Summon (19 page)

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Authors: Penelope Fletcher

BOOK: Summon
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“Do not leave me to go with him.” With feverish,
bright eyes, he rocked back on his heels dragging me another step. “He will
betray you.”

I guzzled air, each inhalation a battle won. “I’ll
be back before you know it.”

I tugged his arms from around me. He let go, but

Crowding closer, he rubbed a lock of my hair as if
afraid I’d vanish from lack of contact. “This hurts me.”

“Don’t. Not when you know I want to stay.”

Breandan’s stroking hand curled into a fist. “If
you leave with him, I am done.” His energy intensified. For the first time, he
tried to use it to intimidate me. “If you leave me and go with him,
I will not follow
. Not this time.” His
nature beat against mine until I flinched with each bitter word. “I will do
everything in my power to free myself of you.”

As a godling, his power equalled mine. A gift from
our bond he’d tainted into a curse – for me.

Blaming him for reacting to his desperation was
something I would’ve done following my weaker instincts.

Instead, I allowed submission.

My power receded, and his swelled to dominate. I
withered. Gasped as his power drained mine. My skin turned ashen. Brittle and
thin, my hair lost its shine, turning dull and stringy. Vitality infused by my
presence leeched from the air, and the lush flora died.

He must
see I’ll die if he forces me to stay.

A physical representation of the future that loomed
would impress that upon him.

Realisation dawned in his eyes. Holding on he
looked down in shame. Unbearable seconds later, he shuddered. His hand
unclenched, and slipped from tangling in my hair to cup my face. “Forgive me.”


“I did not mean for this to happen. You gave up.
You left me here alone. What else was I supposed to do?”

“Breandan I don’t blame you.” Body healing the
damage, I worked my tongue around my mouth. My throat was dry and voice
scratchy because of it. “Understand I have to set right what we’ve put wrong.”

“I do not want you anywhere near him. He is evil.”

“Nobody showed Cael any different. He was a child
and my family abandoned him. He needs love. Acceptance. He needs a defender,
and I can be one for him. Conall can’t. And I don’t want to make my Elder feel
guilty for what he can’t give.”

Ruddy colour stained Breandan’s face. “I did not
mean Cael.”

Pulling his head down, I nuzzled his cheek. “I

A turn of the head and I captured his lips. He
resisted for all of a second before kissing back, lips branding mine. His thumb
rubbed between the peak of my jaw and earlobe. Scraping my lip with his teeth,
his tongue struck. Lashed until my own swelled and throbbed, hit back, and got
tangled up.

Hands splayed on his stomach, hard ridges of flesh
that tensed under my touch, I groaned and rubbed my self against him.

I wanted him naked and smiling and laughing rather
than unhappy at my departure.

Our hips connected then rocked together. He sucked
in air, and exhaled in a breathy rush that made my lips tingle. Thrusting his
hands into my hair, he massaged my scalp. The drugging effect of my hair being
played with made my head lolled to the side. I fairly swooned, languid and
compliant in his arms. “Ugnhuh.” I made a half-hearted attempt to slow things
down, but he hoisted me closer. Caressed my hips in slow, teasing strokes.

A thumb found the stretched indentation of my spine
and pressed there. Warm fingertips teased the leather ties at the side of my
tunic until they unravelled.

A calloused palm swept over my back. Ran back down
spreading heat along the way.

The insistent tugs on my leggings dragged them
lower on my hips.

Sternly telling myself there was no time, I eased

Breandan did something with his lips and tongue
that made me go cross-eyed. I melted, surrendering without another protest.

Hell, I started pawing at the leather ties keeping
his trousers up.

He kissed me so forcefully my upper back bent and
bumped against something. Didn’t care to look at what, too busy delighting in
the feel of his hot flesh getting hotter at my touch.

Two broad palms landed on my ass. I lifted off the
ground with a jerk and was pressed against the solid thing at my back; a roll
of the eyes revealed it was a tree.

Moaning softly, I locked my ankles at the small of
Breandan’s back.

Chuckling at my eagerness, he bent and licked the
hollow of my throat. Tickled it with flicks of his tongue. I wiggled with
pleasure. The squirming shifted me higher up the tree, and rough bark abraded
the sensitive membrane of my wings. Ignoring the sting of the scrape, I threw
my head back to laugh breathlessly.

Our amusement didn’t lessen the intensity of the
moment. The low laughter was intimate. His laughter?
High Gods, it’s stunning.
Deep and rich peals of sound vibrated my
chest and stroked me with phantasm hands inside out.

My brows drew together when a cold touch fondled
the column of my throat. A heavy-handed touch that was overly possessive.

Eyes popping wide, I started. My gaze scanned the
gloomy forest, paying particular attention to the black spaces between the
stout trunks and fat branches. I tried to see into the misted undergrowth, and
felt stupid when nothing jumped to reveal itself.

Uneasiness cooled my desire somewhat. I

Expanding my senses, I stifled a squeal when the
ethereal touch dipped lower. Cold fingers trailed across skin damp from
Breandan’s wicked tongue. “Stop.” I pushed Breandan’s shoulders. They pinned me
in place as he kissed his way down my neck and chest. His hands busy stroking my
thighs and trying to wriggle me from the skin-tight leather.

Tomas’ presence darkened the shadows. Thickened the
air. He was spying.
me. I hid
my anger, knowing Breandan would lose his mind if he sensed the vampire taking
such liberties.

Another push and Breandan dropped me to the ground.
Straightening, he wrapped his hands around my upper arms. Eyes hot, he stared a
question, gaze drifting to appreciate the rumpled view before snapping up only
to drop again. Mouth crooking in a sexy curve, his lips parted, but he paused
and tensed.

Another unnaturally isolated chill stirred close

An ill-timed reminder I dallied too long.

Hissing, Breandan let go then adjusted his clothes
in agitated movements. Thrusting a hand through his mussed hair, muttering a
curse, he paced arguing with himself then spun, and dropped to his knees.
“Stay.” Fumbling fingers retied my tunic. “I am begging.”

Dismayed, my face fell. We’d gone full circle to
the beginning of the argument. I batted at his hands and fixed the ties myself.
“Stand up.”

“I meant it. Leave with him and I will not follow.”

I turned on my heel. Forced myself to walk. “Good.”

Feet leaving the ground, kicking, I was hauled by
the middle and spun mid air. Face thunderous, Breandan shook me so hard my
teeth rattled.

My head cracked back and forth. “Stop.”

“You will listen to

“Say-so.” I slapped his chest with both hands. “Let

Visibly controlling his temper, he did and crossed
his arms over his chest. Somehow, he made the move seem defensive as if
. “You do not get to throw me aside. It is alright to put the
one you love first.” He swallowed hard. “Put me first.”

“That’s all I’ve ever done.”

He flashed a cold, insincere smile. “When you
fought to save the vampire that was putting

I recoiled as if slapped. “That’s not fair. I
fought because I didn’t see his death as a path to happiness with you.” The
disgust in his voice made me shake. Breandan’s behaviour couldn’t have
astounded me more if he dropped fang and bitten me. “I chose you. End of

“I won. The choice wasn’t yours to make.”

“You killed him because you weren’t sure I’d choose
you?” I got angry. Higher gods be damned if I wouldn’t hit back when verbally
slapped. “You don’t know

His stare was flat. “You ruin us. Does he mean that

He wanted to argue.

I didn’t.

“I’m being awfully clear.” I kept eye contact. “I
don’t want him now or in future. I am with you. Simple.”

“Not simple. He wants you vulnerable to take
advantage. By leaving with him, and pushing me away, you set us to fail.”

“Damn is your opinion of me low. You must think
it’s so easy to gain my love if all it takes is for me to feel a little
vulnerable before–
why are you
nodding your bloody head

Stilling, Breandan opened his mouth, but closed it
when my eyes bugged, and my head snapped back in shock and indignation.

“He wants you,” Breandan said. “He will wait until
you are at your lowest to pounce. That is his nature. Yours is to overlook
liberties until it is too late.”

“In the past Tomas has acted wrongly. The
. I don’t believe he’d act so crappy

Breandan scrubbed a hand over his face, expression
edged with annoyance. “He plots to steal you from me.”

“And I’m flat out telling you, you’re wrong.”

this. He sought me out and swore he
would do everything to make you see he deserved a chance.”

“You both rub each other the wrong way. Tomas is
teasing you, Breandan. Poking sore spots trying to make you jealous.” I paused.
“You’re letting him get to you.”

Face blanking, he blinked then scowled throwing up
his hands. “I have given you my body. My life.” He made a forceful gesture, a
quick cut of the hand. I heard the whistle of air. “I have nothing left to give
but a promise of eternal love. Still it is not enough. I tell you a male is
trying to steal you away, and you defend him.
What about me

“You’ll regret this. What you’re saying now, all
these accusations, you’ll regret them. You’ll see you got it wrong and that
it’s unfair to twist what’s happened to manipulate me into doing what you

“Put me first.”

“I do. Am.”

“You put me first when you ran after Devlin?
Avenging a girl ready to break the circle during your resurrection and leave
you trapped in the fire.”

“Lex is –
– my friend. Family. You’d do the same for your family.”

My kin
he roared, “struggle look at me in the eye and are
at what I have done

“I’m sorry. I am.” I lifted my hands in
bewilderment. “Does that make it better? I can talk to them. Try to make them

“It does not matter. What does matter is that by
doing this, you are making them right. Their disgust in what I have become will
be warranted.”

“What you are is honourable. You fight for what you
believe in. Be proud of that. I am.”

He shook his head, ignoring my praise. “You risked
both our lives when we could not touch and ease the bond.” His voice turned
bitter. “Instead of listening to my voice and fighting to stay alive
you–” His breathing hitched. “You pushed me away and gave up. That was

“Sorry,” I blurted again. Seeing him so tormented
and fierce disturbed me. “I’ll fix this. I can fix this when I get back.”

“I will not let you toss me away without telling
you to fight for us. Staying silent would be cowardly. Weak. And I am not weak,
Rae.” His chin lifted. “I am strong. A warrior. You treat me poorly.”

“You’re wrong.” Worry switching to ire, my voice
turned as firm as his. “You have no idea how over the line you are.”

“Leave with him and I will not follow.”

I cocked my head, realising he did the same thing I
did. Repeating the same words hoping they’d stick. “Don't throw down an
ultimatum. I can't give you the answer you want. I've told you everything I
can.” I bit my lip. “You say you love me. Prove it. Trust me.”

“Trust.” Breandan gripped my chin and tipped it up.
His eyes bored into mine. “Oh yes, this is a matter of trust. After all I have
done, you ask I
my love? Fine.
I will stay at the Wyld, but I ask you to do the same. Trust me. Stay with me.
Tell me what Ana has seen and we will figure out what to do together.”

Unable to tell him what he needed to hear, my
lashes lowered and obscured my view.

Body thrumming with energy, his mouth snapped open
angrily then froze.

He blinked and gradually closed his mouth.


When he met my gaze, my stomach lurched. He’d
stopped fighting. The lines of tension in his body eased, and the atlas of his
face changed. The contours softened with acceptance, and his mouth bowed in
acknowledgment of defeat. “Your answer pains me.” He brushed his lips across
mine. “How badly I wanted you.”

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