Taming the Playboy (7 page)

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Authors: M. J. Carnal

BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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Chapter 12


Ryan finished with his last appointment of the day.  He had spent half his day apologizing to clients for cancelling appointments and the other half of the day pasting a fake smile onto his utterly exhausted face. 
He felt feverish but shrugged off the discomfort and kept going. There had been questions about Mark and even more about Layla.  Word had spread fast that someone had stolen his heart.  His betraying sidekick, Kevin, had done little but fan the flames of the rumor mill.  Chuckling, he walked back to his office to check the schedule for tomorrow.


“So I have this new client.  She is one hot piece of ass.”  Kevin sat down across from Ryan and chugged a bottle of water.


“Not interested.”  Ryan didn’t even look up from his computer.


“Dude, she is seriously hot.  Really tall with dark hair and brown eyes.  And her lips..”

“Kevin, I am serious here man.  I have a ton of work to do.  I am really not interested.”


“You have become a shitty wingman.”  Kevin stood to walk out the door.  “So, you don’t mind if I take a shot?”


Ryan laughed.  “Go.  Shoot.  Get out of my office.”


“Thanks.”  Kevin walked into the hallway and laughed.  “Here she is now.  Layla, you ready?”


Ryan’s hand slapped the desk and his chair slid back.  Kevin belly laughed as Ryan emerged from his office.  “Take one step
toward my woman and you won’t walk right for a week, Merck.”


Layla smiled at them as she turned the corner.  Her gym bag thrown over her shoulder, she laughed at Ryan holding Kevin back.  “The two most handsome men in LA in the same place.  A woman could get used to this.”


“A man could never get used to you, that’s for sure.” Kevin laughed as he passed her.  “See you out here in five, Barringer. I suppose that would be enough time for West though.”


“I am going to kill that guy.”  Ryan pulled her into his arms.  “Hey baby.  I didn’t know you were coming by today.”


She wiggled her body against him.  “See, the problem is, I have started dating this really buff guy.  And, I am so lazy that I realized in order to keep said really buff guy, I was going to have to get in shape.  For as much as I know he could get me in shape, the training I want from him is certainly not something we could do in public.”


“You’re going to be the death of me.”  He kissed her hard and hot.  His mouth explored every inch of her gorgeous mouth.  “I will see you at Mark’s. I promised Sophie I would come by and check on some things.  I’m going to run home and get Aria.  You heading there after this?”


“I have to go into the office for a few hours.  But I hope I see you there.”  She smiled at him before turning toward Kevin.




Layla had been at her job for a week.  She had loved every second of it and was happy they had been so understanding about Mark.  It had been a week since he awoke.  Not much had changed but his eyes continued to flutter open throughout the day.  His pain had been well controlled and his vitals had stabilized.  Caleb had continued to live at the hospital; His guilt driving him with no sleep and hardly any meals. 


Stepping into the foyer of the house, Layla heard the voices before she saw them.  When she rounded the corner into the living room, she wasn’t prepared for what she saw.  “What’s going on in here?” She giggled.


Sophie, Aria and Molly sat together on the couch, eating popcorn and looking out the sliding glass door.  All three girls looked up and shushed her.  She looked outside and noticed Ryan and Kevin shirtless, cleaning the pool.  “Holy mother of God.”  Layla slumped onto the couch with them and sighed.


“I feel like crap for sitting here.  But I can’t help myself.”  Sophie smiled for the first time Layla could remember.


“I think I swallowed my tongue about ten minutes ago.”  Aria cleared her throat.  “It’s an ab parade.  It’s possibly the hottest thing I have ever seen.  Look at the come gutters.”


Layla swallowed a piece of popcorn wrong.  Tears rolled down her face as she laughed.  “What the hell is that?”


Aria laughed but never took her eyes off the backyard.  “Ryan’s name for it, not mine.  It’s the V at the hips.  I know.  Disgusting.  But I have never felt it was a more accurate description than right now.”


Molly smiled at Aria.  “I now see why Ryan loves you so much.” 


Layla fisted her hands.  Her back tensed.  She knew it was an innocent statement but the insecurities she felt came crashing back.  She took a deep breath and her eyes met Sophie’s.  She instantly calmed.


Looking back out at Ryan, she sighed.  His muscles flexed as he worked.  She had never seen anything so beautiful.  Her cheeks heated as she remembered the last time they had been out at the pool.  As if he could sense her thoughts, he looked up and their eyes met.  His dark eyes sizzled.  She smiled and he winked.


“This might be a dumb question.”  Molly cleared her throat.  “Is something going on between you and Ryan?  I know he’s a flirt.  But that look on his face?  That’s different.”


Layla took a deep breath and looked at her friends.  “I think I am in love with him.”




“So, based on that look, I would say everything is better in horny town again?”  Kevin splashed Ryan back to reality.


“Horny town?  Seriously?”  Ryan laughed as he put the net down and wiped his brow.  “But I would say, yes.  Everything is definitely better in horny town.”


Kevin looked back at the girls.  They were all watching their every move.  He turned his back to them and flexed.  Laughing, he walked toward Ryan and shoved him into the pool.  Ryan broke the surface with a grim face and hopped onto the side.  He coughed and Kevin noticed for the first time that his face was paler than usual.  “Are you ok?”


“Of course.”  He coughed a few more times and got up.  “I’m just a little run down from being at the hospital so much I guess.  I haven’t been feeling well.  Hell, today I feel like total shit.  Stop looking at me like that. Honestly, Merck, there is nothing to worry about.”


The back door slid open and Layla walked outside.  Ryan’s breathing instantly changed.  She wore a fitted dress that was more revealing than Ryan would have liked.  He vowed no one would ever see her in it again.  Her heels clicked on the cement around the pool.  He watched her long, tanned legs as they walked toward him.  She smiled and his heart stopped.  “Hi baby.”


Layla cleared her throat and looked nervously between Kevin and Ryan.  “Can we talk inside?”


“Of course.”  Ryan toweled off his hair and followed her into the house and up the stairs.  The house had been too quiet the last two weeks.  It felt empty without the laughter and joy it usually held when they were all together in it.  His breathing was labored when they got to the top of the second staircase. His eyes narrowed as he realized his heart was pounding.  Strange.  He could run a few miles without getting winded but the simple staircase and proven to be a challenge.  He shook his head and took a deep breath. 


She sat on the edge of her bed and motioned for him to join her.  His shorts were wet from the pool so he sat on the floor in front of her instead.  She smiled at him but her eyes were serious.  “I need to talk to you.”  He nodded so she continued.  “We were all downstairs watching the two of you working in the backyard.  Aria made this funny comment that made us all laugh.  But then Molly said something about it not being a surprise you loved her so much.”


“Lay,” Ryan interrupted but she held her hand up.


“I know.  I know.  But I got insanely jealous about a second after she said it.  And I realized something that scared the hell out of me.”  She reached for his head and hissed.  “Ryan, you are burning up.  What’s wrong?” 


He wiped his brow.  “I don’t know.  I am really not feeling good.  I would love to continue this but I think I am going to be sick.”  He stood and walked to her bathroom.  His body swayed and he grabbed the door frame to steady himself. 


“I’m going to get some Tylenol.”  Layla went to her dresser and pulled the medicine from her drawer.  She ran down the stairs to get some water when she heard her sister’s scream.  Her feet barely touched the ground as she ran for Sophie.  Seeing her in a ball on the living room floor, Layla gasped.  “What happened?”


Sophie held the phone out to her.  She grabbed it and put it to her ear.  Her hand flew to her chest as she imagined the worst.  “Hello?”


The voice was breathy and weak.  “Hey sis.”


Layla screamed and jumped up and down.  “Oh my God.  Oh my God.  Mark.  Oh my God.”


There was a shaky breath. “Is Sophie alright?”


Layla just laughed.  “Yes.  She is already out the door.  I am not even sure she has shoes on.  God it is good to hear your voice.  You scared us so much.  I am not sure Caleb has left your side for more than a few hours.  We are so sorry.  You know that nothing happened between us, right?”  She rattled on the way she always did with Mark.


His voice was becoming slurred as his eyes shut.  “Caleb is here now.  Can you put Ryan on?”


Layla’s feet pounded up the stairs.  She knew she didn’t have much time before Mark drifted back off to sleep.  When she entered the bathroom, she gasped.  Ryan’s body lay limp on the floor.  “Mark, get Caleb here now.”  She hung up and fell to the ground.  “Ryan!  Ryan wake up.” 


She cried as she touched him.  His skin was burning up and he was covered in sweat.  She grabbed a washcloth and soaked it in cold water before putting it on his forehead.  He didn’t stir and after shaking him a few times, her cries became sobs.  She heard the floor creak and looked up just as Aria came into the room.  “I don’t know what to do.”


Aria grabbed the washcloth from his head and wiped it down his face.  “Start the shower.  Cold water Layla.  We have to get his temperature down.”  She was so calm as she looked at him.  “Now Layla.  Move.”


Layla stumbled to the shower and started it.  She looked over at Aria with Ryan.  She knew right away.  Aria loved him.  Not like her brother or a friend she had saved.  She loved him.  Aria stroked his face as her eyes filled with tears.  She leaned down to kiss his forehead. Layla wanted to shout at her to get away from him.  She instantly forgot her anger when his hand twitched.  A small moan escaped his mouth.


“Oh shit.”  Caleb came running into the bathroom.  He picked Ryan up off the floor and carried him into the shower.  “Damnit he is heavy.  Why didn’t you call for Kevin?  He’s just sitting downstairs. Grab the door Layla.” 


Layla watched as Caleb stepped into the cold shower and sat down behind Ryan.  He cradled Ryan’s body against his, making sure the water was hitting his chest.  After several minutes, Caleb’s body started to shake from the cold.  Yet, he held onto Ryan and spoke quietly as Ryan began to stir.  “This had better be the flu dude.  Get him some Gatorade or something.  And some Tylenol.”  Ryan’s body lurched and he threw up. 


Layla’s heart melted as she watched Caleb comfort him as he got sick.  He never complained.  As Ryan’s body sagged back against him, he pulled him out of the shower.  Layla held out a towel and together, they pulled Ryan into the bed.  Once the Tylenol was down and Ryan’s eyes closed again, Layla turned to hug Caleb.  She wrapped a towel around his shoulders and left the room to get him a change of clothes from Mark’s room.


When she returned, Aria had climbed into the bed next to him and was kissing his neck.  Layla shoved the clothes at Caleb and stormed to the side of the bed.  “If you would excuse me, Aria.  This is my room and that is my boyfriend you are lying with.  I would appreciate if you got up.  Right now.”


Aria huffed and stood to face her.  “You don’t know him like I do.  And you certainly don’t feel the same way I do about him.  You don’t deserve him.  You aren’t good enough for him”


“Thank you for sharing your opinion.  But I love him and you aren’t going to change that.  Now leave.  Not just this room either Aria.  Leave this house.” 


Layla slammed her bedroom door and climbed into bed next to Ryan.  He moaned and curled his body into her.  “I love you too, Layla” he slurred as he fell into a deep sleep.

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