed none the wiser. He gave her a wave farewell and departed the soundstage.

Beth watched Aidan rehearse with Wade, who had joined them for the afternoon. She was impressed by her beau’s dedication and couldn’t help but revel in their good fortune. She was relieved Mr. Mertz accepted their relationship. Now she looked forward to the Academy Awards even more, firmly believing in her character’s line at the start of the next scene:

As long as we are together, my love, we can triumph over anything.




Beth relaxed in her chair at the vanity after her makeup and hair personnel left her dressing room. Aidan was in his private quarters down the hall, preparing for his scene alone. Today they were filming one of the most dramatic scenes of the film: Joe’s confession to Mary regarding his apprehension over his return to boxing.

During breakfast, Aidan’s usual enthusiasm was absent, and his bloodshot eyes indicated he hadn’t slept a wink. However, Beth refused to pry, using the rationale that if he needed to open up to her, he would do so without encouragement. She was very proud of him. He no longer suffered from nightmares and seemed to be very close to a full recovery. Just a little more time, patience, and support, and she hoped he’d heal completely.

Beth’s excitement over today’s scene resurfaced with a knock at her door. “Please tell Mr. Kazan I’ll be out in a moment.”

“Actually, Beth, it’s me.” The voice in the hallway belonged to Nathan.

Beth swiveled around in her chair. “Come in!”

Nathan entered the room, dressed in a navy blue suit and matching fedora.

“Good morning,” he said, closing the door behind him.

“I understand you’ve fared well so far during Liv’s driving lessons.” Beth smiled. She’d heard all about their adventures from Olivia earlier in the week.

“Liv’s vehicle handling is progressing nicely, but she’s still nervous around other cars when we venture off the side streets.” Nathan grinned. “Luckily, I’ve borrowed a studio vehicle for her lessons, so my Cadillac is not in any danger.”

Beth giggled. “I know she’s very excited to get her license—more so because of her desire to purchase the new Ford that just came on the market rather than gaining her independence—but it’s still nice to see her so dedicated.”

Nathan chuckled. “I’ve heard plenty about that car, too. I have no doubt she’ll be ready to take her driving test in the next few weeks.”

As his gaze swept the dressing room, Beth noticed his eyes looked bloodshot. Concern settled in the pit of her stomach with the reminder of Aidan’s ragged appearance this morning.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

Nathan dragged his hand down his face, as though he was trying to wipe away the physical traces of his exhaustion. He walked across the room and took a seat on the chair beside her, tossing his fedora onto the vanity, next to her script.

“I was up all night on the telephone, attempting to clean up a PR mess at the studio.” He sighed. “Lydia Dale is in trouble.”

“Trouble?” Beth’s eyes grew wide.

“Three nights ago, a very famous director was caught in bed with Lydia by his wife.”

Beth’s hand flew to her mouth.

“The wife called a bunch of L.A. newspapers, adamant to expose the affair and ruin her husband’s reputation, which in turn, would destroy Lydia’s career. She’s already made arrangements to travel to Reno for a divorce.” Nathan shook his head. “Lydia’s—well, for lack of a better word—
are well-known in the industry amongst certain social circles. She’s always been able to remain discreet overall, so Luther has left her alone. Now he’s furious and looking to discipline her accordingly.”

Beth thought about Mr. Mertz’s graciousness in allowing her and Aidan to continue seeing each other as long as they remained tactful. She couldn’t imagine the consequences if they were exposed prematurely without his permission—though her relationship with Aidan wasn’t as scandalous as Lydia bedding a married man.

Nathan slouched in his chair. “I suppose it was only a matter of time before something like this happened to Lydia. Unfortunately, this time, she’s messed with the wrong woman. The director’s wife is a tough broad. Apparently, she’s had her suspicions in the past about other women but was never able to prove it. Now that she’s caught her husband cheating firsthand, she wants revenge. I already tried speaking with her, but her determination in bringing down her husband and Lydia is incorrigible. There’s simply no reasoning with her. The fact that Lydia is a much younger woman doesn’t help the situation.”

Beth peered at him curiously. “Can you keep the affair a secret from the public? Or is it too late?”

“I called the editors of the main Los Angeles publications at home last night and told them not to print any details of what they heard or else Luther would take immediate legal action. They couldn’t print specifics due to the censorship rules. Nevertheless, if
leaks, Lydia’s career will be over.”

“Won’t Mr. Mertz fire her anyway?”

Nathan shook his head. “Suspension and a fine are more plausible. He’s invested so much money into her career at this stage, and regardless of her true personality, America loves her. As of right now, Luther’s best move would be to have her lay low for a while until things blow over—which will happen eventually since news never stays newsworthy in this town for long.”

Beth wondered if Lydia’s scandal would affect the opening of
Venus Rising

“But that’s not why I’m here.” Nathan’s blue eyes morphed into sparkling pools of enthusiasm. “I’ve come here to ask your permission for Olivia’s hand in marriage.”

Beth leapt out of her chair and wrapped her arms around his neck. “That’s wonderful news! Of course I give my blessing.”

She let go of him and took her seat again.

“Isn’t it, though?” Nathan sighed, his grin intact. “My upbringing instilled in me it’s only proper to obtain permission before popping the question. Since you’re the closest person to Olivia I know personally, I wanted to ask you.”

Beth brought her hand to her heart. “I’m honored that you came to me. You two are meant to be. Olivia will be thrilled.”

Nathan stood. “Could you give me your opinion on her engagement ring? I’d sure appreciate it.”


Nathan produced a small black box with gold trim from his pocket. “I bought it earlier in the week and kept it in my office safe. I’m fairly confident I know Liv’s taste, but she means so much to me, I’d feel better if you approved.”

Beth gasped when he opened the lid. The fluorescent lights reflected off the ring’s large, square cut diamond, and what she assumed was a band of white gold, blinding her with a rainbow of colors.

Nathan exhaled a deep breath. “Well, what do you think?”

“It’s bigger than Connie’s.” Beth’s awed expression yielded to a smile. “Olivia will love it.”

“I want it to be perfect. Liv deserves nothing less.” A perplexing sadness shadowed Nathan’s eyes as he closed the lid, but his smile reappeared with the return of the box to his pocket. “Thank you, Beth. I feel much more confident in my choice.”

“You don’t need to worry, you know. She’s going to say yes.”

Nathan placed his fedora on his head. “Yes, she is, isn’t she?” He cast a pensive gaze toward the far wall. “Anyway, please don’t tell anyone about the proposal. I’m a nervous wreck already and—”

“I won’t. I promise.” Beth walked him to the door. “When are you going to ask her?”

“Ah, now that is the million dollar question.” Nathan let out a soft chuckle. “As soon as I gather the courage, I suppose.”

With a tip of his hat, he left the dressing room and walked down the corridor, his heavy footfalls echoing even after he was out of view.

As Beth closed the door, she realized she forgot to ask him about the implications of Lydia’s scandal on
Since Mr. Mertz scheduled the film’s release for April, she reasoned that her inquiry could wait. Right now, she had to focus on finishing her current film.

Next Sunday was the Academy Awards, and a week later, the
Golden Gloves
cast and crew would leave for Chicago for two weeks to conclude the picture. Promotion was in full swing for each of the nominated individuals and films. Oscar hype had taken over the entire town and everyone eagerly anticipated the ceremony. Beth’s parents had sent a wire earlier in the week declaring their continued excitement over her nomination. Due to limited seating in the venue, they were unable to attend but would tune in on television, which was the next best thing.

Beth sat at her vanity again. The Academy Awards was an important, respectable event, and the additional pressure brought on by her nomination didn’t help her anxiety. She was part of a grand organization, the Mecca of Hollywood glitz and glamour, yet she always considered herself a simple young woman. Mr. Mertz’s vision for her reflected her true personality, but the image created around her real persona was bigger than anything she could handle on her own. The industry was daunting at times, but her friends, family, and Aidan kept her grounded. Without them, she would’ve felt lost.

Beth folded her hands in her lap and closed her eyes. As she waited for her call to the set, she considered her present living situation. Once Olivia and Nathan were married, they would move in together, which meant she would have to look for a new place to live or buy out Olivia’s portion of the house where they currently resided. She felt a twinge of sadness at the notion.

It wasn’t that she was unable to live on her own—she had more than enough money and felt mature enough—but she would miss Olivia’s company. As a consolation, she thought about how wonderful she would be if, one day, she and Aidan moved in together as husband and wife, and her forlorn mood promptly changed to one of joy.




Aidan stopped pacing his dressing room and took a good look in the mirror. The
Golden Gloves
makeup team had worked a miracle on him today. When he arrived at the studio this morning, he was a sorry sight with an ashen complexion and dark circles under his eyes. He looked a true boxer, all right—an abysmal one—who had taken a pummeling in his last bout. Physically, he felt as wired as a champion, with enough pent up energy to bounce off the walls. Mentally and emotionally, he was spent.

Aidan had asked Beth to give him some time alone to prepare for their scene today, and as usual, she was very understanding. He didn’t want to burden her with his issues, especially since she looked forward to the remainder of the
Golden Gloves
shoot. Besides, his current situation wasn’t like what he went through last fall.

Aidan believed he could deal with his troubles on his own with a successful outcome and Beth would never know he’d felt distraught in the first place. She’d been so supportive of him. He didn’t want to let her down or make her think her love wasn’t enough to help him fully heal.

Aidan’s crumpled script sat on top of the vanity, opened to the page they were starting with this morning. He was able to film the additional boxing bouts and apartment scenes in the last month since Valentine’s Day without any problems, but today’s scene was much more emotionally demanding. In fact, many of the remaining scenes were difficult. How would he get through the rest of the
Golden Gloves
shoot successfully?

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