The Collected Shorter Plays (21 page)

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Authors: Samuel Beckett

BOOK: The Collected Shorter Plays
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Suggestion for room.

This obviously cannot be O’s room. It may be supposed it is his mother’s room, which he has not visited for many years and is now to occupy momentarily, to look after the pets, until she comes out of hospital. This has no bearing on the film and need not be elucidated.

10. At close of film face E and face O can only be distinguished (1) by different expressions (2) by fact of O looking up and E down and (3) by difference of ground (for O headrest of chair, for E wall). Hence insistence on headrest and tattered wall.

11. Foolish suggestion for eviction of cat and dog. Also see Note 6.

12. Chair from front during photo sequence.

13. Description of photographs.

1. Male infant. 6 months. His mother holds him in her arms. Infant smiles front. Mother’s big hands. Her severe eyes devouring him. Her big old-fashioned beflowered hat.

2. The same. 4 years. On a veranda, dressed in loose nightshirt, kneeling on a cushion, attitude of prayer, hands clasped, head bowed, eyes closed. Half profile. Mother on chair beside him, big hands on knees, head bowed towards him, severe eyes, similar hat to 1.

3. The same. 15 years. Bareheaded. School blazer. Smiling. Teaching a dog to beg. Dog on its hind legs looking up at him.

4. The same. 20 years. Graduation day. Academic gown. Mortar-board under arm. On a platform, receiving scroll from Rector. Smiling. Section of public watching.

5. The same. 21 years. Bareheaded. Smiling. Small moustache. Arm round fiancée. A young man takes a snap of them.

6. The same. 25 years. Newly enlisted. Bareheaded. Uniform. Bigger moustache. Smiling. Holding a little girl in his arms. She looks into his face, exploring it with finger.

7. The same. 30 years. Looking over 40. Wearing hat and overcoat. Patch over left eye. Cleanshaven. Grim expression. 14. Profit by rocking-chair to emotionalize inspection, e.g. gentle steady rock for 1 to 4, rock stilled (foot to ground) after two seconds of 5, rock resumed between 5 and 6, rock stilled after two seconds of 6, rock resumed after 6 and for 7 as for 1–4.


An adaptation

Background of street noises, in the foreground a barrel-organ playing an old tune. 20 seconds. The mechanism jams. Thumps on the box to set it off again. No result


old man’s cracked voice, frequent pauses for breath even in the middle of a word, speech indistinct for want of front teeth, whistling sibilants
] There we go, bust again. [
Sound of lid raised. Scraping inside box
.] Cursed bloody music! [
Scraping. Creaking of handle. Thumps on box. The mechanism starts off again
.] Ah about time! [
Tune resumes. 10 seconds. Sound of faltering steps approaching


old man’s cracked voice, stumbling speech, pauses in the middle of sentences, whistling sibilants due to ill-fitting denture
] Well, if it isn’t—[
the tune stops
]—Gorman my old friend Gorman, do you recognize me Cream father of the judge, Cream you remember Cream.


Mr. Cream! Well, I’ll be! Mr. Cream! [
.] Sit you down, sit you down, here, there. [
.] Great weather for the time of day Mr. Cream, eh.


My old friend Gorman, it’s a sight to see you again after all these years, all these years.


Yes indeed, Mr. Cream, yes indeed, that’s the way it is. [
.] And you, tell me.


I was living with my daughter and she died, then I came here to live with the other.


Miss Miss what?


Bertha. You know she got married, yes, Moody the nurseryman, two children.


Grand match, Mr. Cream, grand match, more power to you. But tell me then the poor soul she was taken then was she.


Malignant, tried everything, lingered three years, that’s how it goes, the young pop off and the old hang on.


Ah dear oh dear Mr. Cream, dear oh dear.


And you your wife?


Still in it, still in it, but for how long.


Poor Daisy yes.


Had she children?


Three, three children, Johnny, the eldest, then Ronnie, then a baby girl, Queenie, my favourite, Queenie, a baby girl.


Darling name.


She’s so quick for her years you wouldn’t believe it, do you know what she came out with to me the other day ah only the other day poor Daisy.


And your son-in-law?




Ah dear oh dear, Mr. Cream, dear oh dear. [
.] Ah yes children that’s the way it is. [
Roar of motor engine
.] They’d tear you to flitters with their flaming machines.


Shocking crossing, sudden death.


As soon as look at you, tear you to flitters.


Ah in our time Gorman this was the outskirts, you remember, peace and quiet.


Do I remember, fields it was, fields, bluebells, over there, on the bank, bluebells. When you think. . . . [
Suddenly complete silence. 10 seconds. The tune resumes, falters, stops. Silence. The street noises resume
.] Ah the horses, the carriages, and the
barouches, ah the barouches, all that’s the dim distant past, Mr. Cream.


And the broughams, remember the broughams, there was style for you, the broughams.


The first car I remember I saw it here, here, on the corner, a Pic-Pic she was.


Not a Pic-Pic, Gorman, not a Pic-Pic, a Dee Dyan Button.


A Pic-Pic, a Pic-Pic, don’t I remember it well, just as I was coming out of Swan’s the bookseller’s beyond there on the corner, Swan’s the bookseller’s that was, just as I was coming out with a rise of fourpence ah there wasn’t much money in it in those days.


A Dee Dyan, a Dee Dyan.


You had to work for your living in those days, it wasn’t at six you knocked off, nor at seven neither, eight it was, eight o’clock, yes by God. [
.] Where was I? [
.] Ah yes eight o’clock as I was coming out of Swan’s there was the crowd gathered and the car wheeling round the bend.


A Dee Dyan Gorman, a Dee Dyan, I can remember the man himself from Wougham he was the vintner what’s this his name was.


Bush, Seymour Bush.


Bush that’s the man.


One way or t’other, Mr. Cream, one way or t’other no matter it wasn’t the likes of nowadays, their flaming machines they’d tear you to shreds.


My dear Gorman do you know what it is I’m going to tell you, all this speed do you know what it is has the whole place ruinated, no living with it any more, the whole place ruinated, even the weather. [
Roar of engine
.] Ah when you think of the springs in our time remember the springs we had, the heat there was in them, and the summers remember the summers would destroy you with the heat.


Do I remember, there was one year back there seems like yesterday must have been round 95 when we were still out at Cruddy, didn’t we water the roof of the house every evening with the rubber jet to have a bit of cool in the night, yes summer 95.


That would surprise me Gorman, remember in those days the rubber hose was a great luxury a great luxury, wasn’t till after the war the rubber hose.


You may be right.


No may be about it. I tell you the first we ever had round here was in Drummond’s place, old Da Drummond, that was after the war 1920 maybe, still very exorbitant it was at the time, don’t you remember watering out of the can you must with that bit of garden you had didn’t you, wasn’t it your father owned that patch out on the Marston Road.


The Sheen Road Mr. Cream but true for you the watering you’re right there, me and me hose how are you when we had no running water at the time or had we.


The Sheen Road, that’s the one out beyond Shackleton’s sawpit.


We didn’t get it in till 1925 now it comes back to me the wash-hand basin and jug.
Roar of engine


The Sheen Road you saw what they’ve done to that I was out on it yesterday with the son-in-law, you saw what they’ve done our little gardens and the grand sloe hedges.


Yes all those gazebos springing up like thistles there’s trash for you if you like, collapse if you look at them am I right.


Collapse is the word, when you think of the good stone made the cathedrals nothing to come up to it.


And on top of all no foundations, no cellars, no nothing, how are you going to live without cellars I ask you, on piles if you don’t mind, piles, like in the lake age, there’s progress for you.


Ah Gorman you haven’t changed a hair, just the same old wag he always was. Getting on for seventy-five is it?


Seventy-three, seventy-three, soon due for the knock.


Now Gorman none of that, none of that, and me turning seventy-six, you’re a young man Gorman.


Ah Mr. Cream, always a great one for a crack.


Here Gorman while we’re at it have a fag, here. [
.] The daughter must have whipped them again, doesn’t want me to be smoking, mind her own damn business. [
.] Ah I have them, here, have one.


I wouldn’t leave you short.


Short for God’s sake, here, have one.


They’re packed so tight they won’t come out.


Take hold of the packet. [
.] Ah what ails me all bloody thumbs. Can you pick it up.


Here we are. [
.] Ah yes a nice puff now and again but it’s not what it was their gaspers now not worth a fiddler’s, remember in the forces the shag remember the black shag that was tobacco for you.


Ah the black shag my dear Gorman the black shag, fit for royalty the black shag fit for royalty. [
.] Have you a light on you.


Well then I haven’t, the wife doesn’t like me to be smoking.


Must have whipped my lighter too the bitch, my old tinder jizzer.


Well no matter I’ll keep it and have a draw later on.


The bitch sure as a gun she must have whipped it too that’s going beyond the beyonds, beyond the beyonds, nothing you can call your own. [
.] Perhaps we might ask this gentleman. [
Footsteps approach
.] Beg your pardon Sir trouble you for a light.
Footsteps recede


Ah the young nowadays Mr. Cream very wrapped up they are the young nowadays, no thought for the old. When you think,
when you think. . . . [
Suddenly complete silence. 10 seconds. The tune resumes, falters, stops. Silence. The street noises resume
.] Where were we? [
.] Ah yes the forces, you went in in 1900, 1900, 1902, am I right?


1903, 1903, and you 1906 was it?


1906 yes at Chatham.


The Gunners?


The Foot, the Foot.


But the Foot wasn’t Chatham don’t you remember, there it was the Gunners, you must have been at Caterham, Caterham, the Foot.


Chatham I tell you, isn’t it like yesterday, Morrison’s pub on the corner.


Harrison’s. Harrison’s Oak Lounge, do you think I don’t know Chatham. I used to go there on holiday with Mrs. Cream, I know Chatham backwards Gorman, inside and out, Harrison’s Oak Lounge on the corner of what was the name of the street, on a rise it was, it’ll come back to me, do you think I don’t know Harrison’s Oak Lounge there on the corner of dammit I’ll forget my own name next and the square it’ll come back to me.


Morrison or Harrison we were at Chatham.


That would surprise me greatly, the Gunners were Chatham do you not remember that?


I was in the Foot, at Chatham, in the Foot.


The Foot, that’s right the Foot at Chatham.


That’s what I’m telling you, Chatham the Foot.


That would surprise me greatly, you must have it mucked up with the war, the mobilization.


The mobilization have a heart it’s as clear in my mind as yesterday the mobilization, we were shifted straight away to Chesham, was it, no, Chester, that’s the place, Chester, there was Morrison’s pub on the corner and a chamber-maid what was her name, Joan, Jean, Jane, the very start of the war when
we still didn’t believe it, Chester, ah those are happy memories.


Happy memories, happy memories, I wouldn’t go so far as that.


I mean the start up, the start up at Chatham, we still didn’t believe it, and that chamber-maid what was her name it’ll come back to me. [
.] And your son by the same token.
Roar of engine

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