The Blackwell Companion to Sociology (136 page)

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food insecurity 167, 169

ethnomethodology 254

forensics, and race 233±6

eurocentrism 56, 243

fossil fuels, colonization by the West 44

Europe, human rights system, doctrine of the

foundation funding, ``radical flank effect'' 287

``margin of appreciation'' 95

fractal geometry 234

European Union, common currency 458

fragmentation 22, 437, 441, 449

evangelicals 106

framing 52, 456±7, 460

event history see hazard rate models

collective action 271±2, 277, 278±9

exchange networks 408±11

Frankfurt School 20, 32

negotiated 408±9

free-rider dilemma 80, 281, 438

reciprocal 409

freedom 84, 441

exchange relations, emancipation of 64

and civil society 76±7

exclusion 74, 82

democracy and 80

awareness of 446, 447

or equality 144, 148

and immigrant families 134±5

negative and positive 149, 150

racial 66, 389

Freedom and Tolerance Survey (1987) 107±8

executive, compliance with judiciary 96

French public services strike (1995) 447,

existential basis of thought 238, 239


expectation states theory 411±13

French Revolution 228, 446

expert systems 9

French student movement (1968) 438±9, 441

expression, freedom of 93

friendship, in marriage 122±3

expressiveness 447

fundamentalism 59, 100, 106, 116, 443

future 37, 42, 235

fact±values divide, challenged 234


gay men, communication styles 124

black±white income ratios 186±7

gay rights movement 115

change in structure and patterns of

Gemeinschaft 6

intimacy 126

gender 98, 117, 118

destabilizing effects of migration 129±32

and power 123±4

single parent 126

and race 67

sociology and the 115

roles and dating 115

see also black families; immigrant families

and stratification studies 118, 120, 234

famines 149

gender empowerment measure, UNDP 169

far-from-equilibrium systems 234±5

gene therapy

fascism 255, 442

funding of in utero 214

fathers, single 118

germ-line 213, 214

feedback loops, genetic 218±22

General Social Survey (GSS), US 106, 310

feeling rules 416

general sociological theory 236, 242

feminism 232, 242, 243

genetic database, ethnic purity of

and civil rights movement 288, 289±90

Icelandic 214±16

and media audiences 20

genetic determinism 221±2

feminist sociology, and activism 424, 435±6

genetic engineering, affecting somatic


cells 214

decisions and schooling 157

genetic revolution 213±26

decline in US rates 377±8

genetics, `ìnformed'' opinion on 215

feudalism, and the emergence of the medieval

Geneva Conventions (1949) 89

city 5

genocide 89


convention (1948) 89, 94

importance of intellectual 248±9


organizational 328

anti-communist movement in East 101,

political 260±2


field research, ethics in 426±8

intellectual debates 230±1

film 21±2, 23

gerontology, social 375±88

digital projection in 28

Gesellschaft 6, 16

financial capital 171±2, 307


firms 62, 295±341

immigrant 6, 13



spatial mismatch hypothesis 191

hierarchy 68, 407

Giddens, Anthony 9, 29, 36, 41, 55, 253, 263

substituted by codependence 68±70

global change

values and gender and race 234

`ènvironmental Kuznets curve'' model 54

Hinduism 111

environmental sociology of 51±2

Hispanic Americans, poverty 163±4, 165, 385

and social constructivism 51±4

historical sociology 33

STIRPAT model 54

historicity 442, 444

Global Change Initiative, Economic and Social

history 228, 231

Research Council (UK) 54

ritualization of 453

global warming 51±3

and sociology 246

globalization 1±70

HIV/AIDS crisis 169, 170

communication and media 25±6

holism 230±1

discourse 36, 37, 40

home 11, 15

domination through 98, 447

homelessness 206, 461

and international protection of human rights

homogenization 18±20, 22, 59

in domestic contexts 97±8

homophily 321

and knowledge 62±4, 243

hope, role in societal movements 438, 446±9

myths of neoliberal 462

house, as site for daydreaming 11±12

and persistence of poverty 161±2

household styles, intimacy studies of 126

of politics 257


and societal movements 443±4

black female headed 180±1, 187

see also economic globalization

black in poverty 172±3

good, and true 227±8

female-headed 170, 200, 202

government, versus church 271

income and opportunity costs 157

governmental actors 334±5

and nation-state 20±1

grievance theory, and social movements

rural median income in USA 198

270±2, 281

white earnings in USA 172, 181

group formation, as social

housing, in rural America 205±6

representation 455±7

human capital 171±2

group identity, social psychology of 102

black 183, 185, 190, 192, 194

group interaction, dynamics of 412±13

formation 159±60

group processes 66, 407, 408

resources in rural areas 199±200

groups, boundaries of 94

human development index, UNDP 169


Human Genetic Diversity Project 221

assumptions about the desirability of 44±5

Human Genome Project 216, 221

and environmental degradation 49

human poverty index, UNDP 169

versus equity debate 144, 152±60

human resource management 337

``growth accounting'' 154

human rights 63, 86±99, 443

economic, social and cultural rights as

Habermas, JuÈrgen 17, 20, 79, 84, 441


``habitus'' (Bourdieu) 248±9

implementation of 95±8

happiness 151, 417

infusion of ethos into states 91

Hassles and Uplifts Scale 355

legal approaches 95±7

hazard rate models 309

and national sovereignty 88±91

Headstart 204±5

and non-citizens 88


paradigm 87±91

and aging 380±3

procedural sense 87, 98

and children of immigrant families 136±7

social science approaches 97±8

and poverty in developing countries 169±70

substantive sense 87, 98

religion and 105±6

universality of 91

and social inequality 345±60

humanitarian law 89

health care, in rural America 204

humanitarian organizations 87, 447

Health Care Financing Administration,

humanities 228, 230±3, 234

US 381

hybridization 59

health insurance 380±1

religious 103

health psychology 345±6

hypertension 346±7, 357

hegemony 25, 78, 398

hypothesis formation and testing 244

hematology 218±20

hemolytic reactions, in blacks 219

Iceland, as a potential genetic goldmine

hemophilia 216


hermeneutic approach 230, 238

ideal types (Weber) 231




new groups in the USA 103±5, 395±8

German 248

and occupational skills 395, 402

role in societal movements 438

quota laws 390±1


size, composition and concentration of

knowledge and science 211±49

US 128, 391±5

transparency of 240±1, 245±6

spouse-immigrant flows 397

ideas, sociology of

stresses of 129±32

as an end in itself 243±4

waves of 403

contextualism 245±6

immigration laws, US 395±6

internal/external distinction 238±40, 244±5

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)

localism 246±7

(US) 105, 398±9

macrosocial factors 241

immune system, memory cells for

as a means 237±8

antigens 219

new 236±7, 242±9

impression formation 414

old 237±42



equality of 143±4, 146, 148

and collective action framing 271±2

inequality and mortality 352±5

and conflict in social movements 442

mean per capita in the USA 178: by

control theories of 413±16

race 180

ethno-nationalistic 67

mean ratios by race 183, 186

and locale 64

in retirement 383±5

morally oriented collective 102

returns to skills 190±1

and participation 68, 277, 281

unequal distribution 61, 152±3

politics 22, 403±6, 446

income gap, urban±rural in USA (1980s) 198

shared religious transnational 83, 107, 109,

incorporation, of US immigrants 399, 405


India, poverty in 167, 174±6

transient and fluid 35

indigenous people 69, 98

transnational social movements and

individual 36, 114

collective 293±4

and well-being 343±420

identity formation

individual development accounts (IDAs)

by immigrant families 65, 128±39, 403±6


and sociability 84

individual rights

ideology 229, 242

and civil society 76±7

revolutionary 442±3

universal and citizenship rights 83

and social movements 441, 442±3

individualism 69, 125±6, 325


and collectivism 39

recovery from and religiosity 105

conceptions of 441

and stress 355±60

``new'' 33, 36

imaginary signification, double 38±9, 42

and pluralism 83

immigrant families 128±39

individuality, through creativity and

exclusion and social mirroring 134±5

difference 229

negotiating identities 137±9, 403±6

individualization 36, 37, 40

new patterns of assimilation 136±7

exchange-oriented 37

potential for miscommunication 131,

of politics 261


induction 228, 231

sending and receiving contexts 132±4

industrial ecology 55

see also children of immigrant families

industrial location, theory of 4

immigrant rights 430, 443

industrial revolution 31

immigrant women

industrial society 31, 49

labor rights 430

`àdvanced'' 32

and paid domestic work 423±36

and intimacy 114


Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

documented or undocumented 134

(``Wobblies'') 453±4

religious affiliation 103±5

industrialism, thè`logic'' of 33


industrialization 4, 35, 55, 115, 306

causes and contexts of contemporary

industrialized nations

US 395±8

costs of globalization to 61

and ethnicity 389±406

education and status attainment in 304

and family reunification 395, 398

and transition from school to work 371±2

geopolitical factors 397

inequality 143±60

high rates of 63

global and migration pressures 396



and incentive argument 154±5, 156

international community

and nation-state 257

conditions of membership of 92

reproduction of 325, 439

and violations of human rights 87

and socio-political instability 157±8

International Covenants (1966) 89

and violence 163

International Labor Organization (ILO) 89

see also economic inequality; social

international law 88±90


international non-governmental organizations

infant mortality rates 377

(INGOs), religious 112

influence 19, 333

international order 64, 88


and state sovereignty 90±1

access to 62±3

international relations, and human rights

exchange 333±5

paradigm 89

packaging 28

International Social Justice Project 310

transmission 329

International Social Mobility and Politics

inheritance, capital via 180

File 310±11

injustice 271±2

International Social Survey Program

inner cities

(ISSP) 310

black underclass debate 13, 191

International Socioeconomic Index (ISEI), of

and unemployment 166

occupations 301

innovations, diffusion of 315

International Sociological Association (ISA)

institutionalism, new 256±7, 258

intergenerational occupational mobility

institutionalization (1950s) 35

studies 299


Madrid Congress (1994) 43

civil-state and civic virtues 82

International Standard Classification of

``creolization'' of 63

Occupations (ILO) 302

differentiated 32, 36, 37±8

International Survey of Economic

justness of 149±51

Attitudes 310

stability of 35, 40, 233

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