Survive Infinite Dangers: The Family Survival Guide of 21st Century Dangers (5 page)

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Authors: Gary Yantis

Tags: #Reference, #Science, #Mathematics, #Biology, #Nonfiction, #21st Century, #Heath & Fitness

BOOK: Survive Infinite Dangers: The Family Survival Guide of 21st Century Dangers
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This book does not delve into conspiracies or politics bringing on or lessening the likelihood of such an attack or disaster. There are more than enough books (and movies, Internet video, etc.) that cover such subjects (and more being written every week). While the media just wants you to worry (and keep watching their channel), this book is the “nuts and bolts” of what a particular danger is, how (if possible) to prepare for it in advance, how likely it is to occur, what to do if it occurs close enough to affect you and how to survive for at least six months in good shape in mind, body and spirit.


This book does mention long-term survival but if something approaching a 20 year Armageddon occurs, the bad news is few will survive and the good news is you probably wouldn’t want to survive in such a world. On such a happy thought, let’s review each of the dangers that cover, perhaps, 95% of the ones currently known. “Infinite” means just that. Not this book or any book can predict every danger you and your family may face in the future. This is an attempt to cover as many dangers as possible. The ones with a possibility of .01% or less have been omitted for obvious reasons. What each is, how probable, how to prepare and how to keep your family safe and sound for at least six months. I hope “survival” of your family is worth the price you paid for this book! By the way, the author personally “practices what he preaches” doing EVERY single thing listed in this book. New information after publication of this book may be found at


Quite frankly, you’ll have the most trouble with irrational, unprepared people than protecting yourself and your family (assuming you ARE prepared! – see the Stealth Survivalist chapter). Such people can become dangerous!


The average “suburbanite” stacks fears and worries on top of fears and worries every time they watch the news; stop doing that! Do something about it. Read this book and follow the easy instructions. Short of a nuclear bomb landing on your roof, you’ll probably then be fine.


Continue to be the typical suburbanite with tonight’s dinner in the fridge and maybe a few leftovers, watching the six o’clock news and having total faith in three digits on your telephone (911), you are officially among the millions who will be at the mercy of whatever danger may hit. You’ll discover 911 is dead when millions of people all call at the same time. Or what if they do (automatically) answer you and 10,000 other people saying “you are caller number 8,955 – your wait time is three months, two days and 26 seconds” then back to elevator music? Let’s get started learning! You will feel so much better knowing what others only guess at when the “I want you to panic and stay tuned” newscaster bursts on TV with a “major” news bulletin! Your goal is to NOT become a statistic after a disaster.


Just like you buy house and car insurance even though the chance of needing either is small, very few people would not have such insurance. So why not be prepared for wide-spread emergencies that FEMA states at least one will occur in the future? Important Note: The Department of Homeland Security is on record stating at least one of these “dangers” WILL happen somewhere in our country in the coming decade. The government says WILL and you still do nothing! What excuse do you have! Now is the time! Preparation now is easy and inexpensive. Trying to protect your family after a disaster affecting you will range from very expensive to impossible. You do not need to be an engineer to figure out all you need to do. It is simple. There are many items you should buy and stockpile. Buy food, water, clothes, and blankets and so on at Super Walmart or equivalent. Yes, “Buy USA” from 50+ stores if you have the time but it is the author’s opinion time is running out! The items cost half (or less) at Super Walmart. SWM - there is one close to my home so I use them as an example but Costco, Sam’s and many others are just as good) than they do on survivalist supply stores on the Internet with the only difference being the packages say “survival” and scare you to death. Water sold in plastic bags for $4 per pint? People waste their money on such things or they wouldn’t sell them. I bought enough water at SWM for $400 to last six people a full year while on-line bags of water or “water concentrators costs thousands of dollars so use common sense. Buy as much as you can locally. Of all I have at least 95% was bought locally with way more than half at SWM. But buy on-line what you can’t buy locally. It really doesn’t take that much to survive almost any “disaster” for up to six months by remaining calm, being prepared and following the instructions in this book.


A rule I established before starting this book was that at least 95% of all necessary supplies listed (in this book) must be available at a Super Walmart, a Home Depot, Amazon (mail order) and a gun store (some Walmart stores sell shot guns). Living within ten miles of each of these plus a Cabelas store I bought all I needed. I run my life (and this book) on the K.I.S.S. rule (Keep It Simple Stupid). Do the same. This is NOT rocket science!


Chapter Two



One second you are driving, watching television, etc. and “something” happens. You may not even know it. It may have happened thousands of miles away and have no immediate effect on you. But let’s assume you do sense “something” happened. If it was close then the first thing to do is protect yourself and protect and aid others nearby. This book isn’t going to try to tell you how to protect yourself and/or help others in the first few minutes. Every situation is different. In this litigious (meaning lawsuits) society it’s useful to learn the “good Samaritan” laws in your state.


Yes, you can be sued for trying to help someone! In many states, if you’ve ever taken a CCW (concealed carry weapon) class much of the class covers the “good Samaritan” laws of that state. Why? Example: you see someone who looks like a bad guy beating someone else up who looks like a good guy and the guy getting the best of the other is the bad guy. Maybe you’re wrong and the person was finally beating off a mugger but you broke up the fight. The robber then robs and shoots both of you. Very few Good Samaritan laws would protect you. But, fortunately, most “help others” situations are pretty clear cut. An earthquake causes a pole to fall onto someone and they’ll soon die if the pole isn’t moved – and you can do it. As odd as it sounds I’m not aware of any state that requires a private citizen to come to the aid of another person. No matter what! It’s (usually) different for a police officer and, often, police officers not on duty or in uniform. But in some states policeman are not required to put their life in danger to save your life or a fireman to rush into a burning building to save someone yelling “save me!” from an upper window. It is a fact. Please no letters on gun abolition but some states do not require an on duty law enforcement officer to risk their life to save you. Read the laws of your state before you form an opinion on the Second Amendment (if you don’t have one already). Consult the laws of your state and ask your city police chief what the law says; not what his or her officers would “probably d”. You may be shocked by the answer. In many areas you are on your own even if policemen are standing right there. Yes, 99% of the time they will protect you but, as I say, check your local laws. But they may not be REQUIRED to.


Personally, I took a CCW class and was shocked to learn a policeman in my state in uniform and on duty is not required by law to protect me. Do what you want – I will not join a group to try to control your life or right of self defense. Good Samaritan laws aside, would you help people you can help? I would. Let the lawyers sort it out later. If I am sure of a situation, I will help an innocent person including putting my life in danger to do it. That’s just me. This is not necessarily a survival item of information. You may encounter a burning car with an unconscious person inside at any time or any other type of emergency. Personally I’ll risk some burns to save the person but you are not required to do so and an on-duty police officer or fireman isn’t either (in some states). You should think about this and decide before the situation ever comes up.


Now, after a disaster occurs, assuming you’re OK and others around you are OK, what do you next? Find out what happened! It may be nothing more than the electricity went out. Quick, one chance, what few things do you do first? Answer: first turn on a radio or TV. With no power you’ll need a battery powered radio. Do you hear or see (TV) any station? Yes? Good. It is probably nothing more than a local power outage. No stations? Zero stations on the AM band. This is bad, very bad. Your area may have suffered an EMP attack (see EMP attack chapter). Try starting your car. Is it dead? Jump to the EMP chapter now! This is serious, very serious. Reading the EMP chapter will tell you why. Where is your family? Where are your friends? Except for cars manufactured before about 1965, they will not run. Unless you have a horse, your only means of transportation is walking or riding a bicycle which can become dangerous as you’ll pass many really bad people carrying guns who want your bicycle. Personally, I would choose walking over being a target on a bicycle. If you were truly prepared, you obtained an amateur radio license (see the communications chapter). Assuming the radios were double wrapped in tin/aluminum foil or in a galvanized steel trashcan you can communicate with your other family members assuming they also have amateur radio licenses. Cell phones and “landline” telephones will be dead. There are other types of radios (see the Communications chapter).


Let’s hope your entire family and/or group is near your provisioned and prepared area. It happened at night or a weekend and everyone was home but what if everyone is scattered all over a city or even out of town. If “out of town” count that person as on their own and prepare yourself for never seeing them again. Before going further I should say I won’t sugar coat anything I write in this book. Nothing is vague so as not to upset the reader. This subject is too important to do otherwise. Assuming everyone is in a city that is not huge (walking 60 miles across a large city hit by EMP without being killed is probably impossible). In these uncertain times keep each other informed of your daily plans. You should have predetermined meeting points so head for that/those location(s) unless it or they are many miles away. The number one Meeting Point is your area the “safe” place all provisioned and prepared to accommodate your group for, perhaps, months.


Unplanned disasters always happen at unplanned times (stop and think what I just wrote) so, hopefully, the disaster happened when you and your family are close together. Your double foil wrapped radio (or stored batteries removed in a galvanized steel trashcan) when unwrapped the shortwave band(s) should pick up stations from Europe or other continents. You’ll learn what has happened in the world. As much as you want to inform everyone, now is the time to go to your safe area and become “stealth”. You and your group should commence being lost to the world until the danger has passed. Perhaps pass a note to a neighbor detailing what happened IF he or she can be trusted not to reveal who learned what happened nor where you are. Be cautious as you put your entire group in danger by doing this. On the other hand the mayor and police chief will now know why every radio and TV in town does not work, only very old vehicles will start and communications to the outside world is gone. You’ve done your duty so now assemble your group in your safe area and prepare to remain stealth (hide).


What is the second thing you do? You’d never think of it, if you are home, immediately fill every bathtub and sink and any large container you have with water. It may be the last fresh water (other than what you should have stockpiled) for many months. In their infinite wisdom (before terrorism) water departments began to change over to water pumps from using plain old gravity from water towers. Why, got me? Other than making a system ten times less reliable (gravity always works, pumps fail or won’t run without electricity). Within minutes, with the pumps stopped, there will be plenty of water in the water tower but not a drop to drink. Some systems have an override allowing them to go back to gravity. Don’t count on it. Keep in mind stagnant water that was fresh and safe three months ago probably no longer is. Try to use that water for washing and the like. If you must drink it, use the water tablets you bought, strain (many times through cheese cloth or tight weaved cloth) then boil the water. If you followed the Supplies chapter of this book you should already have plenty of sealed fresh water to drink. You didn’t skimp on water did you? Walmart is sold out and their building probably burnt down by looters by now. See the Food and Water chapter for more tips. There is no reason to run out of water – ever.


Chapter Three

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)


EMP (Electromagnetic pulse): You may have never have heard of EMP. So why does the author rank it number one as the most likely of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) by terrorists if such a disaster ever occurs?


First, because it is 19
century technology; it is very simple to build with parts that can be bought commercially no questions asked. Properly built, an “EMP bomb” will work 95%+ of the time. It would do the maximum amount of damage to our civilization short of carpet bombing the entire country with nuclear bombs. By the way, nuclear bombs send out EMP as well. Listen to “experts” and they talk or write as if only nuclear bombs send out EMP electrical spikes. That is not true! What is EMP? Imagine a thousand lightning bolts simultaneously hitting a power pole 500 feet from your house for a tenth of a microsecond. The amperage (current) is very small but the voltage will be in the billions or trillions of volts. Imagine one static burst on your radio or TV so loud it is ten million times stronger than the loudest station on the dial. What happens to the “semiconductors” in your radio, furnace control, television and virtually everything that plugs in the wall or runs on batteries? This includes diodes and anything called “solid-state”. Vacuum tubes found in radios and most electronics from the early 1960’s and before used vacuum tubes. The transistor was invented in 1947 and by the late 1950’s was replacing most vacuum tubes in electronic devices. Transistors are immensely smaller and use a small fraction of the electricity of vacuum tubes.

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