The Blackwell Companion to Sociology (139 page)

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versus humanities 228, 230±3

and revolution 253

scientific knowledge 33, 233, 242, 243±5

social class see class

scientific method 230, 233

social constructivism, and global change

scientific revolutions 31, 213, 240

51±4, 57

Scottish Enlightenment 77

social democracy 439, 440

sects 443

social exchange theory 315, 408±11

secularity, crisis of 100, 232±5

``social facts'' 44, 45

secularization 100±2, 227

social history 257


social imagination 452, 461

emergence of 114, 116

social inequality

immigrant children's sense of 137±9

modules 310

pluralistic relation to society 68

stress and health 345±60

and religion 106, 109

social interaction, meaning and emotion

sense of 33, 37, 407

in 413±17

self-determination 59

social interests, and political mobilization 253

right of nations to and human rights

social justice 17, 99

paradigm 89±91

and religion 108±9

self-employment, racial differences in 180

social mirroring, and immigrant families

self-help books 123

134±5, 138±9


social mobility 298±9

and justice 149±51

and educational attainment 304

and risk-taking 58

intergenerational 302±6

self-organizing systems 234

and status attainment 302±6

self-presentation, management of 416

social movement organizations (SMOs), and

serology, and racial groups 220

`ìssue entrepreneurs'' 283, 292

service sector 33, 61

``social movement society'' 283, 286, 289, 293

politicization of 7

social movements 33, 81, 268±81, 282±94

and rural areas 198, 200

culture of 292±3


defined 269±70

expectations of 116

and democracy 442±4

premarital 115±16

the distinctiveness of 438±40, 448

sexual relations, power and friendship 122

emergence of 270±6

sexual revolution 115

framing processes within 52, 271±2, 277,

sexuality, female 115, 232


sickle cell anemia, transfusion therapy

grievance theory 270±2, 281

for 219±20

identity formation and meaning

similarity, interpersonal 316

construction 281

``single gene disorders'' 217

institutionalization 286±9

``single nucleotide polymorphisms'' see SNiPs

mobilization theories 278±81

situatedness of historical texts 246

motivation theories 276±81



nationalization of 286, 291

sociograms 319

in a non-democratic situation 444±6

sociological imagination, and concept of civil

organization in a global world 293±4

society 73±6

and political opportunity theory 274±5,



and history 246

and political sociology 253, 263±6

history of discipline 32±5, 246±7, 254

politics and organization 289±92

and human rights issues 97

resource mobilization theory 272±4, 281,

mainstream 44, 45, 51, 53

282, 283±6

and modernity 30±2

role of emotions in 285

``theory groups'' in American 240±1

role in human rights issues 97±8

see also feminist sociology

and the Subject 437±49

solidarity 59, 82, 448, 459, 463

transnational 293±4

decline of 74

urban 7

and diversity 82±4

see also new social movements

mechanical and organic 4

social networks 314±26

mythic 452, 453, 455±6

and collective action 280±1

post-national 59

social order

and selfishness 77

and broadcasting 21

Somalia 94

and political probleÂmatique 39

somatic nuclear cell transfer 213±14

social psychology 407±20

sophism 241

and participation in social movements 269

South Africa 179, 276, 305, 438

social rights 441

anti-apartheid movement 101, 108

social sciences

Soviet Union, former 167, 444±5

as a discipline 231±2


restructuring 229±32

annihilation by time 4, 8

social security, and the elderly 385±6

and the classics 4±6

Social Security Act, US (1935) 385, 386±7

collective experiences of 11

Social Security Amendment Act, US

comparisons of 275±6

(1985) 382

Durkheim's social theory of 4

social spatialization 11

in human rights 87, 97±8

social stratification see stratification

representations of 11

social structure 314

sociology of 3±15

morphology of 318±19

spatial differentiation 7±8

and personal experience 118

spatial forms, Simmel's 5

and personal networks 325

spatial practices 11

and personality 407, 408

specialization 4, 237

positions and emotional experience

flexible 33


spirituality 102±3, 453

rational action within 408±13

spokesperson, invocation 455±6

social support 321

Staatswissenschaften 230±1

for immigrant families 133

standard human subjects protocol 428

social theory 40±1

standard of living

communication and 16±18

measures 163, 169

Marxist 32

right to an adequate 93

social vacancies 316

standardization 20, 35

socialism 33, 37, 229, 230


sociality, and scientific process 244

discretion in application of human rights


system 95

and close ties 321

institutional channeling of social

and collective action 278

movements 287

emotional 420

limitations on sovereignty 90±1

gender 118

resistance to the 78±9

schools and 365

role in civil society 80±1

societal movements see social movements

sociology of 253

Socioeconomic Index (SEI), of

strength 275

occupations 300±1

universalization of European models of

socioeconomic status (SES) 297, 300±1


health and 348±52

state intervention

of parents 303±4, 306

and inequality 152

of US immigrants 399±403

in the media 25



state theory, systems-based 257±8

subversion, of refusing to have an opinion 267

state±society synergy theory 56

Survey of Income and Program Participation

statecraft 254

(SIPP), USA 179±80


surveys 320, 407

declining significance of 64

in religion 110±11

identity and power 417±19

symbolic capital 459±60

intergenerational reproduction 298±9

symbolic interactionism 17, 407, 408, 413±17

and network size 322

structural 413±14, 420

as a relational concept 411±13

syncretism, religious 102±3

see also socioeconomic status

system, and lifeworld 20±1

status attainment 298±9

systemic transition, secular crisis and 232±5

and school socialization 365

and social mobility 302±6

technological change

status value theory 413, 417

and globalization 161

stem cells, and genetic disorders 214

growth and 154

``stereotype anxiety'' 308

and racial gap in youth employment 192

STIRPAT (STochastic Impacts by Regression on


Population, Affluence and

audience sociology 19±20, 22

Technology) 54

content control 23, 24

strategic alliances 330±3, 338±9, 341

proliferation of channels 22, 23±4, 25

stratification 234, 295±341

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

analysis 298, 310

(TANF) 206

cross-national comparison 310±11

test scores, as proxies for race 192±3

methodological developments in

Thatcherism 258, 263

research 309±12

theocratic society 443

and mobility in occupations 297±313

theological indicators 109

and occupational attainment 368±73

theology 227

statistical techniques 309

modification of traditional concepts 103


and philosophy 248

animal models of 358±60

of universal salvation 112

health and social inequality 345±60

therapy, sexual and marital 116

and illness 355±60

third party (Simmel) 315, 316

management skill 358

``third way'' 36, 75

physiological effects 356

``thought signs'' 238±9

and religious meaning systems 105

threshold effect 159

stressors 355±6, 358

Tiananmen uprising 438

structural action theory 327±8


structural approaches 316±26

comparisons of 275±6

actor-centered approaches 316, 320±6

irreversibility of 10, 234

whole network approaches 316±20

time±space compression (Harvey) 8

structural equation modeling 106, 302±3, 309

time±space distanciation (Giddens) 9

structural equivalence 318

times series, and test scores 192

structural functionalism, Parsonian 36, 254

tokens, symbolic 9

structural hole theory (Burt) 323, 339

tolerance 68±9, 107±8

structuralism 248, 257±8

torture 89, 93

student outcomes

total quality management (TQM) 337

effects of school climate on 367±8

totalitarianism, new 442±4

peer group influences on 365±6

tourism 13, 15

sub-Saharan Africa, poverty in 167, 170

towns and cities see cities


tracking 363

adolescent 367

tradition 39, 230

formation 107

transaction costs 331, 332

structural approaches to deviant 102



of national politics 65

construction of the 441

religious 102±3, 111±13

``fragmented'' 437, 441, 449

social 30, 42

liberty of the 448

transition from school to work 368±73

and societal movements 437±49

cross-national comparison 371±3

will to become a 437, 438

in USA 369±71

subsystems, organizational 329

translatability 34

suburban areas 6

translation, and missionaries 113



transport, and communications 9, 18±19

value-neutrality 230

travel 14±15

values 254

treaties, international law of 88±90

and equality 145±52

true, and good 227±8

plurality of 145

trust 74, 80, 82, 329, 331, 341, 418

shared 74, 79

Tuskegee syphilis experiment 215, 221

video on demand 24±5



and inequality 163

national law and incorporation of

in protests 290, 442, 455

international treaties 90

vocational education 369, 372

politics 258±9

voluntary associations 32, 78, 80, 324

social movements 264±5

religious 112±13

uncertainty, and global warming 52±3

and social capital 261±2


voting 258, 259±61

human development indices 167, 169

unemployment 166, 457, 461

war crimes 89


wave/particle effect 10±11

statement on race 222

wealth 62, 68, 148

unions, labor 61, 264±5, 333, 335, 336,

and power 297±8


racial differentials 173, 179±80, 193±4

United Nations (UN)


Charter (1945) 88

and culture of poverty paradigm 165±6

`èxtreme poverty'' construct 162±3

and income poverty 171

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

welfare state, and nation 39

(1948) 88±9, 91, 93, 97

welfarism 146±7, 148±9, 257

universalism 228±9, 231±3


and relativity in human rights 91±5, 98

individuals and 343±420

versus particularism 63±4, 77

relational aspects of group 60

universities 248

and religiosity 105

Urban Institute 189

Western Europe

urban personality 5

civil society 79

urban sociology 5±6, 7

and the USA 39

urban±rural differences see rural/urban

Westernization 40


whiteness 66±7

urbanization 35, 306

and economic inequality in the USA 178±9


whole network approaches 316±20, 330

aging and aging policy in 375±88

boundaries problem 317

DNA testing 225±6

degrees of centrality 319±20

global hegemony 25, 398

problem of responsible portraiture 319

and human rights treaties 90, 94

small groups in 317±19

immigrant women and paid domestic

wholeness, and plurality in civil society 73±85

work 423±36

``Wobblies'' see Industrial Workers of the

immigration and ethnicity 66, 389±406

World (IWW)

labor movement myth 450±63

womanhood, romanticization of 115

poverty in 163±7


racial economic inequality 178±95, 390

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