The Best Man (25 page)

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Authors: Carol Hutchens

BOOK: The Best Man
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She had done both.

But she realized none of that mattered, now. What she wanted most in her life was to be accepted, be loved for herself. And the man she wanted desperately to share that love with was pacing her office right now.

She took a deep breath. He wasn’t going to tell her. Luke didn’t care enough about her to share his secrets. She had waited too late! Now, she had one last chance and nothing left to lose.

“I love you, Luke.”

“Kate…don’t,” he lifted both hands, and then dropped them with a gusty sigh. “I don’t know where to start.”

He didn’t want her love? Well, she wanted details, even if he didn’t want her love. He owed her that. At least she could put the past to rest once she knew all the facts.

“What happened to your art collection?”

“Kate, it’s a long story.”

Hope surged through her when she saw the red slashing his cheeks. “I’ve got time.”

“What about that court case? Your client?”

Kate sent him a weak smile. “I’ve learned what’s important, from recent events.”

Luke gave her a smile that warmed her to her toes. “I don’t know how to make you understand.”

“Tell me!” Kate wanted to rush around the desk and kiss the smile on his lips. “What’s this all about, Luke?”

“You, Kate…it’s about you.”

“Me?” she repeated. “What does your art collection have to do with me?”

Luke rubbed an index finger across his lips, and straightened in his chair. “After I came back from Thailand,” his gaze held hers, “you know I went to look for you?”

Kate nodded and tried to keep the impatience out of her voice. “Joel told me. Then later, Laurel added details.” She felt warm all over when she thought of Luke dropping everything to travel to a foreign country to search for her. “That’s one of the first things Joel told me after he got over the shock of seeing me alive.” Lips trembling, she said, “I don’t know how to thank you, Luke.”

His features tensed. “You don’t have to thank me. You were missing. My choices were simple.”

Kate blinked. Times like this, memories of the events surrounding her rescue returned to haunt her. “What happened to your art collection?”

“Joel doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.” He shifted in the chair. “When I saw all the devastation on the island, I had to do something. So, I-uh-sold my art work and donated the money.”

Kate couldn’t breath. Not the panic attack again…she didn’t want Luke to see her like that. Her fingers fumbled with the folders on her desk. She glanced at her watch. “Oh…court, I’ve got to run.”

She was in her car, turning the engine when her next coherent through occurred. What did she do now? She didn’t have a court case. But she couldn’t just sit there and listen to how Luke had shredded his life because she had gone missing, either.

The whole situation made her sick.

She remembered how much Luke valued his art work. Once, when they had taken a break while working late, he’d let it slip that his father had been verbally and emotionally abusive. As a kid, he had found solace in the beautiful things in life, rather than focusing on the negative.

Kate forced air into her lungs and made her body relax. It was so unfair. She had been the cause of Luke giving up something that meant so much to him.

She felt like a user…like her father

Her father took everything her mother had to give, all the love she had for him, and then he left. Kate didn’t want to be the same way. She wanted to treat people better than her father had.

How could she ever repay Luke for his loss? How could she show him how much she appreciated his efforts?

She couldn’t. Anything she did would seem like she was trying to repay him, and she would end up insulting him. All she could do now was keep her distance. Maybe if she wasn’t around, he would forget the sacrifice he had made.


Luke pounded on Kate’s apartment door. She hadn’t returned to the office after she ran out on a supposed court case. He needed to talk to her. The last thing he wanted was to leave her thinking he felt cheated after giving up his collection.

He needed to find a way to tell her he had given the money because his heart and his head had led him to, not because Kate was missing.

Would she believe him? He doubted she would. He didn’t believe it himself.

He had returned from Thailand heart heavy with memory of all the bodies he had seen. He wanted to help. Money seemed the answer. Giving up an art collection that reminded him of an unhappy period in his life seemed the perfect answer.

He could tell her that. She would question his actions. Or, he could tell her the truth. He hadn’t wanted to live with beauty in his life if she wasn’t there to share it with him.

Would she believe the truth?

“Kate, open up. I see your car. I know you’re there.”

The door creaked open. “What are you doing here, Luke?”

“I’m hungry. I thought we could share a pizza.”

“No, thanks, I’m tired. I just want to go to bed.”

“That works for me.” Luke gave the door a nudge.

“I didn’t mean—” Kate’s voice trailed off as she spotted his grin. “Come on in, but I’m serious. It’s been a long week. I want to get to bed early.”

“Volunteering on a building project again tomorrow?” Luke pushed the door closed behind him.

Nodding, Kate plopped down in the corner of the sofa. “How about you?”

Luke dropped to the chair opposite. “Count me in.”

Kate sent him a half-smile. “How long have you been working with Habitat for Humanity?”

“Truth?” Luke’s gaze roamed over her. Kate nodded. “Since I came back home without finding you.”

Kate’s heart clenched. “Don’t blame yourself, Luke. At least you tried. That’s more than Joel did.”

“You hold that against him?” Luke sent her a level glance. He needed to know.

“I searched through piles of bodies for any sign of him for three months. What do you think?”

Luke winced at the raw emotion in her voice. “I know how bad I felt when I couldn’t find you. Not that I wanted to find you in the body count.” He sighed. “I couldn’t believe he came home alone.”

Kate blinked tears from her eyes. “It was so bad. I shouldn’t blame him. I know how shocking it was.” She met his glance and held it for long seconds. “I certainly don’t blame you. You tried. I-I’ll always treasure knowing that, Luke.”

He shrugged. Telling her that his life hadn’t been the same when he learned she was missing didn’t seem like a smart move. Hell, a smart guy wouldn’t have shown up on her doorstep tonight, his heart in his hand. But he was tired of keeping a rein on his emotions.

He had learned what it felt like to lose the person he loved. Now, Kate was back, and he had a second chance. He didn’t want to waste a moment of the future on regrets. “You think having me around will bring back bad memories?”

Kate shook her head. “I go to work every day and face the man who left me for dead after three days.” She smiled to take some of the sting out of her words. “If I can face Joel, I can face you.”

“Maybe I was wrong.” He studied her for long seconds. “Starting over in a new firm might be the best thing for you.”

Kate swallowed to keep from choking on the lump in her throat. He wanted to get rid of her? Wasn’t it obvious? Did she take the hint? Or did she stay and fight for the man she loved? Either way, she couldn’t imagine a future without Luke.

“You want me to go?”

Luke shook his head. “This isn’t about what I want. This is about what’s best for you.” He released a deep sigh. It was time he put his newly gained skill to the test. If he had learned to let go the tight control of his emotions, then he should be able to share his feelings with Kate.

He inhaled deeply. “Are you asking what I want?”

“I’d like to know.”

“I want…” Luke leaned into the space separating them across the coffee table. “I want you to stay.”

Kate sighed. It wasn’t the exact words she had hoped for, but it was a start. “Good, because, that’s what I want, too.”

Luke slipped out of his chair and ended up on his knees in front of her. He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “I want a whole lot more than that, Kate. I want to wake up beside you every morning. I want to hold you in my arms, every night. I want to make babies with you and share our home with kids we love.”

Kate’s heart almost jumped out of her chest. “Oh…Luke—”

“Sh-sh…don’t say anything. Just listen. I was attracted to you from the first, Kate. When Joel interfered, I wanted to squash him like a bug. When he came home without you, I almost clobbered him. I couldn’t imagine life without you.” He shuddered. “When I couldn’t find you…your body, I was torn. I didn’t have to bury you. If you were missing, I still had hope.”

He buried his head in their clasped hands. “I can’t tell you how I felt when I looked up and saw you coming down the aisle of that church.” Moisture filled his eyes. “I thought I was seeing an angel.”

Kate blinked, feeling tears run down her cheeks as she smiled. “I saw the joy on your face, Luke. You were the first to look like happy at seeing me alive.”

“You don’t know how glad—”

“When Joel slipped up and told me that you had gone searching for me…I started to hope I hadn’t lost everything. I made bad choices, Luke. Do you think we get second chances?”

“And thirds and fourths…oh, yeah, I think we get all the chances we’re willing to take a risk on.” He lifted her hands and kissed her knuckles. “I love you, Kate. I have from the day you came to work at the firm.”

Tears poured out her eyes. All that time…wasted. “I love you, Luke. I did from the start. But what I feel for you now is stronger, it’s the giving kind of love.”

“The giving kind of love, I like the way that sounds.” He pulled her close and looked deep into her eyes. “Will you marry me, Kate? Can you risk spending your future with me?”

“Oh, Luke! I can’t image spending a day of my life without you! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She fell into his arms and lifted her lips for his kiss.

With Luke, she had always been her best. With him at her side, she could reach her goals and have the family of her dreams. She sighed as she melted in his arms for more kisses. Luke filled her heart with a joy she had never felt before. She had no doubt their love was strong enough to share with at least half-a-dozen children.

Luke nipped at her lips, making her gasp. Okay, maybe just two kids…they might be too busy with other things to have time for more…”I love you, Luke.”



The End



Dear Reader,



Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed Kate and Luke’s story. The idea was ‘ripped for the headlines’ after the tsunami in Thailand. This is my first try at writing a ‘second chance at love’ book. I read about people listing relatives as dead and leaving three days after the tsunami. I started asking ‘what if’. What if your spouse left you listed as dead? How would a wife feel if her husband left her? What would happen when she returned home?

I hope I touched on all the emotions involved in these situations. I grew to love Kate and Luke over the many rewrites of this book. Drop me a line if you enjoyed the book. You can contact me through my webpage:


You might also enjoy some of my earlier books. Check out my author’s page at


The Substitute Bride

When A Dog Plays Cupid

A Bride For Mr. Right

Flames of Deceit


Thank you for purchasing The Best Man

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