Take it Deep (Take 2) (3 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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I take more sips of my P
ainkiller, conscious of the fact I can’t drink too much of it on an empty stomach.  Now that would be just plain silly.

Listen, Ana, if you want I can see if I can knock off a bit earlier tomorrow and take you to the movies or something?  That way you won’t have to be alone tomorrow night.”

I shake my head,
“I don’t want to cause any problems at work for you, but sure if you can get off, I wouldn’t mind seeing that new action film out over on Main Street.  I think there is a showing at 9pm, so if you can make it, let me know.” 

He nods his head and smiles.
  “I sure will.  Are you going to work tomorrow?” 

I wince and the
question makes Michael look like he regretted asking.  “I would really rather not.  I know I can’t go on like this forever, but I just need a couple of days, that’s all.”  He nods his head saying no more. 

“I’ll text you tomorrow and let you know what’s happening.  I’m sure I will know for certain by the afternoon.” 

The sudden remembrance of what’s on my phone gives me chills.  I know I have to face the music.  I’ll try and put that one off until tomorrow morning if I can.


Chapter 4


The rest of the evening goes on much the same and I find myself actually enjoying myself for the first time since the whole saga happened.  I eat my meal as both Jessie and Michael said they weren’t leaving until I ate everything on my plate, so I dutifully did as they demanded.  The cocktails were great and by the time I was on the Cosmopolitan, I was in ‘happy drunk land,’ and giggling like a schoolgirl—which Michael found highly amusing.

“You know, you really are rather adorable when you giggle.” 

I grab Michael’s cheek and squeeze it.  “And you, Mr Miller, are so cute.”  I let go of his face and see him visibly blushing.  I never thought Michael to be the shy type. 

Jessie and Michael pay the bill insisting that it was on them.  Again I felt guilty as it should be me paying
.  I’m the one taking up their time in assisting my well-needed healing from the monster sized ball of pain in the depths of my breaking heart.  Why on earth did I get myself into this mess?  I suppose I’m a glutton for punishment.


We make our way outside where we wait for the taxi order for Michael.  We say our goodbyes when it arrives and he promptly promises to contact me tomorrow for details.  Once gone, Jessie loops her arm in mine and we make our way a little unsteadily back home.

“Miss Lindsay, I must say
you are a bad influence on me.”  She squeezes my arm tighter to her. 

“Ana, I got what I wanted and that was to see the smile put back on your face.  I don’t like seeing you hurt.
  I just want you to know I’m here for you no matter what.” 

I give her a big hug.  “Thank you
, Jessie.  I think you know I feel exactly the same way.”

get close to the car park outside Jessie’s apartment block and I stop in my tracks.  I see a shadow near to a car of a very similar outline to Jake’s.  Please God no, don’t let it be him.  Jessie senses my vigilance and stares over in the distance to where I’m looking.  As we edge closer the figure is starting to look awfully familiar and it is only when he turns I let out the breath I’ve been holding all this time.  Thank God, it’s not Jake, it’s Matthew. 

!” he shouts as he runs towards me. 

Jessie lets go of my arm as I quicken my pace.  We give each other a warm hug as he
squeezed his already six foot frame into me.  I start gasping for breath. 

, Ana, I’ve missed you.” 

I sob into his chest as the tears begin to fall once a
gain.  How many times already?

“Please don’t cry,
” he asks soothingly. 

I nod my head
trying to compose myself, ferociously trying to wipe away my tears.  Jessie looks at me, nods her head and makes her excuses to leave, giving me a spare key to let myself in. 

“I’m sorry
, Matthew, I’ve not been myself these last few days.  I’ve missed you, too.”  He pulls me out from his embrace and looks down at me. 

“You never answer your calls or text messages.  I’ve been going o
ut of my mind with worry.  My dad’s being a complete jerk and your mom’s no better.  I just want out of there as the atmosphere in the house is—well its shit to be honest.  I’m spending most of my time out with friends and studying round Clive’s house just to get away from them both.  I’ve really wanted to see you, Ana.  Why haven’t you been in touch?” 

I feel guilty and I think it shows
.  “I’m really sorry, Matthew.  I never meant to keep you away.  I just didn’t want you seeing me like this, and I needed some time out.  I haven’t even looked at my phone yet.” 

Matthew softens his stance and holds my hand.

“That’s ok
ay, I understand.  I just don’t like all this.  I can’t understand any of it.  I think my dad feels he has to look after your mom as she’s; well, you know.” 

I nod my head
, understanding his meaning and grateful he didn’t voice it out loud.  He leans back against the car he was standing by, and I notice it’s a navy blue Golf GTI.  “Is this yours?” 

He nods his head triumphantly.
  “I passed my test on Friday and Dad did promise he would get me a car if I had straight A’s on my report.  He bought it for me today.  I think it’s a guilt present, but I’ll take it anyway,” he said, smirking at me. 

“Matthew, congra
tulations on passing, well done, and all in time for your birthday soon as well.  That’s next week isn’t it?”  The realization hits me that I haven’t even bought him a present yet. 

this is my present.  I nagged Dad to get it early for me.  I’ve got something for you, too.” 

“No Matthew, yo
u can’t,” I exclaim. 

He shakes his head,
“I know it’s your birthday tomorrow and I’m not leaving until you take the present.” 

He opens his door reaches in and grabs a wrapped red box from out of the glove compartment.  He hands it to me and tells me to open it.
  “But it’s not my birthday yet,” I say smiling. 

“I don’t know when I’ll get to see you again
, Ana, so I want you to open it now.  Besides it’s nearly your birthday now anyway.  Only about thirty minutes to go.  Please, I want to see you open it.” 

smile and quickly unwrap the present.  It’s a little jewelry box and when I open it there is a pair of sparkling diamond earrings staring back at me.  I gasp, “Matthew, they’re beautiful.” 

He lets out a breath.
  “Thank God, I didn’t know whether you’d like them.” 

I shake my head.  “Like them, Matthew
, I love them, but they’re just too much.  You didn’t need to spend your money on me.” 

He shakes his head and smiles.
  “Well, I would love to say that it was me that paid for it but I’m kind of out of a job right now.” 

I smile
back and give him a big hug.  “I know Matthew, but it’s the thought that counts.  They’re beautiful, thank you.” 

“No problem.  You got any plans tomorrow?” 

“I’m not sure yet.  Michael mentioned something about going to the movies as Jessie is out with Jerry tomorrow night.  It gets me out of the house and to tell you the truth, I’m not that fussed.  It’s just a birthday, nothing special.” 

He shakes his head,
“You’re telling me nobody knows?” 

“No, as I said it’s not a big deal.” 

He hugs me again and opens the door to his car.  “Well I better get going, school tomorrow and everything.  I love you, Ana and please keep in touch.” 

I grab his arm and squeeze him lightly.  “I will Matthew and sorry I never answered your calls.  I will do from now on. 
Promise.”  He plants a kiss on my cheek and sits in his car.  “Love you too, you big lummox, and by the way, nice wheels.”  He laughs and starts his engine up.  He waves at me as he passes and I watch him leave the parking lot.  I look at the earrings again and another tear leaves my eye.  Matthew is turning out to be a wonderful young man and it’s great to see.  Wrapped up in my own little world I forgot to ask him about Cindy.  I must remedy that tomorrow.


I turn on my heels and make my way back to the apartment block.  As I get to the door, I notice the same man that came out when I arrived here three days ago, is heading toward the door also.  I blush as I realize just how embarrassing this whole situation is.  It’s the second time this stranger has seen me in tears. 

“Good evening.”  He opens the door for me to go past. 

“Good evening, and thank you.”  He walks right behind me as we wait for the lift. 

“I’m Brian by the way.  I live on the
third floor.  You’re new here,” he observed. 

He puts his hand out for me to shake
, which I return. 

“My name’s Ana.  I’m staying with a friend called Jessie.  I just moved in on Friday.”  He frowns at me
and I notice a little crinkle in his forehead.  He really is rather pretty, certainly very polished. 

“Yes, you seemed a little upset if you do
n’t mind me saying?” 

I smile,
“No, things are difficult for me at the moment.  I’m trying to get over a break-up.”  The door pings open and we venture into the lift. 

, I see.  I’m sorry to hear that.” 

His genuine
smile has me returning one right back at him.  The door opens at floor three and he lets himself out. 

“Well, if you ne
ed anything I live at number 313.” 

, I appreciate that.”  The doors close and pretty soon I’m standing outside Jessie’s door.  I let myself in and make my way to the living room where Jessie is sitting, waiting. 

“What’s that you got?”
she asks. 

sitting in her pyjamas, with a bag of tortillas on her lap and the scene makes me smile.  “It’s a present from Matthew.”  I hand her the earrings and she studies them, but suddenly her face reddens. 

“Oh shit, it’s your birthday isn’t it?” 

She looks really ashamed as she shakes her head in dismay.  “It's tomorrow, Jessie.  Don’t sweat it; it’s not a big deal.”  She hands me back the earrings and smacks her forehead. 

“Shit, I’m sorry
, Ana.  I’ll cancel tomorrow with Jerry and we will do something together.”

“No way
, Jessie.  You’re not cancelling your plans.  I have the movies with Michael tomorrow so I’m sure it will be fun.  Tuesday’s a rubbish day to have a birthday anyway.  We can do something this weekend if you want?  Maybe we should invite Mandy and make a night of it.” 

She grabs my arms and shakes me.
  “You bet your ass we will.”


Chapter 5


The next morning I awake to the sound of my phone constantly vibrating. I groan but somehow manage to lift myself up to grab it.  Do I really want to do this?  I suppose I have to.  I exhale a few deep breaths and look at my phone.  It’s Jessie calling.  I press accept and rub my eyes. 

“Up now
, sleepyhead.  The birthday girl can’t waste all her time in bed all day.” 

“I know, I’m up now,
” I sigh. 

“Good.  Are
you feeling okay?” 

“Yes, feeling a little better now thanks.  I think tomorrow I have to face the music and come to work.  I
can’t stay like this forever.”

“Good, cos it’s been boring as fuck without you here and that David won’t stop sniffing around me like I’m his next
target.  He’s worse than Tom, and that’s saying something.”

I start to laugh
.  “I’m sure you can look after yourself plenty, Jessie.”  I’m sure she can.  I admire her strength and no-nonsense approach to just about everything. 

“Well, I did tell him that I’d shove his balls down his throat if he enters my personal space again
, but it only made him that more determined.  He can’t take the hint, the little shit.” 

I’m suddenly missing work for some strange reason. 
I would have loved to have seen Jessie giving David what for. 

“Don’t worry
, Jessie, I’ll be there tomorrow and if he dares hassle you again, I’ll personally shove his balls down his throat myself.” 

“The only problem with that
, Ana, is he’ll probably enjoy it.  The slimy little bastard,” she chuckles. 

I throw my head back in laughter and promptly get myself out of bed.
  “Right, I’m definitely up now and heading for the shower.” 

“Good, good.  Just so you know
, it looks like a birthday card has arrived here for you.  Do you want me to bring it home?  I don’t think it’s ticking.” 

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