The Blackwell Companion to Sociology (135 page)

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Cold War 37, 395, 397


collective action 268±81, 334, 455

and human rights 88

degree of violence 442

and immigration 396, 405

and thè`labor metaphysic'' 453

and sociability 77, 85

motivation to participate in 276±7, 279±80

citizenship rights 83, 255, 261

and societal movements 438±40

civil liberties, constitutional protection of

strategies for 280±1


types of 437

civil rights 86, 430

see also activism; social movements

legislation 183, 190

collective conscience (Durkheim) 16, 254

negative 95

collective responsibility, ethics of 438

civil rights movement 108, 273

collective rights 94

and feminism 288, 289±90

collectivism, and individualism 39

civil servants, Whitehall I and II studies 349,

collectivity, procedural and substantive


interpretations of 39

civil society 73±85

colonialism 66, 67, 92, 95±6, 97±8, 396

associations in 76±7


and codependence 58

gendered 123±4

and liberation of the individual 78

interorganizational networks 331, 335

normative approach to 74, 85

marital 123±4

open spaces 109

national frame 20±2

and social movements 293

persuasive 272, 278

and sociological imagination 73±6

problems for immigrant families 131, 133



Ross's definition 17

and competition 338±40, 366±7

standardization and localization 18±20

institutionalization of 69, 70

and transportation 9, 18±19

coping strategies 417


religious 105

and media 16±29

core, and periphery 68, 318±19

switch 28±9


Communications Decency Act,

abusive practices 65

Telecommunications Act (US 1996) 24

alliances of small producers against 65

communism 4, 80, 255, 397, 443, 444±5

and new employment contracts 337

communitarianism 36, 82, 441, 446

strategic alliances 330±3, 338±9, 341

community 6, 67, 253±4

corporatism 77

empowerment 62±3

cosmopolitan democracy 64

imagined 14

couples, dual career 120

politics and class 255

creativity 234, 235

compensation schemes, incentive-based 337

crime rates, US 166


crimes against humanity 89

or cooperation 338±40, 366±7

critical race theory 66

and psychosocial stress 355

critical theory 20, 32

complexity theory 10, 75, 233±5, 234

crowd psychology 18

computers 27±8

cults 443

and SNiPs 217±18, 226

cultural capital 171±2, 262, 263, 266, 307

conditions of possibility 41±2

family 301


wives as 121±3

cultural 440

cultural change, and religion 112

intergroup 102

cultural conditioning 94, 147

political 448±9

cultural differences 64

styles and marital longevity 124

and social dislocation 138

conformity pressures 316, 317

cultural imperialism 25

conscience 438, 442

cultural studies 232, 233

consciousness-raising 272

and media audiences 20

consensus 36, 83, 95

``cultural turn'', social constructivism and

and collective action 271, 278

global change 49, 51±4

consent 91

cultural values 91±5, 440

consequentialism 147, 149±50


conservatism 229±30, 238

human rights as the product of 91±5

theological 106

sociology of 236, 242

Conservative Party 259, 260

culture industry 20, 26

conservative Protestantism in the USA 106±7,

cultures, scientific and humanist 227±9,

107±8, 110


constitutional rights 86, 90

constructionism 51±4

data resources, on the World Wide Web

consumer groups 65



dating culture 115

access to 35, 459

daycare, need for 126

behaviors 33, 47

debate 77, 227±9, 291, 443

collective and towns and cities 7


postmodern 13

monopoly of collective 227

and production 27

styles with powerful symbolic

contextualism 234, 242, 245±6

connotations 292

contingency 234, 235

deCODE 215


decolonization 30, 390

and stress 357

deconstruction 233

theories of identity 413±16

deduction 228

convergencè`deference entitlements'' 297

digital 27±8

dehumanization 447

or diversity 37±40

deindustrialization 13

conversation, gendered interactional

impact on rural areas 200

styles 123±4

democracy 229, 230

conversational analysis 29

and autonomy 38, 85

conversion 280±1

and choice 18

cooperation 65, 77

as a condition for development 444±5



democracy (cont)

social patterning of 346±55

and freedom 80

``disease genes'' 215, 217±18

and group rights 69

disembedding mechanisms 9

Italian 80


pluralistic conception of 40, 82±3

of education, occupation and income

prerequisites of 80


and societal movements 442±4

of income and fiscal policy 155±6

see also cosmopolitan democracy;

inequalities of 60, 61

representative democracy

of ``social primary goods'' (Rawls) 150±1

democratic leveling (Tocqueville) 18

unequal of income 144±5, 148

democratic revolution 31, 255


democratization 74

affirmation of 66

discursive ethic in 84

or convergence 37±40

and religion 108±9

cultural 67, 70, 95

state and civil society 80, 82

and identities 65±6

demodernization 447

and the public sphere 68±70


and social groupings, SNiPs 218

factors in disease and mortality 346±7

and solidarity 74, 82±4

transformation of the USA via

division of labor 4

immigration 391±5

core±periphery 227

US 376±80

domestic 119±21, 122±3

demonstrations, participants in 455

new international 8

denominations 109±10

and stratification 298

dependency ratios 378±9


child 379

prediction and analysis of conflict

elderly 379

styles 124

depoliticization 237±8

prediction and cohabitation 125±6

deprivation, levels of and crime and

rates 116, 120±1, 126

mortality 354


determinism 41, 228, 233

and allele frequency distributions 223±5

developed countries, and human rights 92±3

databanks 225±6

developing countries

sequence 216±17

human rights dilemma 92

testing 224±5

inequalities in 61

domain 242, 333

poverty in 167±71

domestic work

development 31, 32, 56

power and class 119±21

and societal movements 444±5

see also paid domestic work

devolution 65

dominant culture, ethos of hostility to

Dewey, John 17

immigrants 134±5

Diagnostic Related Groupings (DRGs) 382

dominant groups 67

dialectical methods 248

dominant social paradigm (DSP) 49±50

dialogue, distortion and difficulty of 29

domination 333, 448

diasporas 14±15

race as rationale for 222

dictatorships, religion and overthrow of 108

dropouts, high-school in cohabitation 125

difference, hierarchies of 232±3

dualism, Cartesian 228, 233

digital texts, editing within the frame 27

Durkheim, Emile 4, 16, 68, 74, 237, 254,

digitalization 22, 27±8


disciplinary boundaries, organizational

dyadic exchange, power in 117±18

rethinking 234

dynamical-systems research 233±4


Conventions for the Elimination of All Forms

e-mail 29

of: on grounds of gender (1979) 89; on

earnings, returns to skills by color 181±2

grounds of race (1965) 89


freedom from 86

black±white convergence dispute 182±90

and immigrant families 133±5

racial in USA 190±2

organizational 173

East Asian miracle economies 155, 159

positive 147

Eastern Europe 78, 167, 276

racial 189±90, 194±5, 201

social stratification study 310


ecological modernization 54±7

biological model of 345

ecological movements 49

biopsychological model (Engel) 345

ecology 49±50, 51, 234



economic behavior, and interorganizational

and economic security 383±8

networks 330±3

and poverty 164±5, 381, 383

economic capital 262, 263, 266

and religiosity 105

economic globalization 33, 60±2, 70

elites 253, 320

economic inequality 141±210

appropriation of collective voice 94

and egalitarianism 59, 70

political and social classes 255

global 60±2

transnational capitalist 62

racial in USA 178±95: causes and

embedded autonomy theory 56

trends 179±90

embourgeoisement thesis 459

social costs of 354

emotion, in social interaction 413±17

economic interests 238, 257

emotion management 420

economic model, postwar 33

emotion work 416

economic policy, deficit reduction 447, 458

emotional experience, and social structural

economic resources, and race 67

positions 416±17

economic restructuring, and poverty 166

empathy 69

economic security


the elderly and 383±8

new contracts 337±40

social cohesion and collective 354±5

schooling and 368±73


empowerment, and poverty 171±7

``historical school'' 231

engagement 69, 84, 129

neoclassical 231

Enlightenment 114, 229


`ènterprise culture'' 36

global 161


government regulation of the 33

as a human right 93

market-led 40

theory of 147±8

`ècoregulatory practices'' 46

entrepreneurs, cultural 59



and children of immigrant families 137

attitudes and orientations 47±8

differences achieved rather than

cultural sociology of 51±2

ascribed 312

defining the 46

in fight against poverty in developing

environmental degradation 44, 46, 49, 55

countries 170±1

environmental improvement 46, 55

immigrant attitudes to 138±9

environmental management, strategic 55

and missionaries 113

environmental movements 46, 48±51, 56, 108

and occupational allocation 304

environmental protection legislation 47±8

odds of continuing from one level to the

environmental sociology 43±57

next 308±9

environmental movements and

in rural America 204±5, 209±10

environmentalism 48±51

sociology of, research traditions 361±74

of global change 51±2

UNESCO view 63

materialist core 44±7

World Bank view 63

environmental state, role of the 56

see also bilingual education

environmentalism 48±51, 57

educational achievement

radical 55, 56

inequality in 160

Third World 50±1

private versus public school 367±8

epidemiology, descriptive 346

educational attainment

epistemic certainty 32, 36

and forms of capital 306±9

epistemology 231

and race 67

critique of 34

and social mobility 304

nomothetic and idiographic 230

of US immigrants 403

equality 143±4

educational opportunity

and intimacy 116

equality of 362

object of 145±52

quality of 308±9

as promoting growth 155±8


equilibrium 233

and cross-country data 158±9

equity, growth versus debate 144, 152±60

and economic inequalities 59, 70

equity joint ventures 332

ego-network dynamics 339±40

equity-based contracts 331

egocentrism 329±30, 338, 339

eroticism 122

El Salvador 100, 108

ethical and social concerns, with genetic


databases 215

costs of long-term care 382±3

ethnic conflict, and poverty 169



ethnicity 98

downsizing 62

and immigration 389±406

fiscal policy, and distribution of income

and place 13


and theories of difference 232±3

flexibility 36, 37

ethno-nationalisms 67

flexible accumulation 8

ethnographic research 247, 416, 425±36

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