Sun Sign Secrets (30 page)

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Authors: Amy Zerner

BOOK: Sun Sign Secrets
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Jennifer Aniston
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Garth Brooks
Sheryl Crow
James Dean
Charles Dickens
Christian Dior
Thomas Edison
Mia Farrow
Clark Gable
Michael Jordan
Abraham Lincoln
Charles Lindbergh
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Paul Newman
Yoko Ono
Lisa Marie Presley
Ronald Reagan
Christina Ricci
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Babe Ruth
John Travolta
Lana Turner
Oprah Winfrey
Virginia Woolf
“We need not feel ashamed of flirting with the zodiac. The zodiac is well worth flirting with.”



February 19–March 20

lavender, sea green, aqua
wisteria, gardenia, lotus
aquamarine, coral, mother-of-pearl, pearl
Personal qualities:
Empathetic, artistic, compassionate, selfless, and psychically attuned


We call the following words “keywords” because they can help you unlock the core meaning of the astrological sign of Pisces. Each keyword represents issues and ideas that are of supreme importance and prominence in the lives of people born with Pisces as their Sun sign. You will usually find that every Pisces embodies at least one of these keywords in the way he makes a living:




suffering in silence




alternative medicine








drug addiction and alcoholism
mind-body-spirit connection

spirit guides

intuition • ESP

Pisces' Symbolic Meaning

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Because it is the last of the twelve signs, it contains a bit of all of them. If they take the time and investigate a little, people born under this sign often realize that they are literally picking up on the feelings of others. This explains why Pisces people are so easily able to understand how other people are feeling.
In fact, Pisceans are so sensitive to the feelings of others that it is not good for them to be near people who are angry, sad, or disturbed. If they are in conflict with themselves as the Piscean symbol suggests—two fish locked in tension, forever pulling each other in opposite directions—one side of this conflict can represent the personality whose inner self is always preparing to retreat from the world.
Pisces is associated with both empathy and telepathy. This natural ability to be invisibly connected to those around them and those around the world is both the blessing and the curse of all Pisceans. It enables them to feel exactly how to help those they care about, which is a Piscean specialty, but it is exhausting and hard on a Piscean person's emotions to have other people's lives intrude so on their own.
Pisces is one of the four Mutable Sun signs in astrology (the other three are Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius). Mutable signs are able to adapt and adjust. Pisces is also one of the three Water Sun signs in the zodiac (the other two are Scorpio and Cancer). Water signs value their emotions and their intuition.
When they turn their sensitivity to the real world, Pisceans have the capacity to make incredible amounts of money in business ventures. If you think that seems unlikely given Pisces' reputation for dreaminess and escapism, remember that as the last sign, Pisces contains a bit of all the other ones. Pisceans are most aware of both the things that unite us all and the immense differences between people. This is one of their great strengths, but if they let themselves be totally ruled by their emotions or let the sorrow of the human condition push them to escapist behavior, it can turn into a great weakness. When they learn to balance their innate intuitive skills with a logical approach that does not ignore what is real but unpleasant, they can accomplish great things.

Recognizing a Pisces

Pisces people have an air of mystery. Their eyes are very sensitive and caring, and they typically have a warm smile and the quality of empathy. There is a quietness in their manner. They are approachable, as though they truly understand human sorrows and failings. Although they may appear slender or have delicate features, they possess an inner strength that seems to radiate from the soul.

Pisces' Typical Behavior and Personality Traits

  • has a warm, sympathetic heart
  • is very romantic
  • is rarely jealous, but gets hurt all the same
  • often appears vague and dreamy
  • protects her emotional vulnerability
  • talks slowly and is knowledgeable on many subjects
  • is subtle while appearing to be helpless or incapable
  • is organized; manages the finances extremely well
  • has few prejudices
  • is emotionally involved
  • is not ambitious for status, fame, or fortune
  • cannot easily be fooled
  • has few material needs, but needs her dreams
  • does not try to dominate her partner in any way
  • needs to belong to someone

What Makes a Pisces Tick?

The lesson for Pisces centers on why her life does not provide her with as many opportunities as she would like to use her unique sensitivity to others to gain the appreciation of those she would most like to help and associate with. People born under the sign Pisces want to learn how to get close enough to people to be of assistance to them without becoming overwhelmed by their needs and neediness. The more honest and honorable a Piscean is, the more she hesitates. Pisceans seem to fear that the world will expect more of them than they can give.

The Pisces Personality Expressed Positively

A Pisces who is empowered by the best characteristics of the sign is a source of help and inspiration both to himself and to others. The sensitivity of Pisceans is most useful when those born under this sign have a good sense of self and a lot of confidence. When they do, they are wonderful people to be around—full of joy, inspiration, and profound intuition.

On a Positive Note

Pisceans displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:
  • shy, gentle, and kind
  • trusting and hospitable
  • understanding of others
  • romantic
  • loving and caring
  • mystical
  • creative
  • helpful to anyone in distress
  • compassionate

The Pisces Personality Expressed Negatively

Pisceans who are unable to separate themselves from the drama and unhappiness in other people's lives display the negative characteristics of their sign. They often feel dragged down by problems around them yet are frustrated by their inability to do anything to make them better. Disappointed Pisceans may seek escape through drugs or alcohol, the effects of which make them more powerless.

Negative Traits

Pisceans displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:
  • dependent
  • escapist, potentially losing touch with reality
  • sensationalist
  • depressive and self-pitying
  • temperamental
  • gullible and liable to give their all in a lost cause
  • prone to blaming themselves
  • too emotionally involved with the problems of others

Ask a Pisces If...

Ask a Pisces if you want to know the meaning of life. The Piscean is unlikely to put it in terms as broad as this, but he will, by some small act or utterance, help you to understand that it is through compassion, caring, and a spirit that is open to receive the love of others that true happiness exists. Pisceans are plugged in to the universe in a way that is otherworldly.

Pisces As Friends

Pisces are humorous and caring friends, even if there are long periods of time between get-togethers. In general, Pisces like friends who are useful and reassuring. In return, they give unprejudiced understanding and loyalty to their friends. Pisces are emotionally attached to their friends and rarely take notice if a friend is taking advantage of this involvement. Pisces can be a confusing person, so arrangements to meet with friends may be difficult to make.
Pisceans always think up something interesting to do and enjoy any kind of artistic venture. They can sometimes seem cool and offhand. This is usually temporary and due to a moment of insecurity. Pisces does not find it easy to conform; friends with conservative attitudes may find this a difficulty.

Looking for Love

The element of sacrifice does not fit easily with the standard view of courtship and romance. The exception to this occurs when a Pisces meets someone through her dedication to helping others. If both partners are on the helping end, this relationship would be more prone to lasting than if one partner was helping the other person. This would not be a relationship founded on mutual support, so it might need substantial reworking if the person receiving help no longer needed it. Sometimes, relationships last only as long as the problems being worked on exist.

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