Sweet Thursday (8 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Sweet Thursday
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“And once again, you’re still fully dressed.” Killian walked to the bed, sitting beside Justin who’d moved from a lounging position to a sitting one, his legs hanging over the edge of the mattress.

“Take off your clothes,” Justin prodded.

Lily licked her lips and Killian could see she was uncomfortable with the concept of taking her clothing off as they watched. He grinned. “Be daring, Lily. You’re sexy as shit. Now show us that body.”

She took a deep breath and he watched her amazing determination—no, it was courage, he decided—rise to the forefront.


Sweet Thursday

She unbuttoned her blouse slowly, tantalizing them with tiny peeks before stripping the shirt off completely. Next she shed her bra and Killian’s hand went instinctively to his now-raging erection, trying to soothe the hungry flesh. Her breasts were perfect, large and firm. His mouth watered and he heard Justin curse under his breath.

“Fucking hell, Lil.” His friend was also working his hand against his own stiff cock.

She reached up and cupped her breasts, holding them up and smiling. “You like?”

“Come here.” Justin’s voice was gravelly, demanding, but Lily didn’t take offense as she crossed the room to where they sat. Both of them reached for her, each claiming one of her lilywhite tits with their lips.

“Oh my God,” she breathed and Killian felt her left hand tangle in his hair, holding him to her. He sucked her taut nipple into his mouth, watching out of the corner of his eye as Justin bit the nipple he’d claimed. They worked her sensitive flesh until her squirming and moans became too much to bear.

“Take off that fucking skirt.” Justin pulled away and Killian knew his friend was suffering the same fate as he. The fact he’d already come once tonight didn’t seem to be appeasing his cock as the head threatened to split under the force of the blood pulsing through it.

Killian helped Lily shed the skirt when he noticed her hands shaking with the effort. One look as her face proved it wasn’t fear, but need driving her reaction.

“Hurry,” she pleaded as he pushed the material to the floor and she kicked it off.

Justin lay back on the bed, his legs still hanging over the edge, beckoning Lily toward him. “Grab one of those condoms, baby girl. I want you to ride me.”

She hastily did Justin’s bidding, putting the condom on him and climbing onto the bed.

“Not that way.” Justin turned her so she faced away from him and Killian could see the confusion on her face.


Mari Carr

Killian helped her into position, keeping her hips directly over Justin’s, and pushed her back down slightly. “Arch your back a little and take him in this way, Lily.”

She reached between her legs, drawing Justin’s cock to her pussy. Slowly, she sank down.

“God yes, Lily. You feel so good inside, baby girl.”

Killian marveled at the way she easily accepted the new position, her movements slow and easy at first.

“It feels strange this way. Strange but good. Your—” Her words stopped abruptly and Justin’s hands clenched on her waist, stilling her movements.

“Cock,” Justin said. “Say it, Lil.”

She shook her head and tried to resume moving, but neither of them was inclined to let her escape.

“Call it a cock, sweetness. Tell Justin his cock feels good inside your pussy.”

“I don’t like those words.”

Killian chuckled. “You don’t like the words, but you sure as hell like what they do.

Tell him. Tell him you like it.”

“I like his cock. It feels nice inside me.”

Justin’s hands relaxed and Killian kissed her. “You are so sexy, so hot.”

She smiled at his praise, riding Justin harder, faster. Killian ran his hands through her hair, shocked when her hands gripped his waist and her lips began to descend, licking a trail from his neck, down his chest to his—

, Lily.” Her lips engulfed his cock, her hips still moving against Justin’s.

“Holy shit.” Justin rose up on his elbows, watching as Lily took them both inside her body.

On each retreat from Killian’s erection, she sank back on Justin’s cock. As she surged forward, she took his dick to the back of her throat, swallowing the head until he thought he’d pass out from the intensity. He’d never gotten a blowjob like it before 60

Sweet Thursday

and, paired with the image of her fucking Justin’s cock, well…he was about to embarrass himself again. What the fuck? He was coming at the drop of a hat like a randy schoolboy.

He tried to think of anything to slow down his imminent eruption, even tried to close his eyes, but her motions became harsher as she was shoved forward by Justin’s hips thrusting into her. His friend’s moans mingled with hers and he gave up the battle.

“Fuck it,” he said harshly. “I have to come.”

“Me too,” Justin said through gritted teeth. He took the man’s words as permission, gripping Lily’s head, holding her still as he pushed into her mouth one more time. His climax seemed to set her off and her body twitched as she swallowed his cum, her fingers digging into the muscles of his thighs so hard, he knew she was leaving bruises.

As he pulled from her mouth, Justin moved quickly, rising and turning her onto her stomach. He shoved into her once, twice, before Lily screamed and Justin’s ass flexed with his own orgasm. Killian couldn’t take his gaze away from the sight of the two of them gasping for air as they reached the pinnacle.

After a few moments, Justin rolled to the side, Lily whimpering as he left her body.

“Did I hurt you, Lil?” Justin asked with such concern, Killian kicked himself for calling his friend a heartless prick at the reunion. Watching him with Lily had proven Justin was just as worried about her welfare as he was. She was theirs to care for and he knew it was a task they both took seriously.

“No,” Lily whispered. “Just sort of fucked me to death. It’s okay though. I liked it.”

Justin laughed as Killian sat down on the edge of the bed, running his hands along the supple skin on the back of her leg.

“Must’ve been good,” Justin teased. “You just said the F word.”

Lily groaned but her eyes remained closed. “Nap,” she said, and he and Justin chuckled as her breath deepened and she drifted off to sleep.


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Justin stood from the bed and pulled off his condom. “Let me take care of this and get a warm washcloth from the bathroom. She’s bound to be sore when she wakes up.”

Killian nodded. “I’ll try to get her between the sheets.”

Justin laughed and slapped him on the back. “Fuck this one-night thing. She’s staying the whole weekend.”

“Maybe even longer,” he whispered when Justin disappeared down the hall and he looked at Lily asleep on his bed. “Maybe even longer.”


Sweet Thursday

Chapter Five

It was still dark outside when Justin stirred. He wondered for a moment what had woken him, and then he felt it again. Lily’s hand moved slightly on his stomach, her warm breath tickling his chest hair. He glanced over her shoulder and could see Killian spooning her from behind. A quick peek at the clock told him he’d only slept a couple of hours.

He struggled to put the events of the night into some sort of order he could understand. He’d gone to the reunion hoping for a quick hookup, maybe with some old high-school girlfriend. He’d envisioned an easy night of slap and tickle, a few shits and giggles between the sheets and then his trademark fast escape. Instead, he’d found Lily, the one woman from his past who’d always seen through him, seen straight to the core and still found something redeemable, something good inside.

His mother had taken off when he was small, so he’d grown up in the most masculine home on the East Coast—just him and his dad. They’d existed on takeout, eating every meal on paper plates in front of the TV. It was Lily who’d introduced him to the concept of eating at a table, showing him there was actually a proper way to set one. She’d taught him how to make lasagna and how to make a bed with hospital corners. She’d helped him pick out his tuxedo for prom and gone with him to the florist to order the corsage for his date. For four years, she’d taken it upon herself to expose him to things his mother should have shown him.

When he’d admitted he didn’t know how to dance, she hadn’t laughed. Instead, she’d taken his dilemma to heart and, in typical Lily fashion, she’d researched an answer. He grinned as he recalled her showing up outside his door the Saturday morning of prom…


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“What are you doing here?” he’d asked, surprised to find Lily armed with a CD

player. His dad had taken off to check out one of his jobsites.

“I’m going to teach you how to dance.” She walked in and immediately started clearing garbage off the coffee table.

“How to dance?” Justin followed her around and started picking up the mess too, used to Lily cleaning up whenever she came over to visit.

“Yeah. I mean, I don’t really know how to dance either and I’m not exactly Madonna, but I watched MTV the last couple of nights and I think I’ve figured a few things out.”

“You watched MTV? For me?” He smiled at the idea of Lily studying the concept of dancing just to help him.

“It’s senior prom, Justin. There’s no way I’m gonna let you go in there doing those stupid lawnmower and sprinklers moves.”

“They’re funny.”

“Just watch me.” She pushed play and a fast song with a super-strong beat started pulsing through the room. Lily began moving to the music and after a few songs and a lot of laughter, Justin felt as if he’d actually be able to dance at prom without embarrassing himself.

“Now for the slow songs,” she said.

Justin grinned. “Slow songs are easy. You just wrap your arms around the girl and cop as many feels as you can in three minutes.”

Lily rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess we can skip that part of the lesson then.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not sure we can. I think maybe I should teach you how to defend yourself during a slow dance.”

“I don’t think I have to worry about anybody asking me for a slow dance.”

“Why not?”


Sweet Thursday

“I don’t have a date for prom, remember? I wouldn’t be going at all except you and K are making me.”

Justin pointed to the CD player. “Put the song on, Lil.”

She pushed play and Aerosmith came through the speakers. He walked over and smiled when she blushed. “Okay, put your hands around my neck.” She did and he shook his head at how she was touching him and still managing to keep five feet between them. He gripped her waist and pulled her body against his. She gasped at the closeness, but he ignored her and started swaying.

He’d intended to tease her as they danced, pretending to grope her while instructing her on how to fend him off, but the second they’d started dancing, he’d forgotten the joke and instead they’d just moved in time to the song.

It was the only time he’d ever danced with Lily and he was surprised now to realize he could remember the moment so vividly. Steven Tyler’s lyrics had been right. He didn’t want to miss a thing. And apparently, dancing with Lily in his living room, he hadn’t.

He watched her sleep and marveled over how amazing the night had been, then he chuckled silently thinking about how their goals—though completely opposite—had led them both to this same place. While Lily wanted to explore her naughty nature, take a walk on the wild side, he’d been thinking lately he should settle down, find a nice girl and try to become a better person. Talk about irony.

She shifted a little and Justin felt Killian stir, watched as his friend opened his eyes, taking the same stock of his surroundings that he’d just taken.

“She’s still here,” Justin whispered.

Killian grinned. “So she is.”

“Where else would she be? You guys wouldn’t let me bring my car.” Lily lifted her head, her sleepy look twisting something inside Justin.


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Killian leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder. “You don’t need your car. We’re not finished with you yet.”

“You ready for round three?” Justin asked with a grin. “You sort of conked out on us after round two.”

She looked over her shoulder at Killian before turning back to him. “What did you have in mind?”

Justin caught Killian’s gaze, wondering if his friend was hoping for the same thing he was. In all their years of playing at threesomes, there was one position they’d never tried, never even suggested. With the other women, he’d never wanted to go that far, but now, with Lily, he wanted it more than his next breath.

“How familiar are you with anal play?”

Lily noticeably stiffened and Killian frowned. “Justin—” he started, but Lily cut him off.

“Do you want the truth?” she asked.

Justin scowled. “Of course I want the truth. Don’t ever tell me something just because you think it’s what I want to hear. You never did that in the past. Don’t start now.”

Lily nodded. “You’re right. I guess honesty is about the best thing we have going for us with this night of fantasies. We don’t have to pretend or lie or wonder because we all know each other so well.”

“It’s not going to be just one night, Lil.” Justin didn’t mean to lay it out so abruptly, but her obvious intention to cut and run come morning was starting to grate on his nerves.

“But we said—”

“We know what you wanted, sweetness,” Killian said. “But there’s no way we can squeeze all the fantasies into just one night. Stay the weekend with us.”


Sweet Thursday

Lily bit her lower lip but Justin could see her obvious desire to stay. He decided to push the envelope. “Turns out you aren’t the only one with some fantasies to fulfill.

You’ve sort of whetted my appetite for more.”


He nodded. “Which brings us back to my original question.”

Lily swallowed heavily and he could see her mind working overtime to figure out how to word her answer.

“Honesty,” he reminded her. “We’ll know if you’re lying anyway. You’re shit at it.”

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