Sweet Surrender (32 page)

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Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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“I’ll text you if I’m going, ok. Gotta go.”

After leaving Fiona, she headed for her table, and heard her father’s laughter. She turned in that direction, just as her father called out to get her attention. “Chantal, come over here. I would like you to meet someone.”

Stepping closer to the group of people surrounding her father, she pulled up short when she noticed one of them.
What was he doing here? Better yet, how did he get an invite?
These events that her parents threw were $5,000 to $10,000 a plate. So, with him being here, either he came with someone or had a lot of money.

Her father wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he spoke, “Marcus, I would like to introduce my beautiful daughter, Chantal. Chantal, this is Marcus Ambrosi, the eldest son of Louise and Mario Ambrosi.”

The Ambrosi family owned the largest vineyard in the state, and now she knew the reason for him to be here. They had supplied the wine for the last event they had, several months ago. She had met both Mr. and Mrs. Ambrosi, but never their children. She extended her hand to shake his, and he took it, looking into her eyes while he raised it to his lips and placed a lingering kiss there. She blushed.

“So nice to meet you, Chantal. I hope you will save a dance for me, soon?” Damn, his voice was sexy, deep and smooth. As was the way his eyes roamed over her body. She didn’t care, as she was doing the exact same thing to him. He stood a foot taller than her, had wide shoulders, and filled out the suit he was wearing, in all the right places.

“I’m sure I can save a dance for you, Mr. Ambrosi.”

“Please, call me Marcus. I’m sure we will become very acquainted,”  he whispered to her and only her.

The heat in the room went up an extra ten degrees. His eyes were telling her that he wanted more from her than just a conversation. More like rumpled sheets, sweaty bodies entwined together, and them both panting from hot, steamy sex. Shaking her head, she looked back at him, and he knew exactly what she was just thinking, as he was doing the same.

She couldn’t think of him in any way. He knew Dom. And she was not going to get involved with someone else, two was enough for her. But, it wouldn’t hurt to have that dance with him, would it? She wasn’t in a relationship, with either Dom or Joey. She had intended to have more with Joey, but it was hard when she really wanted someone else...someone else that held her heart, but gave her nothing in return. Well, nothing but amazing sex.

That was all they had done together. He had never even asked her out on a date, or anything. The current state of their “relationship” was very new, but they had been friends for so long. If he had known she was meant to be his, and only his, why had he never asked her out? Or taken her out to breakfast, lunch or dinner: any of them would have been fine. Even now, they didn’t have to go on an actual date. Just two friends going out and having something to eat, together.

Or maybe the sex side of their arrangement really was all he wanted from her. She did not know but she wasn’t going to dwell on it that much. Tonight she was going to have a little fun.


s Dom drove away from the Four Seasons—and Cassandra—heading God knows where, he went over the events of the weekend, so far. Since she had added on that extra night, Marcus was unable to attend as he had a prior engagement he could not cancel, so Dom ended up going alone. Cassandra had tried on several occasions to get his undivided attention, but as always, it was on Chantal. She even asked him to stay the night in her room, something he never did, and he let her down gently. He gave her some lame excuse, telling her it was against company policy. It was all he could think of at the time.

Truthfully, the only one he could stay with overnight was Chantal. What the hell was wrong with him, no woman had even done this to him, besides Kelly.

She was his first love, everything revolved around her, meaning
. Everything he said or did was for her. Till that one night, where he showed what he was. It wasn’t meant to happen as it did, he was going to show her slowly, not let it slip out. He just could not contain it anymore.

He had thought she would be the one to accept him the way he was, not end their relationship just like that. But apparently it had been coming, or so she told him. He was never around for her; all his time was spent with his job. The long hours apart had gotten to her and she had moved on from him. She had never come to him and expressed what she was feeling at the time. And what he did to her that night, confirmed her decision more. He never even told her.

Shaking his head and not wanting to dwell on the past anymore, he turned down the next street, still unsure as to where he was going. His phone beeped with a text, and as he pulled up to the next stoplight, he read the message.

Chantal: Why do you do this to me? Every time u r around, my life turns upside down.

Dialling her number, he was confused as to what the hell was she talking about.

“Hello,” she slurred.

“Are you drunk?”

“No.” She giggled.

“Damn it, Chantal. Answer me?” he ordered.

“Oh, scare voice.” She giggled again. “You’re so sexy when you use that tone, Dominic.”

“Where are you?” If he could get out of her where she was then he could go to her.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Chantal, I swear to God, if you don’t tell me now, I will hunt you down and spank that gorgeous ass of yours.”

Laughter came over the phone. “Dominic, you should see the sexy guy I met tonight. Very yummy, and nice, too.”

What the fuck?
What was she trying to do to him?

“We danced, several times, then sat down to eat, and now he is sitting beside me as I talk to you.” Her voice sounded muffled over and he couldn’t make out everything she was saying.

“Chantal!” he yelled.

He could hear her heavy breathing through the phone. “Dominic, I don’t feel too good,” she mumbled.

“Where are you? I’ll come and get you right now.”

Pulling away from the lights, he still didn’t know where he was going. “Chantal, tell me where you are?”

“I need to lie down,” she whispered.

“No, not yet. Tell me where you are so I can pick you up?” It was starting to get to him, not knowing exactly where she was.

He heard a male voice on the other end, and growled to himself. If the fuckhead touched her, in any way, he would go ballistic.

“I’m at my parents’ house, in Greens View.” Her voice was getting weaker.

“Ok, baby. I’m on my way. Don’t hang up, ok?”

Thank God, she told him where she was. He was only five minutes away from her. Pushing his foot to the floor, he sped through a red light, not caring if he was pulled over by the cops.

“What number is the house, baby?” He knew where her parents lived but not the actual number, and since it was night, he really could not tell which house was theirs.

“2401,” her voice supplied over the phone. He could still hear the male in the background with her.

“Ok. I’m coming up. Is the gate open?” he asked, counting the houses as he sped by. “Chantal?”

“Yes,” she mumbled.

Flying through the gates, he came to a complete stop in front of a catering truck, jumped out, and then took off towards the front door.

“Where are you?”

“Around the side, near the rose gazebo.”

He pivoted around and headed in that direction. As he came around the corner, he saw her lying on the ground, with someone over her.

“Chantal!” he yelled out.

The other person’s head popped up.

Dropping to his knees beside her, he demanded, “What the fuck are you doing here, Marcus?”

“I was here for the charity ball, and was introduced to her by her father. My parents know them.”

Rolling her over to see if she was all right, he lightly tapped her on her cheek. “Chantal?”

Moaning, she tried moving away from him. He was not going to let that happen.

“Chantal, it’s Dom.”

Her eyes fluttered open. “Dominic?”

“Yeah, baby, I’m here.”

She mumbled something under her breath, and he leaned forward. “What did you say?”

“You never asked me out? You have never taken me anywhere. You only want sex from me, Dominic.”


“I want to go home,” she sobbed.

“Ok, I’ll take you home, Chantal.”

Sitting up slightly, she swayed, and he reached out to steady her but she just pulled away. “No! Marcus, can you take me home, please?”

“Like hell he will, Chantal.”

“Dom, I don’t have a problem taking her home,” Marcus answered.

“I know you don’t. You will take advantage of her!” he snapped.

“I would never do that, Dom. You know me better than that, Jesus.”

“Yeah, I do. And you’re still not doing what she asked.” Lifting her up into his arms, he walked towards where his truck was parked. Once the door was open, he laid her down on the bench seat, and closed the door.

“Why didn’t you ring me?” he said as he faced Marcus.

“She didn’t want me to, and you never claimed her, Dominic.”

“That is not the point and you know it. You know full well that she is mine, and no one else’s.”

“At least I was here for her when she needed someone, Dominic. Where were you?” Marcus growled.

“You know bloody well were I was,” he snarled back.

Walking away from Marcus and jumping into his truck, he pulled out his phone and dialled as he was driving down the long driveway.


“Joey, I need you to meet me at Chantal’s house, now.”

“On my way. What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you when we get there. She’s drunk, that is all I can say for now.”

Laughing, Joey said, “Ok, leaving now, I’ll see you there soon.”

Hanging up, he slid his hand over towards her, and wrapped his hand around hers. She tried pulling her hand away, but he wasn’t allowing it, at all.

“Baby, we’ll be home soon.”

“I don’t want to sleep by myself. Have bad dreams,” she mumbled against the seat.

“What bad dreams, baby?”

Looking over at her, he waited for her to reply, but none came. Her breathing remained steady as she curled more into his side, and snored lightly. What was she talking about? Did it have something to do with what he heard her say to Nate on the night of her opening party? He needed to keep a closer eye on her. Turning left into her street, he saw Joey’s truck parked on the front lawn.

After he pulled up in her driveway, Joey opened the passenger door. “How much has she had to drink?”

“I don’t know, but Marcus was with her at some event at her parents’.”

He didn’t like the fact Marcus was there, and especially that he was around her. Marcus was the same as him, and although Dom had been like that for close to thirteen years, Marcus wasn’t far behind him. If he wanted something, he would get what he wanted.

That was never going to happen with her. Chantal was his, and if he had to fight for her, he bloody would.

“Why was he there?” Joey asked as he carried her into her house and down the hallway.

“Some charity ball and their parents know each other.”

Placing her down on her bed, he knew he needed to remove her dress, and a shower would be good, too.

Leaning over the bed, he unzipped her dress as Joey removed her shoes. His breath caught in his throat at what was under the dress, or the lack of it. She had no bra and only the tiniest thong covering her. Joey groaned as he did. The sight of her lying there in only that red lace thong, and nothing else, had him wanting her like nothing before. But tonight it wasn’t going to happen. She needed to get sober, and he was not going to sleep with her while drunk. No matter how hard she tried.

Sitting beside her, he tried to wake her. “Chantal, you need to have a shower.”

“No, leave me alone,” she mumbled.

“Not happening.” He stood, ready to move her, but she rolled over onto her stomach, sliding her leg out and leaving nothing to the imagination as to what sat between her legs, covered in that tiny thong.

“Dom, I know she is drunk and I’m not going there, but seriously, it’s killing me seeing her lay there with that bloody thong on.”

He laughed. “I know, mate. Help me get her up and into the shower.”

Nodding, both Dom and Joey helped her walk into the bathroom. As Joey got the shower ready, Dom slipped off her thong, and stepped into the shower with her. He did not care that he was fully clothed, and really, he needed a barrier between them. If he felt her naked wet body against his, he would lose it, completely.

“Why was she drinking so much?” Joey asked from the shower door.

“I have no idea. No point in asking her while she is like this.”

“You know I am here, right,” she whispered as she leaned against Dom fully.

“Yes, we do. I’d be worried if you weren’t and I was standing in the shower talking to Joey.” He laughed.

Giggling, she reached over carefully for the soap and lathered up her hands, then rubbed all over herself.

Dom stood there, silently watching as her hands moved over her body. One hand moved from her neck down over the swell of her breast, as her other hand slid over her belly. The front of his pants became tight at his growing erection. The hand on her breast dropped to where her other hand was, and she swirled her fingers in the soap gathering there. One hand slid lower, but he stopped it with his own, just above her mound.

“Chantal. This is a shower only. I’m not going to sleep with you in this state,” he groaned.


urning around in his arms, she rubbed her wet, soaking body against his. The friction of his shirt against her painfully hard nipples sent a pulsating need to her pussy. Gripping his arms, she slid down his body, kneeling in front of him. She fiddled with the zipper of his jeans, and once opened, she slid her hand into them and gripped his cock in her hand.

Dom growled at the contact of her hand on him. Smiling, she shifted forward, pulling him free on his jeans, and slowly licked up the full length of him. The salty taste of him made her moan, and the vibration of that moan sent electricity straight to his balls, pulling them up tight.

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