Stepbrother Undefeated: An MMA Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Undefeated: An MMA Romance
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Caleb got the bill and we went out to his car.

"Let's take the long way," I said.

"Sure," he replied looking at me and smiling, "for any reason?"

"I just want to spend as much time as possible together" I said sweetly.

"Me too, I keep thinking about you going off to college, I'm gonna miss you, you know that right?" he looked at me reaching over to squeeze my thigh.

I had been avoiding the conversation about what would happen when I went off to college. To be honest I didn't know what I wanted. Part of me was okay with the idea of doing the long distance thing but then there was the voice telling me I should end things before Caleb was in too deep and I can't give him what he wants.

We drove the distance home with Caleb's hand resting on my thigh and my hand holding it there.

"You know I could move to California as well. I'm sure I could get a job there no problem, people always need mechanics," he said.

"I could never ask you to do that for me, I know how much your shop means to you, Caleb," I replied. I would never expect that or want him to do that for me. He'd only opened his shop 6 months ago and already business was going well for him.

I looked at his face as he concentrated on the road. He was a handsome guy, a little rough around the edges but that's what I liked about him. He had that bad boy look without being a bad boy, just an incredibly hot body with the most chiseled jawline you'd ever see and big brown eyes that could melt your heart. I had known him since junior high, he was two years older than me, like Logan, they were in the same year in school but never had much to do with each other.

I thought back to the first time we spoke to each other. I had been in Seattle for the weekend visiting my friend Lucy. On the Sunday afternoon I drove back to Altria, the small town we live in. I managed to get a flat tyre along the way and was stuck in an area with no cell reception. He was my white knight, cruising past on his motorcycle when he stopped to help me. We got together not long after that.

"You mean a whole lot to me, Willow," he said taking his eye off the road to look at me "you don't seem to realise how special you are to me."

I took a deep breath. I did realise and it left me feeling tremendously guilty. I wish I could feel the things I wanted to feel for Caleb but no matter how hard I tried they just didn't seem to happen.

We pulled up outside my house. There was no sign of light coming from inside, but the porch light was left on for me. I leaned over to kiss Caleb goodnight. He cradled my face with his hand pushing the loose strands of hair behind my ears.

"You're so beautiful Willow," he said before kissing me again. He slipped his hand under my mini skirt and up to my panty line, playing with the elastic trim.

I felt my breath quicken at his touch, I closed my eyes and rocked back in the carseat. He took this as an invitation to go further, rubbing his fingers over my panties where my womanhood was. I was fully aroused now. I let out a whimper to let him know I wanted more. His hand slid under my panty line so there was nothing separating his hand from my femininity.

"So beautiful," he said breathlessly. He leaned in and kissed me again, he was a great kisser, passionate but soft. He encircled my clit with his fingers.

"Ahh!" I cried as I pulled away from his mouth to enjoy the pleasure he was treating me to. I pulled my panties all the way off and spread my legs. The quiet street was dark so I wasn't afraid of anyone catching us. He slid a finger slowly inside me.

"Is that okay?" he asked. I'd never had anything other than a tampon inside me but his finger didn't hurt too much.

I nodded. He glided it gently in and out of me. He was still playing with my clitoris, rubbing his thumb from side to side at the hood of it. I could feel the tension building up inside me. I pulled Caleb closer kissing him, I wanted to be kissing him as I came. I closed my eyes kissing him passionately between moans. Just as I was about to cum Logan's face appeared in my head.

"Caleb," I cried trying to shake Logan from my thoughts "Caleb!!" I moaned as I came hard shaking as he held me close calming me down. Logan's face was burned on my mind the whole time. I felt sick.

"Wow," Caleb exclaimed settling back into the drivers seat.

"Yeah.." I laughed awkwardly. I wonder what was going through Caleb's mind, this was the first time he'd seen me orgasm before. We'd fooled around before but usually I just pleasured him, I was still a virgin and he respected that.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" he said grinning at me.

"Yeah!" I smiled.

"Goodnight baby," Caleb said.

"Night," I said getting out of the car.

I looked up at the house. A light was on. It was from Logan's room.

"Fuck," I said to myself walking up the path to the front door. I saw the flicker in the corner of my eye and looked up again. The light was off.

I walked upstairs pausing outside my room in the darkness. I was trying to make out a sound, any sign that Logan was awake. I couldn't hear anything but Caleb's car in the distance and the chirping of crickets on the front lawn.

I sunk in to bed. How was I supposed to sleep knowing Logan was lying in the room next to me?


I looked over at my bedside clock. It was 12:39pm. I had, had a restless sleep so it was no surprise I woke up so late. I threw on a T shirt and yoga pants, pulling my hair into a pony tail and heading downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee.

I let out a sigh of relief when I discovered the house was unoccupied. Grabbing my coffee I sat at the kitchen counter flicking through today's newspaper. The rich aroma filled my nostrils as I took a long sip enjoying the flavour. A moment later I heard the door open and close, followed by heavy panting. My body stiffened.

Logan walked into the kitchen. The first thing I noticed was his body, he wasn't wearing a shirt and his muscular figure was dripping with sweat. I'd never seen him so ripped. He must have been out running.

I looked up to his face, his blonde hair was long again, shoulder length. His piercing blue eyes stared right through me. It was though time had stopped for a second.

"Willow," Logan said breaking the tension. He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Logan," I replied sheepishly. We stared at each other uncomfortably for a second. Logan had this serious look on his face, his jaw was clenched. I looked down at his body again trying to make out the words of the tattoo sprawled in cursive on the left side of his chest. "Marilyn" I read to myself. My heart sank. Who was Marilyn? I could only imagine she was his girlfriend or some girl he loved enough to have her name permanently on him.

"Welcome back," I said bitterly before turning my back and walking upstairs. It had been a year but as soon as I saw him everything flooded back. Every single feeling I thought I had moved on from came crashing down on top of me.

I felt bad for walking out like I did. The problem was when I was around Logan I felt like I had no control over my emotions. I was confused now more than ever. I didn't want to fall apart, not now, not right before college. This was a big deal for me, at one point I thought I wouldn't survive long enough to make it to college. I missed my senior year because I was in treatment for my eating disorder. I had to finish my GED by correspondence and community college classes. Somehow I managed to pass and get in to an decent school - SOCU State. I was going to study nutrition, one day I hoped to be able to help other girls who had gone through the struggle of an eating disorder, like I had. My real dream was to settle down and start a family though, I had weirdly wanted kids since as long as I could remember and even though I was just eighteen it was something I thought about regularly.

I decided to head to the gym and let off some steam. Thankfully I didn't encounter Logan again as I made my way out.


I walked out of my kick boxing class dripping with sweat, my mind was finally clear.

I checked my phone in the locker room. A text from Mom.


I knew I couldn't get away with blowing this dinner off. It was 7:30 already. I showered and got dressed into the only clothes I'd bought with me which was a pair of
black skinny jeans, Led Zepplin T shirt and my converse.

Thankfully I was feeling calm after my class. My muscles ached a little but I had this serenity inside that I usually got after a hard workout.

I arrived outside Morelli's at 8pm on the dot. It was the local Italian restaurant and my family had been going there since as long as I could remember. I took a deep breath and stepped out of my car. I could see Mom and Chris through the window at their candle lit table. No sign of Logan though. I walked in and sat down with them.

"Honey! I'm so glad you made it," Mom said smiling at me.

"Of course," I nodded "Where's Logan?" I asked.

"He should be here soon," Chris chimed in.

We made small talk about our daily events as I nervously chewed on a piece of bread from the breadbasket.

I could feel his presence before I knew he was there.

"Logan!" Mom called out to him waving her hands in the air unnecessarily, we were one of three groups occupying the restaurant.

"Sandy," He said back to my Mom taking a seat in the chair beside me, "Dad, Willow," he continued acknowledging us all.

I peeked over at him. His shoulder length blonde hair was slicked back and he was wearing a white dress shirt. He looked good.

"You clean up nice," Chris joked at Logan's unusual clean-cut appearance.

"Yeah, well..." he replied, "sorry I'm late I was training all day, I thought I'd do you the favour of going home and showering first," Logan joked.

"Well you look very handsome," Mom said to Logan, "doesn't he look handsome Willow?" Mom asked edging for my support.

I could feel my cheeks turn scarlet.

"Mmhm," I finally managed to get out, staring down at my empty plate. Thankfully no one paid any attention to the minor break down I was having. They were busy discussing what they were going to order for dinner with the waiter. I zoned out trying to find composure so I could survive this dinner. I don't know what it was but I felt as though I could physically feel Logan's energy radiating on to me as though a supernatural occurrence was taking place.

"Willow?" Mom asked, "margarita pizza for you, right?"

I looked up at her, "yes, margarita."

"So what is this training your doing Logan?" Chris asked.

"MMA," Logan said without adding any other detail.

"MMA?" Chris asked again.

"Mixed Martial Arts, it's a fighting sport," Logan said.

"Logan!" Mom said shooting him a disapproving look. "I thought you were't gonna fight anymore."

"Come on Sandy.. It's a sport. It's not street fighting," Chris said to Mom backing Logan up, "I think it's good. You've got to focus that energy into something."

We all knew when he said "energy" he meant "anger".

"Thanks Dad," Logan said, "I have something else I want to tell you all."

I looked over at him.

"What is it honey?" Mom asked.

"Well I've decided to go to college...actually I got accepted into a college," Logan said. He glanced at me for a brief moment before facing Mom and Chris again.

"Wow that's great Logan," Mom said.

"That's fantastic son. Which one?" Chris asked.

Logan took a deep breath.

"SOCU," Logan said.

My heart dropped. What was he talking about?

"SOCU State?" I blurted out looking at him confused. He didn't look back instead still facing Mom and Chris.

"Yeah," he said pausing for a moment, "they have a great physiotherapy program."

"Wow, Logan, I'm very proud of you." Chris said.

"That's just...Wow, And you and Willow will be able to keep an eye on each other," Mom said smiling, "isn't this great news Willow?

No. This was not great news. This was surprising and confusing and not what I want.

"I don't know," I said bluntly, "I don't get it."

Mom looked over at me with a look that said "don't ruin this".

"But whatever...I guess" I added.

What the fuck was Logan playing at going to the same college as me? This was supposed to be my chance to move on with my life.

"Well I'm really looking forward to it," Logan said as our food arrived. "It will be great having Willow around too," he added picking up a slice of his pizza, "I've really missed hanging out with you," as he finished his sentence he took a bite. He didn't look over at me once, "mm Morelli's!" he explained, "I've sure missed this place."

I suddenly lost my appetite.


The next morning I woke up after another night of tossing and turning. I just couldn't wrap my head around what was happening. Logan was going to SOCU? How? And why? None of it made any sense to me.

I went downstairs for my daily coffee fix. Mom and Chris were at work and there was no sign of Logan, which I rejoiced in. My phone vibrated, it was Caleb.

CALEB: See u tonight babe?

WILLOW: Yea. What time?

CALEB: Will be over at 7

WILLOW: Ok. C u then xx

With only two weeks left in Altria I decided I needed to start making the most of it. I had spent the whole summer hibernating at home and it was finally daunting on me that I wouldn't be seeing my friends or family for a while once I was gone.

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