Sweet Thursday (17 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Sweet Thursday
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“Jesus,” Tris muttered. “How many freaking cupcakes did she bake?”

“Dunno,” K replied, “but I think it’s safe to say we could all eat a dozen each and still have leftovers.”

Tris rolled his eyes. “Leave it to Riley to make three hundred cupcakes for a one-year-old. Girl doesn’t have a sensible bone in her body.”

“Maybe not, but look at Caitlyn.” Killian grinned when his niece’s eyes lit up when she saw the towering confection. She clapped and giggled. Riley bent down to swing her around, putting a tiny tiara on the little girl’s head. His youngest sister had definitely ensured Caitlyn felt like a princess on her special day.

Keira hugged Riley and then the women went to work setting out the rest of the food, while Justin crossed the room to him. “Some cake. Jesus.”

Killian shrugged. “Riley got her baking skills from my mom.”

Pop came over and slapped him on the back. “That she did, Killian. Although I think that would have impressed even Sunday. Justin.”

Pop reached out to shake Justin’s hand. “Pat. How are you doing?”

“Great. Just great. Have to admit it’s nice to get this family under the same roof every now and again.”

“I appreciate you letting me tag along,” Justin said.

“Oh, son, after all these years, I think it’s safe to say you’re included in that family description. After all, you kept an eye on my boy, brought back from Iraq safely. I’m not likely to ever forget that.”


Mari Carr

Killian could see how much Pop’s words meant to Justin, but he also sensed his friend’s fear that his welcome would be revoked at any minute. Lily walked over to them, taking both of his pop’s hands in hers.

“Hello again, Mr. Collins.”

Pop grinned. “Well, little Lily Watterson. Can’t tell you how glad I am you could join our little party today. You know, you’re not a schoolgirl anymore, so no more of that Mr. Collins stuff. It’s Pat.”

Lily nodded. “Okay. Pat.”

“It’s nice to have you back in town. These two hooligans have been running wild for years. Think they need your good influence around again. I’m pretty sure neither one of them would have graduated if it hadn’t been for you.”

Justin laughed. “Yep. Lilywhite definitely kept us out of jail back then.”

They all laughed, except Lily, who smiled uneasily. “I’ve always tried to be a good influence.”

Killian knew she was worried about his pop’s reaction when they told him their news. He decided it was time to bite the bullet, put them all out of their misery.

“Actually, Pop, Justin and I have convinced Lily to move in with us.”

The smile didn’t leave his pop’s face, though he could see the man was confused.

“There are only two bedrooms in your townhouse. You and Justin gonna start bunking together in one room? Won’t that cramp your style a bit?”

Killian saw Tris lean closer and Sean walked over with Chad to join the conversation. Lily went pale when she realized a small crowd had gathered and Killian reached out to take her hand and pull her close. A light of understanding crossed his pop’s face and the man’s smile grew bigger. “Well, it’s about time you snatched this girl up.” Pop slapped him on the back and Killian could see his father had only grasped part of the truth.


Sweet Thursday

“Lily and I are dating,” Killian confirmed, looking toward Justin. Shit, he’d practiced this conversation half the night as he lay awake in bed, listening to Justin and Lily’s easy breathing as they slept. “Justin and I are both dating her.”

Pop looked from him to Justin and Killian knew he needed to say more. Sean, bless him, decided to step in to offer some help.

“That’s great,” Sean said quietly. “If anybody could live as a threesome, it’s you guys.”

?” Pop asked.

Chad scowled. “What the hell are you talking about, Sean? Lily, what’s going on?”

Lily cleared her throat uncomfortably. “I’m in love with Justin and K, Chad. We’re going to try to make a relationship of it.”

“The three of you?” Chad asked.

“Damn,” Tris muttered from behind the bar. “Didn’t see

Killian scowled at his twin but Tris put his hand up. “Didn’t say I thought it was wrong, just surprising.”

Riley walked over and Killian fought to roll his eyes at the growing crowd. “What’s going on?”

Sean grinned. “Killian, Justin and Lily are moving in together. Going to live in a committed ménage.”

Riley’s eyes widened. “Wicked. Fucking awesome!”

“Riley,” Pop admonished. “What have I told you about using that word?”

“Sorry, Pop, but you gotta admit that’s pretty cool.”

Pop shook his head as he looked at his youngest daughter. “Cool?”

“K and Justin have been best friends for as long as I’ve been alive and Lily’s perfect for them. They’re crazy about her and she’s crazy right back. Why can’t they make a family of three?”

“I agree,” Sean said.


Mari Carr

Pop shook his head, disbelief written on his face. “It’s because you two are the youngest,” Pop muttered. “You needed more time with your mother. Instead you just had me and somewhere I went terribly wrong.”

Riley laughed. “You raised us with the motto ‘live and let live’. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”

Pop considered her words and then nodded. “You’re right. There isn’t anything wrong with that.” He looked at Killian. “Are you happy, son?”

Killian nodded. “Happier than I’ve ever been.”

“And you two?” Pop looked at Justin and Lily. “This arrangement works for you as well?”

Lily nodded and Justin took one step forward. “It’s the first time in my life I’ve felt like I belonged somewhere, Pat,” he said.

Pop grinned crookedly. “You’ve always belonged somewhere, Justin. You just never seemed to realize it before now.”

Killian thought about Pop’s comment and realized it was true. Since sixth grade, Justin had been at his side, through Little League, high school, Iraq, work. Justin had been his constant companion. They’d already shared a lifetime together…and now they would share a love.

Pop rubbed his balding head. “Well, I’m not going to say this won’t take some getting used to.”

Chad shook his head. “We’re gonna get used to this?”

“Chad.” Lily’s voice sounded like a plea. “Please let me explain.”

Sean put his hand on his friend’s shoulder and he and Lily pulled him away from the group. Killian knew his brother would help Lily smooth the news over with Chad and he was grateful for his brother’s help.


Sweet Thursday

“Well, now that we’ve cleared that up. What do you say we eat?” Riley smiled and Killian stared at her, overwhelmed with the urge to hug her. Of all his siblings, Riley was the one who constantly managed to surprise him.

“Riley—” he started, but she cut him off, grasping his hand and pulling him away from Pop and the others.

“Hee-hee! I am the good one now,” she sang in a taunting voice.

Killian narrowed his eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m always the one in trouble, doing questionable things. You’ve just bought me at least six months worth of free passes. Nothing I do is gonna top a ménage!”

He laughed and then gave her the hug. “You really are a rascal.”

She shrugged. “That’s not to say I’m not happy for you, K.”

Justin walked up behind him and Riley grinned at his friend. “So you guys really think you can pull this off?”

Killian nodded. “We’re determined to try. I love her.”

“I do too,” Justin said.

Riley shook her head. “Lily is one lucky girl. Shit, I forgot the candles. You guys grab plates and I’ll be right back.” She paused before leaving, reaching up on tiptoe to kiss Justin on the cheek. “Welcome to the family, Justin. Just what I needed. Another annoying brother.”

Justin laughed and tugged her hair. “I won’t let you get away with nearly as much of the shit your brothers do.”

“Bullshit. I know you, Justin Porter, and I think it’s safe to say I may have a new partner in crime.” She walked away and Killian sighed.

“Damn. I think she’s right. You aren’t going to be a good influence on her.”

“She called me a brother,” Justin said, grinning like a fool.

“You’re not really excited about the prospect of having Riley for a sister?”


Mari Carr

Justin shrugged. “Never had a sister. Figure even Riley’s better than nothing.”

Justin laughed but Killian could see through his joke.

“I guess you’re right.”

Lily returned and Killian could see she was upset. “Didn’t go well with Chad?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think he’s crazy about the idea of his sister shacking up with two guys and I’m pretty sure he wants to kill both of you right now. Sean’s talking him off the ledge.”

“We didn’t expect this to be easy,” Justin said.

Lily nodded. “Actually, it was easier than I thought it would be. We were right to start with K’s family. They’re beyond amazing.”

Killian smiled. “They
great.” He looked around the room. News of their announcement had apparently spread as he caught both his older sisters sneaking surreptitious glances their way. Teagan winked at him. Ewan was grinning at him from the bar—Tris having clearly filled him in. He chuckled when both guys gave him a thumbs-up.

The rest of the party passed too quickly as they all ate too much, drank too much, laughed and danced. Teagan and Sky sang a song they’d written just for Caitlyn, who ended up wearing two of her special cupcakes—on her face, in her hair, all down the front of her dress.

Killian wrapped his arm around a tipsy Lily as they left the pub. He’d volunteered to be the designated driver and got a kick out of listening to Lily’s and Justin’s drunken laughter. He’d never seen Lily drink and he found her inebriated state funny. She was a very lovable drunk.

“I love you, K.” She’d uttered the same line at least twenty times during the last hour.

“I love you too, Lil.” He helped her into the truck and buckled her in.


Sweet Thursday

Justin crawled into the passenger side. “Only with
family would I get completely soused at a kid’s birthday party.”

Killian laughed. “The Collins clan does know how to have a good time.”

“I love your family,” Lily said and Killian kissed the end of her nose.

“They love you too, Lil.”

“We did it. We told them.” Killian could hear the amazement in Justin’s voice. “We told them and they didn’t freak out.”

Killian started the truck and looked over at his two best friends. “What do you say we go home?”

Lily closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the seat. “Home. I love our home.”

Justin and Killian laughed. “So do we, Lil. So do we.”

The End


About the Author

Some people fall apart on their 30th birthday, others on their 40th. For Mari Carr, 34

was the year that took her down. After she spent the day crying and saying, “I haven’t done anything I thought I would,” her husband finally asked what was left undone.

Her answer was simple—she hadn’t written a book or decorated her house. “So do it,”

he said.

Five years later, the house is sparkling with fresh paint and new furniture and her computer is jammed full of stories—novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends. The lesson: It’s never too late to achieve a goal or two!

High school librarian and English teacher by day and mother of two busy teenagers, Mari Carr finds time for writing by squeezing it into the hours between 3

a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep and the house is quiet.

With the publication of her first book, her latest goal—publishing before 40—has been achieved with a couple of years to spare. Phew!

Mari welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her
author bio page at

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Also by
Mari Carr

Cougar Challenge: Assume the Positions

Covert Lessons

Everything Nice

Kiss Me, Kate




Sugar and Spice

Wild Irish 1: Come Monday

Wild Irish 2: Ruby Tuesday

Wild Irish 3: Waiting for Wednesday

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