Read Sweeter Than Wine Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Leopard Men, #Erotic Stories, #Supernatural, #Abused Women

Sweeter Than Wine (26 page)

BOOK: Sweeter Than Wine
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She moaned and let him feel through their link a fraction of the need Matt was firing in her blood. Matt groaned too.

Sebastian was startled enough to send out a quick mental probe. Matt’s link with them was stronger than ever. It seemed to grow with proximity and they couldn’t get any closer than they were now. Well, not unless they were both inside Christina at the same time.

Which could be arranged.

Sebastian thought through the wicked possibilities. They’d done it once before, of course, but only once, and that episode had been overshadowed by the monumental occasion of their joining. Sebastian had always been adventurous sexually and he was glad to find his mate was open for new experiences as well. He could read how excited she was at the ideas running through their shared mind. Excited, but still a tad shy, to be sure. Just the way he liked her.



They could spend centuries together exploring all the different ways he wanted to take her, the ways he wanted her to take him, and all the possibilities in between. They would have a glorious life together, but none of that would be possible, of course, if the
had their way. Matt was a vital part of keeping them all alive. Every supernatural life was precious, but Matt’s even more so for the goodness he’d already proven was in his heart, and the valor he’d shown in battle. He was a selfless man, with a pure soul. And apparently, a very talented tongue.

Christina writhed over him, her body undulating in sinuous moves that made Sebastian’s cock stand at attention. Matt was also hard and benefiting from the wet warmth of her mouth. How Sebastian envied the young
at that moment, but the beauty of it was, he knew he’d be feeling her mouth again soon—and that he could do so any night for the rest of their long lives together. He could spare the
cougar who’d saved their lives this moment in time.

Christina met Sebastian’s gaze as she went down on Matt. He’d never seen anything sexier. She was the most sultry, tempting, yet innocent seductress he’d ever had the good fortune to meet. Without even trying, she had him harder than a flagpole.

“Suck him, love. Make him come.” Sebastian couldn’t help the order that spilled from his lips. Christina might think she was in charge of this little show, but he knew how she liked to be dominated sexually. Her pupils flared with excitement at his words, proving he was right.

She redoubled her efforts and Sebastian could smell the increased excitement in the air. Matt needed her honey. It was one of the few ways she could pass some of their healing to him without putting him in even greater danger.

And they both needed to get off. The energies were still murky from Matt, but getting stronger. Vampires fed off the sexual energies of their prey. Sebastian could gauge a mortal’s level of health from the pulsing of their energy in a situation like this.

He’d had centuries to perfect his observations and a quick glance told him Matt was still suffering the effects of the tainted blood.




It was a testament to Matt’s strength that he hadn’t been in even worse condition.

Such evil blood could have killed a vampire—or turned him into a demon—in short order, had he been foolish enough to drink from Mario. Matt was caught in a haze while his energy was sapped by the contagion, but with each lick of Christina’s tasty cream, he grew stronger.

He needed to come—repeatedly—for the taint to leave him altogether. And so did Christina. For Matt. And for them all.

“Make him come now, baby. Now,” Sebastian ordered.

Christina applied her lips and tongue, hollowing her cheeks as she scraped her nails lightly up Matt’s thigh. The
cougar groaned and tensed, his hips lifting as he came in rapturous spurts inside her greedy mouth.

She would gain from this joining as well. Not as much as she had from those first, most important encounters but still a significant, if temporary, boost to her abilities.

Matt’s energies seemed to clear substantially as he quieted down, still licking at her pussy with lazy strokes. Sebastian crooked his finger and she climbed off the
cougar and walked over to him.

“Now me, baby.” He cupped her neck, leaning forward to graze his fangs over her pulse, nipping lightly before drawing back. “I want to feel those lips on me.”

Christy knew Sebastian wouldn’t be able to wait long. Truth to tell, neither could she. Matt had fired her senses to a fever pitch, but he still wasn’t quite himself. She could feel his energies, and though she wasn’t quite as good at interpreting the signs as Sebastian, she knew from her mate’s thoughts that Matt was indeed getting better, but wasn’t quite all the way back yet.

But thoughts of anything else were pushed away as she bent over the love of her life, taking him deep in her mouth, the way she’d learned he liked. She worked him, sliding wetly over him, teasing him, tantalizing him. She heard motion in the room but dismissed it, so intent was she on her task.



Sebastian’s hands tangled in her hair, guiding her motions, softly petting. She knew she was driving him wild and she liked the sensation.

She gasped though, when a long, hot tongue insinuated itself into her pussy from behind. Matt, of course. Dimly she registered the movement she’d sensed had been Matt getting off the bed and kneeling behind her. His mouth feasted on her pussy as she sucked Sebastian, a chain of pleasure affecting all three of them.

She knew Matt gained from tasting her and kissing her. Not only did her healing abilities pass over to him, but the sensual magic that was common to all vampires made Matt feel things most other men would never experience. The “vampire mojo” as he called it, guaranteed every interaction with one of their kind could be as pleasurable as the vampire in question wished it to be. In this case, there was no question, Christy wanted Matt to feel as good as possible, so she let loose with the sensual magic she otherwise kept restrained.

She knew she succeeded when Matt purred. Cat that he was, the purr shook his whole body, resonating from deep within, and translated to the lips kissing her so intimately.

Christy went off like a rocket, coming hard against Matt’s suctioning mouth.

Sebastian, his thoughts tangled with hers, came with her, spurting into her mouth as she drank him down.

It was one of the most amazing completions they’d ever shared. Thanks to their furry friend and his innate catness. That purr was something she’d never quite forget.

Sebastian bent over her, his limbs still trembling from the incredible climax. His eyes danced with laughter as he looked down the length of his woman’s curvy back to see the
cougar still lapping at her folds with feline content.

Sebastian caught her eye and winked. “Nice, kitty.”

Christina’s laughter was musical and uplifting. “You have no idea.”




She stepped forward, petting Matt’s head to hold him in place, otherwise, out of it as he was, he would have followed her anywhere. She kissed Sebastian before turning to Matt and giving him the same salute on his glistening lips.

“Take him in your hand,” Sebastian instructed, watching as Christina followed his order without demur. “Walk him backwards to the bed. He needs to sit.” Again, she did as he asked and Matt followed where she led. He was coming back to them in slow stages. Sebastian kept tabs on the
cat’s progress, testing his energies with short forays of his own every few minutes. Matt’s essence was still shrouded in a miasma that weighed him down, but it was starting to dissipate the more he was exposed to the love and light that came from their joining.

In this one special instance, the vampires were feeding the needy
cougar with their energies almost as much as the sexual energy between all of three of them fed the bloodletters. It was an odd occurrence, to be sure, but these were strange circumstances and even stranger times.

Christina guided Matt to sit on the bed. Sebastian watched them as she tugged on Matt’s cock with gentle fingers that knew just the right pressure. She kissed him with genuine affection but Sebastian knew her heart as well as his own. She loved Matt in a very special way—much like the kinship Sebastian felt with the big
cat—but nothing could rival or ever threaten the soul-deep bond they shared. Sebastian was secure in the knowledge that while a small part of her heart would always have Matt in it, the main portion of her love would always be Sebastian’s.

Christina trailed nibbling kisses down Matt’s chest as he leaned back. When she bent lower to take his aroused cock in her mouth again, Sebastian couldn’t resist either the view or the temptation. He went to his lover, claiming her pussy from behind.

He pushed into her with a slow, deliberate motion, testing her readiness, though he could feel the excitement in the part of their minds they shared. Fully seated, he waited just a breath to pick up the rhythm she was using on Matt. Synching their movements, he took over the work of driving them all toward climax.



If they could all come together this time, it might create enough sensual energy to pull Matt out of the fog completely. Sebastian kept a close eye on the
cat and Christina, as he drove into her, forcing her to swallow and release Matt’s cock in the rhythm Sebastian set.

He sped up as he felt their climaxes approaching. After three centuries as a vampire, Sebastian was expert at gauging the sexual peak of his prey. Though his days of seeking sexual energy from anyone other than his mate were at an end, he still had the expertise to guide this little tableau and he used it to their best advantage.

Sebastian pushed into her with short digs, designed to rub her in just the right way while she sucked Matt’s cock, her clever hands fondling his balls. Sebastian felt them all racing toward the edge and with a few crisp motions, he sent them all flying straight over the cliff, soaring with each other for long moments, then coasting downward together to make a soft landing on the Earth far below.

Sebastian pulled out and collapsed back in the chair. Christina went with him, to settle in his lap, curling into him in her languor. Matt lay back on the bed, his legs dangling off the side, his lungs laboring as he tried to catch his breath. Sebastian watched his friend through heavily lidded eyes. The energy in the room was thick, pure and filled with goodness. If anything could overcome the evil taint in Matt’s body, this was the thing—the one thing in the universe that evil couldn’t defeat—love.

Christina succumbed to sleep and nuzzled into Sebastian’s chest while he sat watch, waiting to see if this last effort had wrought any significant change in Matt’s condition.

The air in the room was thick with the swirling energies they’d created between them so it was hard to read Matt as closely as he wished, but when the
cougar recovered from his climax, Sebastian would have his answer. He hoped it was the right answer. He desperately wanted Matt to be his old self again. The idea that he might suffer permanent damage from the encounter with Mario hurt Sebastian. He loved Matt like a brother and didn’t like the idea of him being hurt by coming to his and Christina’s rescue.




Matt blinked a few times before sitting up. His gaze met Sebastian’s and the vampire was glad to note the glazed look was gone. Matt seemed more clear-headed than he’d seen him since the battle.

“Are you back with us, brother?” Sebastian deliberately used the term of kinship that meant so much more among their peoples.

Matt ran a weary hand through his shaggy hair and sighed. “I think so. Dammit, Sebastian, I feel like I’ve been walking in a dream. How long has it been?”

“Almost twenty-four hours since you saved our lives and got poisoned for your troubles. I should thank you again, by the way, since I don’t think you’ve really been with us since Mario’s blood got into your system.”

Matt shook his head. “I spit it out. He tasted foul. I remember spitting as much as I could and then dragging my tongue along the side of the building for good measure. Even that tasted better than filthy Mario.”

“Still, some of his taint got into you. Cameron was worried enough to send us to you when we rose this evening.”

Matt nodded toward Christina, sleeping on Sebastian’s lap. “You truly didn’t have to do this, but I can never thank you enough. Looking at it clearly now, I don’t think my natural ability to heal would’ve saved me from this poison. It kept getting worse instead of better. That’s never happened to me before.”

“It’s that way with evil. Once it takes hold, it grows roots and spreads. But we stopped it in time. It seems well and truly gone.”

“Thank the Lady for that.” Matt’s eyes were as serious as Sebastian had ever seen them. “And thank you, Sebastian. For saving me. And for…” He gestured toward Christina again, his eyes going soft as he gazed at her. “For both of you being willing to share this…” He seemed to be at a loss for words as he waved one hand in the air, indicating the room, the bed, and them. “With me.”

BOOK: Sweeter Than Wine
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