Text Order Bride (6 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Text Order Bride
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all she learned from a short walk. She asked questions about his work as

they got closer to the river. She’d been in a small town her entire life, but it

had been a town and not a farm. She had never known a dairy farmer.

Ranchers, yes, but not dairy farmers.

He talked about the early mornings and late evenings. “I usually hire a

couple of boys full time in the summer to help out with the milking and

some of the field work. Sometimes they stay on through the school year,

but not usually.”

He led her to the edge of the river where the whitewater rafting events took

place. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist,

resting his chin on her shoulder. She leaned back against him and said,

“It’s beautiful. I’m glad you suggested this.”

“I can’t wait to share all the beautiful things about Wisconsin with you. So

many people write us off as just the cheese state, but we’re so much more

than that,” he told her.

“I’m beginning to see that. I wish I would have accepted one of Stephanie’s

invitations to come up here and visit during the summer,” she said.

“Why didn’t you?”

“I always made quilts to sell during the summers. I would make up as

many crafts as I could, and earn some extra money. I would even give

lessons to some of the women in the area,” she told him.

“Did you need the money?” he asked.

“Not at all. I made decent money as a teacher, and my parents left me a

decent amount. I’m not rich by any means, but I’m comfortable and have a

nice savings account,” she paused. “I guess the real reason I never came

is that I didn’t want to see her with Bob and start missing what I was sure

I’d never have.”

“I can understand that,” he told her. “I never really worried about finding

someone until about a year ago. I had a girl that I figured I’d eventually

marry, but mostly I was too busy working. I sure do understand the

loneliness, though. Seeing couples does add to it.”

She thought about what he’d said for a moment, glad that he’d understood.

“So, how many single people do you think we’re making feel lonely by

standing here like this?”

He laughed. “I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I should really show them

what they’re missing.” He moved his hands to her shoulders and turned

her to face him. Lowering his head, he kissed her, his tongue probing

along the seam of her lips until she opened her mouth for him.

Her arms wound around his neck as she kissed him back. Her tongue

tangled with his. He tasted so good. She hadn’t been expecting this kind

of kiss is such a public place, but she was thrilled. She felt tingles up and

down her spine. When he broke the kiss, she stared up at him with her lips

slightly parted. His lips were redder than before, and his breathing was


“Wow,” she whispered. “You’re good at that.”

He laughed. “I’m glad you think so.”

“I’m starting to look at our wedding night with more anticipation than

nervousness,” she confessed.

“We can go back to the hotel right now and get started on that,” he told her

with a grin.

“I’m starting to get hungry,” she said.

“Yeah, me too, but not for food.”

She chuckled softly. “Well, I’m hungry for food. I didn’t eat more than four

or five bites of lunch. I was too nervous.”

“Well, I don’t want you passing out, so I guess I’d better feed you,” he said

with a shake of his head. “There’s a little café not far from the hotel. We’ll

walk back, eat dinner, and then head back up to the room. Will that work

for you?

She glanced at her watch. It was already after five. “That sounds great.”

After they’d ordered their meal, they talked quietly about the future,

laughing as they made up names for the kids they both hoped to have.

Once they were inside, she asked if she could use the bathroom first. She

went in and brushed her teeth and hair and changed into the gown she’d

made for that night. It was white satin with spaghetti straps. It went to her

knees and hugged her curves. It wasn’t see-through, but with the way it

clung to her, it might as well have been.

She stood for a moment with her hand on the doorknob, taking deep

breaths, and trying to get up the courage to go through that door. After the

time they’d spent together, she was sure he wouldn’t hurt her. She knew

that she was very attracted to him, but she was still about to make love with

a man she barely knew. She screwed up her courage and opened the


He had opened the bottle of complimentary champagne while he waited.

He poured them each a glass, and took the lid off the chocolate covered

strawberries that had been part of the honeymoon package. He heard her

come out and turned to offer her some of the champagne. Once he

spotted her, he tried to speak, but no words would come out.

She stood nervously waiting for him to say something. He just gaped at

her. She started to turn back to the bathroom, and he ran across the room

and grabbed her arm to stop her.

“You take my breath away,” he said.

“I thought you didn’t like it,” she whispered as she looked down.

He laughed. “I think I like it too much.”

He took her hand and led her to the table where he’d set the champagne

and strawberries. He picked up a strawberry and fed it to her, watching as

a trail of juice escaped her lips. She lifted her hand to wipe it away, but he

was faster. He leaned down and licked the trail of juice from her chin to her

lips. “Did I miss any?”

She mutely shook her head, startled by his actions.

“Champagne?” he asked her offering a glass.

“No thank you. I don’t want anything clouding my memory of tonight.”

He set the glass down and turned to her. “I can agree with that


He leaned down to kiss her, pulling her body close. She opened her mouth

to his and wound her arms around him. She’d been dying to touch his

shoulders and chest since she’d first seen him in a t-shirt. She stroked him

through the shirt, wishing it weren’t in her way. As if he could read her

thoughts, he pulled away for a moment, and tugged the shirt over his head

throwing it on the floor.

He started to pull her back into his arms, but she put a hand against his

chest. “I’ve been dreaming about touching you since I first saw you at the

airport yesterday,” she whispered. “I want to see you.”

He kicked his shoes off and lay on his back on the bed. “How’s that?” he


“Perfect!” She sat on the bed at his side her hands going to his sparsely

haired chest. The dark hair was soft and springy. Her hands threaded

through it as she explored his muscles with her fingertips. She leaned over

him and kissed him lightly, her hands continuing their exploration.

He lay as still as he could to let her get used to touching him. His body was

screaming at him to grab her and pull her down on top of him, but he let her

have her way. Finally, she leaned down and pressed herself against him,

her hands still kneading the muscles of his shoulders. It was obvious she

wanted to feel herself against him, so Jason sat up and took the control

back from her.

His hands stroked over the satin of her gown, across her back and finally

down to cup her breast. His fingers found her nipple, and he gently rolled it

between his thumb and forefinger, never breaking the kiss.

Amanda moaned softly, loving the feel of his hands on her body. She

wanted them against her bare skin, though. She reached over and pulled

down the strap on her left side, and lowered the gown so that he was

touching her skin. She then repeated the action on the right.

He pulled away from the kiss to watch her as he played with her nipple.

Her breasts were tipped with dark brown nipples. He had thought they

would be a soft pink based on her light coloring. The surprise aroused him

even more. He used his free hand to unfasten his jeans and lower the

zipper. He didn’t try to release himself, just knew that the jeans were

getting way too tight for him to try to keep them fastened.

She stared down at the opening in his jeans with fascination. She’d

actually caused a man to get aroused. That was fascinating in and of itself.

She’d always thought of herself as completely without sex appeal. She had

a hard time believing that this gorgeous man was hard because of her.

She reached down a hand into the opening of his jeans, and immediately

drew back at his groan.

“No that was a good sound, Mandy. Touch me. Please.” He took her

hand and put it back into his jeans.

Her fingers explored the length of him through his boxers. She was

surprised at the thickness and the heat coming from him. She pushed his

boxers down so that she could feel him without the barrier. She moved her

thumb over the tip of his shaft, surprised at the moisture there. She knew

technically how all of this worked, but the fact that it was working like it

should for her, was a surprise.

He pushed her hand away and surged to his feet, pushing his jeans and

boxers off in one swift motion. He took her hand and pulled her to her feet,

divesting her of her night gown. She immediately raised her hands to cover

herself. “No, I want to see you,” he whispered.

She dropped her hands to her sides, standing in front of him, letting her

eyes wander down his body. She felt a burning between her legs where

the moisture was pooled. Taking a step forward, she lifted her lips to his,

her hands starting at his waist and dropping to his butt, caressing the

muscles there.

He pulled back the covers and scooped her off her feet, gently laying her

on the bed, and following her down. He lay to her side, his hands moving

over her breasts and flat stomach. She was so slender, except for her

breasts. They had a fullness that surprised him.

He moved his hand down between her legs, which immediately parted to

admit him. Slowly he stroked her inner thighs, up to her center, stroking

her sensitive nub. “If I do anything you don’t like, just let me know,” he

whispered softly.

She sucked in a breath and let out a quick laugh, “Apparently I like it all.

Who knew?”

He grinned and dropped his face to nuzzle her breast while his fingers

continued to pluck at her nub. Slowly he pressed one finger inside her,

whispering, “I’m glad no one knew. I wouldn’t have wanted all those other

men touching my Amazon goddess.”

She started to move her hips to give him better access. He added another

finger. “That feels so good,” she told him.

He stroked his fingers in and out a few times, making sure she was ready,

and then rolled on top of her. He guided his member to her opening,

watching her eyes the whole while. Slowly he began inching it inside her.

It was tight. He groaned as he sank the first few inches into her. “I’m trying

to go slow, Mandy, but you feel so good.”

“You don’t have to go slow,” she whispered. “Come all the way inside me.

Please, Jason, I want to feel all of you.”

He took her legs and wrapped them around his hips and pushed hard. He

felt her barrier break as he pushed all the way in. “I’m sorry.”

She had expected pain, but it was worse than she’d thought it would be.

She shook her head at him, “It’s not your fault, but can you give me a

second? It hurts.”

“Do I need to pull out?” he asked, praying silently that she wouldn’t make

him do that.

“No, the pain is starting to ease up now,” she told him. He pulled out just

an inch and pushed back in to test her. She wrapped her legs more firmly

around his waist. “Mmmm…that feels good.”

“Thank God,” he whispered softly then began thrusting. He didn’t want to

hurt her, but he couldn’t hold still for another moment. He had to make love

to her.

He moved in and out at a slow steady pace, watching for any signs of pain

on her part. Within seconds she was thrusting with him and starting to pant


Amanda stroked her hands over his back, meeting him thrust for thrust.

She could feel the tension building inside her. When her climax came it

wasn’t slow and steady, it was blinding. She let out a scream of pleasure

which she quickly buried in his shoulder.

As soon as he felt her clenching around him, Jason started thrusting faster

toward his own climax. Just a few more thrusts and he was there. He let

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