The Cowboy Way (17 page)

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Authors: Christine Wenger

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The Cowboy Way
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He gathered Beth in his arms, and looked down at Kevin. “Are you sure that it's okay with you, cowboy?”

“Do I get to keep Killer? Are Emily and Dex going to be my grandparents? Can I be a ranch hand? Can I help you with Wheelchair Rodeo?”

“Yes. To all of it.” Jake held out his hand.

“Okay with me.” Kevin slipped his Gold Buckle into his pocket and shook Jake's hand. Then he hopped up on a chair, put his arms around the both of them as far as he could stretch and hugged as hard as he could.

As thirteen thousand people watched them on the huge monitors in the Mountain Springs Arena and another ten million or so watched on TV, Jake and Beth kissed.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-2475-9


Copyright © 2005 by Christine Wenger

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