Taming the Playboy (4 page)

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Authors: M. J. Carnal

BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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Chapter 6


Boston Logan Airport was crazy.  The storms across the country had cancelled flights and re-routed passengers to other destinations.  Despite a two hour wait on the tarmac, Ryan’s flight had arrived safely in Boston.  Ryan had texted his childhood friend about getting tickets for the following night’s Red Sox game and had confirmed his reservation at the Marriott.  His itinerary for the two days of photo shoots would keep him busy but he would make time to watch his team play.  He would even pull some strings to get Ellsburry’s autograph for Layla.


He grabbed his carry on and headed for the baggage claim.  He would rent a car and head to the hotel to turn in for the night.  He jogged down the steps and noticed someone holding a sign that said “Ryan West”.  He chuckled thinking they had arranged a driver.  He couldn’t see the person’s face hiding behind the sign.


“I’m Ryan West.”  Ryan cleared his throat.  She dropped the sign and gave him a big smile.  “Ari.  Holy Shit!  What are you doing here?”


Aria giggled as he picked her up and swung her around.  “Mr. West.  If you don’t get more and more handsome every time I see you.”


“My God.  This is such a surprise.  Why are you in Boston?”


“Well, when we talked yesterday, I decided to head up here and surprise you.  I cashed in my frequent flier miles and here I am.  I couldn’t let you come all the way to the East Coast and not see you.”  She gave him a big kiss. Tears threatened to fall.  “You are a site for sore eyes, Ryan.  I have missed you so much.”


“Where are you staying?”  Ryan picked up his luggage and grabbed her hand.


“I hadn’t thought that far ahead.  I just wanted to get here before you did.”


“You can stay with me.  Come on.”


Ryan rented a midsize car and threw their luggage into the trunk.  He watched her as she buckled her seatbelt.  She looked amazing.  Her red hair was longer than he remembered.  She had the remnants of
a sunburn she had gotten on the trip she had taken to Bermuda.  Her cheeks were sprinkled with freckles and he remembered the last time they had seen each other.  He had sat in her bed and tried to count them, joking with her that he couldn’t count that high.  She was breathtaking and he loved her more than he could ever express.


She noticed him smiling at her.  “What?  Did you miss me that much?”


“Hell yes!”  He laughed and they made their way to the hotel.  She had given him the greatest gift anyone could ever give.  She had saved his life.  In one afternoon, she had become family.  Her bone marrow had been the difference between having a future or saying goodbye. 


After checking in and getting settled, he handed her the room service menu.  “I am going to take a quick shower.  Order us whatever.  No carbs for me.  Gotta watch my girlie figure you know.”


Aria threw the menu at him as he stepped into the bathroom.




Layla was on cloud nine.  She had been offered the translator position with the non profit organization she had been drooling over.  The money was even better than she imagined.  She would work four days a week, leaving her three days to soak in the California sun and help Sophie with that beautiful baby that would be arriving in a few months.


There was only one person she wanted to celebrate with.  Knowing he was in Boston, a phone call would have to do for tonight.  She would take him to dinner as soon as he got home.  Grabbing her purse, she pulled out her phone and dialed his number.  Butterflies did their crazy dance in her stomach as she thought of him. 


It rang once, then twice.  On the third ring, she answered.  “Hello?”


Layla pulled the phone away from her head and looked at the display. The picture of him she had programmed in stared back at her.  “Um.  I’m sorry.  I must have somehow dialed the wrong number.”  She cleared her throat.


“No.  You probably didn’t.  Who are you looking for?”  Her voice was so sweet, Layla wanted to gag.


“I’m looking for Ryan West.”


“I’m sorry.  He is in the shower.  Can I give him a message for you?”


“No.  No message. Thank you.”  She hung up the phone and tears rushed down her cheeks.  “Oh my God.” She whispered to herself.


“What is it?”  Caleb walked in from the pool where he had been editing a book.  “Layla, are you ok?”


She wiped the tears from her cheeks and ran for the stairs.  Caleb was right on her heels.  “Slow down.  What’s wrong Layla?”


She was hysterical by the time she hit the third floor.  “Caleb, leave me alone.”


“I can’t do that.  What is happening?” He grabbed her arms, spinning her around to face him.  


She collapsed into him.  “I think he’s cheating on me.”  Her sobs made Caleb’s heart break.


“Sit down.  Talk to me.  Why do you think that?”  Caleb led her to the bed and sat down next to her.


“I called him.  A woman answered his phone. He must be at the hotel by now so that means someone is with him.  What the hell is wrong with me?  Why am I freaking out? I shouldn’t be this upset.  I didn’t expect us to be exclusive.  I know I didn’t.  But this sucks, Caleb.”


“Lay, slow down.  There is probably a very logical explanation for all of this.”  He stroked her hair and she started to calm.  “Listen, you saw first hand what happened when I jumped to conclusions.  Don’t assume anything, sweetie.”


“I knew this was too good to be true.  I know his reputation.”  She threw her phone against the wall and it shattered.


“Take a deep breath and start from the beginning.” 


Layla told Caleb everything.  She told him how they had first met at the wedding and that even then, he made her crazy.  She told him about the times they snuck around and about finally admitting to Mark and Sophie that they were a couple.  She even told him that her feelings were so strong that she couldn’t even begin to understand them.  She was heartbroken after calling him.  She had feared they would eventually fall apart.  But she had no idea it would be so soon. 


Caleb picked up the pieces of her phone and set them on the dresser.  He listened without interrupting.  He knew Ryan’s reputation but he also knew that Ryan was completely taken by her.  He had never seen his friend like this before.  They had been friends since sixth grade and he could count on one hand how many girlfriends Ryan had claimed.  Caleb watched him watch her.  He knew that she meant the world to him.  The goofy smile he got on his face was the only evidence he needed. 


Once Layla had calmed down and splashed cold water on her face, Caleb led her downstairs for a drink and more talking on the back deck.  He held her hand.  When they arrived in the kitchen, Mark shoved his barstool back and stood up.


“Hell no.”  Mark yelled.  Sophie came running out of the laundry room when she heard him scream.  “Hell no, Allen.  Get your hands off her.  I will beat you within an inch of your life if you don’t stop touching her right now.  And Layla, shit.  I am disappointed in you.”


“Dude, calm the fuck down.”  Caleb stepped toward him.


Mark saw red.  His anger spiraled out of control.  “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down.  This is not where you stick your damn nose in and ruin another relationship. Ryan cares for you,  Layla. What the hell are you thinking?”


Layla put her hands on her hips.  “Shut up Moretti. You are being completely irrational.  It you had a bad day, I’m sorry.  But you don’t have a clue what the hell is going on.  Stop yelling.  I will explain.  You’re upsetting Sophie.  Don’t upset your pregnant fiancé for shit sakes.”


“Get Out!”  Mark shoved Caleb in the chest.


Sophie jumped between them. She rubbed her hands over her swollen belly. “Honey, calm down.  What is going on?  Stop yelling.  Caleb came over here to help me finish editing my book.  What is the problem?”


“Bullshit.  He just came from Layla’s room. I will not sit back and watch you ruin Ryan’s relationship like you did mine.  You almost cost me Sophie.  Get the hell out of my house.”  Mark threw the front door open and waited.  “Get out.”


“Mark!”  Sophie threw her hands in the air.  “This is my house too.  He can stay.”  Her endorsement for Caleb just fueled the fire.


Grabbing his keys, Mark stormed off to the garage.  “Fuck this.  If he stays, I go.”


He slammed the garage door shut.  The Ducati was the first thing he came to.  Screw the helmet.  He needed to get out and get some perspective.  His heart pounded in his ears.  Caleb had almost cost him his future wife.  He had followed her around, flirted, touched and played dirty.  He would not sit by and allow it to happen again.  He revved the bike and tore out of the driveway.


The coast at dusk was a site to behold.  The sun reflected off the ocean as waves crashed the shore.  Say what you will about Los Angeles, the beach was beautiful.  Mark took a deep breath and pushed the bike even faster.  The fresh air cleared his head.  It had been an awful day at work and an even worse commute home.  They had lost a large client today.  In his heart, he knew his attack on Caleb was misplaced.  He needed to get over the harbored anger.  His relationship with Sophie was indestructible.  It was time to let go of the past.  He would apologize.  Tomorrow.


He increased speed as he hit the stretch of road that ran along the ocean and by the time he swerved, it
was too late.  The driver of the delivery truck was texting.  He never saw him. 




Layla, Sophie and Caleb ordered pizza and sat down for movie night.  They had been shocked when Mark had stormed out.  Layla told Sophie what happened with the phone call and how Caleb had followed her upstairs to talk.  They giggled about Mark’s overreaction and knew that when he got home, cooler heads would prevail.


The doorbell rang and Sophie ran to answer it.


Rich stood on the porch in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.  He had dropped Molly off and didn’t think this was a phone call he could make.  The drive over had been torture.  He needed to tell Sophie in person.  His eyes were puffy.  Sophie’s smile fell as soon as she saw the expression on his face.


“Rich?  What’s wrong?” 


“Soph, can I come in for a minute?”


Hearing Sophie’s concern, Caleb and Layla walked to the door.  Sophie knew in the pit of her stomach it was bad.  Rich’s face said it all. 


“Honey.  There has been an accident.  You need to come with me.”


Sophie fell to her knees.  Layla ran to grab her purse as Caleb pulled her from the floor.  “What happened, Dickerman?”  Caleb’s eyes were wide.


“It’s Mark.  It’s bad.  He wasn’t wearing a helmet.”  Rich grabbed Sophie’s trembling hand and led all four of them to his car.


Chapter 7


Layla ran down the hall of the hospital.  Her heart was pounding out of her chest and her head spun.  Caleb grabbed her hand to steady her.  She needed to know what was happening.  Rich and Sophie were two steps ahead, Rich taking special care knowing Sophie’s pregnancy could be in jeopardy.  Their pounding footsteps alerted everyone to their arrival. 


Layla’s stomach lurched.  The smell of alcohol pads and antiseptic made her cringe.  The overhead lighting all ran together as they raced down the long hall toward ICU.  She didn’t know if he was dead or alive.  Tears streamed down her face.  Caleb’s hand in hers was warm and strong.  She clung to it like a lifeline.  She would fall away without it. 


The locked doors to the ICU swung open and Molly stepped out.  Her face was pale.  Her whole body shook.  When she saw her friends approaching, she let out one long sob.


Noticing Sophie’s panicked look, Layla stepped forward.  “What’s happening?”  Tears rolled down her face.


Molly’s eyes were vacant as Rich picked her up off the floor.  “He’s in surgery.  He... Oh God,” Molly stuttered.  “He fractured his skull.”  Deep breath.  “His brain is bleeding.”  Deep breath.  “They said he wasn’t responsive when… He wasn’t responsive…”


Rich pulled her into him.  “Sophie.  We need to get you off your feet.  You need to keep breathing.  Your baby needs you to be strong.  Come sit over here.  We all need to pray.”


They all grabbed hands and prayed together.  Layla knew she needed to be strong for Sophie.  The thought of losing Mark was unacceptable.  But knowing that her beautiful, pregnant sister needed her strength far outweighed any other thoughts.  She had almost reached the end of her first trimester and she knew this was going to be rough.  They couldn’t lose Mark now.  Not when there was so much ahead for all of them.


Noticing Kevin and Steve running toward them, Caleb’s voice broke into the silence.  “Did anyone call Ryan? He should be here.”  He stepped away from the group and pulled out his phone.  He took a deep breath and dialed.


“It’s eleven o’clock on the East Coast and I need my beauty sleep.  What’s up C?”  Ryan laughed.


Caleb cleared his throat again.  “Ryan.”  He wiped the tears from his eyes and took a deep breath.


“What’s wrong?”


“Can you get home?”  Caleb’s voice was barely a whisper.


“Yes.”  One simple word was all Ryan could manage. 


“It’s Mark.  There was an accident tonight.  He’s in surgery but it’s serious, Ryan.  You need to get home as soon as you can.”


“I’m on the next flight out.  I will be there in a few hours.”  The phone went dead.




Ryan frantically repacked his suitcase.  He had booked two seats on a flight that left Boston in less than an hour.  There was no time to waste.  His hands shook. 
It’s serious.  It’s serious.
  The words rang in his head.  A single tear fell down his cheek.  Wiping it away, he took a deep, steadying breath. 
Stay strong.  Get home.
  His brain was screaming at him. 


Aria stepped out of the bathroom.  Noticing Ryan’s face, she froze.  “What are you doing?”


Ryan’s breath shook.  “Please put your shoes on.  We need to go.  There’s been an accident back home.  I have to go to LA tonight.  Please come with me.  I can’t do this alone.”


Aria grabbed her shoes and threw her things back in her suitcase.  “Is it your dad?  Your mom?  What happened?”  She ran to the bathroom and threw their toiletries in her bag.  They could separate them later. 


“It’s Moretti.  I don’t know.  Caleb just said there was an accident.  That’s all I know.”  His hands fisted at his waist.  He couldn’t get his breathing under control.  “Please say you will come with me. You’ve always been my rock.”


Aria grabbed his hand and opened the door.  “You don’t ever have to ask.  Let’s go.”


She jogged down the hallway to the elevator.  She kept pace with Ryan step for step. His face was white as a ghost.  She took his phone from his hand and found Caleb’s number.  She shot him a message before she put the phone into Ryan’s pocket.


‘It’s Ari. On our way.  Flight leaves in 45 minutes.  Land at 3:36 Am.’




Layla sat on the cold floor in the hallway.  Her head throbbed.  It had been seven hours since they had arrived at the hospital.  With very little news, she continued to pray.  The overhead lights hummed.  The tick of the clock echoed in the silent hall.  A shiver ran through her.  Looking at Sophie, she smiled.  She was asleep, curled into Steve’s lap with one hand covering the baby.  To say this wasn’t fair was an understatement.  The smell of alcohol hit her again and she gagged.  She would never forget this minute.  The smells and sounds would haunt her for the rest of her life.  Darkness seeped in from the windows.  Everything about this morning was bleak.  She checked her watch.  4:00 am.  Another deep breath.  The clock ticking.  She thought she might go crazy. 


Caleb was asleep with his head in her lap.  She absently ran her fingers through his hair.  He never stirred.  His guilt had gotten the best of him and he had sobbed in her arms for what seemed like hours.  Despite her best efforts to calm him, the tears wouldn’t stop.  He had gotten sick several times but would not allow the nurses to help him.  When he had finally fallen asleep, Layla had been able to cry.


The elevator’s buzz announced Ryan’s arrival.  He rushed through the doors and stopped in front of Rich.  “What’s happening?”  Layla had never seen him so pale and exhausted.  The woman with him looked almost as bad.


Caleb and Sophie began to stir.  “He is out of surgery.  That is about all we know.  He hasn’t woken up.  The nurse in the ICU said he was critical.”


“Holy shit.”  Ryan slid down the wall next to Rich.  “What the fuck happened?”


Caleb sat up.  “He was out on the motorcycle without his helmet.  He was pissed so he was probably going pretty fast.  A guy in a truck lost control and hit him almost head on.  From what the police can gather, Mark tried to swerve but it was too late.  The guy in the truck is in surgery.”


Ryan put his face into his hands.  Aria whispered in his ear and he pulled her into his lap.  “How is she holding up?”  He pointed at Sophie who had fallen back to sleep.


The ICU doors swung open and the doctor walked out.  They were all on their feet immediately.  The surgeon looked at all the faces and nodded her head.  “Are you the Moretti family?”


“Yes,” Molly’s voice cracked.  “I’m his sister.  How is he?”


“My name is Dr. Turner.  I am the neurosurgeon on call tonight.  Mr. Moretti is in critical condition.  He has a nondisplaced skull fracture and a subdural hematoma.  The surgery to fix the brain bleed went well.  We will need to do a CT scan in the morning to make sure he isn’t still bleeding.  He has a CSF leak and we may need to go in and repair that.  The next twenty-four hours are critical.  He will likely need a few more surgeries.  His left arm is shattered and he has some broken ribs. We can’t do anything about his other injuries until he is stable.  I can tell you this, he is very lucky to be alive.”


“Can I see him?”  Molly wiped her tears.


“I’m sorry.  We cannot allow any visitors at this time.  We don’t know if he will regain consciousness.  If you would like to go home, we will call you with any changes.  At this point, there is really nothing we can do but wait.”


“We aren’t going anywhere.”  Layla stood on shaky legs.  “We will be right here.”




Ryan scrubbed his hands down his face for the hundredth time.  His eyes never left the doors to the ICU.  His hair stood on end.  He popped his back and shifted Aria on his lap.  The silent hall was making him crazy.  Looking at his friends, he sighed.  Aside from the brief conversation when he had first arrived at the hospital, they had all been silent.  Everyone stared at nothing.  He had glanced at Layla several times and the agony on her face broke his heart.  He popped his back again and Aria’s sleepy eyes met his. 


“You ok?” She whispered.


“I need to get up.”  His voice was louder than he had expected and everyone turned to look at him.  “I need to do something.  I can’t just sit here knowing Mark is in there fighting for his life.  Shit.” 


He unfolded his six foot four body and stood.  Walking to the ICU doors, he took a deep breath and pounded.  A nurse answered the door with a look of hate.  Ryan smiled at her and whispered.  She backed up and let him through the doors.


Rich chuckled.  “Only West.”  He looked at Aria and smiled.  “Hey Ari.  Come here sweetheart.”


Aria scooted toward Rich and hugged him tightly.  “I am so sorry, Rich.  I would do anything to take this all away.”


“I know you would honey.”  Rich hugged her back.  His eyes met Layla’s and he pulled back in surprise.  Her eyes told a story that he didn’t quite understand.  He cleared his throat.  “You haven’t met Sophie and Layla.”


Aria looked at Sophie.  “Hi Soph.  Ryan talks about you a lot.  It’s nice to finally meet you.”  She rubbed Sophie’s leg and then looked at Layla.  Her grin spread across her face.  “Hi Layla.  I’m Aria.  Nice to meet you.”  She extended her hand but Layla wouldn’t take it.


Before Aria could react, the doors to the ICU swung open again.  Ryan stood with Dr. Turner and pointed to Sophie.  “That is Mark’s wife.  She’s pregnant.  She should be able to go in.  Mark would want her in there.”


Dr. Turner extended her hand to Sophie.  “I am so sorry.  I didn’t realize Mr. Moretti was married.  Please, come with me Mrs. Moretti.” 


Sophie stood on wobbly legs and followed Dr. Turner into the ICU.  The doors closed behind them and Ryan slumped to the floor.  His breath left him in a rush.


“That was cool, Ryan.  Thank you for that.”  Molly gave him a half smile.


Ryan’s eyes met Layla’s and she looked away.  Her fingers ran through Caleb’s hair as he slept on her lap.  His heart squeezed in his chest. He wanted to be the one lying in her lap.  He longed to feel her touch.  “Lay,” his voice broke into her thoughts and she jumped.  “Let’s go for a walk.”


Tears filled her eyes.  She shook her head no and looked down at Caleb.  Ryan sighed.  He knew she and Mark were close and that she probably wouldn’t leave until she knew he was alright.  He put his head back against the wall and shut his eyes.  They just needed an answer.  They needed some hope.  He couldn’t watch his family fall apart.


“Why was he mad?”  Everyone looked at Ryan in silence.  “Caleb said he was mad.”  When no one answered, he got angry.  “Why the fuck was he mad?”


Without opening his eyes, Caleb spoke.  “Because he saw me coming down from Layla’s room.”


‘Code blue, ICU.  Code blue, ICU’









Chapter 8


Ryan paced the length of his backyard.  Everything was so screwed up.  He had returned home to Mark coding in the ICU and a hallway full of friends that had been looking at him with pity.  Part of him knew that Caleb would never betray him.  But the other part, the part of him that had seen Caleb fight Mark for the other Barringer sister, believed what Caleb had said.  He had been leaving her room. “He was leaving Layla’s room.” 


“What was that honey?”  Aria brought him a glass of water and put her hand on his shoulder
to calm him.  “You are seriously going to wear the grass out. Did something happen to Mark?”


Ryan shook his head. “No.  I am having a pity party for myself.”


“Well, stop.  You are going to make yourself sick.  You haven’t slept.  I haven’t seen you eat.  I certainly haven’t seen you lift or run.  So it is time to stop.  You need to stay strong for Mark.  So whatever this is, it’s over.”  Aria grabbed him by the arm to pull him to the porch. 


“Look, Ari.  It is horrible what Mark is going through.  And I feel like a huge prick for even feeling this way, but I really was starting to have some feelings for Layla.  Maybe Caleb really is an asshole.  He tried to ruin Mark and Sophie.  He was one of three people that knew about me and Layla.  And shit, I really thought she cared about me too.” 

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