Straight (37 page)

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Authors: Hanne Blank

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Please note that page numbers are not accurate for the e-book edition.

abstinence-only sex education, 31, 144

Acton, William, 12, 13

adolescence, 112, 144.
See also
courtship culture; dating culture

adultery, 37, 139, 149

Advice to a Daughter
(Halifax), 76

African American sexual stereotypes, 129–30

age of consent, 8

aggression, sexual, 45, 46, 47–48, 126–27, 143–44

alienation of affections, 106, 176n19

Allen, Bob, xvi, 154

American Association of University Women, 32

American Museum of Natural History, 140

American Psychological Association, 151

anaesthesia (
Psychopathia Sexualis
), 19

anal penetration, 37, 46, 124, 142

Anatomy of Melancholy
(Burton), 127

Andersen, Hans Christian, 95

Anglican Church, 72, 73, 91

annulment, marital, 78, 84, 174n9

the anthropic principle and sexual orientation, 62–66

Anthropological Society of London, 64

anti-contraception arguments, 86, 88

aphrodisiacs, 121

“Are Fathers Necessary?,” 158

Aristotle's Master Piece,

Army-McCarthy hearings, 152

arranged marriage, 69–70

artificial insemination, 155–56, 158

Ashburn, Roy, 150

Astell, Mary, 75, 76

Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 116, 142

Augustine, 124

Austen, Jane, 73, 98

autonomy of the individual, xv, 83–84, 146, 149

Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 126, 127

baby boom, post–World War II, 92

Bailey, Beth, 109, 111

Bailey, Michael, xxv

Baker Brown, Isaac, 12, 13

Balls-Headley, Walter, 85

Balzac, Honoré de, 129

Beard, Daniel Carter, 14

Beard, George Miller, 14

bed sharing, 23–25

Bentham, Jeremy, 17, 74

Berend, Zsuzsa, 102

Bergler, Edmund, 137

Biblarz, Timothy, 157–58

binary sex/gender system and the law, xiii, xiv, 159–63

biological sex, ix–xiv, xx–xxiii, xxvi, 159–63

Blackwell, Elizabeth, 103

bluestockings, 82

Boehringer Ingelheim, 145

Book of Common Prayer, 73

Bos, Henny, 158

Brave New World
(Huxley), 155

Broca, Paul, 64

Broca's area, 44

Broderick, Carlfred B., 113

Bromley, Dorothy Dunbar, 36

Brothers Grimm, 95

Brown, Isaac Baker, 12, 13

Brown, Louise Joy, 155

Brown, Robert C., 106

Brown v. Board of Education,

pornography, 144

Bulwer Lytton, Edward, 98

Bureau des Moeurs (Bureau of Morals), 8

Bureau Sanitaire (Bureau of Sanitation), 8

Burney, Fanny, 98

Burrows, Montagu, 82

Burton, Richard, 127

Calvin, John, 79

Campaign for Our Children, 157, 180n10

Carlile, Richard, 12, 13

Carlyle, Jane Welsh, 99

Carlyle, Thomas, 99

Carmichael, Stokely, 115

Carmina Burana,

Carroll, Lewis, 50

Catholic Church: canon law of, 15; on contraception, 90; Counter-reformation, 79, 96; on divorce and annulment, 78, 84; on infertility, xi; on marriage, 72, 74, 78; on penis-in-vagina intercourse, 124–25; on procreative sex, xi, 2–3, 19, 34, 45; and reproductive technology, 155–58; sex as manifestation of unruly appetites, 3; sodomy, definition of, 2

Cavazo, Lee (Christie Lee Littleton), 160

celibacy and holiness, 72

Centers for Disease Control, 92

Central YMCA College, 134

charity girls, 111

charivari, 5

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 125

children: birth rates of, 90–91, 92–93; the desire to bear, 12, 30, 46, 85; and infant mortality rates, 87, 88; as the
purpose of marriage, 84–86, 93–94; and social Darwinism, 89

chimerism (genetic), 161–62, 180n13

Christianity, 100–101, 148

Church of England, 72, 73, 91

Cinderella's Fairy-Tale Wedding Book
(Disney), 96

circumcision, 47, 173n6

civil egalitarianism, 7–8.
See also
Enlightenment-era egalitarianism

civil rights, 37–38, 115, 141–43, 150, 153

Clark, Jonathan, 159–60

class identity and sexuality, 6, 11–12, 103–4, 129–30, 133

clitoridectomy, 12, 170n5, 172n5

clitoris, 12, 132, 133, 136–37

cohabitation, 93 Cohen, Richard, 34 Cohn, Roy, 152

colonialism, 13–14

companionate marriage, 72–73, 93, 96, 105, 130–31

compulsory sterilization, 90

consent, age of, 8

consumer culture and dating, 107–9

Contagious Diseases Acts (UK; 1864), 8

contraception, xi, 86–88, 90–94, 115, 141

contra naturam
(against nature), 34

Coontz, Stephanie, 84, 114, 155

Cotton, John, 70

Council of Churches of Christ, 91

Counterreformation, Catholic, 79, 96

courtship culture, 103–4, 106–7, 110.
See also
dating culture; teenagers

coverture, marital, 76–78

Cowan, John, 128–29

Craig, Larry, xvi, 150–51

Craik, Dinah, 99

Cranmer, Thomas, 72–73


cultural doxa: on arranged marriage, 69–70; on companionate marriage, 72–73; folk process of development of, 25–27; on marital personal fulfillment, 69, 73–75; and marked categories, 31–33, 147–48; on obligatory marriage, 68–69; on the physical manifestation of sexuality, 54–57

culture, human, 4–9, 7–8, 11–15, 63–66

cunnilingus, 124

Darwin, Charles, 6–7, 14, 63–64

dating culture: and competition, 109; as education, 113–14; and love, 110, 112, 113, 114; origins of, 106–7; as a phase of life, 112; prior to World War II, 109, 113; and race ideology, 107, 129–30; role of economics in, 106–9, 111–12; serial monogamy in, 113; and sexual promiscuity, 110–11, 112, 144; and urban life, 107–8.
See also
courtship culture; teenagers

Davis, Katherine Bement, 134

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, 17

Defoe, Daniel, 76

“Degeneration and Genius” (James), 15

Degler, Carl, 139–40

D'Emilio, John, 141

Densmore, Dana, 142

Department of Labor (US), 83

desire, erotic, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi, 68–70, 72–75, 130–31

Deutsch, Helene, 137

Diamond, Lisa, xxv, 154

Dickens, Charles, 98, 100

Dion and the Belmonts, 114

Disney Company, 95–96, 99, 100, 118–19

The Distressed Orphan
(Haywood), 98

divorce, 78–82, 84, 174n11


Dorland's Medical Dictionary
(1901), 20

Dörner, Günter, 62

Doxa. See
cultural doxa; sex doxa

Duffy, Eliza, 88

Duggar, Jim Bob, 85

Duggar, Michelle, 85

Dunbar, Robin, 35

economics and economic autonomy, 83–84, 106–9, 111–12

ejaculation, 144

Ellis, Havelock, 20, 45, 85, 117, 131, 133, 137

emotional pleasure, 102, 114

Enlightenment-era egalitarianism: and autonomy of the individual, xv, 83–84, 146, 149; and civil divorce, 79–80; and civil marriage contracts, 78–79; and feminism, 76; and marital coverture, 76–78; and procreation, 84; social, 75–76

Equal Protection Clause, 81

Erasmus, 74

erotic desire, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi, 68–70, 72–75, 130–31

eugenics, 7, 89–90

Eugenic Sterilization Law (Germany), 90

evangelical Christianity, 101–3

(Burney), 98

Factors in the Sex Lives of 2200 Women
(Davis), 134

family and morality, 11–15

family planning, 90, 175n24–25.
See also

Farnham, Marynia, 138

Farrar, Mrs. John, 103

Fatal Attraction
(film), 128

The Fatal Fondness
(Haywood), 98

“Fathers Not Needed,” 156

Fausto-Sterling, Anne, xiii

Feenstra, Harold, 81

Feenstra, Joan, 81

fellatio, 124

feminism: first-wave, 116; and Freud, 136–37; and love, 105–6; and marrying for love, 72, 105–6; second-wave, 116, 117; and sexism, 115–17, 177n42; and social egalitarianism, 76; and women's sexual freedom, 141–43, 179n25

fertility, 86–87, 88, 90–92

Ferveur, Jean-Francois, 51

Firestone, Shulamith, 116

flappers, 136–37

Flaubert, Gustave, 98

Flibanserin, 145, 179n30

Florence, Italy, 125

Foley, Mark, xvi

Forbes, Malcolm, 153

Foucault, Michel, 3

Fourteenth Amendment, 81

Fowler, Orson, 130

Freedman, Estelle, 141

free love, 115

Freud, Sigmund: on female masochism, 117; on heterosexuality, 135–37; on libido and personhood, 28–31, 135–36, 145; on penis-in-vagina copulation, 134–35; on perversion, 45; research basis of, 36, 44; on vaginal orgasm, 133, 136–37, 138

frigidity, 136, 137–38

From Front Porch to Back Seat
(Bailey, Beth), 109

Frye, Marilyn, xxiv

Galen, 126

Gallup report on homosexuality (2010), 154

Galton, Francis, 7

Gartrell, Nanette, 158

gays and gay issues.

gender essentialism model, xxi

gender norms: and body characteristics, 16–17, 42, 52, 54–56, 57–62; immutability of, 148; improper, 46–48; and nonprocreative intercourse, 46; of the nuclear household, 157–58, 159–61; post–World War II, 115; and self-expression, xiii; sexually complementary, 46, 47; social gender, xii–xiii; and social signaling, xxiii

gender reassignment, xxi, 160–61, 162

gender socialization, xxi–xxiii, xxvi

genitalia, external, ix, xiii, xx

Gerhardt, Jane, 138

Germany, 15–16, 18, 60–61, 90

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 98

going steady, 113.
See also
dating culture

Goodyear Rubber Company, 91

Graham, James, 121

Graham, Sylvester, 14, 47

Grand State Celestial Bed, 121

Great Chain of Being
(scala naturae),
6–7, 64

Great Expectations
(Dickens), 98

Green, Richard, 58

Greenspan, Ralph, 51

Grenfell, Fanny, 104

Grimke, Angelina, 104–6

Grimm Brothers, 95

Griswold v. Connecticut,

G-spot amplification surgery, 144, 179n29

Guernsey, Henry, 13

Gurley Brown, Helen, 67, 68, 75

Halifax, Charles Wood, 76, 78

Hall, Granville Stanley, 112

Halperin, David, 40

Hamilton, Cicely, 116

Hanchett, Henry C., 129

Hardly a Man Is Now Alive
(Beard, Daniel Carter), 14

Hay, Harry, 38

Haywood, Eliza, 98

head and master laws, 81

Hekma, Gert, 55

Henig, Robin Marantz, 158

Henry, George, 36

Henry VIII, 72

hermaphroditism and sexual inversion, 16–17, 54–56, 57–62

heterodox outlier sexuality, 37

heterosexuality: and the anthropic principle, 62–66; assimilative power of, xvi–xvii, 149–50, 153–55; and the autonomy of the individual, xv, 83–84, 146, 149; binary sex/gender system and the law, xiii, xiv, 159–63; as biological result of sexual dimorphism, xviii; and the change in marital power, 81–82; claiming, 165–66; cultural doxa of, xv–xvi, xix, 27, 30–31, 39–40, 66, 118–19, 148–50; defined, xvii–xviii, 19–21, 28–29; and episodic same-sex desires, 154; equality of term, 17, 33; and feminism, 105;
in fiction and film, 95–96, 97–100, 118–19, 175n1; Freud on, 135–37; heterosexual privilege, 159–63, 164–65; identification of straight bodies, 41, 55–56, 59, 62; invention of, in time and place, xiv, 4, 9, 15–18, 27–28, 44; love as defining component of, 106, 143; and mutual personal desires, 83–84, 94; and nontraditional families, 157–58; and the nuclear household gender norm, 157–58, 159–61; as opposite of homosexuality, 42–43; options for women, 117; and parent-child relationships, 28–30, 157–58; perception of, 163–64; pleasure as ethos of, 114, 134; procreation as baseline of, 139; self-identification as, 52; and the shift in moral authority, xv; and situational homosexuality, xviii–xix; as social behavior, xxv–xxvi, 50–51; and social gender, xii–xiii, xxi–xxiii, xxvi; as a term of pathology, 20

Himmler, Heinrich, 61

Hirschfeld, Magnus, 55, 56–57

History of Sexuality
(Foucault), 3

Hitler, Adolf, 18

Hitschmann, Eduard, 137

Hollick, Frederick, 130

homosexuality: and childhood experiences, 29; cultural doxa of, 23–25, 65, 66, 124, 150–55, 151–52; equality of term, 17, 33; evidence of existence of, 42–43; Gallup report (2010) on, 154; gay and lesbian rights organizations, 117; and hormonal inversion research, 51–53, 58–61; identification of gay bodies, 16–17, 42, 52, 54–55, 57–62; in nature, 34–35; as opposite of heterosexuality, 42–43; and the Prussian Penal Code, 16–18; reparative therapy for, 34, 171n12; and same-sex marriage, 154; self-identification as, 52; situational, xviii–xix; urban proto-gay subculture, 48–49.
See also
lesbians; LGBT community

hormonal inversion research, 51–53, 58–61

hormone-pellet implantation, 61

HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder), 145

Hudson, Rock, 151–52

Huet, Pierre-Daniel, 97

human culture, 4–9, 7–8, 11–15, 63–66

Human Sexual Response
(Masters and Johnson), 140–41

Hunt, James, 64

Hunter, John, 155

Huxley, Aldous, 155

The Hygiene of Marriage
(Central YMCA College), 134

hyperaesthesia (
Psychopathia Sexualis
), 19

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