Sweet Thursday (7 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Sweet Thursday
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Her eyes drifted closed, the images he described ripped from her naughtiest fantasies.

“Not sure what you were worried about, Lily.” Killian’s hand gripped her right knee, opening her legs for his sensuous touch. “Seems to me you’re a natural at being a wild woman.”

She moaned when he punctuated his comment with a quick rub of her wet thong.

“Move back on the recliner.” Justin pulled his cock from her mouth, tapping her lips with his finger when she started to protest. “I’ve got an idea.”

She leaned back, starting slightly when Justin stepped to the side. He kicked off his shoes and pants and released the footrest. She was nearly fully reclined when he straddled her, his weight supported by his knees on the armrests. He leaned over her, his cock nudging for entrance to her mouth once more. She welcomed him back gladly, loving his sure, strong strokes, swallowing the head on each upswing.

“Fuck. You’re good at this.” Her eyes narrowed at his language and he laughed.

“You’re gonna have to get used to the F word, baby girl. It’s my favorite word…and my favorite thing to do. Now open those legs and let Killian have a taste.”


Sweet Thursday

Killian’s fingers peeled her panties down her legs before returning to push her skirt above her hips. She jumped when she felt his tongue rasp against her clit. She hadn’t expected him to move so quickly. Her eyes closed once more, savoring the salty taste of pre-cum as it dripped from Justin’s cock. Killian added his fingers to the play, driving two inside her pussy while sucking on her clit, teasing the ripe bud with firm lips.

“Jesus, Justin. She’s hotter than the Iraqi desert.”

Lily groaned, the sound vibrating against Justin’s cock. His hand returned to her hair and she noticed his movements in her mouth were less careful, more erratic as he approached his climax. The thought of driving one of the sexiest men she’d ever known to this place sent a fresh round of arousal to her pussy.

Killian didn’t miss that fact. “Our girl likes having her mouth fucked.”

She grinned at his words and Justin moaned again. “Watch those teeth, Lil. And Killian, hurry up. I’m not gonna make it much longer.”

Killian increased the speed of his fingers and deepened the suction on her clit. Lily felt stars gather behind her eyes and knew she was a goner. She reached up, grasping Justin’s balls, loving how they filled her hand.

“God. Dammit.” Justin spoke his cry through gritted teeth as Killian twisted his fingers inside her, hitting a sweet spot she didn’t know existed. She screamed around Justin’s cock, the sound no doubt announcing her orgasm to every neighbor within a five-mile radius.

Killian didn’t lighten his assault, driving her climax even higher with deeper, stronger thrusts. The orgasm, though probably only a few seconds long, seemed to last for hours. When at last it began to wane, Killian pulled his hand away, placing light kisses on her quivering thighs.

Justin gripped her cheeks with both hands. “I’m gonna come.” She forced her eyes open, the need to see his face overwhelming all the other sensations roaring through her body. The first hot splash of cum painted her throat and she swallowed, loving the way Justin’s face contorted, the pleasure suffusing it resembling that of intense pain.


Mari Carr

Nothing like making someone hurt so good.

For several seconds, they all remained motionless—Killian’s head resting on her leg, Justin’s now-soft cock filling her mouth.

She sighed contently as Justin pulled out, moving one leg over her and rising from the recliner.

She started to protest him leaving the chair, but the words died in her throat when Killian came over her, his body covering hers from chest to toe. Somewhere along the line, he’d taken off his pants as well.

His lips grazed her cheek. “Ready for round two?”


Sweet Thursday

Chapter Four

Killian kissed Lily’s face, savoring the sight of her flushed cheeks and well-loved look. She was incredible. He couldn’t believe he’d ever questioned her ability to participate in a ménage. She was living, breathing sex and he couldn’t wait to explore every nuance of her.

“Round two?” Her hot breath washed over his face when they separated.

“Meatloaf might not have a problem with two out of three, but I have a little situation here that needs attention.” He rubbed his erection against her stomach and she laughed quietly.

“You call that little?”

He grinned. “Well, thank you for noticing.”

Justin chuckled and Killian glanced over to discover his friend had moved away from them, sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the wall that was no doubt holding him up after the incredible blowjob he’d just received.

“You’ve always been all talk, K. How about a little more action? I’d like to move this party up to the bedroom eventually.”

Justin held up a condom, tossing it across the few feet that separated them. “You might need this.”

He caught the square foil wrapper.

“Impatient,” she and Killian said in unison. They laughed for a few moments while Justin rolled his eyes.

“Although,” Killian bent down to kiss her again, “I’m feeling sort of impatient myself.”

Lily lifted her legs, wrapping them around his thighs. “Me too.”


Mari Carr

He quickly donned the condom, his mind whirling over the fact he was about to have sex with Lily Watterson. The idea felt completely foreign and yet totally right.

He placed the head of his cock at the opening of her wet entrance and paused.

“If you ask me again if I’m sure, I’m going to hit you…hard.” Her words caught him off-guard and he grinned, pushing in a few inches before pausing.

“I was actually going to see how you felt about a quickie. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to go slow this time. Promise to make it up to you next time.”

Her pussy fluttered against his cock.

“Mmm,” he hummed, directing his words to Justin. “I think she likes that idea.”

“Thank God,” Justin muttered as Killian slowly pushed the rest of the way into the tight clasp of her body. She shuddered when he seated his cock to the hilt and he stopped again, taking a moment to appreciate the wet heat surrounding him. He hadn’t been joking about this being over fast. He’d been sporting this particular hard-on since first spotting her at the reunion.

“I love how you feel inside me,” she whispered against his cheek. He kissed her neck, around her ear, agreeing with the sentiment. They fit together perfectly. That idea niggled in his brain for a split second before he brushed it aside.

“Hold on, sweetness.”

He retreated slowly but couldn’t resist the need to push back in immediately. He tried to keep his thrusts steady but her pussy was waging a relentless siege on his cock.

Her inner muscles tightened, clamping down on him in the most delicious way. Her hushed moans driving him to move faster, just so he could keep listening to her beautiful cries.

He wasn’t aware until he heard Justin’s voice directly beside him that his friend had given up his post at the wall and was kneeling beside the recliner. “Jesus, that looks hot.”

Killian’s pace picked up again and Lily cried out. “God, yes!”


Sweet Thursday

Justin cupped her cheek, turned her face toward his and started kissing her. Killian wasn’t sure why he got off on watching his best friend pleasure a woman, but it had always been this way.

Because of the awkward angle of the recliner, Killian’s hands were occupied, holding his weight off Lily’s slight frame. “Pinch her nipples, Justin. Make those pretty breasts of hers feel good,” he commanded.

Justin’s hand gripped her breast, not bothering to venture beneath her silky blouse.

There simply didn’t seem to be time. Killian’s cock pounded harder and Lily threw her head back as he watched Justin tweak her nipple firmly through the material of her bra.

Her pussy began to ripple against his cock, her orgasm too strong for him to resist. His balls tightened and he followed her into climax, cursing as pulse after pulse of semen filled the condom. “Holy fuck,” he muttered.

His arms collapsed, his weight now supported by his elbows. Her chest rose and fell rapidly with her accelerated breathing and he savored the feeling of her nipples as she rubbed against him. His soft cock stirred to life once more.

Lily’s eyes opened and he knew she’d noticed. “You’re kidding me.”

He shrugged and grinned. He’d never felt the pull to fuck so strongly and he shook his head. “Might take a few times, sweetness.”

“I didn’t think guys could—” She blushed and he and Justin laughed.

“Little late for the blushes, Lil,” Justin said, running his knuckles along her cheek.

“We’ve officially outed you as bad girl of the century. Now you’re just going to have to keep up.”

Lily tightened her legs around Killian’s hips and he groaned as she worked her pussy muscles against his cock. “I was valedictorian, remember? While I may lack hands-on experience, I’m a very quick study.”

Killian clenched his teeth as he pulled out of her body. “Come on. Let’s move this show to the bedroom.”


Mari Carr

He rose from the recliner, allowing Justin to offer Lily a hand to help her up as he quickly disposed of the condom. As she stood, her skirt fell back into place. For a moment, the three of them looked at each other—and then burst into laughter.

Justin shook his head. “You’re still dressed.”

“I guess we were in a hurry.” Lily shrugged and pointed at their shirts. “I have a confession to make.”

“Oh yeah? What kind of confession?” Killian asked.

“I used to study in Mrs. Armini’s classroom after school because it overlooked the track. You guys would do laps without your shirts and I loved looking at your bare chests.”

“Damn, Lily. You were pretty good at hiding your interest.” Justin crossed his arms over his chest. “I had no idea.”

“I was shy and awkward and incredibly plain looking. You guys would have run the other way if I’d revealed my crush. Besides, I can’t tell you how much teen angst I wasted on the fact I was in lust with both of you at the same time. Regardless of my book smarts, I didn’t stumble upon the idea of a threesome until our senior year and by then…” She let her sentence fade away, unfinished.

“By then, we were friends and none of us wanted to screw that up.” Killian recalled having more than a few impure thoughts about Lily in school, but like her, he’d never acted on them, never admitted them—even to Justin.

Justin reached over and wrapped his arm around Lily’s shoulders, pulling her close. “I would have screwed up the friendship in a flash if I’d known you were hot for my body,” he joked, and they all laughed.

Killian shook his head. “You probably would have. As I recall, your entire reason for living at that point in time was sex.”

“Has that changed?” Justin joked and they laughed again.


Sweet Thursday

“I’m glad I didn’t confess my feelings then,” Lily admitted. “I was too young, too naïve. The timing is perfect now. We’re all adults, all able to grab a night like this and enjoy it without letting immature emotions muddy the water.”

Killian wondered if that was true and he could read the same concern on Justin’s face. He didn’t like working under a deadline, didn’t like time limits. Lily seemed determined to keep this reunion brief, but she was a fool if she thought they’d let her leave their lives again that easily. Regardless of what happened tonight, he wanted the friendship back. Of that, he was sure. As for the rest? He sighed. Time would tell.

Justin gestured toward the stairs with his head. “Come on. Let’s finish this conversation in bed. Naked.”

As they reached the top of the stairs, Justin paused a moment before leading them toward Killian’s room.

“Not gonna let Lily see that disaster you call a bedroom?” Killian taunted.

Justin grinned. “Your bed is bigger.”

“Told you not to skimp on money, wasting your time with the queen-sized mattress.”

“And once again, you get to say I told you so. You go on ahead. I just bought a box of condoms the other day. Something tells me we’re gonna need them if we’re going to keep up with our wild woman tonight. I’ll grab them out of my bedroom.”

Killian nodded, aware Justin would be grabbing the new tube of lubrication he’d purchased as well. He worried about where his friend’s thoughts were traveling.

Though they’d both sampled Lily’s lovely body, he had no doubt Justin wouldn’t stop until they’d claimed every part of her. He led Lily into his bedroom, wondering if she was ready for what that would entail. He watched her quietly take in his simple room, wrapping his arm around her waist from behind. “You hanging in there?”

She nodded, turning to face him, remaining within his hold. “I’m fine. I’m better than fine.”


Mari Carr

He bent his head to kiss her, the pull of her lips too irresistible. Her tongue lightly brushed his lower lip and he took her invitation to deepen the kiss. He wasn’t sure how long they lingered, tasting each other’s mouths, sharing the same air, but it was Justin who brought them back to reality.

“Getting kind of cold in this bed alone.”

Killian raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of Justin lounging on his bed. He’d removed his shirt and his arms were crossed behind his head. Killian wondered how long he’d watched them kiss. Did Justin get the same thrill from watching that he did?

They’d never discussed their habit of sharing, always just going with the flow. Now he found himself wondering how his friend really felt about it.

Killian quickly unbuttoned his shirt, shoving it off his shoulders. He caught Lily’s quick intake of breath and he grinned. “Still look okay?” he teased, flexing his muscles playfully.

She didn’t laugh, instead stepping closer, running her hand along his bare chest.

“I’ve always wanted to touch you.”

His eyes closed as her hand explored his pecs, his flat brown nipples, his abs. When her lips lightly caressed his chest, he knew he was going to be a goner if they didn’t get her into the bed soon.

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