The Crimean War (78 page)

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Authors: Orlando Figes

Tags: #History, #Military, #General, #Europe, #Other, #Russia & the Former Soviet Union, #Crimean War; 1853-1856

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(St Petersburg, 1887), pp. 531, 535, 543; ‘Vospominaniia A. A. Genritsi’, p. 313; A. Ulupian, ‘Russkaia periodicheskaia pechat′ vremen krymskoi voiny 1853–56 gg. o Bolgarii i bolgarakh’, in
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Pokhodnye pis’
ma opolchentsa iz iuzhnoi Bessarabii 1855–1856
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Vospominaniia ofitsera o voennyh deistviyah na Dunae
, pp. 585–9; A. Baumgarten,
Dnevniki 1849, 1853, 1854 i 1855
(n.p., 1911), pp. 82–7.
FO 78/1008, Fonblanque (consul in Belgrade) to Stratford Canning, 31 Dec. 1853, 11, 17, 24 and 26 Jan. 1854.
L. Guerrin,
Histoire de la dernière guerre de Russie (1853–1856)
, 2 vols. (Paris, 1858), vol. 1, p. 63; J. Koliopoulos, ‘Brigandage and Insurgency in the Greek Domains of the Ottoman Empire, 1853–1908’, in D. Gondicas and C. Issawi (eds.),
Ottoman Greeks in the Age of Nationalism: Politics, Economy, and Society in the Nineteenth Century
(Princeton, 1999), pp. 147–8.
Shamil’–stavlennik sultanskoi Turtsii i angliiskikh kolonizatorov: Sbornik dokumental’nykh materialov
(Tbilisi, 1953), p. 367; ‘Voina s Turtsiei 1828–1829 i 1853–1854’, p. 696.
E. Adamov and L. Kutakov, ‘Iz istorii proiskov inostrannoy agentury vo vremya Kavkazskikh voyn’,
Voprosy istorii
, 11 (Nov. 1950), pp. 101–25.
M. Gammer, ‘Shamil and the Ottomans: A Preliminary Overview’, in
V. Milletlerarasi Türkiye Sosyal ve Iktisat Tarihi Kongresi: Tebligler. Istanbul 21–25 Agustos 1989
(Ankara, 1990), pp. 387–94; M. Budak, ‘1853–1856 Kirim Harbi Baslarinda Dogu Anadolu-Kafkas Cephesi ve Seyh Samil’,
Kafkas Arastirmalari
, 1 (1988), pp. 132–3; Tarle,
Krymskaia voina
, vol. 1, p. 294.
B. Lewis, ‘Slade on the Turkish Navy’,
Journal of Turkish Studies
Türklük Bilgisi Ara
, 11 (1987), pp. 6–7; C. Badem, ‘The Ottomans and the Crimean War (1853–1856)’, Ph.D. diss. (Sabanci University, 2007), pp. 107–9.
FO 195/309, Slade to Stratford Canning, 7 Dec. 1853.
A. Slade,
Turkey and the Crimean War: A Narrative of Historical Events
(London, 1867), p. 152.
BOA, HR, SYS, 1346/38; S. Lane-Poole,
The Life of the Right Honourable Stratford Canning
, 2 vols. (London, 1888), vol. 2, pp. 333–5;
Correspondence Respecting the Rights and Privileges of the Latin and Greek Churches
, vol. 1, p. 814.
Morning Post
, 16 Dec. 1853;
The Times
, 13 and 18 Dec. 1853;
Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
, 17 Dec. 1853;
, 23 Dec. 1853.
The Letters of Queen Victoria: A Selection from Her Majesty’s Correspondence between the Years 1837 and 1861
, 3 vols. (London, 1907–8), vol. 2, p. 126.
RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1853, 13 Nov. and 15 Dec.
FO 65/423, Palmerston to Seymour, 27 Dec. 1853; RA VIC/ MAIN/QVJ/1853, 15 Dec.; P. Schroeder,
Austria, Great Britain and the Crimean War: The Destruction of the European Concert
(Ithaca, NY, 1972), p. 122.
Ibid., pp. 123–6.
A. Saab,
The Origins of the Crimean Alliance
(Charlottesville, Va., 1977), pp. 126–7; A. Lambert,
The Crimean War: British Grand Strategy, 1853–56
(Manchester, 1990), p. 64.
Quoted in S. Brady,
Masculinity and Male Homosexuality in Britain, 1861–1913
(London, 2005), p. 81; G. Henderson,
Crimean War Diplomacy and Other Historical Essays
(Glasgow, 1947), p. 136.
M. Taylor,
The Decline of British Radicalism, 1847–1860
(Oxford, 1995), pp. 230–31; R. Seton Watson,
Britain in Europe 1789–1914: A Survey of Foreign Policy
(Cambridge, 1937), pp. 321–2; RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1853, various entries, Nov. and Dec.
RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1853, 8 Dec.; RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1854, 15 Feb.
Origins of the Crimean Alliance
, p. 148; id.,
Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria, and the Working Classes, 1856–1878
(Cambridge, Mass., 1991), p. 31.
O. Anderson, ‘The Reactions of Church and Dissent towards the Crimean War’,
Journal of Ecclesiastical History
, 16 (1965), pp. 211–12; B. Kingsley Martin,
The Triumph of Lord Palmerston: A Study of Public Opinion in England before the Crimean War
(London, 1963), pp. 114–15, 164.
R. Marlin,
L’Opinion franc-comtoise devant la guerre de Crimée
, Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon, vol. 17 (Paris, 1957), pp. 19–20; Taylor,
Decline of British Radicalism
, p. 226.
L’Opinion franc-comtoise
, pp. 22–3.
L. Case,
French Opinion on War and Diplomacy during the Second Empire
(Philadelphia, 1954), pp. 16–24.
Krymskaia voina
, vol. 1, pp. 405–28.
See e.g. V. Vinogradov, ‘The Personal Responsibility of Emperor Nicholas I for the Coming of the Crimean War: An Episode in the Diplomatic Struggle in the Eastern Question’, in H. Ragsdale (ed.),
Imperial Russian Foreign Policy
(Cambridge, 1993), pp. 159–70.
GARF, f. 678, op. 1, d. 451, l. 306.
T. Schiemann,
Geschichte Russlands unter Kaiser Nikolaus I
, 4 vols. (Berlin, 1904–19), vol. 4, p. 430.
E. Boniface, Count de Castellane,
Campagnes de Crimée, d’Italie, d’Afrique, de Chine et de Syrie, 1849–1862
(Paris, 1898), pp. 75–6; J. Ridley,
Napoleon III and Eugenie
(London 1979), p. 365.
The Crimean War
, pp. 64 ff.
Austria, Great Britain and the Crimean War
, p. 150; Lady F. Balfour,
The Life of George, Fourth Earl of Aberdeen
, 2 vols. (London, 1922), vol. 2, p. 206.
RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1854, 6 Mar.; W. Baumgart,
The Peace of Paris 1856: Studies in War, Diplomacy and Peacemaking
(Oxford, 1981), p. 13; Henderson,
Crimean War Diplomacy
, p. 72; BLO Clarendon Papers, Stratford Canning to Clarendon, 7 Apr. 1854, c. 22; Lane-Poole,
The Life of the Right Honourable Stratford Canning,
vol. 2, pp. 354–8; PRO 30/22/11, Russell to Clarendon, 26 Mar. 1854.
RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1854, 26 Mar.
K. Vitzthum von Eckstadt,
St Petersburg and London in the Years 1852–64
, 2 vols. (London, 1887), vol. 1, pp. 83–4; A. Kinglake,
The Invasion of the Crimea: Its Origin and an Account of Its Progress down to the Death of Lord Raglan
, 8 vols. (London, 1863), vol. 1, pp. 476–7.
See R. Ellison,
The Victorian Pulpit: Spoken and Written Sermons in Nineteenth-Century Britain
(Cranbury, NJ, 1998), pp. 43–9.
H. Beamish,
War with Russia: God the Arbiter of Battle. A Sermon Preached on Sunday April 2, 1854
(London, 1854), p. 6; T. Harford Battersby,
Two First-Day Sermons Preached in the Church of St John, Keswick
(London, 1855), p. 5; J. James,
The War with Russia Imperative and Righteous: A Sermon Preached in Brunswick Chapel, Leeds, on the Day of National Humiliation
(London, 1854), pp. 14–15.

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