The Amish Millers Get Married BOXED SET Books 1-3 (Amish Romance Book Bundle: The Way Home, The Way Forward, The Narrow Way) (Boxed Set: Amish Millers Get Married) (6 page)

BOOK: The Amish Millers Get Married BOXED SET Books 1-3 (Amish Romance Book Bundle: The Way Home, The Way Forward, The Narrow Way) (Boxed Set: Amish Millers Get Married)
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John 20:23.

23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.


Chapter 11

Beth Yoder was waiting for Hannah at the door to the little, white, one-room schoolhouse, her hands firmly planted on her ample hips.

Guten mayrie
, Mrs. Yoder."

"Why on earth did you come in that taxi, girl?" That was Mrs. Yoder's only greeting. "It's not far to walk, even with your crutches; the snow is only light. Surely your
would've let you take the buggy?"

Hannah let out a long breath.
This is going to be a difficult morning
, she thought. Aloud she said, "I've been afraid of buggies since the accident, Mrs. Yoder."
And it
too far to walk on my crutches
, she added silently.

Beth snorted in disbelief. "What? You find buggies

Hannah nodded. "
, I do; I do find them scary."

Beth snorted again. "I had heard that, but could not believe it. Ask
to take away your fear. You should give fear no place." Her voice held a clear reprimand.

Easy for you to say
, Hannah thought, but just stood there, silent, rubbing her cold hands together. The light snow was rapidly turning to sleet.

Beth was still standing in the doorway. "You have not been in a buggy since the accident?"

." Hannah hoped that Beth would soon let her inside the schoolhouse where it was surely warmer than outside, and the little pieces of sleet would not sting her face.

Beth finally moved to let Hannah pass. She shook the snowflakes from her damp hair and hurried inside.

Beth made a sound that sounded like a grunt. "My son, David, could help you overcome your fear. Why don’t you come to dinner tonight and he can call for you? He's very good with young horses that are scared of buggies."

Hannah bit her lip. How on earth could she explain an irrational fear to someone? She fought the urge to say,
I'm not a horse
. "
, Mrs. Yoder, I cannot even get in a buggy. I can’t go near one."

To Hannah's relief, Mrs. Yoder merely turned away in obvious disgust.
I hope that's changed her mind about thinking that I'm a suitable fraa for her son
, Hannah thought with some amusement.

The day went downhill from there, although started pleasantly enough with Mrs. Yoder reading the Bible. The children then sang a hymn and recited
The Lord’s Prayer
. Hannah had expected she would read to everyone or help in such a way, but Mrs. Yoder sharply dismissed her to clean the blackboard. When the blackboard was spotless, after Mrs. Yoder pointed out some tiny spots Hannah had missed, Mrs. Yoder instructed her to bring in firewood.

"I can’t, Mrs. Yoder, not with these crutches."

Mrs. Yoder's face was filled with exasperation. "Why did your
think you would be of help to me then? You're useless!"

Hannah was shocked. She was not usually on the receiving end of such blatant rudeness. "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Yoder," she said in a firm but polite voice, "but I am not useless. It is not my fault that I am on crutches, and I am doing my best." Hannah said each word slowly in an effort to be more polite.

Mrs. Yoder's face softened. "Of course it’s not your fault; it’s that Noah Hostetler's fault. Just sit in that chair over there by the wall, and wait 'til I think of other duties for you." She rubbed her chin. "Actually, you can poke the fire to keep it going and tidy up those McGuffey Readers. You can manage that, can't you?"

Hannah nodded, embarrassed that thirty or so pairs of eyes were upon her and had heard the whole exchange. However, she saw only sympathy in their eyes. Mrs. Yoder's forbidding personality had not endeared her to the children. Their usual teacher, Mary Knepp, was a cheerful and pleasant young woman who adored children.

After what seemed like an age, recess arrived. Hannah looked for somewhere she could take a break in peace, but Beth quickly ushered her over to her seat.

"Come here, we can eat together! I wanted to talk to you about David."

There's a surprise
, Hannah thought, but quickly realized that her thoughts were unkind. "David? What about him?"

"I will be forthright. I wanted you to come for dinner as your
and I would like to see the two of you betrothed. Surely you can see he's a better match for you than

Hannah could not help but notice the malice in Mrs. Yoder's voice when she said Noah's name. In fact, she almost spat the word. "Oh?" Hannah asked earnestly, "Whatever do you mean?"

"Oh, come now, girl. You can't be with a man like that. You know the sort of thing they get up to when they're with those

Hannah's heart fluttered.
Had Noah been with other girls?
She couldn't help but worry.

"I - I don't know. Do you really think Noah is the sort of man to do that?" she stammered.

Mrs. Yoder was all too quick to reply. "Of course he is. You can't think a man that reckless as to cause your accident wouldn't jump at the chance to be with an
girl, surely." Beth leaned in closer. "I don't mean to sound mean-spirited, but I think he might be of a bad sort."

Hannah knew Beth was trying to make Noah seem like a bad person, but she couldn't help but let it upset her.
Is Noah a bad person?
She looked down to her leg and at her crutches. Had Noah been with
girls, or other girls at all? Her stomach twisted into a knot.

Hannah of course realized what was happening: Beth was trying so hard to turn her away from Noah so that she would look favorably upon David - but she was not in love with David, and never would be. Yet the saying, "Wu Schmook iss, iss aa Feier,"
where there's smoke, there's fire
, kept running through her mind, and try as she might, she could not get it to go away.

Hannah longed to ask Mrs. Yoder to clarify. She longed to ask, "Do you actually know that Noah has been seeing a girl?" but she did not want to give her the satisfaction. Also, Mrs. Yoder had implied that Noah was running around with
girls, but had not said so outright.

Suddenly, Hannah had a moment of clarity. What if Noah actually
with another girl? It would be none of Hannah's business. They were not engaged to be married; they were not even dating. Noah was perfectly well within his rights to date another girl. Tears pricked at Hannah's eyes. Why did she care so much?




Luke 6:27-28.

27 “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.


Chapter 12

At the end of the school day, Hannah discovered that Mrs. Yoder assumed that she was, in fact, accompanying her home for dinner, and that Hannah's
was aware of the fact. Hannah groaned inwardly.

Mrs. Yoder expected Hannah to walk with her to her
, which was not far away for someone who was able-bodied, but Hannah found it strenuous on her crutches. The snow and sleet had stopped, which made the journey easier than it otherwise might have been, but Mrs. Yoder waited impatiently for Hannah every few yards.

Once inside the house, Hannah made to help Mrs. Yoder in the kitchen, but she shooed her away. "Go sit on the porch, Hannah; David will be here soon. You two young folks can talk. I'll bring you a hot tea to warm you up."

Could she be any more obvious?
Hannah thought.

Hannah sat alone on the porch, shivering in the late winter air, until Mrs. Yoder returned with a steaming mug of hot tea.

, Mrs. Yoder." Hannah wrapped her cold hands around the mug.

"I hope one day you will call me
." Mrs. Yoder winked at Hannah and then left.

Hannah sat with her mouth open.
Well, I should be grateful that Mrs. Yoder is so surprisingly frank; at least there's no undercurrents of deception
, she thought.
She has me up and married to David already
. Hannah gave an involuntary shudder at the thought.
I’d rather be an old maid than married to David


Hannah looked up to see David standing in front her. She had been too lost in thought to notice his approach. David's younger
, Jessie, hurried past him into the house. Clearly Jessie had been dispatched by Mrs. Yoder to fetch David in from work on the farm.

, David.
, I'm a little cold. Can we go back inside the

A momentary look of annoyance flashed across David's face. Hannah figured that he'd recognized her attempt to avoid being alone with him.

, you will soon warm up with the hot tea - and the
company," he added with what he no doubt thought was a charming smile.

Hannah replied by way of a stiff smile. She didn't wish to be rude or unpleasant to the Yoders, but they were not making it easy. It should be plain to them that she had no interest in David, but neither David nor his
, Beth Yoder, seemed to be taking the hint. How could she hold David at arms' length and remain polite? The only solution she could see was to be dating another
, but the only
she had feelings for was Noah. And Hannah was a very long way from sorting out those feelings.

After an awkward time of stilted conversation, Jessie came to fetch Hannah and David inside for dinner. David put his hand around Hannah's arm to help her to her feet, and it was all she could do not to pull away.

Mr. Yoder arrived moments later. He nodded to Hannah. Hannah knew him as a quiet
who never had much to say, but he seemed kindly enough. Hannah had been to the Yoders many times before, when it was their turn to have church in their
, but never had she been to their
by herself. She felt most uncomfortable.

"Let us pray."

Hannah glanced up at Mr. Yoder and then bowed her head for the silent prayer before dinner. She did her best not to squirm in her chair, which was the hardest chair she had ever encountered, and her hip was aching from having had to walk so far. Even the normally pleasant aroma of chicken pot pie did not help; it merely served to make her feel slightly nauseous.

There was at first no talk during the meal, and Hannah was in two minds about how she felt about that. On the one hand, she was grateful not to have to make conversation, but the other hand, it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop, and Hannah felt as if everyone could hear her chewing loudly. Her nerves were on edge. The clock chimed again, as it did very quarter hour, and Hannah jumped.

Hannah was the last to finish her food and felt all eyes on her. She hurried to eat the last of the mashed potatoes covered with beef gravy on her plate. When Mrs. Yoder and Jessie stood up to clear away the plates, Hannah struggled to her feet to help.

, Hannah, you stay here at the table.
for offering, though; you will make
wife." To Hannah's horror, Mrs. Yoder winked at David when she said that.

They think it’s a done deal
, Hannah thought with considerable dismay.
What am I going to do?
Hannah figured that the one small relief was that the lights in the room were dim so no one could see her horrified expression too well. Hannah's family had propane powered lights whereas the Yoders had kerosene lights, which gave off far less light.

Mrs. Yoder and Jessie soon returned to the table and deposited plates with heaped servings of Cinnamon Chip Bread Pudding. "This is David's favorite," Mrs. Yoder said pointedly, looking at Hannah. "He especially likes the warm vanilla milk topping. One day I will show you how to make it just how David likes it."

Hannah fought the sudden urge to run out the door. She felt an anxiety attack coming on, although those had only previously threatened when she was faced with a buggy or going to the hospital.

To Hannah's surprise, the usually sullen Jessie spoke up. "
, Hannah might not want to marry David. People should marry whoever they like, even if their parents don’t approve."

Mrs. Yoder gasped aloud at her
rudeness, and Mr. Yoder snapped a sharp, "Jessie, apologize!"

." Her voice was meek but not believably so.

Hannah shot Jessie a quick smile, but Jessie merely glowered at her from under her eyelashes.

What was that about?
Hannah wondered.
I thought she was trying to help me, but she must have her own agenda

At least Jessie's outburst seemed to have set everyone to talking.

"How is your leg now, Hannah?" David asked. "Will you be off crutches soon?"

," Hannah said, avoiding looking directly at David. "The
said it's not healing as fast as he'd like, but even so, he said I won't need crutches much longer."

"That Noah Hostetler should be ashamed," Mrs. Yoder spat, but was brought up short by her husband.

! There'll be no such talk here. We must all forgive one another as Christ forgave us." Mr. Yoder's voice was calm but authoritative.

Mrs. Yoder looked as if she were about to say something further, but Jessie butted in first. "It’s not Jacob's fault that Noah caused the accident. You can't help who your
is - oh, no offense, David."

David merely chuckled, but a nasty, red flush traveled up Mrs. Yoder's face.

"There will be no more talk of Jacob Hostetler," she said, glancing sideways at her husband. "And I will speak to you later,

Jessie's face grew even more sullen and she narrowed her eyes.

Hannah watched the exchange with interest.
So that’s what it’s all about
, she thought.
Jessie's sweet on Jacob Hostetler. I wonder if Esther knows? I've thought for a while that Esther feels the same way about Jacob. I hope that Jessie doesn't prove to be a rival for Jacob's affections

Hannah wondered how early she could leave the Yoders'
and remain within the bounds of good manners. After the table was cleared, Hannah cleared her throat. "
so much for having me, Mr. and Mrs. Yoder, but I must be getting home.
needs my help with Esther and Martha."

Mrs. Yoder looked most affronted. "Nonsense, child, your
told me she can manage with your
tonight. She said you needed a well earned rest."

Hannah felt panic-stricken at thought of having to spend any longer in the uncomfortable presence of the Yoders. She suspected that Mrs. Yoder would soon maneuver her into being alone with David again. "
, but I must go."

A calculating look passed across Mrs. Yoder's face. "Okay then. David, go with Hannah to the barn so she can call for a taxi."

Hannah thought for a moment. She could hardly refuse to go with David to the barn. She considered asking if David could go by himself, but clearly, Mrs. Yoder's patience had already worn thin. She simply said, "
, Mrs. Yoder."

David opened the door for Hannah, but she pulled up short when a blast of cold air hit her in the face. "My, it’s cold for this time of year; you would think it was the middle of winter rather the end of winter."

David simply smiled at her and tried to take her arm again.

Hannah sidestepped to avoid him. "
, David,
- I can manage."

Hannah hobbled out to the barn after David, hoping that the taxi would come quickly. Once inside the relative warmth of the barn, David showed her where the phone was, and held up the lamp for her. Hannah made the call and then turned to David. "Let’s get back to the
where it’s warm." She rubbed her hands together to emphasize that she was cold.

David put the lamp on the ground and stood in front of her. "Why the hurry?" The lamplight flickered across the angles of his face making him appear menacing.

A chill ran up Hannah's spine. "I want to go to the
, David,
," she said, in the firmest tone she could muster. She hoped her voice wasn't shaking as much as she was on the inside.

David took a step closer to her. "How about a little kiss before you go?"

Hannah caught her breath. "
, David!"

David moved so close there was barely anything between them. "Oh come on,
, you know you want to kiss me."

"I am not your
and I do
want to kiss you. Now let me pass or I will call for your

Hannah's threat seemed to have no effect on David, as he took Hannah by the shoulders and pulled her to him, his lips reaching for hers.

Hannah told hold of both of her crutches, and as fast as she could, jabbed them down hard on the top of his foot. David released her with a yelp of pain, and she hobbled off to the
as fast as she could. In fact, she reached the
before David did.

Mrs. Yoder met her at the door. "Where's David?"

"He's right behind me." Hannah pushed past Mrs. Yoder and hurried into the
before Mrs. Yoder could tell her to wait with David on the porch for the taxi. As far as Hannah was concerned, that had been the last
alone time
she was ever going to spend with David Yoder.



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