Taming the Playboy (8 page)

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Authors: M. J. Carnal

BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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Chapter 13


“Can you tell me if Dr. Turner is on duty tonight?”  Caleb shuffled his feet in the living room as the nurse on duty went to get the good doc.


“This is Dr. Turner.  How can I help you?”


“Dr. Turner, this is Caleb Allen, Mark Moretti’s friend.”


She interrupted him.  “It’s Jena.  And I know who you are Caleb.  Everything alright?”


Caleb sighed.  “Listen, Jena, I know this isn’t your area of expertise but Ryan is sick and he has been lying in bed for the last 48 hours burning up.  He has this huge issue with going to the doctor.  And honestly, after everything he went through, I don’t blame him.  But I am really starting to get worried.  I didn’t know who else to call.”


“I get off in less than an hour Caleb.  What is the address?  I will come by on my way home.”


Caleb smiled as he rattled off Mark’s address.  It may not have been the best circumstances to see the gorgeous doctor, but he would use any excuse to see her again.  Ca
leb smiled as he hung up and headed upstairs to take his turn keeping watch over Ryan.  He feared the worst but refused to admit it out loud.  He prayed it was the flu but his gut knew better.


“Caleb!” Layla yelled from upstairs.  “I need you. He’s getting sick again.”


Caleb took the steps two at a time and stopped in the doorway.  Ryan was throwing up into the trashcan next to the bed.  Two days.  It had been two days and he hadn’t kept anything down.  “You ready to get up big guy?”


Ryan moaned.  “I feel like shit.  I really need to go home and get in my own bed before you guys get sick.”


Layla chuckled. “Oh yes.  By all means.  Let’s take you home and leave you alone.  That isn’t happening.  And if I was going to get sick, I would have by now.”


“That’s what I am worried about.”  Ryan whispered to Caleb and he slung his arm around his shoulder and made his way to the bathroom.  “You guys should be sick by now if it was contagious.  I’m going to have to suck it up and go to my fucking doctor.”  He shivered as the cold air in the room hit his damp skin. 


“I have a doctor coming here in a few minutes.  You aren’t going anywhere.  Do you want me to help you take a shower?”  Caleb set Ryan down by the toilet and grabbed a clean towel. 


“You are one of a kind, Allen. I’m sorry I ever doubted that.”  Ryan braced his body against the wall as Caleb started the water. 




“How long has he been asleep?”  Dr. Turner sat on the bed next to Layla and checked Ryan’s pulse. 


“About ten minutes.  But honestly, he has been asleep for the better part of two days.”  Layla smiled a small smile.  “Thank you for coming.  It was asking a lot of you to come here.  I will never be able to thank you enough.”


The shower turned off and a deep, muffled voice yelled from the bathroom.  “Lay, I need something else to wear.  My clothes are covered in puke.” 


Layla stood and walked to the door.  “I will be right back.  I need to go raid Mark’s closet.  Again, thank you, Dr. Turner.”


Jena listened to Ryan’s heart and checked his pulse once more.  His skin was ashen and he was well on his way to severe dehydration.  She whispered to Ryan about what she was doing and took his blood pressure.  The dark circles under his eyes told her he had been feeling bad for awhile.  The lymph nodes in his neck and armpits were swollen.  When she pressed on his stomach, Ryan moaned in his sleep.  She took a deep breath.  He needed an internist not a neurosurgeon.  But until she could convince him this was important, she would start an IV and get him hydrated.


“Lay, did you hear me?  I need…”  Caleb stopped dead in his tracks.  His eyes widened.  “Dr. Turner. You got here faster than I expected you to.”


She looked up and froze.  Caleb stood ten feet from her in just a towel.  Her eyes roamed his body and a blush crept up her neck.  His skin was tan.  The muscles in his chest and abdomen were perfect.  He was beautiful.  That may not have been a word she used to describe most men but Caleb was flawless.  Her throat become dry and she cleared it several times before she could answer him.  “It’s Jena.”


His grin reached his eyes.  “Jena.  I don’t know how we will ever repay you for doing this for us.”


She laughed.  It was the first time he had heard it and it was magical.  “Trust me.  Seeing you in that towel is payment enough.”


Layla walked in and chuckled.  She watched Jena watch Caleb.  Good, she thought.  Caleb needed someone to take his mind off things and Jena was the perfect person to do that.  She handed the clothes to Caleb and as he slipped on the sweat pants, she looked back to Dr. Turner.  “Jena, tell me, is there a Mr. Turner.  Or a soon to be Mr. Turner?”


Jena shook her head no but never took her eyes off Caleb.  He threw the towel into the hamper and grabbed his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor.  He decided to leave the shirt off in case Ryan got sick again.  He was going through Mark’s clothes at a rapid rate.  Tonight he would head home and pack a bag. 


Ryan moaned again.  “If you are done matchmaking, I really need something for the nausea.”


Dr. Turner turned to face Ryan.  “How long have you been sick?”


Shocking both his friends, Ryan answered in a soft voice. “I have felt pretty bad for a couple weeks I guess.  I have had a terrible headache a little longer than that.  Night sweats, bloody noses.  I figured it was the stress of Mark’s accident but that isn’t it is it?”


Jena shrugged.  “Ryan, were you sick as a child?”


“Caleb, why don’t you take Layla downstairs and get Dr. Turner something to drink.”  His eyes pleaded with Caleb.  She huffed but followed him down the stairs.  When he could hear them talking from a distance, he continued.  “I had acute lymphoblastic leukemia as a child.  I know this is asking for the moon but what are the odds you could just draw my blood here instead of me going in yet?  I just need confirmation of what I think I already know.”


“Let me hang an IV and get you hydrated.  You are going to need fluids for a few hours so I will teach Layla how to change it.  I’ll stay ahile and draw your blood before I leave.”


“How is Mark?  Can we get him home anytime soon?  I can hire a nurse.”  Ryan coughed and a gag followed right behind it.


Jena smoothed his hair off his face. “Yes.  We can arrange that.  But we need to concentrate on you right now.  Is there a reason you don’t want Layla to know what we are talking about?”  She took his hand and smiled.


He sighed.  “I have spent two days in bed with a woman and haven’t had the energy to do anything that I would normally do in bed with a woman.  I love her, Jena.  But she deserves more than a sick boyfriend.  And both of those things are secrets at the moment.”


Jena chuckled and leaned into his face.  “Don’t worry, Ryan.  Your secret is safe with me.”


Ryan laughed for the first time in a few days.  “Touché, my friend.  Touché.”




Chapter 14


Ryan pulled himself out of bed and stood.  Jena had been a life saver.  Three days of fluids and anti nausea medication, and he was standing on his own for the first time.  A jolt of panic hit him.  He hadn’t asked about Mark and he had taken Dr. Turner away from the hospital more than once.  His friends had struggled to keep the faith as Mark fought for his life.  The last thing they needed was to add him to their stress. 


His blood work had come back as he expected it would.  The white blood cell differential had shown there was a problem.  Not a leukemia diagnosis but a diagnosis that something was wrong.  Dr. Turner had come by the night before to give him his results and he had sworn her to secrecy.  An appointment was made with his oncologist for the following morning.  Today he would tell Kevin and Aria.  It made sense to have people to confide in that were outside his inner circle.


He showered slowly, basking in the warmth of the water and the joy of being out of bed.  When the water began to cool, he stepped out and dressed in a pair of Mark’s shorts.  He sipped from a bottle of water and looked at the clock.  Four in the afternoon.  The house would be empty.  He made his way down the stairs, taking extra care not to stumble.  He felt weak and depleted.


He stepped into the kitchen and smiled.  Caleb had Dr. Turner pinned against the wall.  Her eyes were wide as he whispered into her ear.  Stepping toward the refrigerator, Ryan chuckled.  The couple jumped apart. 


“Hell yeah.  Carry on.  I just need something to eat.  Don’t let me stop you.”  Ryan pulled the eggs from the door and shut it. 


“Someone’s feeling better.  Let me fix this for you.”  Caleb took the eggs from his hands as Dr. Turner slipped into the living room. 


“You lucky dog.  She is a hot piece of ass. Did you tap that yet?”  Ryan sat at the breakfast bar and watched Caleb scramble the eggs.  “I’ve been asleep awhile. How long has this been going on?”


Caleb looked at his watch.  “Thirty seconds or so.  But nothing to report.  She is way out of my league.”


“How about make me some of that, Allen.”  The groggy voice filled the kitchen and Ryan’s jaw dropped.


“Holy shit, Moretti.  When did you get home?  Sit down.  Let me help you.”  Ryan jumped up and had to grab the counter to steady himself. 


“We make a great pair.  Heard you had the flu.  Let me limp over there myself.  Just don’t touch me.”  Mark smiled but his eyes were vacant.  “They sent me home today with a nurse.  I am a prisoner in my own house.”


Caleb finished the scrambled eggs and made them both some toast and juice.  He smiled as he realized the world was becoming right again.  Both men ate with slow, small bites.  Ryan had lost some weight but Mark was the shell of the person he had been.  Caleb decided it was time to step up, move in and nurse these two back to health.  And it didn’t hurt that Dr. Turner would be more of a permanent fixture in Mark’s house for a few days.


“If that isn’t the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”  Layla’s voice caused all three to look.  She stood in the doorway with Kevin and Aria, a huge grin spread across both their faces.  “Welcome back from the dead, Ryan.  I have missed you like mad.”


Ryan stood and hugged her tight.  His lips were soft against hers, telling her everything he was feeling.  “I missed you too, baby.”  He hugged her once more and his eyes met Kevin’s.  He motioned for the stairs and Kevin and Aria both nodded.  “I’ll be right back.”


Ryan followed them out of the kitchen and up the first flight of stairs.




Kevin sat on the edge of the bed after Ryan had laid back down.  He took a deep breath and looked at his friend.  “Is it back?”


Ryan nodded his head and Kevin’s face fell.  “I need you both.  My appointment is tomorrow at three and I don’t want anyone else to know.”


“No!”  Aria sat on the bed next to Kevin.  “No.  This can’t be happening.  Not now.  Not ever.”


“It’s ok baby girl.  I survived it once.  I can do it again.  And I have you.  How could I lose?”  Ryan pulled her to him and she curled against his chest.  She cried openly.


“I will be there, brother.  And my lips are sealed.”  Kevin patted his leg and walked out of the room.


“I love you Ari.  I couldn’t do this without you.  Thank you for being here.  And thank you for keeping this a secret.”


“Ryan, you know I love you.  So much more than you even realize.  Whatever you need.  Whenever.  You can ask for anything.  I’m yours.”




Just after midnight, Ryan stepped into Layla’s room.  She had been asleep for a few hours.  Watching her, his heart skipped.  Her black hair spread across her pillow and her slow, steady breathing calmed him.  Her tattooed arms wrapped around his pillow and a tear fell from his eyes.  He had spent nearly thirty years alone.  Never had he felt connected to another person like he did to Layla.  She was home to him.  And she deserved so much better.  He knew it wouldn’t be fair to make her take this journey with him. 

He had finally found her only to lose her. 


She stirred as he sat on the edge of the bed. 
“Go back to sleep baby.”  He brushed her hair from her face.


Her sleepy brown eyes opened and she smiled.  “I am so glad you are better.  I missed you, even though you were right here.”  Noticing his tears, she stilled.  “Are you ok?”


Ryan smiled.  “I’m ok.  I was just watching you sleep.  I am a lucky man to be able to share your bed.”


She pulled him down to her.  Their lips met and their tongues did their familiar, slow waltz.  Her body turned to liquid every time they touched.  “Let me love you.”


Ryan let her take the lead.  She pushed him down gently and removed his boxers.  His skin was still warm with fever but her body had missed him.  She kissed down his chest and stomach, licking the V at his waist.  He instantly hardened.  She smiled as she looked up at him through her lashes.  Taking him into her mouth, she gently ran down the length of his shaft.  It was slow torture and Ryan moaned.  He reached down and stroked her hair as his eyes shut. 


“Look at me, Ryan.  I want you to know how much I want you.”  Layla’s hands travelled up and down, picking up speed.  She took him deeper into her throat, taking all of him. 


His hands gripped the sheets as she worked him into a frenzy.  He was already so close.  His legs stiffened and he tried to pull away but she followed.  “Holy shit you are good at that. Layla, stop.  You are going to make me come too fast.”  His breathing became erratic as she picked up her pace.  “Oh God. Layla.”


“That is what I want.  Come baby.”  Layla shifted to her knees, deepening the suction.  Her strokes intensified and Ryan knew it was too late. His whole body shuddered as he moaned her name.  Stroke after stroke, she swallowed everything he gave her.  His whole body tingled with his fierce orgasm. 


Without warning, he flipped her under him and shoved into her.  She was soaked and he hardened again almost instantly.  She wrapped her legs around him as he pounded into her, meeting him stroke for stroke.  His eyes were hooded and his body was covered in sweat.  He was the hottest thing she had ever seen.  His muscles rippled in his abdomen as he pumped his body into hers.  His dark eyes were almost black as he looked at her, full of desire.  His hair was messy, his skin tanned and his tattoos turned her on.  She was so far gone.  There was no coming back after falling for Ryan West.


His strong arms wrapped around her as he laid his head against her neck.  She came without warning, bucking against him but the thrusts continued until he fell onto her, exhausted, sated and completely depleted.  He kissed her mouth gently and brushed the hair from her face. 


He pulled back and looked at her.  His eyes were soft.  “Layla” was all he said and brushed his lips against her once more.  There was no way he could let her go.  In that moment, she was his home.  He knew keeping her around during his illness would be selfish.  But if he let her go, he would have nothing to fight for.  When he looked at her again, she melted.  He pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes.  “I never thought this would ever happen to me but I am totally and completely in love with you.”


“Say it again.”  Layla couldn’t hide her grin if she tried.


“I love you.”  Ryan’s grin spread across his whole face. “I love you.  Holy shit, I love you.”


Layla laughed and kissed him hard.  “I love you too, Ryan.  More than I will ever be able to tell you.”


He rolled off her and pulled her into him.  His eyes closed but the smile remained.  His breathing became steady and she knew he had fallen asleep.  Ryan West loved her was the last thought she had before she fell back into a deep slumber.


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