Read Taming Romeo Online

Authors: Rachelle Ayala

Tags: #FIC054000 FICTION / Asian American, #FIC043000 FICTION / Coming of Age, #filipino, #chick-lit, #second chance, #coming of age, #FIC044000 FICTION / Contemporary Women, #humor, #FIC027020 FICTION / Romance / Contemporary, #family drama, #new adult, #DRA005000 DRAMA / Asian / General

Taming Romeo (18 page)

BOOK: Taming Romeo
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He opens the bedroom door and I gasp. Red rose petals are strewn over a king-sized bed and a box of chocolates sits on the pillow. A pair of white Turkish cotton bathrobes are arranged at the foot of the bed.

“How’d you have time to book this?” I prod him, trying to keep from melting into a messy puddle of goo.

“While you were agonizing what to pack. Remember I told you to pack light because we’ll be naked most of the time?”

“But this feels like a honeymoon and we’re not—”

I cut myself off. No way do I want him to think I’m angling for anything other than a wild fling.

“This is whatever you want it to be,” he says. “I’m going to pamper you, Evie Sánchez, whether you like it or not.”

“You’re so bad.” I tap his nose and step into the bathroom to turn on the shower.

I barely have time to turn around before he presses me against the glass door and unzips my jacket.

Setting me on the narrow counter, he buries his face in between my breasts. Yep, I wore nothing underneath the jacket.

“Shit, if I’d known, I would have stripped you over the motorcycle.” Romeo’s voice rumbles. He presses his lips over one nipple and tongues it.

My chest tightens and sizzles, and I throw my head back, hitting the mirror. Romeo grabs my hands and props them on my breasts.

“I want to see you squeeze them. Go ahead.”

I push them together and roll my thumbs over my nipples. A growl of approval spawns from his throat. “They were against my back the entire ride up, weren’t they?”

“Yes, pressed tightly.” My voice is rough.

“Were you rubbing yourself while I took those tight turns?” His riveting gaze lowers to the waistband of my leather pants. “I thought I told you to wear the short skirt.”

“Sorry.” I give my breasts a bounce. “I don’t think wind burn and chapped skin will be that pleasant in the hot tub.”

“If we make it that far,” he says. “Pull them down, now.”

“Are you always so bossy?” I slowly unzip and smile when his breath hisses. No panties. Waxed, without even a landing strip.

“Oh, Evie, you’re evil.” He tugs the pant legs off me. “When did you get this done?”

“Yesterday, while you were busy shooting the rest of your scenes, I stopped by a waxing salon. Like what you see?”

“Shit, yeah.” He kisses my belly and slides straight down to the V between my legs.

“Not yet.” I snap my legs shut and jump off the counter. The bathroom’s steamy from the hot running water. “Strip, into the shower you go.”

# # #

I’m in a lust-filled haze by the time we emerge from the bedroom. Romeo had stripped when I commanded him, but he hadn’t stepped into the shower. No, not right away. Instead, he pleasured me on the counter, then pressed me against the shower wall, picked me up by my ass and pounded into me.

As if that wasn’t enough, he chased me to the bed and pinned me from behind. Pulling my bottom up to the edge of the bed, he propped me on my knees and leisurely entered me, taking his time while I exploded with a slow burn.

Wrapped in robes, we race to the kitchen and find candlelight, silver platters, and lobster tails. Romeo flips me onto his lap and nuzzles my cheek. “Are you still vegan?”

“No, silly.” I pinch his cheek, and he picks the lobster meat from the split tail and squeezes lemon on them.

“Here, taste this.” He sticks a piece of it in my mouth. It’s sweet, succulent, with a firm texture that melts at the same time.

“Hmm… mmm… Om nom nommers. It’s good.” I moan in appreciation.

“Gimme.” He presses his mouth to mine and teases a piece out.

Gosh, we’re so embarrassing. So lovey-dovey like newlyweds. I giggle and sputter against his lips, but we keep feeding each other and sipping each other’s wine. When our bellies are full, we step onto the deck to the hot tub.

The one-hundred-eighty-degree view of the city below us sparkles like a million stars on a glittering canvas. Romeo lifts the lid and drapes our robes on a lounge chair.

“I’ve never made love in a hot tub before.” I gasp when I lower myself into the hot water.

“Me either. I finally get another first?” He pulls me onto his lap, facing him, and gently wraps my knees on either side of his hips. “Let’s do something different, okay?”

“Sure.” I loop my arms around his neck, staring into his deep, dark eyes.

He adjusts the jets to a gentle bubbling and cups my ass. “Let’s sit still, connected, take deep breaths together, but no moving.”

“I don’t know if I can hold still.”

“You will. We’ll concentrate on feeling the connection, me being a part of you, you enclosing me, and breath together, in and out, only breathing. See how long we can be joined. Make it last forever.”

“No bouncing and squirming?” I wiggle my boobs on his chest.

His erection’s unfurling, pressing into the groove between my legs, but he doesn’t move to enter.

“None, hold my gaze, look deep into my eyes.”

“Are you trying to hypnotize me?” I can’t help but rub myself against him.

He stills me with a relaxed hand. “I want it all, your concentration, your focused attention. I want to taste all of you, every flavor, every texture, every drop of your being. Seeing you, Evie.”

“You and me, Romeo.”

“Us, together. Breathe with me, slowly.” His voice is mesmerizing, drawing me to relax. “Have no expectations, just be with me, right now, here, together.”

He places his hand over mine and draws it over his chest. Meanwhile he presses his other hand on my chest. Instinctively, I cover his hand with mine and we breathe in unison.

His other hand traces the outline of my face, my shoulders, my back. Mine slides over his chest. I’m still breathing steadily, fully. Amazingly, his erection has not subsided, even as I remain still. Warmth grows in my breasts where his hand rests, gently moving to my rhythmic breathing. His fingers delicately tease and pat my nipples, shallow, light touches. A distinctly glowing energy flows from my breasts toward my vagina, softening and expanding it.

I want him inside, but he doesn’t move. He continues to breath in tandem with me, and he’s no longer holding me. I let go of thought and desires. I wait, every cell radiantly alive. My hands move from his chest and dip into the bubbling water. They swim over and around his waist and etch that sexy v-shaped dip on the sides of his abdominals, the iliac furrow.

Romeo’s palms cup my breasts, lightly massaging them in smooth circles, spiraling heat between my legs, opening them. My breathing deepens and my nipples tighten, wet and peaked, sensitive. His eyes are still focused on mine, loving eyes, intense, yet relaxed. He lowers his eyelids and dips his head. I arch back to receive his lips, raising myself above the hot water. The cold air slaps my exposed shoulders as his hot tongue encircles one of my nipples.

Between my legs, his cock rises like a powerful serpent, sliding on its own between my folds. I resist the urge to grab him, to shove myself onto his erection. The melting, welcoming sensations ebb and flow with each measured breath, exciting, yet subdued, unhurried.

My knees tighten around his hips, my feet turn into his thighs. Yes, I want you, Romeo. Yes, enter me. Unspoken, I yearn for this heightened intimacy, more spiritual than the physical exertions earlier in the shower and over the counter. My welcome whispers from inside my body and draws him in. There’s no distinction between in and out. No moment of penetration. He flows into me, gliding, every cell joining me, sinuous, winding into me. My walls vaporize and he is me. His energy streams into me, filling me, millimeter by millimeter, neither advancing nor retreating.

My thighs hum and vibrate with a cool heat and tingles flow from between my legs to join the bliss behind my breasts. An incredible feeling of openness, all encompassing love, wraps its arms tenderly around me and Romeo.

He kisses his way up my neck. Our hands joined, fingers intertwined, his cock buried deep inside of me, beaming love straight to my heart. His lips latch onto mine, sucking my upper lip. I kiss his lower lip, fondle his ring and revel in the joy my simple action brings.

He’s so deep inside of me I can’t tell where he ends and I begin. Our bodies sway, suspended by the motion of the water jets, in a sensuous, dynamic dance, knowing no boundaries. The contractions rumble deep inside of me, fuller, rounder and more diffuse than I’m used to. A lifting sensation spirals from inside me, surrounding my heart and pouring out of every nerve of my tingling body.

Romeo sighs, his eyes turning into his head as his entire body trembles. Time seems to stop as we hang onto each other, and the steam from the water encloses us in a warm cocoon.

He grimaces and his expression is questioning, as if we hadn’t just had something so awesome it’s indescribable.

“Everything okay?” A prickle of nerves disturbs my tranquility. Did I cry out? Or maybe his legs are numb. I shift back, but he traps me, still inside of me.

“I love you, Evie. I love you so much I don’t know what to do.” A look of stark terror crosses his face. He blinks rapidly and swallows, his lips suddenly tight.

“Oh, Romeo, I, I love—”

He presses a finger over my mouth. “No, no. Don’t say it just because you have to say something. I accept how things are with you. Unsettled. And it’s okay.”

I unseat myself and roll to his side, the water covering my shoulders. Tilting his head, I slant my lips over his and kiss him, warmly and deeply, reassuring. I want to tell him I love him, but he’s right. Everything’s too raw right now.

Except I do love him. I just have to wait to tell him at a time when he can believe me.

Chapter 27

Saturday morning is chaotic, but I’m able to wrangle the car keys from Choco. She and Carlos had stayed out too late last night, tracking Genie and her prom date through a maze of after-prom parties.

My parents let her sleep in, and thankfully they had already headed to the restaurant to set up for the benefit concert. They weren’t too pleased with me for taking that trip with Romeo. But since I’m leaving Monday, they didn’t want to spend the last few days arguing.

I pull into the parking lot at Seaport Village and head straight to a jewelry store. Ever since that night when Romeo declared his love, he’s been alternatively joyful and guarded, on edge. Sure, we had fun laughing and joking while he took me fishing and caught nothing, and we toured the historic Palomar Observatory. But both of us knew tomorrow would be the last day we’d be together. A long distance relationship under these circumstances would be complicated and most likely end in despair.

No one else is in the first jewelry store I approach. A smarmy looking salesman with gelled hair cracks his knuckles and pastes on a smile. “How are you this morning? Looking for anything special.”

“Uhm… Do you have promise rings for men?”

He lifts a skeptical eyebrow. “You mean like a linked heart shaped one or one of those infinity bands?”

“I can’t picture him wearing anything with hearts.”

The salesman chuckles. “We might have a band that says ‘I love you’ on it, or you can have something engraved on the inside of a plain band.”

He leads me to a display case of plain bands. “Or you can get a bracelet. Here’s one that says something in Latin. This way his friends won’t laugh at him. They think it’s like a Marine thing,
or something.”

“Oh, you’re right. I don’t want to get him anything that looks like a wedding band.”

“Why not?” He pulls out a tray of wedding bands. “More power to you if you can get him to wear one.”

“I don’t want to trap him. I only want to let him know I care about him.”

The man pulls on his lapels and runs his eyes over my body. “There are better ways of letting him know.”

“Forget it. This was a bad idea.”

“Wait,” a female voice calls. “I think it’s a wonderfully romantic thing to give a man a promise ring.”

I turn to find a gorgeous redhead in a hot pink suit and cat-eye glasses. She shoots the man a dirty look and gestures me to follow her. We stop at a display of Hawaiian Koa rings.

She takes one out and hands it to me. “Look at the wood grain, isn’t it exquisite?”

The dark-brown grain is wavy and has an iridescent quality, seeming to pop out with tiny licks of flames.

“Each one is unique,” she says. “And being wood, it’s natural, organic and doesn’t scream commitment like a gold band.”

“You have a point. I want to give him something special, but not make him feel tied down.” I pick through the tray and find an especially three-dimensional looking one.

“The inlay in that one is accented with gold inside a titanium band,” the saleslady explains. “That’s an excellent choice.”

“I don’t have his ring size, but will you include resizing?”

She twirls the ring. “There’s no seam, but this one is size eleven, a little larger than average. If it doesn’t fit, he can exchange it.”

“Sounds great.” I buy the ring, and she tucks it in a small velvet box.

“Good luck,” the salesman says, barely able to contain his laughter.

# # #

“I’m not hung over.” Choco moans and rubs her temples and slumps over her coffee. “Okay, so I had a little too much to drink.”

“And you were the chaperone?” I kick my heels on the coffee table.

“Hey, we stuck to her like glue.” She wags her head. “Genie was so annoyed, I think she’s going to disown me.”

Genie’s door opens and she yells, “Tell Evie what you and Carlos were doing in the broom closet.”

“What?” My head snaps back to my elder sister. “Don’t tell me. You and

“We were spying on Greg. We thought he was buying pot.” Choco drags her hands over her face.

“Don’t believe her,” Genie says. “She was hiding in there with Carlos and they were all over each other. Greg caught it on his cell phone.”

“What? Where, let me see.” I crane my neck as Genie slips her phone from her pocket.

“Stop.” Choco rushes her to grab the phone. “I was drunk, okay? Can we forget it?”

The front door opens and Brian, my teenage brother, steps in with a shit-eating grin.

“Where were you last night?” Choco turns on him. “We came back at three and saw you sneaking in.”

BOOK: Taming Romeo
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