Taming the Playboy (11 page)

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Authors: M. J. Carnal

BOOK: Taming the Playboy
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Chapter 19

“Wake up wife.”  Ryan kissed Layla’s neck and ran his hand down her stomach. 

Layla stretched and smiled.  “Are you feeling ok?”

“I want to make love to my wife.  I’m sorry I was so tired last night.  But they say a marriage isn’t official until the husband makes his wife come three or four times.  You ready?”

Layla laughed as Ryan climbed on top of her.  “Well, by all means Mr. West.  Let’s make this official.”

He pulled her nightgown over her head and found her nipple.  His tongue circled the sensitive flesh and it
quickly hardened.  He tugged gently with his teeth and heat pooled between her legs.  As she pressed her legs together to get some relief from her throbbing need, She whimpered.  His fingers slid into her, instantly soaked with her desire.  “Holy shit, Layla.  You are always so ready.”

“Please don’t wait, Ryan.  I know this should be romantic but I want you right now.  I need you.  Hard and fast.  I have missed you so much.  My body misses you.  Please.”

Ryan shoved into her and she cried out in relief.  She dug her nails into his ass as he entered her.  Each stroke was deeper than the last.  He pulled her leg over his shoulder and pressed the pad of his thumb against her clit.  Each movement of his body moved his thumb just a fraction and she screamed as she shattered apart around him. 

Her climax continued as he flipped her on top of him to take the lead.  Fluid poured from her body, down his erection, making each stroke slippery and
deep.  “Fuck Layla.  Ride me baby.  Holy shit.  It has never felt like this.”  His hands guided her hips back and forth. 

Her breathing became frantic, her strokes uneven, her eyes closed and she threw her head back.  “Ryan!” As she came, he held her still above him and pounded into her. 

His orgasm felt as if it started at the tip of his toes.  Pleasure shot up his spine, tightening his balls and filling her completely.  He growled as he emptied himself into her.  He sat up and captured her lips.  His tongue made love to her mouth, hungry and frantic.  He swallowed her moan.  He could feel her heartbeat in her core.  She was hot and soaked.   He gently rocked against her, his erection still rock hard.  She grasped his shoulders and moaned with desire. 

“More,” he said as he continued to pre
ss into her and he drove her into a frenzy. 


“Wow.  I have never seen so many people come together for a bone marrow drive.  On behalf of Ryan West, and his wife as of about fourteen hours ago, we want to thank you all for coming out today.  The test is simple, a blood test and a cheek swab, and the samples will be tested to match tissue type for Mr. West. You can choose to become part of the Match Registry for the National marrow donor program to help other patient’s looking for a bone marrow match.  The volunteers have more information at each of the tables.  I also want to thank Mr. Mark Moretti for his generous donation.  Each test costs the hospital roughly $52.00 and Mr. Moretti has offered to pay up to $250,000 to offset the hospital cost.  Again, thank you all for coming out.  There are refreshments so please help yourself.  And without further delay, I would like to introduce you to Ryan West.”  Dr. Lahti handed Ryan the microphone and stood with his arm around him for support.

Ryan surveyed the room.  There were at least two hundred people gathered in the hospital auditorium.  Some faces were familiar from childhood, from the gym, from UCLA, and even from the neurosurgery floor where they had spent their days a few months earlier praying for Mark’s recovery. 
Yet, the number of strangers, both young and old, caused Ryan’s throat to tighten as he began to speak.

“I never imagined I would see so
many faces today.  I will never be able to thank you enough for taking time out of your Saturday to come out and help us.  Mark, man, I had no idea about the donation and you never cease to amaze me.  Always saving me.  I love you.” Ryan nodded at Mark and smiled.  “My wife and I are humbled by all of you and I hope that if you aren’t a match for me, you will consider being a part of the donor program.  There are a lot of amazing kids out there fighting diseases that can be saved by your generous donation.  I see a lot of my LA Youth group here today.  A lot of these great kids need your help too.  Before I start crying and embarrass myself, let me get off this stage.  You guys are the best.  Thank you.”

For hours,
people lined up to have their blood drawn, their cheeks swabbed and when it was over, Dr. Lahti and Dr. Turner stood at the exit thanking people for their time and their generous gift.  The volunteers were exhausted by the amazing turnout.  Ryan was sound asleep in one of the donation chairs with Layla curled around him. 

Caleb watched as the doctors exchanged notes on the success of the day.  After several minutes, he cleared his throat.  Jena turned to him and smiled.  “Everything alright Mr. Allen?”

“Yes, Dr. Turner.”  He smirked.  “How long will all this testing take? And what are the odds this will produce the results we want?”

Dr. Lahti shook Caleb’s hand.  “Results shouldn’t take very long.  Our biggest obstacle now is that Ryan has O negative blood.  Although it isn’t the rarest, finding a donor for a patient that isn’t O positive does become a little more difficult. 
We will type all the samples but there were roughly twenty donors today that knew they were O negative.  We spent additional time with each of them, running through an extensive medical history.  I assure you if there is a match out there, we will find it.  This disease has progressed more quickly than we expected so we are going to do everything we can to give him a future.”

Caleb only nodded as he walked away.  His heart sank as he realized there was nothing more he could do. 
He looked back over his shoulder and locked eyes with Jena.  She smiled a half smile but even her encouragement didn’t help Caleb feel any better.


The following Sunday, the group gathered at the Moretti home for game night.  The emotional overload felt by everyone had taken a toll on the group.  They embraced as they greeted each other.  Laughter was a welcome distraction for all of them. 

Ryan’s jaw hurt from smiling so much.  It was his first
night away from his house in  a week and he made sure this was not a night of sorrow. Mark had finally returned to work after his accident and Sophie was only days away from delivering their first child.   Caleb and Molly had taken on extra projects to allow Sophie to be available to Layla when life got too overwhelming.  Layla had resigned from her job to take care of Ryan full time. Rich, a few months away from being a father himself, had moved Molly into a gorgeous home in the Hollywood Hills to be closer to the friends they considered family.  Even Kevin, who until a few months before had been a virtual stranger to all of them, had come to Ryan’s home three days a week to run Ryan through some exercises to keep his body in the best shape he could to be more equipped to fight.

“Pictionary.  That’s what the baby wants to play.”  Sophie laughed as the group moaned.  “Hey, this could be our last game night for a few months.  I don’t want to hear the bitching.  Partner up.”

Griping, Caleb unpacked the Pictionary board as the front door slammed.  “Why can’t we just watch sports like normal pe…” 

His sentence was cut short as Jena walked into the living room.  It had been a week since he had seen her.  She had been on vacation and returned with a deep tan and a shoulder length hair cut that framed her face and showed off her eyes.
  His heart stopped for the fraction of the second it took for him to realize he was staring.

“J Dog,” Mark fist bumped her and she laughed.  “Welcome back.  Come in and join us.  Looks like Caleb here needs a partner.  You up for the challenge?”

“You better believe it.”  Dr. Turner patted Caleb’s arm as she took the seat next to him.

“Before we get started, Ryan and I would like to talk to you guys about something.”  Layla stood up
, pasted on a smile and held tight to Ryan’s hand.  “We love you guys so much.  This night is a happy one.  We’re going to celebrate being together, laugh like hell and play the shit out of this Pictionary game.”

Ryan laughed and squeezed her hand.  “I love you baby.”

“We have spent the last week talking every minute of the day.”

“Well, not every minute.”  Ryan grinned as Layla hit his arm.

“We have decided it is time to stop the chemotherapy.  It isn’t working and it is just making him sick.  We’re going to spend the next few weeks doing all the things he has always wanted to do.  We are going to live every single day.  No more tears and no more defeat.  Dr. Lahti thinks we have a couple of good months left and we aren’t going to waste them being mad.  We both really hope y’all will join us on some of our trips.  Our home is open to you guys every day to spend as much time as you want with Ryan.  I just ask that you give us our nights together.  I know this isn’t easy to hear.  Believe me.  I’m not sure I even have any tears left.”  She smiled at her husband with love in her eyes and her heart in her throat. 

“What you guys have done for me for the last twenty years
has been more than anyone ever deserved.  I am so blessed that you are my family. We are going to need every single one of you.  And God knows that Layla will need you.” Ryan took a steadying breath.  “I am counting on every one of you to keep her strong.  I expect your asses to get over there and cut the grass in the summers and keep her busy, even with these stupid Pictionary games.  And the day she tells you she has found someone else that loves her even a fraction of what I do, I want you guys to stand by her and love him like you do me. Because honest to God, if I have anything to do with it, I am going to send her someone amazing.”

“Fuck.”  Mark scrubbed his hands down his face.  “Give me a minute.”  He walked away from the group
in silence. This was the moment he had been dreading, despite knowing it was coming. He leaned his head against the living room wall.  Sensing he had company, he looked up and locked eyes with Caleb.

“It isn’t supposed to make sense Moretti.  There isn’t an explanation for this.  We can’t let our anger get us lost.  We can’t let him know that this is fucking ripping our insides out.  Come back with me.  We can fall apart later.  We have to be strong tonight.”  Caleb extended his hand and pulled Mark into a hug.  “Deep breath.
Let’s do this together.  One step at a time.”

The men entered the living room and sat back down.  Mark smiled at Ryan.  “Sorry, man.  Please continue.”

“I know this isn’t what any of you want to hear.  But I need to do this in case I don’t have another chance.  I have lived an amazing life.  I have the best damn friends.  Hell, look at my hot wife.”  Everyone laughed.  “This isn’t the way I expected any of this to turn out.  But it’s the hand I was dealt, even if it is a really shitty hand.  I don’t want a long, drawn out mourning period.  Don’t do that to yourselves.  Remember me, the crazy, unruly, pain in the ass that and celebrate that.  But above all, please take care of my wife.”

Caleb cleared his throat.  “West,
you are a legend and that isn’t going to change when you are gone.  We promise you, no matter what, Layla will be alright.  We will work together to do everything we can to make life ok if you aren’t here.  But you are still here right now.  And I want to spend every second we have left enjoying that.  No more goodbyes.  No more tears.”  Caleb raised his beer and looked around the room at his silent friends.  Tears wet everyone’s cheeks, but he knew it was time to remind them Ryan was still very much alive.  “To Ryan West.  The playboy that turned into a total pussy with one slow dance.”

The friends all laughed as they sipped at their drinks.  Layla’s eyes were full of love for her husband, who pulled her into his arms.  “I love you Mrs. West.  For the rest of my life and then some.”

Chapter 20

Ryan awoke to his doorbell
’s non stop buzzing.  He unwrapped his arms and legs from Layla and rubbed his eyes.  Four AM.  He pulled his t-shirt over his head and headed to the door.  He banged into the wall and cursed.  This had better be an emergency or he was sure he would use every last ounce of energy to beat someone’s ass.

Get dressed.  The newest Moretti is on his way into the world.  I’ll drive.  Get Layla.”  Caleb’s voice was full of joy.  “Did you hear me?”

“Yes.  Lay, wake up baby.  Sophie is in labor.  We’ve got to go.”
He called down the hallway.

Layla launched herself from the bed, grabbing the clothes she had set aside in case this happened in the middle of the night.  “Are you
OK?  Do you want to come with us?”

Coughing, Ryan pulled her into his arms.  “Hell yes, I want to go.
  This changes everything and I’m not going to miss it.” 

They ran
to the driveway and piled into Caleb’s Audi.  The engine roared to life, the dash lit up and they were off.  Music filtered through the car but the words were drowned out by Layla’s constant talking.  She squealed and laughed and cried.  Her sister was having a baby and for the first time that she could remember, Layla longed to be a mother.  She buried the thought as soon as it entered her head.  The future with Ryan would not include children.  And even though he had asked her to move on and live, she knew it would take a miracle to get her to open up her heart again. 

Caleb threw his arm around Ryan as they jogged down the hall to labor and delivery.  Mark and Sophie had asked Ryan and Layla to be in the delivery room and judging by the phone call from Mark on the way to the hospital, it would not be long before baby boy Moretti would be saying hello to his extended family.

Mark had agonized over the decision to leave Molly in the waiting room.  The rules were strict.  Two additional people and no exceptions.  And even the charm of Ryan West hadn’t shaken the nurses.  Molly nodded and smiled understanding that Ryan needed this more than any of them.  Mark had left her with a lump in his throat but a smile on his face over his sister’s selflessness.

Ryan wrapped his arms over the shoulders of Caleb and Layla and his chest burned.  “I am so excited that my chest hurts.” 

They laughed as they reached the nurses’ station.  Ryan and Layla were led into Sophie’s room as Caleb took a seat next to the rest of the Moretti gang.  Today, their group was growing by one.  And there was no doubt in Caleb’s mind that this was the beginning of an amazing adventure. 


Layla’s grin covered her whole face.  She held Ryan’s hand and skipped into the waiting room, meeting the eyes of everyone awaiting the news.  She screamed and jumped up and down.

?”  Molly jumped to her feet. 

We have a baby!”  Ryan yelled and fist bumped Caleb and Kevin.

“Six pounds, 11 ounces, 22 inches long and gorgeous.  He has jet black hair and bright blue eyes and he is wrinkled and mad and the prettiest thing I have ever seen.” Layla laughed and pumped her fist in the air.  In the face of death, there was life.  And she knew this lesson would stay with her long after her goodbye to Ryan.  The world kept spinning and people welcomed miracles every day. Even though she was losing hers, there were so many things she needed to keep living for.

“I take it we have a baby?”  Jena stepped into the waiting room and smiled at the exhausted group of friends that had become a shining light in her life.  “What did they name him?”

Ryan hugged Jena.  “They haven’t told us yet. The doctor says we can all go in to see them in about a half hour.  I guess he will tell us then.” 

Jena took the seat next to Caleb and smiled at him.  “Mr. Allen.” 

“Dr. Turner.”  He laughed and hugged her.  “I’ve been thinking about you a little bit. Done for the night?”

She shook her head.  “
Just starting for the day.”

The waiting room door opened and Mark stepped in smiling
the brightest smile he had ever smiled.  “Would you guys like to come meet my son?” 

The group cheered as they followed Mark into the room.  Sophie
was exhausted but her grin told them there was nothing but joy today.  Mark took his son from her arms and kissed his forehead.  “Guys, Sophie and I would like to introduce you to our son, Mario Ryan Moretti.”  He stepped toward Ryan and placed the baby in his arms. 

Ryan sobbed as he held him tightly.
  “Marco, Jesus man.  That’s the most amazing gift anyone could give me.  Thank you so much.”  Mario wrapped his tiny hand around Ryan’s finger and squeezed.  Ryan was mesmerized by the little miracle.  “I love you so much Mario.  You are going to be the most amazing athlete and the biggest heartbreaker and a genius.  I mean, hell, look at who you’re named after.”  He laughed as Mario yawned and fell back to sleep.  He nuzzled his neck and smelled his clean skin.  He may not be able to give Layla a child, but his legacy would live on through the children Sophie and Mark would have and he couldn’t be more proud.


Layla napped on the couch that afternoon, her body pressed against Ryan.  He stroked her hair and tucked it over her shoulder, kissing her neck.  She sighed as she snuggled closer.  “I love you so much, Lay.”

“I love you too.  You need to be resting honey.  Are you feeling alright?”

“I have never been better.  Everyone is happy, the baby is he
althy, I am lying here with you. There is nothing more I could want.”

She rubbed her hands up and down his arms.  “I wish I could freeze this moment.”  She rolled over and snuggled into his chest.  “Everything about today is good.  Thank you for this minute.  I will never forget it as long as I live.”

“I’m sorry we won’t have a day like Mark and Sophie had today.  I would do anything in the world to give you that.” 

She sat up and looked him in the eyes.  “Don’t ever apologize for this.  I could live a million lives and I would never want anything more than being your wife.

technically, Dr. Lahti didn’t say anything about not being able to enjoy the activities that make a baby.  Want to go try, Mrs. West?”

Layla laughed as she pulled Ryan toward their bedroom.

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