The Blackwell Companion to Sociology (134 page)

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ability grouping 363±5

and religiosity 105

accountability, paradox of international 86±7


acculturation 129, 390±1

and blood pressure (BP) 347


cohorts 376

and annihilation of space by time 4, 8

stratification theory 376

and locality 7

agency 40±1, 68

see also flexible accumulation

and collective action framing 271±2

action, transformation of potentiality into

and collective rights 94

41±2, 277, 280±1



Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) 380

and feminist sociology 424, 435±6

activity theory 376

long-term and free-rider behavior 281

and aging policy in USA 375±88

middle-class 261±2

cumulative disadvantage theory 376

research and theory 433±5

disengagement theory 376


and health 380±3

by immigrant families 128±39

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

of religion 102±3, 112

(IADLs) 380

`àdministered society'' 32

aging populations

adolescence, of immigrant youth 136±9

causes of 377±9

adult literacy rates 62±3

in USA 376±7

and child mortality 170±1

Aid to Families with Dependent Children

advertising, democratic segments for 22, 24

(AFDC) 206

advocacy 288

alcohol, and stress 355±6

coalitions 335±6

Algerian national movement 446

using ethnographic findings for 430±3

allele frequency distributions 223±5

affect, and instrumental action 407,

alloimmunization 219±20


Allotment Act, US (1887) 225

affirmative action 405

American Anthropological Association,

affluence, and environmental values 48, 54

statement on ``race'' 222±3

AFL-CIO 113, 450, 453, 454

American Association for the Advancement of

Africa, legal systems 96

Science 214

African Americans 201, 202, 226

American Civil Liberties Union 226

asset building strategy for poverty

American Revolution 114

reduction 172±4

American Sociological Association 43

poverty 164, 165, 166, 381, 385, 387

Americanization 25, 390±1



anarchy, or order 230±1

boundaries 234, 329

androcentrism 243

Bourdieu, Pierre 41, 242, 243, 248±9, 262±3,

animals, models of stress 358±60

266±7, 455±6, 457, 459±60, 462

anthropology, and sociology of ideas 247

bourgeoisie, new cultural 241

anti-environmentalism 50


anti-nuclear movement 275

institutional identity crisis of public

anti-Vietnam War movement 108

service 25

antigens 219

and the social order 21, 23±4

armed forces, conduct regulation 89

and third person effects 24

Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) 190,

Buddhism 111, 112


built environment 11

asset building, for poverty reduction 171±6

Bund 6

assimilation 18±19, 27±8, 65±6, 390, 399,

bureaucracies 333, 361


environmental-state 56

and cultural resistance 104

business associations 336

new patterns for immigrant families 136±7

business unionism, bureaucratic forms of 454

associational life see civil society

butterfly effect 10

attachment relations 329

`àttitude-objects'' 47

capabilities, equality in the space of 151±2,

attraction, interpersonal 316




experience 23

forms of 307±8

fragmentation of 22

``second contradiction'' of 45

authorial intentions 246

capital accumulation 153±4, 258

authoritarianism 444±5

under credit constraint 156±7, 159

working class 256

capitalism 32±3, 61, 67


countervailing forces to 62±4

challenge to legitimacy of scientific 233

crises of 35, 229

intellectual 248±9

and economic globalization 60±2

automobility 13

and environmental degradation 49

autonomy 441, 443

myths of global 462

and flexible interdependence 68

Parsons and 240

interpretive of media audiences 20

self-interest and risk-taking 58±9

and mastery 38±9, 40±1, 42

and spatiality 4, 7, 8

and participation 82, 85

transformative potentialities of 56

capitalist class 78

banking, centralized in India 175

carbon dioxide emissions 54

behavioral medicine 345±6

care, gendered 115, 382±3, 388


careers, cost of equality in marriage 122

collective and individual 278

CASMIN (Comparative Analysis of Social

measures of religious 110±11

Mobility in Industrial Nations) 305±6

bilingual education 405

castes, religious 174±6, 195

bioethics 215

Catholic schools 367±8

biographical perspectives 35

Catholicism 109

biophysical environment 44±7, 53, 57

Central America, peace movement 101, 108

biotechnology, US 214±16

Central Asia, poverty in 167

birth rate, decline 115

Central Labor Councils, US 450±1

black families, relative income position 180±1

change, possibility for human action to

black people

effect 234±5

change in economic status of 183±6

chaos theory 10, 234

economic inequality in the USA 178±95

charismatics 106

hemolytic reactions in 219

Chartism 257

marginalization of males 187±8, 194

Chicago School 17, 19, 20

poverty in the USA 163±4

Child, Convention on the Rights of the

and racial exclusion 66

(1989) 89, 94

and sickle cell anemia 219±20

child mortality, and adult literacy rates

socioeconomic status (SES) and health 352


black underclass debate 191

child support enforcement 126

blood, phenotypically matched 218±20

childcare, in rural America 204±5

borrowing groups, self-organization of in

childhood, transformation of 114±15

India 175

childrearing 115, 119




as thè`third way'' between state and

in cohabitation relationships 125

market 36, 75

from economic asset to emotional

variants of 76±9, 81±2

investment 114±15

versus the state 76, 78±9

in poverty 61±2, 164, 165±6

civility 83±4, 85

``quantity versus quality'' trade-off 157

civilizations, clash of (Huntington) 101

unsupervised 126


well-being of rural American 197, 203±4

areal measures of 351±2

children of immigrant families

and disease and mortality 348±51

adaptation 128±39

of immigrant families 133

health and risk factors 136±7

languages of 257

identity formation 137±9

local/regional variations 8, 68

psychological experiences of 129±32

class analysis 254, 257±8

school experience 134, 136, 137, 138±9

class coalition 255

Chile 108

class conflict 255, 271

China 111, 159, 169, 438, 445

class consciousness 16

choice 18, 59, 64±5, 68, 70, 75, 441

class dealignment 259

families of 126

class interests 253, 254±5, 266

through codependence 60

class politics 7

Christianity 111, 112

class voting, relative 259


classroom organization 366±7

mitochondrial 216


nuclear 216

ascriptive 271

SNiPs as markers on 217

attitudinal 271

church, versus government 271

behavioral 271

church attendance

ethnic 274

and health 105

Climate Coalition (USA) 52

as a measure of religiosity 110

climate science 52±3

and rational choice theory 102

cloning, mammalian 213


coalitions 335±7, 407, 410

abusive 105

codependence 58±70

black 108

coercion, legitimate 227

cities 4±5, 12±13


concentric ring theory 5

conflation of gender and power 124

ecological approaches to 5

equality in 125±6

feudalism and the emergence of medieval 5

and intimacy 124±6

global 15

and prediction of divorce 125±6

growth of 115

rise in the USA 116, 124±5

and unemployment rates by race 188

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