Sun Sign Secrets (32 page)

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Authors: Amy Zerner

BOOK: Sun Sign Secrets
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Behavior and Abilities at Home

Pisces typically:
  • needs a private, personal space
  • chooses good food and wine
  • likes to escape to the bedroom
  • enjoys exploring her imagination
  • probably has no fixed routine
  • is likely to be untidy
  • needs to be surrounded by art and soothing design
  • should keep a clock in every room

Leisure Interests

Pisceans love artistic pursuits and anything that has an element of mystery, fantasy, and imagination. Dangerous sports, such as skydiving or car racing, can also appeal to Pisceans because they have an unerring instinct in such situations. The Piscean love of spirituality is enhanced by nature-related activities such as gardening and taking long walks.
The typical Piscean enjoys the following pastimes:
  • theater and films
  • stories about witches, monsters, and creatures
  • gentle foot massages
  • noncompetitive sports
  • watercolor classes
  • scented bubble baths

Piscean Likes

  • romantic places
  • candles and incense
  • people who need their help
  • sleeping and dreaming
  • being loved
  • reading and writing poetry
  • yoga and meditation
  • shoes
  • mystical gifts and psychics
  • soft background music

Piscean Dislikes

  • harsh, bright lighting
  • being sleep deprived
  • people knowing too much about them
  • stiff or tight clothing
  • noisy, crowded places
  • dirty jokes
  • being told to get a grip on things
  • ugly places
  • insensitive people
  • skeptical attitudes

The Secret Side of Pisces

Sometimes Pisceans desire to escape from experiencing both their own emotions and the emotions of those around them. No one is better than those born under this sign at creating their own fantasy world, through writing and the visual arts, mood-altering substances, or earning enough money to make their world as isolated and comfortable as possible. They get into trouble when they use drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, religious zealousness, and other escape devices that overwhelm their common sense and block out the real world.


Neptune is the planet of transcendent beauty and inspiration. It rules theories about dimensions beyond this one, faith, and the belief in things that cannot be seen, the power of prayer, and the afterlife. When the beauty and idealization of Neptune become clouded by fear, the tendency to want to escape can be as overwhelming as the ocean's currents. This is why Neptune is also associated with drugs, alcohol, and other escapist behavior. It also rules psychic phenomena, when people may actually visit the realms of spiritual power beyond the earthly one. This is the world of intuition, mental telepathy, and extrasensory perception of all kinds.
Neptune rules the feet, and those who learn about the science of reflexology will discover that there are points in the feet that connect to all the other parts of the body.

Bringing Up a Young Pisces

Piscean children absorb information and ideas like a sponge. They should be taught to sort their ideas and to distinguish between what is reality and what is fantasy.
Young Pisceans tend to be vulnerable to friends who might deceive them. Because of their compassionate, passive, and sweet natures, Piscean children may sometimes be the victims of bullies, so it would be useful to teach them strategies for dealing with such situations. An understanding of human nature and some simple, clear rules help young Pisces to avoid those pitfalls—while still developing their valuable traits of love and understanding.
Emotional connections with people are absolutely essential to Piscean happiness. The young Piscean is less concerned with places or things, although they often seek attachments to animals. Consequently, a Pisces child should be helped to believe in herself and prevented from becoming too clingy.
At school, young Pisces usually do not take leadership positions—they prefer to avoid the limelight. However, Piscean children are the source of wonderful ideas for art, play, and adventure. Because they have highly attuned artistic impulses, they should be encouraged to find a channel for their abilities. However, it is a mistake to push them, since their delicate spirit needs to be fostered, not forced.

The Pisces Child

The typical Pisces child:
  • loves the world of make-believe
  • goes his own way
  • has an active imagination
  • believes in fairies and angels
  • rarely loses his temper
  • has a sweet and engaging smile
  • has secret conversations with spirits
  • is artistically gifted
  • loves animals
  • looks like something is wrong when lost in thought
  • knows how others are feeling
  • blurts out things she has no way of knowing—psychic!
  • can easily have his feelings hurt
  • wants to help those in need
  • needs help standing up to bullies

Pisces As a Parent

The typical Pisces parent:
  • encourages the creativity of children
  • tends to spoil and overprotect
  • may forgive rather than discipline
  • listens with understanding
  • encourages intuitive development
  • may have to try to be punctual
  • rarely curses or uses harsh language
  • may tend to have an unusual set of rules
  • shares fairy tales and magical tales


Typical Pisceans are healthy people as long as they are loved. Unhappy Pisceans are vulnerable to alcohol, drugs, or other ways of escaping reality, which is not good for their mental and physical health.
Pisceans can worry, and tend to develop insomnia. If they do relaxing forms of exercise or meditation, they can stay positive. The constant effort of avoiding negativity is the cause of much distress to many Pisceans, who are so intuitive, they often know when someone else is ill and can feel their pain.
Pisceans also need to take care of their feet, which is the part of the body that Pisces rules. They should always wear comfortable shoes.
Drew Barrymore
Harry Belafonte
Alexander Graham Bell
Johnny Cash
Edgar Cayce
Frederic Chopin
Kurt Cobain
Albert Einstein
Jackie Gleason
Kelsey Grammer
Spike Lee
Jerry Lewis
Eva Longoria
Liza Minnelli
Anaïs Nin
Chuck Norris
Sidney Poitier
Lou Reed
Auguste Renoir
John Steinbeck
Sharon Stone
Elizabeth Taylor
George Washington
Vanessa Williams
Bruce Willis
“I will look on the stars and look on thee and read the page of thy destiny.”


About the Authors

Monte Farber and Amy Zerner
Internationally known self-help author Monte Farber's inspiring guidance and empathic insights impact everyone he encounters. Amy Zerner's exquisite, one-of-a-kind spiritual couture creations and collaged fabric paintings exude her profound intuition and deep connection with archetypal stories and healing energies. For more than thirty years they've combined their deep love for each other with the work of inner exploration and self-discovery to build The Enchanted World of Amy Zerner and Monte Farber: books, card decks, and oracles that have helped millions answer questions, find deeper meaning, and follow their own spiritual paths.

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