Taming the Playboy (6 page)

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Authors: M. J. Carnal

BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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Chapter 10


Layla stretched out across the lounge chair.  The lights of the city blurred into the background as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  She had spent hours in the ICU and was thankful for the brief reprieve she had while Sophie spent the evening there.  It had been a dreadfully long day.  With Dr. Turner’s help, she had convinced Caleb to go home mid afternoon.  The silence of the room after he left had only made her feel more alone.


Her argument with Ryan replayed in her head.  Her hurt and anger only made worse by his gruff responses.  It was time to move on.  Their time together had been fun.  But the harsh truth was she knew it had only been a fling.  She had known it all along.  Her heart had betrayed her by wanting more.  At almost thirty, her heart had never given her hope of finding love.  She had been determined to live life to the fullest and never settle down. 


Ryan had been different.  The tears fell quickly and she wiped them away.  The minute she had laid eyes on him, even through the window of the gym so many weeks ago when she had gone with Mark to buy Sophie’s ring, she had felt an unfamiliar tug in her chest.  The second she had seen him at Rich and Molly’s wedding, she knew she was in trouble.  And that fateful afternoon, when she arrived in LA to make it home, she had given in to her desire with no thought about consequences.  Her brain may have told her to run screaming but her heart had recognized that he was her other half. 


The back door slid open with a thud, jarring Layla from her thoughts.  She sat up at the sudden intrusion.


“She’s my donor.”  Ryan rushed to her, kneeling down in front of her.  Noticing she had been crying, his heart sank.  He took her face into his hands.  Her eyes widened as his lips crushed her mouth.   The kiss was passionate and long.  When he pulled away, he was breathless.  He put his forehead against hers. 


“Ryan,” Layla whispered, her voice betraying her.


“Lay, she’s my bone marrow donor.  I’m so sorry.  I didn’t realize you didn’t know that.  She told me today that you thought we were together.  There is nothing further from the truth.  There has never been anything between Ari and me.”  His mouth found hers again, this time letting his lips show her everything he was feeling. 


“Why didn’t you tell me?” Relief written all over her face.


“Aria has been a part of all of us for so long; I didn’t even realize you didn’t know that.  Lay, I am so sorry. It was so stupid of me not to realize it.  With Mark hurt, I have honestly lost my mind.”


“Why didn’t you tell me she would be with you in Boston?”  Layla’s hands trembled.


“Baby, I didn’t know.  She surprised me at the airport.  And we had barely checked in to the hotel when I got the call from Caleb.  Everything happened so fast.  And by the time I got home, you were so distant.  I was stupid to not figure it out.  I just thought you didn’t want us anymore.”


A sob broke from Layla’s throat.  “It was the exact opposite.  I tried to call you that night.  You were the only person I wanted to tell my job news to.  And she answered your phone and said you were in the shower.  Oh God, Ryan.  I hated her so much.  I thought she took you from me.” 


“Lay, look at me.”  He tilted her head up until her eyes met his.  “I brought her here because she is my family.  She’s my home, Lay.  I am here because of her.  I was so terrified Mark would be dead by the time we landed and that we wouldn’t know because we had been on the airplane.  I needed someone that knows me better than anyone.  But when I saw you, with Caleb lying in your lap, I realized that I want that person to be you.”  He belly laughed and Layla looked at him stunned.  “My God.  What has happened to me?  You have turned me into such a girl.”


Layla laughed.  She dove into his arms.  “So, you got a little jealous of the sexy Caleb did you?” 


“I was pissed.  He looked a little too comfy there.  And then he said he had been in your room.”  Ryan’s voice trailed off. He thought about Mark and shivered. 


Sensing the change in Ryan’s thinking, Layla wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him.  “Nothing happened with Caleb.”  Her tongue licked his bottom lip before begging for entrance.  He opened for her, tilting her head back and deepening the kiss.  She held him tightly, allowing her body to melt into his.  His reaction was instant.  She could feel his erection on the inside of her thigh. She rubbed herself against him and he moaned.  He bit her bottom lip as she wrapped her legs tighter. 


“Let me love you.”  Ryan’s voice was layered with need.


“Yes” was all she could say.


He pulled her shirt over her head.  Her nipples strained against her pink lace bra.  He wasted no time.  He pulled the cup down and took one nipple into his mouth as his hand gave equal attention to the other one.  She wiggled in his lap as heat pooled to her core.  Her eyes closed and she whispered his name.  Her desire rose as the ache between her legs became a need.  She nipped at his neck and buried her hands into his hair. 


He fought the urge to burry himself in her.  He feared he wouldn’t last long with her grinding against his lap.  He laid her back against the lounge chair and removed her shorts to reveal the matching pink lace panties.  His eyes glazed with desire.  Pulling the scrap of fabric aside, he kissed the spot where she needed him most.  Her moaned response spurred him on.  She was heaven.  She threw her head back against the chair as the pleasure began to build.  His tongue flicked back and forth over her sensitive bundle of nerves.  Her legs began to quiver.  He knew she was close.  Picking up speed, his tongue circled and licked as he plunged his thumb inside her.  She shattered around him, pleasure pouring from her as her hands grabbed the sides of the chair.  Wave after powerful wave hit her and she whimpered. 


“I need you, Layla.  I need you so much.”


Frantically, she sat up and unbuttoned his shorts. “I need you too.”  She stood and pushed him onto the chair.  She kissed his neck as her hands stroked him.  “Are you safe?”


His eyes met hers.  “I’m not sure what you are asking me.  I can’t think with you doing that.”


She giggled.  “Are you safe?  I want to feel you inside me.  I don’t want anything between us.  I want to feel all of you.”


He stilled her hands.  “I’ve never been with anyone without a condom.  We need to be safe Layla.”


She climbed onto his lap.  “I’ve been safe my whole life.  You are different.  I want you more than I have ever wanted anything.”  She straddled him, positioning herself over his erection and slid down slowly.


Her wet heat surrounded him.  He almost exploded.  He held her still.  “Oh my God, Layla.  You feel amazing.  Give me a minute.”  He took a deep breath and she giggled.  He stroked her clit with his thumb and she instantly quieted.  “Not so funny anymore is it?”


Her head fell forward and she began to ride him, hard and fast.  He met her stroke for stroke and she cried out as her pleasure began to build.  She was so close.  He could feel her body tighten.  His body begged for release but he held off waiting for her to let go.  Her body was hot and frantic.  He knew he wouldn’t last much longer.  “Come for me baby. I am right behind you.”  He pounded into her and she exploded around him.  He yelled her name as he came hard inside her. 


She collapsed onto his chest, her breath ragged and her body slick with sweat. They were quiet for a few minutes as they just held each other. He kissed the top of her head and she smiled.  “That felt so good.  I have never felt anything like that, Layla.  Thank you for trusting me.”


“Thank you for letting me be the first you did that with.  And for the record, we are never using a condom ever again.”


His laugh was full of warmth.  He kissed her hard and his body stirred.  She pulled back and looked at him.  He laughed again and he stood up.  Pulling her into his arms, he walked to the side of the pool.  “You are about to give me another first.”  He threw her into the water and jumped in after her.




It was late but Ryan couldn’t sleep.  Layla’s room was too hot and too bright.  He tossed and turned and finally gave up.  Pulling on his shorts and shirt, he found a piece of paper and left her a note.




I have not left you. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to go visit Mark for awhile. If you wake up before I get back, please call me and I will come right home.




He grabbed his keys and quietly set the alarm.  Slipping out the front door, he started his car and pulled out of the driveway.  The ride to the hospital was silent. There were very few cars on the road at this time of the morning. The street lights were few and far between, making the somber drive to the ICU more grim.


Ryan yawned.  He lacked sleep, he lacked nutrition.  His head had been pounding for the past few days.  His back ached and he tried to stretch in the car.  He knew if he was going to be of any use to anyone, he would need to start resting.


He had heard Sophie come home about an hour before he had decided to get up.  Her muffled cries had reminded him that life was short and he had an absolute need to be with Mark. 


The pull to the hospital scared him.  He had only felt this way twice before in his life and both times had been right before losing one of his friends to cancer.  He shivered.  His phone beeped as he pulled into the parking garage.


‘I had a terrible dream about Mark.  I am right behind you. Layla’


The dread he felt was overwhelming. He ran to the elevators in a sprint.  His heart pounded in his chest and his eyes burned with unshed tears. When the doors opened onto the third floor, he pulled his temporary pass out and raced into the ICU.


He stopped short when he saw Dr. Turner running into Mark’s room.  His whole body froze.  The doors opened again knocking him off balance.  A strong set of arms reached out to steady him.  He turned and met Caleb’s gaze.  They held on to each other for a minute before turning back to the room.  Ryan whispered.  “Why are you here?”


Caleb swallowed hard.  “I just had a feeling I needed to be here.  You?”  Caleb’s face went pale when Ryan nodded at him.


Two nurses came running past and into Mark’s room.  The ICU doors opened once more and Layla came to a stop right next to them.  “What’s happening?”  Ryan grabbed her shoulders and she stiffened.  “No!” She yelled as she pulled free and ran toward Mark’s room.  Ryan reached out to grab her but just missed her arm. The echo of the machines screamed their betrayal.  It was a sound Ryan had only heard twice before.  He dropped to his knees in the hallway.


Layla ran with all her might. She sobbed as she pushed through the wall of people surrounding Mark’s bed.  She gasped as she was met with the most beautiful green eyes she had ever seen.




Chapter 11


Layla launched herself at the bed.  The nurses yelled and tried to hold her back.  Listening to the commotion, Ryan stumbled through the door to Mark’s room.  “Layla,” he yelled and pulled at her waist.  She kicked and cried and begged to be put down but Ryan held tight.  “Calm down.  Damnit! Layla, stop.”  She continued to scream.  “Caleb, I need you.”   

Dr. Turner’s eyes shot to the door.
  Her heart stopped when she saw him.  Caleb walked in and tried to make sense of what was happening around him.  Ryan shoved Layla at him and Caleb threw her over his shoulder and left the room.  She continued to yell from the hallway.  Caleb kept walking until he reached the men’s room and walked inside with her.  He flipped the sink on and wet a paper towel.  Pinning her to the ground, he placed the wet cloth on the back of her neck and straddled her legs.  “Layla, look at me.  Take a deep breath.”  Layla’s eyes flew all over the room in a panic and she gasped for breath.  Caleb ran his hands up and down her arms to calm her.  After several minutes, Layla began sobbing and hugged Caleb.  

“I thought he was dead.”
  She cried uncontrollably.  “He’s awake.  Oh my God he’s awake.”   Her head slammed back into the concrete wall but she had no reaction.  Her breathing so erratic that Caleb worried she would pass out.

“Layla, it’s OK.  Shhhh.  It’s OK honey.  I know you are scared.  You n
eed to breathe for me.  That’s my girl.”  Caleb held her tight and she trembled and gasped.  Her tears poured down her face and he wiped them away as quickly as he could.  He tucked her wet hair behind her ears and rubbed her back.  “It’s going to be OK.  Please just breathe.”

“I thought we killed him.”  Her voice was layered with pure panic.  “I will never forgive myself.”

Hearing Layla’s voice, Ryan walked into the men’s room.  She was trembling uncontrollably in Caleb’s arms.  He stood back and watched as Caleb held her and whispered in her ear. His legs were wrapped around her and their bodies were impossibly close.  Despite the situation, Ryan’s anger flared.  Part of his brain was pleased to see Caleb comforting his woman.  But the other part, the one that was in control at the moment, screamed at him to fight for what was his.  He tried to control his breathing.  Caleb and Layla both looked up at him as he slid down onto the floor. 

Layla scrambled out of Caleb’s grasp and crawled into Ryan’s lap.
  She hugged him, causing Ryan to break down.  Her hands clutched his shirt, pulling him as close as they could get.  She kissed him on the mouth and the neck.  His anger over Caleb, his fear of losing Layla and the new information about Mark that he was about to share with his friends, all bubbled to the surface.  With shaking hands, he smoothed Layla’s hair.  

Her wide, chocolate eyes met his.  She wiped the tears from his eyes.  She calmed as soon as he wrapped his arms around her.  Sighing, she leaned her forehead against his.  The desperation in her face made him fiercely protective.  She clung to him like her life depended on it.  His heart thundered through his chest.  His stomach clenched.  She kissed the remaining tears off his cheeks.  He shut his eyes and let her take care of him.  And it was in that moment that Ryan knew he loved her.

Caleb met his gaze and Ryan shook his head no.  Caleb instantly knew there was trouble.  He grabbed his phone from his pocket and called Sophie and Molly.  It was time to gather the troops.  Whatever it was that Ryan knew, they would all face it together.  Molly had told him she would go to pick up Sophie and spread the word to the rest of the group. 

He walked down the hall and noticed Dr. Turner on her phone outside the ICU.
  Hearing Mark’s name, Caleb stopped and stood next to her.  When she hung up, she took his hand.  Electricity shot up his fingers and he hissed as he pulled away.  Her face went blank as she looked down at her hand. 

“What the hell was that?”
  Caleb stared at her and she blushed. 

Clearing her throat, she centered herself.
  “You need to get your friends assembled.  There is news.”


 Dr. Turner smiled at the group of friends gathered in the hallway outside the ICU.  “Sophie has gone in to be with Mark.  I would like to borrow Layla and Caleb for a minute if I may.” They followed her back into the ICU.  “Caleb, I would like for you to go in and sit with Mark for just a moment. Talk to him.  Reassure him.  Let him know how much you all love him. Layla, if you would wait out here please.”

Caleb stepped into Mark’s room.
  His eyes met Mark’s.  Sitting down next to him, he took his hand.  Mark’s eyes followed Caleb.  “Well, you gave us a huge scare Moretti.  Glad to see your eyes open.  How are you feeling?”  When Mark didn’t respond, Caleb looked up.  “Is there a reason he isn’t responding to me, Dr. Turner?” 

  She scribbled some notes in the chart and motioned for Layla to come in.  “Layla, come on in and talk to him.” 

Layla walked in and smiled at Mark.
  Mark’s eyes widened and the fingers on his left hand reached for her.  “You are a sight for sore eyes, pretty boy.”  She bent down and kissed him on the cheek.  There was very little response but a tear fell from Mark’s eye.   Layla smiled at him.  She squeezed his hand and his fingers squeezed back.  “Hi honey.  I am so glad you are awake.  You scared us.  Don’t you dare do it again.  Sophie has been worried sick.  But everyone is OK, especially that gorgeous baby of yours.”

Mark’s eyes held Layla’s.  He blinked twice and his fingers brushed against her hand again.  Layla’s smile was radiant and she beamed at his hand.  A giggle burst from her lips and she covered her mouth.

“Come join me in the hall please.”  Dr. Tuner turned to leave and Caleb grabbed her arm.  The jolt of electricity hit him again but he held on tight.   

“What’s happening?
  Why can’t he respond?” 

“He can.”
  Gathering the group again, Dr. Turner continued.  “He is awake.  We won’t know for sure about deficits until we do some more tests.  He isn’t speaking but he is able to follow simple commands.  We want to get him downstairs for a CT scan right away to make sure the Subdural Hematoma is still resolving.  If we cannot control his pain well enough, we will need to put him into a medically induced coma until his body has had more time to heal.  I am encouraged about his reaction to you both.”  

“He didn’t have a reaction,” Caleb hissed.

“He didn’t have a
significant reaction to you.  But it was still a reaction.  He had a strong reaction to Sophie and Layla.  I see this quite often.  His memory is likely clouded and it is likely he doesn’t remember the accident.  But the argument leading up to the accident may be something he remembers.  It is my understanding that he was upset and trying to protect Layla.  I can only assume that is why his reaction to her was so strong.  It is a waiting game at this point.  We are going to be running some tests now and when we’re done, I will only allow one person at a time to go into the room.  I do not want him overwhelmed.  I would like to ask Sophie and Layla to stay and take turns sitting with him tonight.  But I am afraid I am going to have to ask the rest of you to leave.  You can come back tomorrow and I hope I will have some better information for you at that time.” 

Groaning, the group turned to leave.
  Layla grabbed Ryan’s hand.  “Please don’t leave.  I need you here with me.  I can’t be away from you right now.” 

Ryan smiled.  “Of course,
I’ll stay.  Whatever you need.”  He leaned in and gave her a kiss.  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “I don’t want to leave you either.”

“I’m staying too.”  Caleb looked over at Dr. Turner, Jena, and his heart melted.  He smiled at her as she stared back at him.

“One at a time.  And I want to start with Sophie.  Please be patient and do not show him you are upset.  I mean it, he cannot get upset.  His blood pressure is finally regulated and we still don’t know what damage has been done.”  Dr. Turner led the four of them back through the ICU doors.

She sat at the nurse’s station and flipped through Mark’s chart.  Her attention was pulled to the men sitting across from her.  Ryan was tall.  She would bet he well over six feet.  His muscular arms and chest strained his t-shirt.  His dark hair was messy and dark eye lashes framed his almost black eyes.  He was tanned from the California sun.  He was simply gorgeous.  There was no other way to describe him.  He was pure muscle, every inch more firm than the last.  She had spent a few minutes everyday just admiring his back.  When he smiled, he
smiled with his whole face.  His sleeve tattoos were works of art.  His right arm was full of vibrant color.  His perfectly straight teeth must have cost him a small fortune, she thought to herself.  She giggled as she pictured him charming his way through life.  He was the bad boy of the group and she knew that without question.  Next to him, Caleb was more reserved.  He seemed to be distant and a little bitter.  It made him mysterious.  She liked a mystery. His hair was lighter and his eyes were bright.  A splash of freckles covered his cheeks and he had a defined jaw.  He caused a reaction in her body that she didn’t understand.  He was what she dreamed about.  She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She could not feel that way about someone so close to one of her patients.


With Layla and Sophie in the room together against the strict one at a time policy and Caleb finally napping on the couch, Ryan walked to the nurse’s station and watched as Dr. Turner wrote the orders for the CT scan.  Her handwriting was too neat to be a doctor’s.  She was overly pretty for someone who lived her life at the hospital.  Her dark hair was pulled off her face in a messy braid and her green eyes never strayed from the chart.  She smelled good and always looked so awake.  She was tall, tan and way too young.  She hardly looked old enough to be a surgeon.  But she had saved Mark so he knew she was amazing.  She was exactly the type of woman he would have tried to charm the pants off of in the club.  Those days already seemed like a distant memory. He smiled as he realized Layla had become everything to him.  Ryan cleared his throat and she jumped.

“Sorry.  What can I do for you Mr. West?”

“Ryan.”  He smiled.

“Ryan.  The
charmer of the group from what the nurses tell me.”  Dr. Turner laughed.

“They give me too much credit.  But it did help us get back here the first night.  So, that
’s something.”

Dr. Turner closed the chart.  “Yes.  I understand Mr. Moretti is not actually married as was previously discussed.  But that secret is safe with me.”

“Speaking of secrets.  You and Caleb, huh?”  Ryan flashed her his drop your panties smile and she never waivered.

“I am not sure I know what you are talking about.”  She shifted nervously in her chair.

Ryan leaned down, putting his face close to hers.  “I think you do, Jena.  But that secret is safe with me.


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